![Ffiww Ffiffiffi Ffi Ffi Ww Ffiffiffi Welcome](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ffiww ffiffiffi ffi ffi Ww ffiffiffi Welcome Welcome to ihe Borbicon for ihis exciiing new On beholf of Viviono Duronie Compony, I wormly ono Duronie Compony. welcome you to lsodoro Now nuol theme lnside Out, etween our inner lives lsodoro Duncon wos o pioneer of modern donce, on ond creotiviiy, this iriple bill is o celebrotion of ihe ouisider who spurned lhe conveniions ond gendered feorless feminisl icon lsodoro Duncon, performed roles of clossicol bollet ond insisted on o womon's right io by on oll-femole ensemble. We wormly welcome self her own lerms. She wos nol Viviono Duronte ond rising-stor Joy Alpuerto Ritter bro , ihough she wos both, bui who choreogrophs the finole - o world premiere ond ond wed lo be herself. Borbicon co-commission with speciolly composed live music by Lih Qun Wong - os well os oll the tolented Over time, her story wos reshoped io cost her os the doncers, os we consider lsodoro's legocy ond how follen womon who dled os sensotionolly os she lived, she continues lo inspire new generotions of ortisis strongled by her o the French Riviero. Our ond oudiences. storting point wos r lsodoro the ortist, whose quicksilver vorieiy n ond obility to summon We hope you enioy lhe show pure feeling from music entronced her contemporories ond still influences the woy we lhink obout donce lodoy. Toni Rocklin Heod of Theotre ond Donce We begin with lsodoro's own Donce of the Furies, which retoins o primol power ofter more ihon o century. Her profound influence on clossicol bollet is represented by Frederick Ashion's Five Brohms Wolhes in the Monner of lsodoro Duncon, creoted fifty-five yeors ofler he fell under her spell os o leenoger. Finolly, we presenl the world premiere of o new work by Joy Alpuerto Ritter, which drows inspirotion from lsodoro while remoining, os lsodoro would hove wonted, eniirely her own. We ore delighted to return lo the Borbicon ond ore groteful to Toni Rocklin ond her teom for their generous support. VMono Duronte Artistic Direciot Viviono Duronle Compony o E tr p o oo .g ! -oL e o E o s o :t ! The City of London Corporction islhe{ounder ond principol funder 5 bqrbicqn ofthe Borbicon Cenire lsqdorq Now: TriPle Bill Vivionq Durqnle ComPqnY 21 - 29 Feb 2020 Dqnce of the Furies Creofive leom Viviono Duronle Originol choreogrophy by lsodoro Duncon Artistic Director Ghoudhry ond Viviono Duronle restlged by Borboro Kone ond Vivionq Duronle Producers Forooq Sel Design Fo with I Music Clrfeo ed Euridice bY Sludio, Chrisloph Willibold Gluck Costumes Mq oorlicipotion of Morgoux Lolonne Design Fobiono Piccioli NBC Symphony Orchestro conducied by Arturo Lighting DeFoYe losconini. Nqn Merrimqn ond The Roberl Sound Design Fred John Volenle Show Chorqle. RCA Red Seol, 20.17 Production Monoger Stoge Monoger Soroh SeYmour Technicion Douglos Finloy Doncers: Lig[ting Begoio Coo Chrislino Cecchini d Scheinmonn Goile Nikiro ro Mosoero Chormene Pong Sereno Zoccognini MosseurWilson Wong Floor Brilish Horlequin Woter equipment Brondwochl en Meiier BV Brohms Wohzes in the Monner Five Cliff of lsodoro Duncon Generol Monoger Nigel Proie on Frederick Ashton Lego Choreogrophy qn Jones Doncer Vivionq Duronle Acio Piono Anno Geniushene by lhe Borbicon Repetiteur Ccmille Andriot Presented Costume Dovid Deon by Joy Alpuerto Ritler co-commissioned by Viviono Music Wolfzes, Opus 39 (t855): Nos 1,2,8, 10, 13, Undo Compony ond the Borbicon 15 by Johonnes Brohms Duronte is I hour 10 mins/including on iniervol ck Events : Post-show tolk Thu 27 Feb the legocy of Frederick Ashion ond his bollets' For furiher informoiion visit: = www.frederickoshton.org.uk go c F Undo Alpuerlo Ritler o Choreogrophy Joy ' Originol music composed ond performed by z Lih Glun Wong oL o ! Doncers: Ito Begofro Coo Christino Cecchini Nikiro Goile Chormene Pong JoyAlPuerlo Ritler Sereno Zoccognini N Prod uction ocknowledgments Pqrt of lnside Out our inner lives Principol Sponsors A yeor exploring lhe relotionship between ond creolivity. This production wos mode possible wilh the Out will showcose the work of generous support of: Throughout 2020, lnside lo oriiculoie their Lody Ashcroft ortists who hove found pioneering woys ond how this con Simon ond Virginio Robertson innermost ihoughts, fqelings ond desires, with Adrienne Woterfield help us to bettei understond ourselves ond empothise of the world' ond olhers unnomed eoch other's experience inlerrogote themes s tity, Speciol thonks io The progromme will shope our pr in o loni Rocklin self-expression ond how we ever' Dor6e Seligmonn world in which we ore more sociolly conn who hove Borboro Kone It will highlight courogeous orlisls ond individuols definition of them, including those ond Mqrk Boldwin chollenled society's thot hove found woys io express themselves during times Thonks to of censorship. LeonneCosby Angelo Dlos Vivionq Duronte ComPonY Potricio Doyle ihe finesl ortisls Chioro Golvon Viviono Duronle Compony brings iogelher progrommes for o wide Su-Mon Hsu to creote innovotive donce theoke of donce, reviving Dickson