A Newspaper Devoted To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures Vol.'XLIII - 4 Carterrt, New Jersey, Thursday, June 3. 1905 Kntrrrd M i a (.'Im Mill lartmt n PRICE TEN CENTO M e «.. Cartcnt, N. J. Republicans Cheered by Boncelet Defeat Feingold To Mayor Emerges As Defend Boro Vital GOP Force Sewage Case Carteret Jayeee-ettes Wilson, , u. 11 ;KKT - Horoujth Attor-,P M .', ,..,,,ur Fi'inwild *a» di- The mayor was lauded by De- Win 14 State Awards Urbanski • ii Miimudi Council lust: verin when Banick said he would. .,.;n(>M'iit ihe governing like lo see agenda meetings again! CARTKHET - Thomas Lawlor, Jayeee out-going President .i suit instituted by I he I several days before the regular accepted seven awards for his Chapter's outstanding work j, -tment nf Health in sessions, m that matters wwltl in Records and Recognition competition, Winners , 'Km for failing to con-'be talked over and the regular Mrs. Sandy Ingrassia, outgoing president, was awarded the ulcqu.ile sewerage sy*-' meetings terminated more quick the outstanding Jaycee-ette President award, and was also CARTERET - Borough Repul cie HornuKh and cense ly awarded the Lynnc Snto Memorial Award. The Jaycee-ettee licans were jubilant today ovt • ,. .,i the Arthur Kill IlUtnlck brought up the matter chapter received a Silver Cup for winning first place as out- the results of the Republican pi wrnms! body was jjiven,that he had seen police cars with standing Jaycee-ette Chapter in State. Mrs. Ingrassia re- mary election and when On eouti ir which lo answer the>f«o-ply tires which he said were ceived a Presidential citation for her work as Jaycee-ette Pub- was completed, Mayor Andrew .: ii and alre.idy 10 day*:dangerous to the lives of the lications Editor. Mrs. Ann Brechka won third place as the out- Banick emerged as the MV to , •,|M,| policemen, and Del Vacchio said standing first year member in state, and is first vice president force in the Republican rank*. •> ilminn Thomas DeverinfhDeverin e would look Into the matter in the chapter. Mrs. Joan Nonnemacher won third place as Mayor Banick's strategy, aiddi several members of I Immediately. ACCI AJMKII HV I'VRTY WORKERS: Photo shows GOP group being cheered at an important ra!|v held in the Slovak Hub after Ihe outstanding Jaycee-ette in State, and is State Director in the by former Councilman Jitliug Kr l who Spoke on hthe resulU of lh<- primary elecion were announced. Shown from left lo right are Edmund rrnansfci. Mayor Andrew Banick. Robert Wilson Chapter. Mrs. Mary Masterson received » Certificate of Merit vacs and a small hand of aotlv anrandi Julius knv:4i'tKnvurs; as Historian for the past year, and is Area Vice President. of the «tate'» KHM. workers helped to defeat Cbunci' Mrs. Adele Becker from Perth Amboy was elected State Pre- men Charles Boncelet aod Jah .••I- »i' sident at the Convention. Mrs. Becker is the wife of Chester Brechka, both of whom sought tt. :.JUUJ our feet since the Student Fashion In Drive Wim (: Becker of Neville Street, and will be in charge of 04 Jaycee-ette nomination on the ReptfiBca , •he year and it is not a Chapters in the State. ticket. 1/ I* sued by the state," he For Met They Had It Easy .**"* "'<> They were beaten by Etaun it Show Ls Feature Service Emblem — CARTKKKT - A member- CARTERET - It was easy sliding lor the Democrats in Urbandd and Robert Wilson, tot ,- Andrew Banick echoed CARTERET— During lune, is been launched Tuesday's primary. of whom bad the support of Mayo to employees of Public Service , niimenU, stltiaf aJao that Of PTA Session o»t 261, American Michael ToUl and John Tomenik, both of whom were endorsed 2 Communion Banick and his newly-created R< Elertric ami Gas Company com- i <eriotu raatttr and that Legion which will he continued by the Democratic Organization bad nothing to worry over publican organization in face r :-rt.int enfiMCf to hired CARTERET — Miss Olive Gun- pleted foeaty-five years service thnwxbaul the month of Jnne. the candidacy of Jerome E. Knot, who at* sought the council- U the worst personal assaftnen derson. Home Economics teacher, •,-•>• the problem. Council- A m Stivtagi Bond will be man ic nomination. • with the company and were pre- Show Is Slated Services Slated by their opponents. »™.w» —. «~.,Prw™l*<t a student fashion show • k-K BonceW «U that awarded to the member sign- Both walked away with C74 volet each, while Knot barely sented gold service emblems in CARTERET-The Carteret Jay- CARTERJET - Two Comn Despite Hie fact dung tod*wu|«w the »t If* firud meeting ol the Car- that Mayo iix up modi ellKlMe members managed to receive a total of IM vote* la aM af the 18 bwimgh honor of the occasion. Among have an outdoor Art Show] Services are scheduled for Whit- Baniok himself has been the vie •ttorncy detW "us i»f«rel High School PTA. Mistl •r renewal*. districts. them was Richard J. Eberi. 