Guyra Gazette Wednesday July 19, 2017 Opening the doors on history Inside the doors of the Guyra Museum, lay the se- crets of our past. Built in 1909 as the first home of Guyra Shire Council, the building has housed a collec- tion of local history for nearly thirty years. However limited opening times and lack of volunteers has limited access to the gen- eral public and visitors in re- cent times. That is set to change with a push to reinvigorate and relaunch the museum as a tourist attraction. In a scoping study commis- sioned by the Guyra and Dis- trict Historical Society, Heritage Advisor Graham Wilson OAM identified the value of the collection saying it had potential to attract both researchers and visitors Historical Society members Aimee Hutton and Dot Vickery in the original Council Chambers to the community. community organizations, Chambers and the former Zwar patent vacuum wash- “The Guyra Museum has education, domestic life and Guyra Court House.” ing machine dating from an amazing collection of his- employment on farms,” Mr Mr Wilson documented a about 1880 and a diverse col- toric artifacts and photo- Wilson said. number of extremely rare lection of children’s toys dat- graphs from many areas of “There are a number of items including barbed wire ing from the early 1900s. historic interest including rare items within the mu- collections and shearing local government, agricul- seum including furniture and hand-pieces, as well as do- Continued page 3>>> ture, court of petty sessions, fittings from the Shire mestic appliances including a ANNUANNUAALL BULLBULL SSALEALE MONDAAYY 31 JULLYY 2017 - 1pm 109 RISING 2YEAR OLD BULLS AND YEARLING BULLS Richard: 0404 4554 143 | wwwww..glenavonglenavonnangus. com LOT28T 28 Circulation `1660 P: 6779 2132 E: [email protected], [email protected] www.gala.org.au/guyra-gazette/ What’s HOT Ebor Sportsground upgrades CITIZENS who come to the rescue of oldies who have a flat tyre GETTING the Gazette de‐ livered each week, love reading it. JUNIOR LEAGUE fundraiser at the Bottom Pub July 29th SNOW predicted for the first time this year ‐ hope it eventuates but you never know What’s NOT Ebor Community Group at the new Sportsground facilities GRAFFITI on the Presby‐ terian Church as well as Upgrades to the Ebor quent use by the community up. Sportsground have been com- and visitors and upgrades “Volunteers devoted over playing fields, not very pleted thanks to funding from were needed,” Dr Tiley said. 200 hours of labour and do- nice. Armidale Regional Council A new two booth toilet unit nated their own heavy equip- NO GOLF due to the wet and the generous support of with disabled access is now ment and small tools to enable the local community. complete and operational. the project to be completed,” course In 2016, the Ebor Commu- Volunteers from the Ebor Dr Tiley said. Submit your Hots and Nots nity Group was successful in Community Group, under the The project was also as- by phone 6779 2132 email their application to the guidance of Bryson Wade, un- sisted by Mr Alan Miller and [email protected] or drop Stronger Communities Fund - dertook the preparation of the other members of the Ebor in to the GALA centre a one off grant allocation site which included approxi- Sportsground Trust Commit- given to new councils by the mately 100 metres of trench- tee who allowed the toilet unit NSW State Government. ing for electrical and to be connected into their ex- Weather Council Administrator Dr plumbing installations, un- isting septic and absorption Ian Tiley said that the fund- loading and siting of the water trench system, and allowed WATCH ing enabled the Ebor commu- tank, delivery and positioning rain water to be captured and nity to upgrade facilities at of the toilet module followed diverted from a portion of the Guyra Hospital the Sportsground. by the construction roof com- existing building to the new “The Ebor Sportsground ponent and the connection of facility’s rain water tank. Date Day Min Max Rain and its facilities are in fre- services and the final clean- 11 Tues -2.0 10.4 0 12 Wed -0.5 10.6 0 13 Thurs 1.0 11.1 0 14 Fri 0.1 10.9 0 Have your say......... 15 Sat 5.4 8.4 0 Elections an opportunity to build on achievements 16 Sun 0.1 18 12.0 I believe the local govern- Armidale Chamber of Com- design and costing stage. We 17 Mon 2.4 0 ment elections on the 