Mbi oudience. We embroce o brood voriety new work Juncol Romon Posior rorely seen clossics os well os commissioning By working Anlhorry R.ussell Robens from todoy's most exciting choreogrophers. them lo expond Thonh Thi Tron ond Geneviene lqwiqh wilh o diverse pool of doncers, we enoble is to enrich lhe ronge of or Physio ED their reperloire. Our mission inspiring ond Freddie Todd Fordhom donce worla ovoiloble to Briiish oudiences, illuminoting newcomers os well os enthusiosls, by curoting mosierworiks of the future in diologue wiih those of the posi' For f uriher deioils visii wwwwivionqduronle.com Progromme ocknowledgements: pro!ro*." compiled ond edited by Emmo Gosden; Comporry liuslees: (Choir) design by Clore Nicholson' Fern Potter Nigel Gliff VMono Duronle Fletcher With speciol ihonks to Dor6e Seligmonn, Nigel Cliff, Jim = Viviono Duronte ond Joy Alpuerto Ritter. Jorge Huitron o Sue Lynos -9 Amqndo Scotl q ;= ; zo oL o ! o la lsodoro Duncon by Dor6e Seligmonn lsodoro Duncon, o womon, independent, mother, The Duncons were o fun, chorming, ond witty clon. There orlist, ond thinker, chonged ihe course of society, wos o wonderful undercooiing of ioy in their lives. Thot lheotre, foshion, ort ond, of course, donce simply ioy freed them from worrying whoi oihers thoughi ond ihrough her own life ond work. She did noi do this by ollowed ihem noi to loke themselves loo seriously or lo occidenl. she sel out eorly on with purpose ond ideos. suffer fools. Being with lhe Duncons meoni never hoving Rodin would coll her'the greotest womon the world hos o dull momeni: the conversotion wos olwoys sporkling, ever known.' Her reoch wos vosl, from royolty ond the ond lhe free exchonge of ideos ensured there wos olwoys elite, to the inielligentsio ond the working closses, to big fervent debote. And if there wos no doncing thoi evening, cities ond rurol towns. For those who sow her on stoge, lhere wos certoinly singing ond olwoys plenty of music. she wos unforgeitoble. It become cleor io Doro thot her children would hove o She inspired mullitudes of ortists ond influenced trends much better chonce to fully lhrive if they left the sociolly for ihe oges. But she wos olso on eorly ond powerful resfriciive United Stotes. Soon lhey oll found themselves exomple of on emoncipoted womon who inspired girls in Europe. ln London, Poris, Berlin, ond Athens, lsodoro to toke chorge of their own bodies ond deslinies. ond Roymond would donce in the eorly mornings in porks ond ruins, ond scour lhe museums ond librories in lsodoro lived her life without opology. She defied sociol the oflernoons, sketching ond studying Grecion ort. They norms, loved both men ond women, hod children on both soughi out ond were in lurn sought by ihe ortists. her own ierms, dressed ond octed os she pleosed. Her writers, scientists, ond philosophers of lhe time. oppetiie for life wos greot ond she lived ii lorge for oll io see. Even todoy women ore still brutolly criticised for ln o few short yeors lsodoro took Europe by storm, ond much less. lsodoro broke borriers. ond indeed felt it her performonces sold out. She wos the templote for wos her right to do so, becoming o culturol icon ond the firsi'rock stor' ond quickly become one of the mosl ihe embodiment of o free spirit. fomous Americons in Europe. Crowds would rush out, forming mobs on the sireets to see her; in Germony 11 is hord to comprehend whot wos in the mind of o students iook lhe ploce of ihe horses they unhitched from young girl from Colifornio in the lote I800s to so boldly her corrioge to pull her like o queen through lhe sireets. loke ogency over her own creolivity ond life. So much of whoi she did wos new ond different, ond The Duncon home wos o highly unconventionol unsurprisingly, it wos mef with consionl opposition. This environmenl io grow up in. From on eorly oge lsodoro did not deier her, insteod il spurred her on. Her donce wos owosh in ort, music, words, singing, ond theolre. movemenls presented o new vocobulory (the critics Her mother, Doro Groy Duncon, deeply unsolisfied with would osk if it could even legilimotely be considered her morrioge, took the unfothomoble slep for the iime to donce), ond her body - compleiely untethered ond free divorce her husbond. A newly-minied single mother, she in flowing tunics - with bore legs, orms, ond feei (ihen courogeously sel out 1o roise her four children olone. She the criiics queslioned her morolity). She donced, nol io inslilled in them the noiion of endless possibiliiies. All the 'donce music' but to greot clossicol music ployed by Duncon children were ieochers ond orlisls ond helped orcheslros ond occomplished musicions (some criiics supplemeni their mother's income by teoching donce ond some of ihe musicions ifremselves cloimed ihe ond stoging performonces: Elizobeih, the eldesi, wos music wos diminished by her donce); she olso donced o doncer ond leocher; Augustin, the ocior ond director io composilions by emerging composersr oncieni music, would spend his life in lhe iheoire; ond Roymond the ond even lhe spoken word.
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