First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Lancaster PA The College Reporter Permit 901 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF FRANKLIN & MARSHALL COLLEGE MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA http://www.the-college-reporter.com VOLUME 50, ISSUE 18 3RUWHU¿HOG-RQHVJLYHVSHHFKHVWRFRPPHPRUDWH College begins programs to life, accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr. teach responsible practices LQ¿QGLQJWDOHQWHGVWXGHQWV BY STEVEN VIERA into two portions that are from the full economic and News Editor designed to be completed ethnic mosaic deserves a The College recently ini- a few weeks apart, part one patent. No. There’s nothing tiated two programs to help contains the information miraculous happening here. promote a safer, more re- about drinking while part This is the race-neutral so- sponsible environment: Al- two checks whether or not ciety Dr. King envisioned coholEdu, which helps stu- students used the skills they where women and men are dents learn about the risks learned in part one. First- judged by the content of our associated with alcohol years and sophomores must character. consumption and monitor complete parts one and two This is what it looks like their drinking, and Respon- by Jan. 31 and Mar. 24, at F&M, and is not beyond sible Resident Communi- respectively. the reach of America’s top ties, focused on teaching “Even if you’re not institutions, even though, students living off-campus drinking a lot, you can learn sadly, just six percent of how to be better neighbors something from [Alcohol- students from lower income and members of the local Edu] and it also helps you communities are presently community. learn how to take care of photo courtesy of fandm.edu/news on the campuses of the top The funding for both your friends,” said Chris- Markera Jones ’15 gave a speech at the 2014 Crispus Attucks Community Center 200 colleges and universi- programs comes from a tine Conway, director of Martin Luther King Day, Jr. Breakfast last week addressing equality at F&M. ties in America,” he con- $38,945 grant the College Counseling Services. “It’s BY ABIGAIL QUINT to improve the quality of LQFOXGHG 'DQ 3RUWHU¿HOG tinued. “What we are doing received from the Pennsyl- about the community.” Copy Editor life for youth and families president of the College, here, together as a commu- vania Liquor Control Board According to Conway, The College community in Lancaster by providing Ron Martin, a local news QLW\ EHQH¿WV HYHU\ VWXGHQW in addition to $9,000 from many of the College’s pre- celebrated the legacy of services that promote com- anchor, Darrell “Coach and the country — we must local landlords, according vious efforts to address the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. munity prosperity, physical D” Andrews, and Markera insist on that as we engage to the article “F&M to Intro- issue of high-risk alcohol last week with a series of and mental health, and by Jones ’15. others and share experienc- duce Innovative Programs consumption focused on events. offering programs and cul- “This deepening of the es about how education can to Promote Responsible getting students into edu- F&M hosted the 26th tural events which preserve F&M student body has at- create a better and more just Drinking” on F&M’s news cation programs after they Annual Crispus Attucks the African American heri- tracted national attention world.” website. The College is us- had gone through the dis- Community Center Martin tage.” from the media and the 3RUWHU¿HOG LQWURGXFHG ing these funds to initiate ciplinary system. Alcohol- Luther King, Jr. Day Break- The breakfast served federal government,” Por- Jones and spoke of a re- programs, host events and Edu, by contrast, attempts fast. According to its web- as a fundraiser to assist in WHU¿HOG VDLG ³6RPH KHDU cent incident at Coatesville discussions, and provide to engage students before page, the “Crispus Attucks the operations of the cen- this news from F&M with prizes to students who com- they have an issue with Community Center strives ter. Speakers at the event shock, as if our early success see SPEECHES, page 3 plete the program; the grand alcohol. prize is a cruise for two to “I think [AlcoholEdu] Posse Foundation renews Steering Committee forms to Mexico, the Bahamas, or the provides an easy and ac- Western Caribbean. cessible tool for students relationship with College celebrate First World War As part of the grant, the to learn useful facts on al- College created the Col- cohol consumption [and] BY SHIRA KIPNEES to help with the cost of giv- BY JEFFREY meeting to bring together in- lege Community Coalition, substance use and how to Staff Writer ing 10 full-tuition, four-year ROBINOWITZ terested parties from across FRPSRVHG RI YDULRXV RI¿- mitigate high risk behav- The