9th merce, we identified a num- are in a stronger position be- Rain this week 18 mm September are an opportu- ber of ‘must do’ projects for cause of the greater planning July rainfall 19.6mm nity to build on the achieve- our town and region. Many and regional development Rainfall YTD 729mm ments we have seen through of these had been proposed skills within the merged Rainfall last YTD 465.4 mm the Administration and before, but didn’t move for- Council giving us more clout Water treatment plant make a successful merged ward because of lack of fund- to ask for State government Council. ing and weak co-ordination support when necessary. Rainfall Registrations I am standing because I’ve between Councils. I believe there are many to 9am Monday, July 17 seen that working with a de- We said to the Administra- more economic opportunities Rainfall - 18.0mm (706mm YTD) termined, co-operative team tor, investing in water secu- such as this and I am deter- Top Dam 40mm above spillway a lot can be achieved for my rity would enable expansion mined to keep up the mo- Bott. Dam 40mm above spillway community. As part of the of the glasshouse horticul- mentum in the new Daily average town consumption Guyra and District Chamber ture industry benefiting both Armidale Regional Council. (target 650 kl) 787kl Water Restrictions - NIL of Commerce and working Guyra and Armidale. That Aileen MacDonald with the Administrator and project is now moving to the Guyra Gazette Wednesday July 19, 2017 Page 2 Opening the doors on history (cont.) >>> from page 1 Plans are now in place to begin a spruce up and reor- Mr Wilson has also recom- ganization of the museum’s mended that photographs collection. Once work has and other documents that been completed, they will are currently housed at the throw open the doors to the museum should be digitized general public. and the originals placed in a Historical Society secretary local history collection within Dorothy Lockyer said that the library. they hope to open in time for “This would allow family the Trout Festival which is history research by com- being held over the October puter,” Mr Wilson said. long weekend. “With the extensive range “We haven’t had regular and diversity of artifacts, re- opening hours over the last The Guyra Shire Council Chambers (above) built in 1909. search projects could be un- few years, but we have been The premises were extended in 1954. In 1981 the council moved dertaken allowing a greater working behind the scenes into new premises. The building was handed over to the understanding of early life in towards making it possible,,” Historical Society in 1988 to use as a Museum Guyra and life on the sur- she said. rounding farms.” “School and tour groups Armidale Regional Council have continued to visit the last week approved a grant of museum by appointment and $15,000 to refurbish the mu- they are always intrigued to seum with the aim to reopen see what we have.” to the public on a regular “Now that we have had a basis. number of new volunteers They have also committed put their hands up to staff $10,000 for the creation of a the museum we hope to be Research and Study room able to open every weekend within the Guyra library. as well as Wednesday.” Community invited to tour Council facilities The whole community is in- Council is inviting the commu- the new Kolora Project. ment Plant & Reuse Farm, vited to tour Armidale Re- nity to tour some of the re- Tours of Armidale facilities Water Treatment Plant and gional Council facilities as part gion’s major service facilities. will be on Wednesday 2 August Armidale Regional Airport. of celebrations for Local Gov- A tour of facilities in Guyra between 10am and 12:30pm The tour is free and bookings ernment Week 2017. will be held on Tuesday 1 Au- and then between 1pm and are essential. Contact Armi- NSW Local Government gust between 10am and 3:30pm. The Armidale tour dale Regional Council on Week will be held this year be- 12:30pm. It will include the will take in the award winning 1300 136 833 to book your tween 31 July and 6 August Water Treatment Plant, Armidale Waste Management place on the bus or email: 2017. To mark the occasion, Sewage Treatment Plant and Centre, Waste Water Treat- [email protected] Guyra’s only LOCALLY OWNED Motor Vehicle Dealership. 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