SUD BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE CYI\ Number: X -KR -051161 Sarajevo, 16 February 2007 IN THE NAME OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Section T for War Crimes, in the Panel compri~ed of judges Zorica Gogala, as the President of the Panel and Roland Dekkers and Tore Lindseth as the Panel members, with the legal officer Amela Shabo as the minutes taker, in the criminal case against the Accused Gojko Jankovic, for the criminal otfence of Crimes against Humanity referred to in Article 172 paragraph I items a). d), e). f) and g) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, upon the Indicnnents of the Prosecutor's Office • of Basma and Herzegovina number KT·RZ 163/05 of 14 February 2006 as amended on 22 December 2006 and number KT·RZ: 43106 of 27 June 2006, following the main trial from which public was partially excluded, rendered and in the presence of the Accused and his Defense cOWlSel- attorney Milan Trbojevit and the prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH - Philip King Alcock, on 16 February 2007 publicly announced the following VERDICT ACCUSED GOJKO JANKOVIC, son ofDanilo, mother's name Radojka nee Salamadija. born on 31 October 1954 in the village of Trbt&e, municipality ofFoca, with permanent residence at Foea, I.G. Kovaticll street no.13, last knO\\l1 registered address in the vilbge of Trnova~o, municipality of Foca, citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of Serb nationality, married. father of 3 children, literate, secondary school qualific-ations, no prior convictions. served the anny in Kraljevo in 1973 with the rank of Lieutenant awarded with the medal "Milo! Obilic" in 1993, Personal Identity Number 3110954131530, surrendered to the • authorities of Republika Srpska on 13 March 2005, transferred to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia oem on 14 March 2005, and transferred to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Detention Unit on 8 December 2005, where he is curremlv detained, . I IS GUILTY BECAUSE: Between April 1992 and November 1993, witrun the tenitory of the Fo~a municipality, as the leader of an military unit actipg within the Foca Brigade of the Army of the Serb Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter referred as 'the Army'), he took parr in a Kraljice lelene br. 88, 71000 Sarajevo, Sosna i Hercegovina, Tel: 033707 roo, Faks: 033 707225 KplUbHue le.JleHe 6p. 88, 71 000 Capajeoo, 60CH<!" XepueroBIIHa, Ten: 033 707 100, l!JaKc: 033707225 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/fac09f/ widespread or sys!tmatic attack by the Anny, members of the Police and paramilitary fonnations against the non-Serb civilian population in the wider area of Fota mWlicipality, whereby those civilians were methodically captured, being physically abused and killed in the attack, separated according to sex, and detained in severJ.! facilities including the Fots Correctional Institute, for the men, and Buk Bijela, the Foca High School, Partizan Sports l-lall, a house at Ulica Osrnana Bikica no.16, a house in Miljevina known as Karaman's house, a house in Trnovaca and other places for the womcn and girls where they were detained under harsh conditions and subjected to physical, mental and sexual abuse by their captors, while Muslim houses and apartments in Fata and neighboring municipalities were looted, destroyed and burnt down, as more particularly set out below: I. On 14 April 1992 the Accused Gojko Jankovic, commanded a group of soldiers who attacked the hamlet of Bre:};ine/Zubovici inhabited by civilians of Muslim nationality, ordering the group that he commanded the Wlla-wful arrest and taking away of Eoes Hrnjicic, Halid Konjo, Halim Konjo, Enes Uzunovic, Esad Mezbur, Osman Ramie, Osman • Dedovic and Haso Glu~c, who were then forcefully taken by other soldiers to detention in Brad where they were interrogated and beaten, and then transferred to the KPD camp in foca. 2. On J July 1992 Gojko Jankovic commanded a group of soldiers who attacked Muslim ci·vilians hiding in the \voods on the Kremenik hills, wounding several of them and killing Fadila Odobasie, Selima Pekaz and Izet Colo, and also capturing about thirty women and children and seven men, namely Husein Barlov, Ziad Barlov, Meha Barlov, Annin Pckaz, Mujo Ptkaz, Adem Colo and Sifet Colo; these captives, particularly the men, were questioned and brutally beaten, then brought to a clearing where Gojko Jankovic was waiting for them; beatings continued; then the women were walked away whilst Gojko Jankovic and some of his soldiers remained with the seven male ca.ptives who were then shot causing bullet injuries to them, principally head injuries: Sifet Colo- shattering of the cranial vault oones and bones of the base of the skull, Annin Pekaz -frachlre of the cranial vault oones (lnd