30 included in their Planned Year sunday (Pentecost) morning in tim of what wag described a 11 Me pointed OUt that BartxirR Kotllnski and Barbara On tht Commltleemen side of the baM, there was we ballot Bircfc Street woo is employed of Action scheduled for Septen- the Hungarian Reformed Church, "personal assasination" durin •••i] had ipffted for a!Bellino were the trvxie/ilors. Miss fight with Charles McKernan topping William Brown for the there as an equipment operator- ber. |The first, beginning at 9 o'clock the campaign, he was very cnnAi i-n of W.OM in f«deral|Benjyft Harris MM This i« My 1 commiUeeman's Job in the 13th district HcKenan.got 56 votes grade i sit the Sewares Gene- The show will be open to artists and to be conducted in English liatory when the results were an ,kr care of the wrwv. I Country" and Brown 24, rating Station. residing in Middlesex and Union will include the Confirmation of nounced. iiturney sakl thnt there' Mr* John KoJyk. president, an- '; counties, and will include ama- 1 0 0 1 lie following young people: Elaine ,«• •litenwtive the goverata* " "" ?' there will be a mwtini! teurs ana\ professionals who will Elizabeth Acs, Margaret Eliznbetl 'I in defense of the soil, on Family Counseling at the Bor Concert Scheduled .,-, , n . no be judged separately. Deak, Joseph William Mitro, Ju- cto TrntJen Ir lolling the state that the• ouch ll.ill un June 17 at a p M Dinner-Dance Three judges, yet to be chosen, lius Lengyel, Karen Ana Ta\x]SEBV€ l rosK0> Jr' Mrs t ::njn»»r had already Baxter. social worker John Brechka, •( Ike Canml wili award first, second and. third rie and Frank Toth Ha* A "Bad Day: •• •,.! i>reltaiina»y school pay place prizes in both oil and firmation those yOung RecreaUoi ~ aa- Seta Quting CARTERET — Tuesday pw h Set By Sportsmen watercolor competition, pins rib- eo«1* to the Lord's 'H mninml (• sjkenU who ed to be a "bud day" all aroun- bons in eacjr category. their first communion '1p«fitfBET - fresiieflt John for Steve Trosko, Jr., miuuV 1 Mart Ut* n*turiig "The show* to be held at Jayeee with their paren^and _ fjttlt iinnnunced that the Car- CARTERET-Cub Pack 83, Zion pal and county RepuUica structtw at (he Ywtk (raier Park near adfauate parking fa- TSW Communid« 6«rvi ..ml the other thrtf; M x kilyk presented a PTA l<iet .Sportsmen Association will F-utheran Church, is having a trjp cilities, vfill abo feature a fast garian will begin at 1(' Past Presidents bar to Mrs Air* hold their ninth annual dinner- all winter, performed HI ilie He lost out In hjs own dlstri- to Amish Country. Saturday,'June sketch artist who will be avail- tor Dr. Andrew Harsanyi will infold was asked ftrjoto Mrs. Cxelo. Past Preiident dance honoring the Varsity athle- World's Fair on Monday, M.iv as member of the county cow .'». Buses will leave 8:30 A. M.|able for charcoal potraits at a duct both services. Mon on ihe slahtt of.also of the ColumbK Cleveland tes »f Carteret High School on mittee, Retting only 22 votes :. 31. nominal fee. A Preparatory Service will be ;nsvcd votes, he told.PT \ received her PTA presi Saturday. June 12. at the St. Supper will be at Haag's Hotel compared to 25 for John M' This same group will put «n u Application blanks are in the held — in both languages - Sat' 'h.it it was "my rulinjdiiem'> pin from thit group and James Hall in Carteret. The Din- in Sharletsvillc. Pa. Anyone wish- Nulty. ner-Dance will start at 7:30 conttrt in Carterel Park on process rojkv of being made up, urday at 6:30 followed by the - JJJO that the pass' mm- has a bar to add in honor V ing to go can contact Herman 1 He lost out too by Ote defeat and further information may be public examination of the coif- nth the yi-s votes." iher service. The highlight of the evening will Sunday. June 6 at 7:00 P. M. Richert, 7 Elmwood Avenue, obtained from Chairman Norman firmation class. of CouncNmen Charles Bonce- Deverln, Hutnicfc The group approved the dec l)e the awarding of the Most They are under the direction let and John Brechka hath ft! JLandstrorii, 72 Hagaman Street A few more seats are available l!oh:inek pusKd oa sidn of the Kxwudre Board to Valuable Player Trophies in each whom he supported, of Philip Waron.
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