St. Joan of Arc Church 2601 San Ramon Valley Blvd. • San Ramon, CA 94583-1630 Phone: (925)830-0600 Fax: 925-830-5059 www.sjasr.org parish [email protected] August 3/4 , 2013 Rev. Raymond Zielezienski Pastor Rev. Jayson Landeza Parochial Vicar Bob Cummings Pastoral Associate Deacon Hock Chuan Oey Deacon Ruben Gomez Permanent Deacons EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Vigil Liturgy Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Weekend Masses Sunday, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Weekday Mass 9:00 a.m. Healing Mass First Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Holy Day Masses 6:00, 9:00 a.m. 12:10 and 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Our Mission… Communion Service Saturday mornings 9:00 a.m. To Be Christ for Others As Christ is for Us Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament “Learn it, Live it” First Friday of the month 7:00 p.m. PagePagePage Two TwoTwo ST. ST.ST. JOAN JOANJOAN OF OFOF ARC ARCARC CHURCH CHURCHCHURCH In this weekend’s Gospel reading from Luke, Chapter 12, Jesus says to the crowd, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” I write this after reading Monday morning’s technology sections in the San Francisco Chronicle and the San Ramon Valley Times, and salivating over the reviews of the new electronic gadgets coming into the market. Just when I think I NEED that new tablet, I am reminded that life does not consist of possessions. Perhaps a passage like this invites us to be grateful for the many gifts we have, and to share the bounty of God’s goodness with others. A word of thanks to the Simbang Gabi Ministry and the Knights of Columbus 9206 for an absolutely wonderful evening last Saturday evening! The 4th Annual Adobo Feed Dinner Dance Hawaiian Night was a splendid success – the food was, as my family in Hawai’i would say, “onolicious – broke da ‘mout.” The sounds of Hawaii and Tahiti permeated the gym, and from what I’ve been able to see on Saturday night, St. Joan of Arc parishioners can really “cut a rug”! The proceeds from the event will help to defray the costs of purchasing an icon of San Lorenzo Ruiz, the first Filipino saint, as well as helping to fund our parish Simbang Gabi Novena in November. Mahalo and salamat to all who attended and for those who helped to plan and organize this wonderful mid-summer event that is fast-becoming an annual tradition here at St. Joan of Arc. “Who am I to judge?” These were the words of Pope Francis last week, as he was returning to the Vatican from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pope Francis held an impromptu press conference onboard the flight, an unprecedented hour and a half exchange that the Vatican press corps had not experienced in years. Pope Francis answer was in response to a question about gay priests. He went on further to comment on the role of women in the Catholic Church, as well as pastoral responses to divorced and/ or remarried. Although Pope Francis reiterated the church’s position on the ordination of women to the priesthood, he went on to say, “Let us remember that Mary is more important than the bishop apostles, so women in the church are more important than bishops and priests.” Wow. Peace and Blessings, Fr. Jayson PARISH OFFICE Sacraments Phone: 925-830-0600 Fax: 925-830-5059 Email: ParishOffi[email protected] SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Held Sundays—Please allow Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8 weeks for preparation. Contact the parish office for 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. more information. Friday Closed SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Preparation for teens Rev. Ray Zielezienski—Pastor x223 begins in Grade nine; please contact the Youth Ministry [email protected] Office. Adults (over 18) please contact the Parish Office. Rev. Jayson Landeza—Parochial Vicar x226 [email protected] SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: The bride, the groom or Bob Cummings—Pastoral Associate x244 their parents must be registered parishioners of St. Joan. [email protected] The couple must also meet with a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE Grades 7-12 SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Phone: 925-830-4720 Fax: 925-830-5059 For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, surgery, long-term care, etc., please Email: [email protected] call the Parish Office to arrange an appointment with a Mary Machi—Youth Ministry Director x244 priest. Also celebrated in the communal form on the 1st [email protected] Saturday of each month at the 9am Mass. