
Buddhist Studies Reviews book reviews, vols. 1-22, 1983-2005 Reviewers’ names in brackets 1.1 – 1983-84 Indianisme et Bouddhisme. Mélanges offerts à Mgr Étienne Lamotte, no editor listed (Sara Boin-Webb), p.53. The Discourse on the Root of Existence. The Mūlapariyāya Sutta and its Commentaries, Tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi (Russell Webb), p.59. El Dhammapada. La Sendera de la Perfecció, in Catalan, Joaquim Torres i Godori (Amadeo Solé-Leris), p.62 La Palabra del Buda, Nyāṇatiloka Mahāthera (rev.by Sara Boin-Webb), p.67 Milindapañha. La domande del re Milinda, Maria Angela Falà (Amadeo Solé-Leris), p.67. Three Worlds according to King Ruang. A Thai Buddhist Cosmology, Frank E. & Mani B. Reynolds (Phra Khantipālo), p.72. A Guide to the Threefold Lotus Sutra, Nikkyo Niwano (Jack Austin), p.76. Die Sprache der ältesten buddhistischen Überlieferung / The Language of the Earliest Buddhist Tradition, ed. Heinz Bechert (Russell Webb), p.78. The Threefold Refuge in the Theravāda Buddhist Tradition, ed. John Ross Carter (Phra Khantipālo), p.82. Buddhist and Western Philosophy, ed. Nathan Katz (Karel Werner), pp.83-7. 1.2 – 1983-84 Pāli Literature, including the Canonical Literature in Prakrit and Sanskrit of all the Hīnayāna Schools, ed. K.R.Norman (Maurice Walshe), p.172. Tibetan Dhammapada, tr. Gareth Sparham (Khantipālo Thera), p.173. Prajñāpāramitā-Hṛdaya-Sūtra – Das Sūtra vom Herzen der Volkommen Weisheit – The Heart Sūtra, ed. Ācārya Jên Wên (Bhikkhu Pāsādika), p.177. Kacchapa-Jātaka. Eine Erzählung von der Schildkröte und dem Kranz-winder, Akira Yuyama (Bhikkhu Pāsādika), p.179. Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Pāli Manuscripts, C.E.Godakumbura (K.R.Norman), p.183. Catalogue des manuscrits singhalais, Jinadasa Liyanaratne (André Bareau), p.184. Catalogue des manuscrits chinois de Touen-houang, fonds Pelliot de la Bibliothèque nationale, vol.III, no editor (André Bareau), p.186. Disciple – the Canonical Buddhism of the Vinayapiṭaka, J.C.Holt (Damien Keown), p.187. The Ethics of Buddhism, S.Tachibana (Damien Keown), plus list of works on Buddhist ethics, p.190. Meditation on Emptiness, Jeffrey Hopkins (Damien Keown), p.194. Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism: A Critical Study of Cumulative Penetration vs Interpenetration, Steve Odin (Alban Cooke), p.196. The Way of Siddhartha: a Life of the Buddha, David J. & Indrani Kalupahana (David Evans), p.199. German Indologists. Biographies of Scholars in Indian Studies writing in German, Valentina 1 Stache-Rosen (Russell Webb), pp.200-02. 2.1-2 - 1985 Developments in Buddhist Thought: Canadian Contributions to Buddhist Studies, ed. Roy C. Amore (James G. Mullens), p.87. Nāgārjuna’s Twelve Gate Treatise, tr. Hsueh-li Cheng (Damien Keown), p.91. Empty Logic. Mādhyamika Buddhism from Chinese Sources, Hsueh-li Cheng (Paul Williams), p.93. Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasian, ed. Klaus Röhrborn & Wolfgang Veenker (K.R.Norman), p.98. Drevnyaya Indiya, Jazyk – Kul’tura –Tekst (Ancient India, Language – Culture – Text), ed. G.M.Bongard-Levin, V.V.Vertogradova & S.V.Kullanda (Bhikkhu Pāsādika), pp.102-103. 