PREPARED CULTURE MEDIA 030220SG PREPARED CULTURE MEDIA Made in the USA AnaeroGRO™ DuoPak A 02 Bovine Blood Agar, 5%, with Esculin 13 AnaeroGRO™ DuoPak B 02 Bovine Blood Agar, 5%, with Esculin/ AnaeroGRO™ BBE Agar 03 MacConkey Biplate 13 AnaeroGRO™ BBE/PEA 03 Bovine Selective Strep Agar 13 AnaeroGRO™ Brucella Agar 03 Brucella Agar with 5% Sheep Blood, Hemin, AnaeroGRO™ Campylobacter and Vitamin K 13 Selective Agar 03 Brucella Broth with 15% Glycerol 13 AnaeroGRO™ CCFA 03 Brucella with H and K/LKV Biplate 14 AnaeroGRO™ Egg Yolk Agar, Modifi ed 03 Buffered Peptone Water 14 AnaeroGRO™ LKV Agar 03 Buffered Peptone Water with 1% AnaeroGRO™ PEA 03 Tween® 20 14 AnaeroGRO™ MultiPak A 04 Buffered NaCl Peptone EP, USP 14 AnaeroGRO™ MultiPak B 04 Butterfi eld’s Phosphate Buffer 14 AnaeroGRO™ Chopped Meat Broth 05 Campy Cefex Agar, Modifi ed 14 AnaeroGRO™ Chopped Meat Campy CVA Agar 14 Carbohydrate Broth 05 Campy FDA Agar 14 AnaeroGRO™ Chopped Meat Campy, Blood Free, Karmali Agar 14 Glucose Broth 05 Cetrimide Select Agar, USP 14 AnaeroGRO™ Thioglycollate with Hemin and CET/MAC/VJ Triplate 14 Vitamin K (H and K), without Indicator 05 CGB Agar for Cryptococcus 14 Anaerobic PEA 08 Chocolate Agar 15 Baird-Parker Agar 08 Chocolate/Martin Lewis with Barney Miller Medium 08 Lincomycin Biplate 15 BBE Agar 08 CompactDry™ SL 16 BBE Agar/PEA Agar 08 CompactDry™ LS 16 BBE/LKV Biplate 09 CompactDry™ TC 17 BCSA 09 CompactDry™ EC 17 BCYE Agar 09 CompactDry™ YMR 17 BCYE Selective Agar with CAV 09 CompactDry™ ETB 17 BCYE Selective Agar with CCVC 09 CompactDry™ YM 17 BCYE with DGVP 09 CompactDry™ XSA 17 BCYE Selective Agar with GVPC 09 Derm-Duet™ II DTM/RSM Biplate 18 BE Agar 09 Derm-Duet™ RSM/DTM Biplate 18 BE Agar with Azide 09 Dermatophyte Milk Agar 18 BE Agar with Azide/CNA Biplate 09 Dermatophyte Test Medium Agar 18 BG Agar 10 SabDex Agar with C and G/DTM Biplate 18 BG Agar with Novobiocin 10 Dilu-Lok™ Pre-fi lled Dilution Vials 19 Headquarters BG Bile Broth with Durham Tube 10 Chocolate/MTM Biplate 20 1430 West McCoy Lane BHI Agar 10 Chocolate Agar with Bacitracin 20 Santa Maria, CA 93455 BHI Agar with Blood 10 CIN/MacConkey with Sorbitol Biplate 20 800.266.2222 : phone [email protected] BHI Agar with Blood and Gentamicin 11 CIN Agar 20 www.HardyDiagnostics.com BHI Agar, with Blood, Chloramphenicol, CLED Agar 20 and Gentamicin 11 CNA Agar 20 Distribution Centers BHI Agar with Chloramphenicol and CNA Agar/EMB Agar Biplate 20 Santa Maria, California Cycloheximide 11 CNA Agar/MacConkey Agar Biplate 21 Olympia, Washington Salt Lake City, Utah BHI Agar with Vancomycin 11 Columbia Agar, USP 21 Phoenix, Arizona BHI Broth 11 Columbia Agar, 5% Sheep Blood 21 Dallas, Texas Springboro, Ohio BHI Broth with 5% Fildes Solution 11 Columbia Agar with 5% Sheep Blood/ Lake City, Florida BiGGY Agar 11 MacConkey Agar Biplate 21 Albany, New York Raleigh, North Carolina Blood Agar, 5% 12 Cooked Meat with Iron, H and K 21 Blood Agar, 5%/Chocolate Biplate 12 Corn Meal Agar with Tween® 80 21 Blood Agar 5%/EMB Biplate 12 CT-SMAC 21 The Quality Management Blood Agar, 5%/MacConkey Biplate 12 CTA 22 System at the Hardy Blood Agar, 5% with Ampicillin 12 D/E Neutralizing Broth 22 Diagnostics manufacturing facility is certifi ed to