MUSEUM of FINE ARTS, BOSTON Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013

MUSEUM of FINE ARTS, BOSTON Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013

MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013 Asia & Africa/Japanese Object No. Artist Title Culture/Date/Place Medium Credit Line 1. 11.13602 Utagawa Toyokuni I (Japanese, Courtesans Promenading on the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1769–1825) Nakanochô about 1795 (Kansei 7) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Izumiya Ichibei 吉原仲の町花魁道中 color on paper (Kansendô) (Japanese) 2. 11.14024 Chôbunsai Eishi (Japanese, Toyohina, from the series Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1756–1829) Flowerlike Faces of Beauties about 1793 (Kansei 5) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Nishimuraya Yohachi (Bijin kagan shû) color on paper (Eijudô) (Japanese) 「美人花顔集 豊ひな」 3. 11.14046 Chôbunsai Eishi (Japanese, Fuji no uraba, from the series Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1756–1829) Genji in Fashionable Modern about 1791–92 (Kansei (nishiki-e); ink and Guise (Fûryû yatsushi Genji) 3–4) color on paper 風流やつし源氏 藤裏葉 4. 11.14245 Kitagawa Utamaro I (Japanese, Camellia, from the series Flowers Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (?)–1806) of Edo: Girl Ballad Singers (Edo about 1803 (Kyôwa 3) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Yamaguchiya no hana musume jôruri) color on paper Chûemon (Chûsuke) (Japanese) 「江戸の花娘浄瑠璃」 椿 5. 11.14253 Kitagawa Utamaro I (Japanese, Maple Leaves, from the series Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (?)–1806) Flowers of Edo: Girl Ballad about 1803 (Kyôwa 3) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Yamaguchiya Singers (Edo no hana musume color on paper Chûemon (Chûsuke) (Japanese) jôruri) 「江戸の花娘浄瑠璃」 紅葉 6. 11.14385 Kitagawa Utamaro I (Japanese, Women Imitating an Imperial Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (?)–1806) Procession 1805 (Bunka 2), 10th (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Wakasaya Yoichi 御所車見立て行列 month color on paper (Jakurindô) (Japanese) 7. 11.14434 Kitagawa Utamaro I (Japanese, Women Imitating an Imperial Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (?)–1806) Procession 1805 (Bunka 2), 10th (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Wakasaya Yoichi 御所車見立て行列 month color on paper (Jakurindô) (Japanese) 8. 11.14805 Utagawa Toyohiro (Japanese, Visiting Myôhô-ji Temple at Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1773–1828) Horinouchi on New Year's Day about 1804–10 (early (nishiki-e); ink and (Horinouchi Myôhô-ji ehô mairi no Bunka era) color on paper zu) 堀之内妙法寺恵方参之図 Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013 Page 2 of 166 Asia & Africa/Japanese Object No. Artist Title Culture/Date/Place Medium Credit Line 9. 11.14831 Eishôsai Chôki (Japanese, active Enjoying Cool Air on a Pleasure Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection about 1780–1810) Boat, a Pentaptych (Suzumibune about 1793–95 (Kansei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Tsutaya Jûzaburô gomai tsuzuki) 5–8) color on paper (Kôshodô) (Japanese) 「涼舟 五枚続」 10. 11.14899 Chôkôsai Eishô (Japanese, active Rinzan of the Akatsutaya Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1780–1800) 「赤蔦屋林山」 about 1795–96 (Kansei (nishiki-e); ink and 7–8) color on paper 11. 11.14948 Kubo Shunman (Japanese, The Six Jewel Rivers (Mu Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1757–1820) Tamagawa) about 1785–89 (late (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Fushimiya Zenroku 六玉川 Tenmei era) color on paper (Japanese) 12. 11.15165 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) New Year Felicitations at the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Palace (Shunshoku yakata no 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô kotobuki) 5) color on paper (Kôeidô) (Japanese) 春色家賀多の寿 13. 11.15173 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) A Scene of Young Leaves in the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Fresh Summer Breeze (Ao arashi 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô wakaba no nagame) 5) color on paper (Kôeidô) (Japanese) 青嵐若葉詠 14. 11.15176 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) A Scene of Young Leaves in the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Fresh Summer Breeze (Ao arashi 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô wakaba no nagame) 5) color on paper (Kôeidô) (Japanese) 青嵐若葉詠 15. 11.15187 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Flowers (Hana), from the series Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Snow, Moon, and Flowers 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Hayashiya Shôgorô (Setsugekka no uchi) 5) color on paper (Japanese) 雪月花之内 はな Blockcutter: Matsushima Fusajirô (Horikô Fusajirô, Hori Fusa) (Japanese) 16. 