bones of the base of the skull, upper and lower mandible, right upper arm, right scapula and right femur, Zijad Barlov - fracture of the cranial vault and the base of the skull, fracture of the upper mandible, right thigh bone, right clavicle, right pubic bone and .e injury to tht! right upper ann. Meho Barlov - fracture of the cranial vault bones and bones of the base of the skull, Husein Barlov- fracture of the cranial vault bones and bones of the! base of the skull, Adem Colo· head injury with fractures ofthc skull bones and Mujo Pekaz- head injury with fracture of the temporal-parietal bone, which injuries caused the deaths of all of the seven capturt!d men; all these acts being Gojko JankoviC's part within a greater attack by the rumy upon the villages of Tro§anj and Mje~ja that day, inVOlVing killings of Muslim civilians and the ransacking and burning ofthcir houses. 3. On th~ same day the captured women and children were forced to walk to Buk Bijela, a temporary detention and interrogation facility, under the escort of some of Gojko JankoviC's soldiers, where the Accused Gojko Jankovic arrived later with the remainder of his group, and there they questioned the captured WOIDt!n; the Accused, together with Dragan Zclcnovic and Janko Janjic interrogated female detainee FWS-75 and Gojko Jankovic threatened to gang-rape her if she lied; he then allowed one of the soldiers to take the female detainee in another hut where she was raped by at least ten unidentified soldiers and lost consciousness. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/fac09f/2 4. From mid July until mid August 1992, at Partizan Sport Hall in Foea, many Muslim civilians were detained in inhumane conditions, including female detainees FWS-87, fWS- 95, FWS-48, FWS-I05, between the above dates the Accused Gojko Jankovic, together with an unidentified soldier, took FWS-95 and FWS-48 out of Partizan Sports l[all to a house in Oornje Polje where the Accused raped FWS-95 vaginally; R few days after the rape described above the Accused Gojko Jankovic came again to Partizan Sports Hall with three other unidentified soldiers and they forced FWS-95 and three other Bosnink women captives to walk to a premises in Foea where they were all ordered to undress and wash and where the Accused raped FWS-95 vaginally; on a date in late July or very early August 1992 the Accus~d Gojko Jankovic and Beban Vasiljevic drove FWS-95 and FWS-87 from Partizan Sports Hall to a house in Trnova~a where Gojko Jankovic raped both FWS-95 and F\VS- • 87 vaginally and where Behan Vasiljevic also raped FWS-87 vaginally_: 5. On an unknown date in late July or early August 1992 the Accused, Gojko JankoviC. together with Beban Vasiljcvic took the female detainees FWS-105 and DB from the detention Center at Partizan Sports Hall to a house in the village of Tmovae3 in the municipality ofFota where the Accused Oojko Jankovic spent the whole night with female detainee FWS-105 and raped her twice, while Beban Vasiljevic raped female detainee DB and the next morning, on the order of the Accused, they were returned by Beban Vasiljevic to the detention Center at Partizan. 6. On 2 August 1992 Gojko Jankovic, together with Dragoljub Kunarac and Dragutin Vukovi6 (Gaga), removed female detainees FWS-186, FWS-191 and JO, all teenagers, from a house in Alad1:a and took them to a private house in Truovae3, occupied by Gojko Jankovic; female detainee JG only remained there a few days but both ft!male detainees FWS-186 and FWS-J91 were kept there until the end of Jauuary 1993 and throughout that time Gojko Jankovic raped female detainee FWS-186 many times; Dragoljub Kunarac • raped female detainee FWS-19l many times during the [ust two months \\lith Gojko JfIllkovi6 also roping female detainee FWS-191 on one occasion within that period; when female detainees FWS-186 and FWS-19J were moved to another apartment in January 1993 Gojko Jankovic continued to rape female detainee FWS-186 there until the cnd of November 1993; both Gojko Jankovic and Dragoljub Kunamc used female detainees FWS- 186 and FWS-191 as sexual and general servants at the Trnov3~a House, treating them as objects and personal possessions and exercising complete control over their lives. 7. In late October or early November 1992 the Accused, Gojko Jankovlc, together \vith Dragan Zelenovic and Janko Janjic removed female detainees FWS-75, FWS-87, AS and twelve year old AB from the detention Center knO\'lll as "Kamman's house" in Miljevina, and drove them by car to an apartment in Fota near a fish restaurant where lanko Janjic ordered the female detainees FWS-75 and AB to give a bath to the Accused Gojko Jankovic, who raped underage female detainee AB in the bathroom, while Dragan Zelenovic r.1ped female detainee FWS-87 and Janko Janjic raped FWS·7S.
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