MAY 2013 二零一三年五月號 The Centenary of the World Première of The Rite of Spring 《春之祭》首演百週年 FOREWORD 前言 The third anniversary celebration of the RTHK Quartet has been a thrilling 在香港電台弦樂四重奏的三週年慶祝活動中,無論台上台下都感 experience for the players and audiences alike. Here is a picture I took with 覺興奮。這張照片攝於香港大學陸佑堂,在他們火力十足的演出之 the Quartet and guest soloist Loo Sze-wang after their concert at Loke Yew 後。這場音樂會將於5月17日晚上8時播出,敬請留意。三週年活動 Hall at HKU in April. The performance was recorded by Radio 4 and will be 的剪影,刊於第5頁。而最後一場誌慶音樂會為「法國五月」的節目 broadcast on 17 May at 8pm. Remember to tune in! 之一。5月10日晚上在香港演藝學院歌劇院,香港電台弦樂四重奏將 聯同曼芙禮弦樂四重奏獻技。兩支組合上一次合作,是在去年12月 For flashback of RTHK Quartet’s third anniversary celebrations, please turn 香港電台弦樂四重奏的歐洲巡迴中於法國演出。 to page 5. The last of the Quartet’s celebration performances will be their collaboration with the Manfred Quartet at this year’s ‘Le French May’. The 5月份,第四台蠻熱鬧哩!無他,華格納的二百週年和《春之祭》的 two ensembles shared the stage in France last December during RTHK 一百週年都同在本月發生。 Quartet’s European tour. Don’t miss their joint concert on 10 May at HKAPA’s 華格納最大型的創作是《尼伯龍的指環》。本月一連四個星期四 Lyric Theatre. 晚上7時,我們會帶來這套分成四部份的巨作。演出來自柏林愛樂 This May, it’s particularly eventful on Radio 4 with the bicentenary of Wagner 廳,當中有多位當時得令的獨唱家,包括飾演佛坦的高烈斯尼、飾 and the centenary of the world première of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. 演布倫希爾德的蘭加和飾演齊格蒙特的史密夫等等,還有由楊諾夫 斯基指揮的柏林電台交響樂團及合唱團。 Wagner’s grandest composition is, of course The Ring of the Nibelungs. On four consecutive Thursdays at 7pm, we will bring you the complete four- 在今期《美樂集》中,共有三篇與華格納有關的文章:劉偉霖經常 part cycle from the Berlin Philharmonie. It features a stellar cast of soloists 到各地欣賞演出,他會分享他的華格納回憶。本月新節目重新認識 including Tomasz Konieczny as Wotan, Petra Lang as Brünnhilde, and 華格納 (英語) 的主持人史葛‧ 羅蘭士及四時行樂的新任碟評人尼爾遜 Robert Dean Smith as Siegmund with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra 均為歌劇發燒友,他們各為華格納撰文。 and Chorus, all under the direction of Merek Janowski. 2013年5月29日當晚,《春之祭》在巴黎舉行世界首演一百週年,學 There are three contributions to our Wagner content: William Lau, who 者紀大衛、高爾文,以及香港芭蕾舞團藝術總監區美蓮將與杜格尊 frequently travels to other places for concerts and operas, will give us 暢談這套劃時代的作品。兩天之後,5月31日晚上,我們會現場直播 recollections of his Wagner experiences. On top of that, two great opera 香港管弦樂團在香港文化中心演出《春之祭》的音樂會,由卡塔尼執 fans join us: Laurence Scofield, who presents a special series entitledWho’s 棒。早前,杜格尊與卡塔尼做了一個專訪,部份內容刊於第14頁。 Afraid of Wagner this month, and our newly recruited CD reviewer, Nelson 暫別半年的談天論樂再次與大家見面,這是一個集分享和交流, Lai, have each written an article. 知識及趣味性的節目。本月其中兩集的話題,自然離不開華格納和 《春之祭》。 On Wednesday, 29 May 2013, exactly 100 years after the famous Paris world première of The Rite of Spring, academics David Gwilt and Christopher 最後,恭喜林家琦再為人母,新生女兒取名龍天予。在林家琦休假 Coleman, along with Madeleine Onne, Artistic Director of the Hong Kong 期間,劉建婷會代為主持歡樂時光和藝壇快訊。在Coda一文中,讓 Ballet, will talk to Radio 4’s Jonathan Douglas about the legendary work. Two 我們分享林家琦的喜悅。 