11.15227 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) New Year Felicitations at the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Palace (Shunshoku yakata no 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizô kotobuki) 5) color on paper (Kôeidô) (Japanese) 春色家賀多の寿 Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013 Page 3 of 166 Asia & Africa/Japanese Object No. Artist Title Culture/Date/Place Medium Credit Line 17. 11.15624 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Woman Fanning Herself, from the Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) series Types of the Floating World about 1830 (Tenpô 2) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moriya Jihei Seen through a Physiognomist's color on paper (Kinshindô) (Japanese) Glass (Ukiyo jinsei tengankyô) 「浮世人精天眼鏡」 団扇 18. 11.15630 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Married Woman Holding a Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Handtowel, from the series Types about 1830 (Tenpô 2) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moriya Jihei of the Floating World Seen color on paper (Kinshindô) (Japanese) through a Physiognomist's Glass (Ukiyo jinsei tengankyô) 「浮世人精天眼鏡」 手ぬぐい 19. 11.15654 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Peony, from the series Contest of Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) Beauties (Bijin awase) 1820s (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moritaya Hanzô 「美人合」 牡丹 color on paper (Japanese) 20. 11.15655 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Camellia, from the series Contest Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) of Beauties (Bijin awase) 1820s (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moritaya Hanzô 「美人合」 椿 color on paper (Japanese) 21. 11.15683 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Three Girls (Sannin musume) Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 「三人娘」 1820s (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moritaya Hanzô color on paper (Japanese) 22. 11.15684 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Three Girls (Sannin musume) Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 「三人娘」 1820s (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moritaya Hanzô color on paper (Japanese) 23. 11.15685 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Three Girls (Sannin musume) Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 「三人娘」 1820s (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Moritaya Hanzô color on paper (Japanese) 24. 11.15803 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Mitsuuji and Ladies with Lamps Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 光氏と貴婦人達 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Kiya Sôjirô (Japanese) 5) color on paper Annual Report Deaccessions July 2012–June 2013 Page 4 of 166 Asia & Africa/Japanese Object No. Artist Title Culture/Date/Place Medium Credit Line 25. 11.15804 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Mitsuuji and Ladies with Lamps Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 光氏と貴婦人達 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Kiya Sôjirô (Japanese) 5) color on paper 26. 11.15805 Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) Mitsuuji and Ladies with Lamps Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection (Japanese, 1786–1864) 光氏と貴婦人達 1847–52 (Kôka 4–Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Kiya Sôjirô (Japanese) 5) color on paper 27. 11.15954 Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese, The Trigram Li, Fire: Profit, Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1797–1861) Returning Sails of Redeeming a about 1849–50 (Kaei (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Yamaguchiya Tôbei Pawned Possession (Ri, 2–3) color on paper (Kinkôdô) (Japanese) Shichiuke no kihan), from the series Eight Views of Incidents in Daily Life: Women Representing the Eight Trigrams (Ningen banji ômi hakkei) 「人間万事愛婦美八卦意 (離)利 質請の帰帆」 28. 11.15982 Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese, Woman and Girl Picking Flowers, Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1797–1861) from the series A Collection of about 1840 (Tenpô 11) (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher: Eshima (Japanese) Songs Set to Koto Music (Koto no color on paper kumiuta zukushi) 「琴の組歌つくし」 朝顔 29. 11.15988 Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese, The Bride Changing Clothes after Japanese, Edo period, Woodblock print William Sturgis Bigelow Collection 1797–1861) the Wedding Ceremony (Konrei 1843–47 (Tenpô 14– (nishiki-e); ink and Publisher:

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