ISO Blood Agar, 8% 13 D/E Neutralizing Agar 22 13485. Blood Agar, 10% 13 DNase Agar with Toluidine Blue 22 Blood Agar, EH 13 Diamonds Medium, Modifi ed 22 Blood, Sheep, Defi brinated 13 Dichloran-Glycerol (DG-18) Agar 22 Bovine Blood Agar, 5% 13 EC Broth with Durham Tube 22 EC Broth with MUG iii22 Copyright © 2019 Hardy Diagnostics EE Broth Mossel, USP 23 Letheen Agar, Modifi ed with MSA with Oxacillin 38 Egg Yolk Agar, Modifi ed 23 Tween® 80, 1.5% 32 Mueller Hinton Agar 38 EMB Levine Agar 23 Letheen Agar/MacConkey Agar Biplate 33 Mueller Hinton Agar with Blood 39 EnteroScreen 4™ 23 Letheen Broth 33 Mueller Hinton Broth 39 EnviroTrans™ Swab Rinse Kit 24 Letheen Broth, Modifi ed 33 Mycobiotic Agar 39 FB Broth 24 LIA 33 Mycoplasma Agar 39 Fluid A, USP 24 Liver Infusion Agar Selective 33 Mycoplasma Broth 39 Fluid D, USP 24 LJ Gruft 33 MycoVue™ Slide Culture System 40 Fluid K, USP 24 LJ Medium 33 MYP Agar 40 Fraser Broth, Modifi ed 24 LJ with Ferric Ammonium Citrate, Slant 33 NaCl (Salt Tolerance) 6.5% Broth 40 FTM with Lecithin and Tween® 25 LJ with Pyruvate 33 Neomycin Anaerobic Blood Agar 40 FTM with Hemin and Vitamin K 25 LKV Agar 34 Neutralizing Buffer 40 GBS Detect™ 25 Loeffl er’s Slant 34 Nitrate Broth with Durham Tube 41 GN Broth 25 m EI Agar 34 Non-Nutrient Agar Plate 41 Group A Beta Strep Agar 25 m Endo LES Agar 34 Nutrient Agar 41 Haemophilus ID Quadplate 25 m FC Agar with 1% Rosolic Acid 34 Nutrient Agar with MUG 41 HardyCHROM™ BluEcoli™ Biplate 26 m HPC Agar 35 Nutrient Broth 41 HardyCHROM™ Candida 26 m PA Agar 35 OF Media 41 HardyCHROM™ ECC 26 m TEC Agar, Modifi ed 35 ONPG Rapid Test Broth 41 HardyCHROM™ ESBL 27 MacConkey Agar 35 Orange Serum Agar 41 HardyCHROM™ HUrBi™ 27 MacConkey Agar with Cefotaxime 35 Oxford Medium, Modifi ed 41 HardyCHROM™ Listeria 27 MacConkey Agar with Sorbitol 35 Page’s Saline 41 HardyCHROM™ MRSA 27 MacConkey/EMB Biplate 35 PALCAM 41 HardyCHROM™ O157 28 MacConkey Broth 36 PC Agar 41 HardyCHROM™ Sakazakii 28 Malt Extract Agar 36 Phenylalanine Agar Slant 42 HardyCHROM™ Salmonella 28 Malt Extract Agar with Lecithin and Tween 36 PEA with 5% Sheep Blood 42 HardyCHROM™ Salmonella/XLT-4 Malt Extract Agar with 0.01% Peptic Digest Agar with Fildes Agar Biplate 28 Chloramphenicol 36 and Nafcillin 42 HardyCHROM™ SS NoPRO 28 Martin Lewis with Lincomycin 36 Peptone Water 42 HardyCHROM™ Staph aureus 29 Mastitis Triplate 37 Peptone Salt 42 HardyCHROM™ UTI 29 McFarland Standard 37 Phenol Red Broth with Durham Tube 42 HardyCHROM™ Vibrio 30 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar 37 Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), pH 6.8 42 HE Agar 30 Middlebrook 7H11/7H11 Selective Phosphate Buffered Saline (0.01M) with HE Agar/SS Agar Biplate 31 Agar Biplate 37 0.02% Tween® 80 42 HTM Agar 31 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar 37 Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.5 43 Inhibitory Mold Agar 31 Middlebrook 7H11 Selective 37 Phosphate Buffer with Magnesium Inhibitory Mold Agar with Gentamicin 31 Middlebrook 7H11, Thin Pour 37 Chloride 43 Iodine-Iodide Solution 31 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth 37 Phosphate Buffered Saline with 0.05% KF Streptococcus Agar 31 