Glendon's Bilingual Newspaper. Volume 35 no. 4 Lundi le 13 novembre 1995 • Journal bilingue de Glendon Provincial cuts translate into 20% fewer courses at Glendon in 96/97 Patrick Joly If you had a difficult time selecting courses from the lecture schedule last year, imagine what it will be Iike in the future. The Ontario governments' plan to reduce funding to post-secondary education by 10% overa three year span places a financial strain on the university system and will result in the reduction of course otTerings at Glendon for the year 1996/97. Compared to the 10.55 restructuring,curriculumredesign millionbasefor 95 /96,Glendon and recruitrnent strategies. will have to work with an Since the issue of viability and opening budget of only 10.1 integritywasaddressedattheNov. nextyear. Repeatingthe96/97 8meeting,theHistorydepartrnent 3% reductionfor thefollowing letthecommittee know thatitwill twoyearswill,inalllikelihood, notbeina positiontoofferessential bringGlendon'sfinancesdown courses such as Medieval History to 9 millions in 98/99. and Anâent History. Department In Sêptember, Principal head lan Gentles said also that it Dyane Adam announced that mightnot bepossibleto offer more the College had to define the than 2.5 coursesinFrench, shortof termsofthebudgetforthenext the4.5 requirement. "The word is three years, upon the advice getting around that a history from the Policy and Planning departrnent with 27 courses was Committee ofFaculty Council not so long ago." (PPC) . Professor Yves Frenette asked After a month and a half of Associate Principal Jaubert the \ l­ deliberation, a proposaI was rationale behind ratio inequalities Des comités commeceux-ci aurontà prendre les décisions quis 'impusent. Vous­ I established and voted on, between departments such as y-voyez beaucoup d'étudiants? (Conseil de la Faculté, 6 Octobre 1995) Wednesday November 9, English and French (37.8% cut ~ which needed to be sent to the compared to 9.7%). Mr. Jaubert clearthattheCollegewouldhave J K A 1 B 1 C 0 1 E 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 Board of Governors the responded that no mathematical to do away with aIl part-time 1 Ressources temps plein et temps partiel 1996-1997 2 !1996-1997 following moming. formulacouldbeusedto determine professors, but this measure Diminution du Min. !Resten Compa 3 Dept Total Ross Patent. Compar. nombre cours cours cours c. ang The English department, theseguidelines. "Wewillnotmeet would only save $100 000. 4 Ress COs i total de cours de 5 Yufa alloués libérer cours 95-96 # %. fran anglais 95-96 Glendon's largest in terms of ourobligations to aIl departrnents Glendonhasalsoincurreda debt 1 6 CONS 2 2 2 0 1 1 5 professors (21) and students, of the College if we consider of$427 000 for 1995-96 due to an 7 COSC i 7 5 12 13.5 -1.5 -11.1 6.5 5.5 9.5 8 ECON 12 12. 12.5 -0.5 -4.0 31 9 will see its number of courses separately the number of majors, enrollment decline (of 34 9 ENGl 39.5 1 15 25.5 41 -15.5 -37.8 1 25.5 7 reduced by 37.8% (see figure). the enrollment and the average approximately 180 students). 10 ENSl 0 0 0 5' Otherseverelyhitdepartments students per class ". For many students, 11 FREN* 36 15 51 56.5 -5.5 -9.7 12 FRSl 0 0 0 16.5 will be History and Jean-Claude Bouhenic (Math reallocationofFacultyresources 13 HIST 14.5 14.5 20.5 -6 -29.3 4 10.5 8 Mathematics, declining by chair) said, for his part, that it was raises the issue of the quality of 14 Huma 2 13 -13 5! 15 Modr 0 0 i 0 6 29.3% and 22.2% respectively. possiblefor his programtocuttwo education and professoral 16 NaIs 4 10 -10 51 2.5 -2.5 21 0.5 It appears as tought tough (2) courses but that would shrink competence. Programs need to 17 Socs 2 , 18 Mos-Modr 1 0 0 0 decisionswillhaveto bemade Mathematics tothebareminimum. maintain their curriculum, 19 IlTS 31 3 3.5 -0.5 -14.3 3.51 -0.5 soon, with regard to the "1 hope they remember next year however,itis toooftenafunction 20 MATH 3 41 7 9 -2 -22.2 4.51 2.5 4.5 21 PHll+Modr 21 1 6 15 16.5 -1.5 -9.1 3\ 12 13.5 program structure. Will that in the first year we were of what personnel is currently 22 POlS 24 1 4 20 21 -1 -4.8 61 14 15.5 23 PSYC 15.5 21 17.5 19.5 ·2\ -10.3 5 12.5 13.5 Glendon be able to afford the reasonable and did everything available. 11 24 SOCI i 16.5' 1 16.5 17.5 -11 -5.7 6 10.5 10.3 14 12.5 present variety of programs? possible." As one professor pointed out 25 SPAN* 1 10 6 16 14.5 1.5! 