days later, on Friday, 31 May, we have a live broadcast of a concert from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre that includes The Rite of Spring, performed by 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 the Hong Kong Philharmonic conducted by Oleg Caetani. Jonathan spoke with the Maestro earlier and part of the interview is transcribed on page 14. SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US, Finally, let’s welcome Berenice, Kathy’s second baby. During Kathy Lam’s well-deserved maternity leave, Gladys Lau is now driving the panel in Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ ! Happy Hour and Artsnews. There is a feature about Kathy’s new arrival in Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRON 鑽石贊助者 Coda. Check it out! for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine PLATINUM PATRON 白金贊助者 Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for M Restaurant Group further information during office hours. GOLD PATRON 黃金贊助者 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 Anonymous 無名氏 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 Jimmy Shiu 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。 Head, Radio 4 May 2013 | FINE MUSIC 1 CONTENTS 目錄 May 2013 二零一三年五月號 01 FROM THE DESK OF HEAD, R4 掌台人隨筆 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 05 RTHK Quartet Flashback 香港電台弦樂四重奏剪影 09 Rite or Wrong? 05 13 New Generation 2013 音樂新一代 2013 09 14 In Conversation with Oleg Caetani COVER STORY 封面故事 17 Wagner 華格納 COLUMNS 專欄 Gordon Wong 28 Sunday Opera 歌劇世界 © 31 Musical Exchange 談天論樂 33 New Releases 碟碟不休 13 35 Concert Highlights 音樂會轉播精選 39 Friends of Radio 4 第四台之友 41 Main Programme Chart 節目時間表 43 Programme Highlights 節目精華 51 ‘FM’ Classified Board 《美樂集》分類廣告 52 Coda 14 MET Opera Production © 17 May 2013 | FINE MUSIC 3 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 Concert at Loke Yew Hall, University of Hong Kong 在香港大學陸佑堂演出 Raymond Chung Established in the winter of 2009, RTHK Quartet is celebrating its third anniversary with a series of concerts in Hong Kong. Kicking off the celebrations at Lingnan University in March, the four musicians, Le Hoai-nam (violin), Ayako Ichimaru (violin), Elvis Chan (viola), and Laurent Perrin (cello), performed at the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in April. On the evening of 10 April, the Quartet celebrated their 3rd birthday at Loke Yew Hall, the University of Hong Kong, with Hong Kong composer Chan Hing-yan’s As the Wind Goes By (Hong Kong première). The four members teamed up with Sheng player Loo Harry Wong wasn’t just an audience member, he also offered delivery services for his loved one! Sze-wang for the second time after the world première of the work in Rome last winter. Harry哥哥不只是觀眾,也是一丸綾子的「柴可夫」。 The Quartet also performed Haydn’s String Quartet in D minor, Op. 76, No. 2, The Fifths, and Schumann’s String Quartet No. 1 in A minor, Op. 41, No. 1. This concert will be broadcast on RTHK Radio 4 on 17 May (Fri) 8:00pm. The Quartet also paid their fourth visit to Lingnan University, and made a first appearance at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where they played ‘Scents’ by Galison Lau. Looking ahead, they will team up with the Manfred Quartet on 10 May at HKAPA’s Lyric Theatre for a ‘Le French May’ concert. Book your ticket now! A word from the composer - Chan Hing-yan 作曲家陳慶恩現身說法 May 2013 | FINE MUSIC 5 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 It’s an interestingly mixed audience 台下男女老少濟濟一堂 In conversation with Dr. Maureen Buja, the concert’s organiser 音樂會的策劃人布慕蓮�授與樂手聚談 Concert at Lingnan University 在嶺南大學演出 香港電台弦樂四重奏 鍾子豪 香港電台弦樂四重奏成立三年以來走訪各地演出,今個春天,四位成員 (李海南、 一丸綾子、陳子信以及貝樂安) 在本地四所大專院校舉行音樂會。 除了演奏傳統的四重奏名曲外,他們更負起推廣本地音樂創作的使命,在音樂會中分別演出兩首香港作曲家 的近期創作。 4月10日晚上,四位成員夥拍笙演奏家盧思泓,於香港大學陸佑堂合奏了香港作曲家陳慶恩的《好風過處》 (香港首演)。