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth with Tween® 80 37 Tween 20 43 KIA Slant 31 MIL Medium 37 PLET Agar 43 Lactobacilli MRS Agar 31 MIO Medium 38 Potato Dextrose Agar 43 Lactobacilli MRS Broth 32 Moeller’s Decarboxylase 38 Potato Dextrose Agar with Lactose Broth 32 Motility Test Medium with TTC 38 Chlortetracycline 43 Lauryl Tryptose Broth with Durham Tube 32 Motility Test Medium without TTC 38 Potato Dextrose Agar with Leeds Medium 32 MRSA Screen Plate 38 Chloramphenicol 43 Letheen Agar 32 MR-VP Broth 38 Potato Dextrose Agar with TA 43 Letheeniv Agar, Modifi ed 32 MSA Agar 38 Potato Flake Agar 43 TCBS Agar 51 Urea Medium, Rapid 54 Tergitol 7 Agar with TTC 51 UVM Modifi ed Listeria Broth 54 Tetrathionate Broth 51 V9 Agar 54 Tetrathionate Broth with Brilliant Green 51 Vogel and Johnson Agar 54 Thayer Martin Agar 51 VRBA 54 Thayer Martin Agar, Modifi ed 52 VRBGA 54 Thioglycollate with H and K 52 Wallenstein Media 54 Thioglycollate without Indicator 52 Water with Tween® 80 54 Thioglycollate without Indicator, with XLD Agar 54 Supplements 52 XLT4 Agar 54 Thioglycollate with Indicator 52 XLT4 Agar/Brilliant Green Agar with Todd Hewitt Broth 52 Sulfadiazine Biplate 54 Todd Hewitt Broth with SXT 52 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), USP, Potato Flake Selective Agar 44 Trehalose Broth, Rapid 52 ReadyRack™ 56 PPLO Selective Agar 44 Tryptic Soy Agar 52 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM), USP, Pseudomonas Agar F 44 TSA, SterEM™, Irradiated, USP 52 ReadyRack™ 56 Pseudomonas Isolation Agar 44 TSA with Cycloheximide 52 R10 Broth 44 TSA with Lecithin and Tween® 80 52 Rapid Ornithine 44 TSA Blood/CLED/MAC 53 Regan-Lowe Agar 45 TSA with Lecithin and Tween® 80, USP 53 Regan-Lowe Semisolid 45 TSB, USP, Bottles 53 Rose Agar 45 TSB, Double Strength, USP 53 Rose/MacConkey Biplate 45 TSB Tubes 53 Rose Bengal Agar with Chloramphenicol 45 TSB with 6.5% Sodium Chloride 54 RTF Modifi ed Casman Agar 46 TSB with Lecithin and Tween® 20, USP 54 RV Broth, USP 46 TSB with Lecithin and Tween® 80 54 SabDex Agar 46 TSI Agar 54 SabDex Agar, Emmons 46 Tryptone Broth, 2% 54 SabDex Agar with C and G/DTM Biplate 46 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar 54 SabDex Agar with Chloramphenicol 46 Urea (Christensen’s Urea) Agar Slant 54 SabDex Agar with Chloramphenicol and Tetracycline 46 SabDex Agar with Gentamicin and Chloramphenicol 46 SabDex Agar with Lecithin and Tween® 80 46 SabDex Agar with Lecithin and Tween® 80, SterEM™, Irradiated 46 SabDex Broth 47 SabHI Agar 47 SabHI Agar with Blood, Chloramphenicol, and Cycloheximide 47 Saline, 0.45% 47 Saline, 0.85% 47 Saline, 0.9% with 0.5% Tween® 80 48 Selective Beta Strep Agar, Group A 48 Selective Strep Agar (COBA Medium) 48 Selenite Cystine Broth 48 SIM Medium 48 Simmons Citrate Agar 49 Skim Milk Agar 49 SP4 Agar 49 SP4 Broth 49 SS Agar 49 Standard Methods Agar 49 Sterile Deionized Water 49 Sterile Water 49 Strep B Carrot Broth™ One-Step 50 TAT Broth 51 TB Base Digestant 51 v SELECTION Since 1980, Hardy Diagnostics has grown to manufacture an extensive selection of prepared media products which are PREPARED packaged in plates, tubes, bottles, bags, and flasks.
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