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (R.C.I.A.): Pre-School-Gr. 6 For individuals interested in becoming Catholic, and for Phone: 925-830-4710 Fax: 925-830-5059 adult Catholics who have not received Eucharist or Email: REOffi[email protected] Confirmation please contact the Parish Office. Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Maureen Tiffany—Director x229 [email protected] EUCHARIST TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND CYO OFFICE If you or someone you know Basketball: [email protected] would like to receive the Eucharist at home, Track/XC www.stistjcyotrack.clubspaces.com please call our Parish Office at 830-0600 or Deacon Hock Oey at 804-6790 Website: www.stjoancyo.com SanSanSan Ramon, Ramon,Ramon, CA CACA Page PagePage Three ThreeThree SACRIFICIAL GIVING 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2013 Weekly goal: $26,000 July 28th Collection: Saturday, August 3 Envelope Users $ 12,430.00 9:00 AM De Leon Family Loose Checks $ 3,074.00 5:30 PM Ed Murphy+ Loose Cash $ 3,187.00 Sunday, August 4 OTHER* $ 5,430.00 7:30 AM Travis Torres+ Total Sunday Collection $ 24,121.00 9:00 AM Rodrigo Ramos Excess (Shortfall) $ ( 1,879.00) 10:30 AM Rosa Perdomo+ 12:00 PM Oswaldo Rodriguez+ Other includes EFT, Employee Giving Campaign, Monday, August 5 On-Line Banking 9:00 AM Almo Tabacco+ Tuesday, August 6 9:00 AM Olimpio Pena+ NEW AT ST. JOAN’S! Wednesday, August 7 9:00 AM Sergio Castillo Sr.+ Cry Room (Parent Room) Thursday, August 8 9:00 AM Jesse Bragg+ Friday, August 9 We are blessed to have so many children in our Par- 9:00 AM Alegria Fernandez+ ish. They and their parents are most welcome to par- Saturday, August 10 ticipate fully in the celebration of Mass. The commu- 9:00 AM Communion Service nity needs to be patient with parents trying to teach 5:30 PM Steven G. Susoeff+ their children how to behave in Church. Parents need Sunday, August 11 to be mindful of how and when to teach such lessons. 7:30 AM Ralph & Fran Mitchel+ 9:00 AM Frank Barry+ During the celebration of Mass, the Cry Room is 10:30 AM Ester Sullivan+ intended to serve as a place of refuge for parents 12:00 PM Epifanio Rodriguez+ whose children need to be removed from the assem- bly. It is NOT an alternative seating area where adults Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm can talk or children simply play or munch on cereal. First Friday of the month Therefore, parents with children who are able to be seated in the Church are kindly asked not to take up the space in the Cry Room. Parents whose child may Healing Mass—9:00 a.m. be experiencing dificulty during Mass have an option First Saturday of the month to use the Cry Room so that they can continue to fol- low along with Mass comfortably. Prayers for those who are sick or suffering: This room is a irst for us here at St. Joan of Arc. Elfi Ashouri, Stanley Zielezienski, Roberta Ambrose Sotelo, Janet Bertolero, Mary Roberts, Pavlic Khoudian, Nicholas Because it was high on the list of our last survey we Policar, Verla Pelley, Patrick Lofy, Robert Blair Kaiser, Tim are giving it a try. The room is in the Church Confer- Howard, Jim Croker, Helene Coor, Bart de la Cruz, Danielle ence room or Brides room as some know it. There is Cisneros, Barbara DiGiorgio an exit to the bathrooms and to the church. It is Pray for our deceased: Robert Lewis, Mary Rita Gagnon, equipped with a large TV and sound and will have Sophia Masters, Robert Derr, Christon Layton, Lillian rules posted to make the liturgy experience the best Clerigo, Ciro Pereyra possible. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time You can follow August 4, 2013 Fr. Ray’s pilgrimage by Adult: “When has your faith helped you believe logging onto my blog without ‘seeing sign’ from God? ” frraycamino.blogspot.com Child: “Who helps you believe in things you cannot see?” Page Four ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH St. Joan of Arc Parish Sunday Contributions Authorization Form for Checking or Savings Electronic Transfer of Funds (EFT) PLEASE PRINT Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________________________________________ City/Zip: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Cell: __________________________________ Please enter the amount to be deducted from your account: $ _________ SEMI-MONTHLY– Transferred on the 1st AND the 15th $ _________ MONTHLY– Transferred on the 1st OR the 15th (Circle one) TYPE OF ACCOUNT (Please check mark which account will be used) ________: Checking Account (Please attach a voided check) ________: Savings Account (Please attach a savings deposit slip) I authorize St. Joan of Arc Church to process entries from my checking or savings as noted above. This authority will remain in effect until I give reasonable notification to terminate this authorization.
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