Posse Foundation scholarships to the Posse stu- Staff Writer campus last year. Among cials from agencies across ior,” said Margaret Hazlett, announced it is renewing its dents. These students come Last November, several the initial members of the campus in order to imple- dean of the College. “I also Science, Technology, Engi- from a variety of backgrounds F&M professors formed Committee were Misty ment both AlcoholEdu and think it provides an oppor- neering, and Mathematics and show an aptitude for the a World War One (WWI) Bastian, Lewis Audenreid Responsible Resident Com- WXQLW\IRUVWXGHQWVWRUHÀHFW (STEM) Posse Program at 67(0¿HOGV Steering Committee in Professor of History and PXQLWLHV2I¿FHVDVVRFLDWHG on their own choices related the Summit on Higher Edu- The College already has order to develop ways to Archaeology, Jennifer Red- include Counseling Servic- to alcohol [and] substance cation at the White House two STEM Posse groups on remember the 100 year an- mann, associate professor es, Health Services, the Of- use and gives them a space Thursday, Jan. 16. Over the campus. The College picked niversary of the war. The of German and chair of ¿FHRI+HDOWKDQG:HOOQHVV to think about their health. I FRXUVHRIWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUV students for its third STEM Committee already has a German and Russian stud- the Athletic Department, have seen this program used the Foundation will renew Posse from Miami in Decem- number of events planned ies, and Lina Bernstein, WKH2I¿FHRI)UDWHUQLW\DQG at other institutions and am its STEM program with 10 ber. However, according to for the 2014-2015 academ- professor of Russian; addi- Sorority Life, the college glad we have brought it to of America’s best colleges Daniel Lugo, vice president ic year to celebrate the his- tional members have since houses, and more. F&M. I appreciate the ef- and universities, including IRU DGPLVVLRQ DQG ¿QDQFLDO tory and legacy of WWI on joined. AlcoholEdu, a web- forts of the [Campus Com- F&M. The College has host- aid, Posse scholars do not nec- campus. “In commemorating the based tool, uses informa- munity Coalition] and will ed a STEM Posse since 2011, essarily have to end up major- In an attempt to discuss war, we will educate our tional videos and quizzes to be interested to hear the PDNLQJLWWKH¿UVWOLEHUDODUWV LQJLQ67(0¿HOGVRQFHWKH\ how the College could best students and ourselves about teach students about issues feedback from students on college to do so. arrive at the College. mark the centenary of the the war’s complex legacies that can arise from hazard- this online tool.” Each participating school “The country is not gen- outbreak of WWI, Maria and, in so doing, enhance our ous drinking, how to moni- To promote the new pro- offers scholarships to 10 erating enough future STEM Mitchell, professor of his- understanding of the con- tor their own drinking hab- gram, the Coalition worked students and each school is tory and chair of Judaic its, and how to care for an awarded $100,000 annually see POSSE, page 3 studies, convened an open see WWI, page 2 intoxicated person. Broken see PROGRAMS, page 2 Inside this week’s issue ... Opinion & Editorial Arts & Entertainment “Abroad experience calls American James Vincent McMorrow enthralls exceptionalism into question” audiences with charming, Irish folk PAGE 5 PAGE 8 Campus Life Sports Women’s Center discusses Miley Men’s, women’s track Cyrus’ behavior, implications compete in Open I Invite PAGE 7 PAGE 12 Page 2 News The College Reporter Viera’s Crime Watch Posse: Students who may not have Friday, Jan. 17, 10:17 p.m. — 2I¿FHUV IURP WKH Department of Public Safety considered F&M apply due to program (DPS) responded to a noise continued from page 1 opportunity for launching more ¿QDOO\SLFNWHQDQGDVNWKHPLIWKH\ complaint on the 500 block leaders, so it is part of F&M’s goal leaders in STEM and Posse.” want to come to our school.” of W. James St. to help generate more future leaders Lugo believes that the STEM /XJRDOVRGLVFXVVHGWKHEHQH¿WV Friday, Jan. 17, 10:57 in this program,” Lugo said. “We do Posse Program has been success- of the STEM Posse Program, such p.m. — DPS responded to a not want students who will only bury ful, helping to attract and recruit as making the student body more noise complaint on the 500 WKHPVHOYHVLQ67(0¿HOGVEXWZH talented students from STEM back- geographically diverse and attract- block of W. James St. The ZDQWWKHPWRORYHWKH67(0¿HOGV grounds that may not have been ing students that, perhaps, would party was shut down. and [give] them the opportunity for considering F&M. Additionally, not otherwise have applied to F&M Saturday, Jan. 18, 1:08 them to explore [a] full liberal arts the program has helped promote or to a college or university in gen- a.m.
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