3.1 - 1986 The World of Buddhism, Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture, ed. Heinz Bechert & Richard Gombrich (Phra Khantipālo), p.49. The Beginnings of Buddhism, Kōgen Mizuno (David Evans), p.54. Buddhist Sutras: Origin, Development, Transmission, Kōgen Mizuno (Peter Harvey), p.56. Gilgit Manuscripts, Nalinaksha Dutt (K.R.Norman), p.60. Fragmente des Dharmaskandha – Ein Abhidharma-Text in Sanskrit aus Gilgit, ed. Siglinde Dietz (Bhikkhu Pāsādika), p.65 The Philosophy of Nāgārjuna, Vicente Fatone (Paul Williams), p.72. Die Buddhistische Briefliteratur Indiene, Siglinde Dietz (J.W. de Jong), p.76. Buddhist Formal Logic. A Study of Dignāga’s Hetucakra and K’uei-chi’s Great Commentary on the Nyāyapraveśa, R.S.Y. Chi (Alban Cooke), p.79. Fragments of Diṅnāga, H.N.Randle (Alban Cooke), p.81. Developments in Buddhist Ethics, G.S.P.Mitra (Damien Keown), p.82. A Comparative Study of Buddhism and Jainism, Brahmacari Sital Prasad (Karel Werner), pp.84-91. 3.2 - 1986 Buddhist Scripture: A Bibliography, Edward Conze (Russell Webb), p.159. Mahāyāna Texts Translated into Western Languages. A Bibliographical Guide, Peter Pfandt (Russell Webb), p.162. Der buddhistische Kanon, Günter Grönbold (Russell Webb), p.167. Chinese religion in Western Languages. A Comprehensive and Classified Bibliography of Publications in English, French and German through 1980, Laurence G. Thompson (Russell Webb), p.170. Analysis of the Kanjur, Alexander Csoma de Koros (Russell Webb), p.171. International Meditation Bibliography 1950-1982, Howard R.Jarrell (Russell Webb),p.171. The Eternal Legacy: An Introduction to the Canonical Literature of Buddhism, 2 Sangharakshita (Upāsaka Web-Shu), p.172. Buddhist Monastic Discipline, Jotiya Dhirasekara (Bhikkhy Tiradhammo), p.175. Les peintures murales et les manuscrites de Dunhuang, ed. M.Soymié (André Bareau), p.178. Sri Lanka, Tim Page (Kirsten Gunward), pp.181-82. 4.1 - 1987 The Sūraṅgama Sūtra, tr. Lu K’uan Yü (Upāsaka Wen Shu), p.68. The Secrets of Chinese Meditation, Charles Luk (Upāsaka Wen Shu), p.71. Ten Suttas from the Dīgha Nikāya (Long Discourses of the Buddha), and Three Fundamental Concepts and Comments on Salient Points in each Sutta, Burma Piṭaka Association (Maurice Walshe), p.74. The Great Discourse on Causation. The Mahānidāna Sutta and its Commentaries, tr. Bhikkhu Bodhi (Maurice Walshe), p.76. The Sutta-Nipāta, tr. H.Saddhatissa, (Phra Khantipālo), p.81. A History of Classical Poetry: Sanskrit – Pāli – Prakrit, Siegfried Lienhard (K.R.Norman), p.84. Ācāryaratnakīrtiviracitam Udayananirākaraṇam, ed. Ragunath Pandey (M.T.Much), p.88. Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought in Theravāda Buddhism, Steven Collins (George Chryssides), p.90 The Ten Pillars of Buddhism, Sangharakshita (Damien Keown), pp.93-4. 4.2 – 1987 Apocryphal Birth Stories (Paññāsa-jātaka), Vol.I, tr. I.B.Horner & Padmanabh S. Jaini (K.R.Norman), p.146. Lokaneyyappakaraṇaṃ, ed. Padmanabh S. Jaini (K.R.Norman), p.147. In Praise of Mount Samanta (Samantakūṭavaṇṇanā) by Vedeha Thera, tr. Ann Appleby Hazelwood (K.R.Norman), p.150. The True Teaching, Practice and Realization of the Pure Land Way, A Translation of Shinran’s Kyōgyōshinshō, Vol.I, Shin Buddhist Translation Series (Jack Austin), p.152. Three Worlds according to King Ruang. A Thai Buddhist Cosmology, Frank E. & Mani B. Reynolds (Bhikkhu Pāsādika), p.154. Zur Schulzugehörigkeit von Werken der Hīnayāna-Literatur I, ed. Heniz Bechert (K.R.Norman), p.156. The Bodymind Experience in Japanese Buddhism: A Phenomenological Study of Kukai and Dogen, David Edward Shaner (Alban Cooke), p.159. Sand and Pebbles (Shasekinshū): The Tales of Muju Ichien, A Voice for Pluralism in Kamakura Buddhism, Robert E. Morrell (John Stevens), p.161. En Souivant Bouddha, André Bareau (Eric Cheetahm), p.163. The Romantic Legend of Śākya Buddha- A Translation of the Chinese Version of the Abhiniṣkramaṇasūtra, S. Beal (Russell Webb), p.167. Spirála Buddhova učeni (The Spiral of the Buddha’s Teaching, in Czech), no author (Karel Werner), p.168. Compassion: A Tibetan Analysis, Guy Newland (Paul Williams), p.172. 