這場香港電台弦樂四重奏的三週年音樂會深受觀眾歡迎,同場亦演奏了海頓和舒曼的作品。 音樂會錄音將於5月17日晚上8時於「第四台音樂會」節目播出,不容錯過。 香港電台弦樂四重奏亦在3月底第四度於香港嶺南大學亮相;4月中在香港科技大學更演出年青作曲家劉泳浲 的《氣味》。隨後,四位成員與來自法國的曼芙禮弦樂四重奏 (Manfred Quartet) 再度合作,於5月10日在香 港演藝學院歌劇院參與「法國五月」的演出!購票從速! 在香港科技大學演出 Concert at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology With members behind the scenes: Radio 4’s Tse Hung-fei (1st left), HKUST’s Dr. Matthew Tommasini (4th right), composer Galison Lau (2nd right), and Radio 4’s Raymond Chung (1st right). 部份幕後功臣:(左一)第四台的謝雄飛、(右四)科大的湯文泰博士、(右二)作曲家劉泳浲 及(右一)第四台的鍾子豪。 May 2013 | FINE MUSIC 7 SPECIAL FEATURES 特稿 Compiled by Stacey Rodda Pronounced The Rite Stuff Primitivism Betty Sue Veeblefester By David Gwilt By Christopher Coleman © ‘ . and the prize for the most remarkable piece of music It must have seemed like it had sprung from another world when it was from the 20th Century goes to . Stravinsky, for his amazing first seen and heard in Paris in 1913. AlthoughThe Rite of Spring contains and ground breaking The Rite of Spring!’ Stravinsky would have many Eastern European folk tunes (which Stravinsky rather oddly denied, received such a prize as simply being his due, and yet he would apparently wanting to take full credit for it himself), it was unlike any also have been greatly pleased to have outrun, so to speak, assemblage of folk music ever before. Composed for a large orchestra, all his contemporaries, and even younger colleagues. He was those melodies are broken into tiny shards, pounded by huge blocks of intensely interested in his own image in the public sphere, and sound, twisted by bizarre orchestrations, and superimposed and savagely in the way he was thought of by the public. He knew that he shifted into previously unknown rhythmic patterns. Musicologists quickly was the greatest composer alive, but he was constantly in need gave this new approach the name ‘Primitivism’, partly in honour of its of confirmation of that fact. He was a man of contradictions, unrestrained emotional barbarism, and partly due to Stravinsky’s subject often contradicting himself in his opinions about conductors, matter: a virgin dances herself to death in a Russian pagan ritual directed and about the performances of his own works. Insisting at all by wise Elders. But of course, no music like this had ever existed before - times that what he wrote should be followed exactly, and in the primitivism was a completely modern invention, and Stravinsky’s ill-fated exact tempos he gave, by other interpreters, he himself played virgin an apt harbinger of the violent fate of Europe and the wider world his music as he wanted, altering dynamics and speeds at will. in the monstrous war to begin only a year later. The Rite of Spring was his most astonishing creation, but it was The Rite of Spring pitted avant-garde against bourgeois taste and caused a one-off, and the rest of his life was spent writing remarkable an outcry at its première. Was it Stravinsky’s atrocious dissonances and music, informed by aspects of what he had done in the Rite, strange sounds or Nijinsky’s bizarre choreography, or both, that so stirred but of a different sort. the audience’s emotions? David Gwilt is a composer, music educator and Honorary Christopher Coleman is a composer and Associate Professor of Hong President of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.
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