21 According to Dyane Adam, ln October, Mr. Jaubert had "itwouldbeanintellectualfraud 26 TRAN i 5.5 10.5 16 15.5 0.51 3.2 5i 11 9 27 WMST 6.51 5.5 12 12 Oi 0.0 7: 5 6.5 now is not the time to presented the breakdown of to ask me to teach [a subject in \ 2.5 1 i 31 -0.5 28 TRIET 2.51 1 , restructure Glendon'sexpenditureonfull-time which] 1am not competent. [1] 29 Writ. Work. i 31 1 ,1 30 Res. Fellow i 1.5: 1 \ "For year one of the cuts" and part-time faculty salaries and cannot become expert on 31 Comp. Coord ' 11 1 (96-97), shesaid,"theobjective benefits, together with a planned command." 32 Res. sick L. 1 3 1 33 1 1 1 1 1 is to maintain the viabilityand agenda on how to reallocate 251 242.51 301.5: -60.5i 76.5: 132: 173.5 34 TOTAL , 70.51 integrity of the programmes resources so astomeetthecollege's A forum to address student 35 ; 1 1 i obligations of increasing the 36 Budget disponible pour CDs, TAs et MGs and departrnents". She added concemswillheheld onFriday 37 20 TAs 1 1 ! 1 1 that the remainder of the year amount of enrol1ments and Nov. 24, room 143, 9h30 am to 38 2500 Heures M. G. 1 i , i \ 39 46 CDs 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 willenabletheExecutiveOffice matching_ the 78 French courses 12h00 pm. 40 46 CDs + 25 "achals"- 71 CDs 1 of the Principal to deafwith floor. issues of department Looking at the figures, it was Figure- Rundownfor96/97. Column E- total # of courses, F- comparison with 95/96; G- total reduction; H- reduction percentage. Lundi le 13 novembre 1995 ••........•••.;.:.. ;=:>:-:.: :::::::::::::::;: :;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;i"";;;~:~:~;~:~;~\:;;;~;:;:;::: rmt '::::;:::::;:;::::::::::::::::::-:.;.:.:.,', :. .,',',.:.;.;.::;:;:::: ;;;', ~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ifm~ ~~~~i~j~]~ :.: ',', :.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::.::::::: :.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:;:.;.: . No? 1 know, you're probably just as tired as 1 am of hearing about the referendum. 1 mean 1 couldn't even watch the thing on TV. How could anyone just sit there and watch the fate of the nation be determined one vote at a time? It was Le Collège Glendonesten pleine planification stratégique. réussi nos études dans un. like sorne kind of bizarre water torture with the votes just Cette restructuration, tant académique que budgétaire est établissement universitaire drip, drip, dripping in... but it aIl turned out in the end didn't attribtable auxcoupures sévères qui sévissent à la grandeur bilingue, chacun de nous it? The country remained together and the "no" side won, or du pays. Glendon se doit donc de redéfinir ses priorités de souhaitera quececollège soit non did they? façon à maintenir les programmes et départements déjà en seulement réputé et reconnu, place, sans toutefois nuire à l'attrait des cours offerts et ce, maisqu'ilfasseencorepartiede ce According to M. Bouchard, it really doesn't matter tout en réaffirmant sa mission bilingue à caractère monde! that the "no" side won. He intends to keep on holding international. referendums until the "yes" side finally wins. He kind of M. Stevensonrappellaitque reminds of this kid 10ey that 1 went to elementary school Lors de la rencontre du le renforcement des langues se with. You see, 10ey hated losing at anything. WeIl, 10ey et académiques francophones, vendredi 6 octobre, le vice- ainsiquepar Iacréationd'uncomité doit d'être directement lié au thought that he was the best that there was at checkers, but président des affaires mandat intemational de Glendon. 1 beat him. Of course 10ey didn't see it that way. The first d'éducation française coordonné académiques, M. Michel par M. Yves Frenette. La porte­ Il a également ajouté que tout game was just a warm up. When 1 beat him a second time, Stevenson, a tracé un tableau changement apporté devra être it was because he was distracted by aIl the noise during paroleetprésidentederAssociation plutôtsombre ,maistoutdemême accomplis à l'intérieur des recess. Itjustkept ongoing from there. Now 1wasn't aIl that étudiante , Mme Chantal St­ optimiste, dela situationfinancière Onge,se ditégalement en accord" restrictions bugétaires auxquelles good at checkers, but because 10ey took the game way too du Collège. Le Collège devra Il est très clair que nous appuyons leCollègeestprésenternentacculé. seriously, he worked too hard trying not to lose one piece jongler avec des coupures le fait anglais et français". De plus, selon lui, il est impossible and lost sight of the big picture. Bouchard, has lost sight of financières très sévères tout en de justifier des coupures the big picture. One referendum isn't good enough for him, intensifiant sa compétitivité sur le éventuelles dans les services now it's gotta be 2 out of 3 and then maybe 3 out of 5.
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