3 Religious Inquiry – Participation and Detachment, Holmes Rolston III (George D. Chryssides), p.175. Dialogues with Scientists and Sages. In Search for Unity, Renée Weber (Alban Cooke), p.177. Buddhism and its relation to other Religions: Essays in honour of Dr Shozen Kumoi on his seventieth birthday, Heirkuji Shoten (K.R.Norman & Hubert Durt), p.180. The Cross and the Lotus: Christianity and Buddhism in Dialogue, ed. G.W.Houston (Jack Austin), p.185. Two Masters, One Message: The Lives and Teachings of Gautama and Jesus, Roy C.Amore (George Chryssides), p.187. D.T.Suzuki. A Biography, A. Irwin Switzer III (Mary Stewart), pp.190-91. 5.1- 1988 Tranquillity and Insight. An Introduction to the Oldest Form of Buddhist Meditation, Amadeo Solé-Leris (Nissim Cohen), p.63. Calm and Insight. A Buddhist Manual for Meditators, Bhikkhu Khantipālo (Maurice Walshe), p.68. The Path of Serenity and Insight (An Explanation of the Buddhis Jhānas), Henepola Gunaratana (Amadeo Solé-Leris), p.69 The Way of Buddhist Meditation. Serenity and Insight according to the Pali Canon, Kheminda Thera (Maurice Walshe), p.74. The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges, Matara Sri Ñāṇārāma Mahāthera (Maurice Walshe), p.75. The Twlight Language: Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism, R.S.Bucknell & M. Stuart-Fox (Phra Khantipālo), p.77. The Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India, Johannes Bronkhorst (Karel Werner), p.80. How to Meditate: a practical guide, Kathleen McDonald (Damien Keown), p.87. A Meditator’s Diary. A Western woman’s unique experience in Thailand monasteries, Jane Hamilton-Merritt (Amadeo Solé-Leris), p.88. The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka: An Anthropological and Historical Study, Michael Carrithers (Russell Webb), pp.90-7. 5.2 -1988 Heart of Wisdom: A Commentary on the Heart Sutra, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso (A. Saroop), p.160. The History of the Buddha’s Religion (Sāsanavaṃsa), tr. Bimala Churn Law (K.R.Norman), p.164. The Jewel in the Lotus. A Guide to the Buddhist Traditions of Tibet, ed. Stephen Batchelor (Gavin Kilty), p.165. Der historische Buddha, Hans Wolfgang Schumann (Dankmar Bangert), p.168. The Last Dalai Lama. A Biography, Michael Harris Goodman (Gavin Kilty), p.169. Linguistic Approaches to Buddhist Thought, Genjun H. Sasaki (K.R.Norman), p.174. Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism, Joaquín Pérez-Remón (Amadeo Solé-Leris), p.176. Death and Dying; the Tibetan Tradition, Glen H. Mullin, and Death, Intermediate State and 4 Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism, Lati Rinpoche & Jeffrey Hopkins (Martin Boord), p.182. The Opening of the Lotus – Developing Clarity and Kindness, Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Amipo (Gavin Kilty), p.184. Prayer Flags – The Life and Spiritual Teachings of Jigten Sumön (Gavin Kilty), p.185. Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vols. X and XI (K.R.Norman), p.187. Indian Studies (Selected Papers), Gustav Roth (Karel Werner), p.188.
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