Bumb* i259°° g>uMi8ieD tip autftorit"?. From Cttesijap October 26, to SattltUap October 30, 1784. War-Off ce, Odober 27, 1784. Ditto, Cornet Archibald Hamilton, of the 1.6th IS Majesty has been pleased to appoint Dragoons, to be Ensign, vice Thomas Grosvenor. Major-General his Royal Highness Prince izth Regiment of Foot, Edvvard Pogsjn, Gent, to be Frederick Biihop of Osnabruck to be Enfign, vice Alexander Ligertwood. Colonel of. the Coldstream Regiment of 40/Æ Regiment of Foot, William Jackson, Gent, to Foot Guards, vice General John Earl Walde- ba Ensign, vice William Earle Buiner. • grave, deceased, and to be Lieutenant-General in 43^ Regiment of Foot, Benjamin Hands, Gent, to be the Army, by Commiflion bearing Date the 27th Ensign, vice George Millington. of October, 1784. 44>£ Regiment of Foot, Ensign John Robertson, of the. 84th Regiment, to be Ensign, vice Joseph War-Off ce, Odober 30, 1784. Earle. lst Troop of Horse Guards, Captain Harry Lambert, $$tb Regiment of Foot, William Wright, Gent, to of the 7th Dragoons, to be Exempt and Caps­ be Ensign, vice George Harrison. tain, vice Thomas Lloyd. $jtk Regiment of Foot, Captain John Campbell, lst Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Samuel Need, on Half-Pay in the 74th Regiment, to be Cap­ Gent, to be Cornet, vice Alexander Fraser. tain bf a Company, yice Neil Campbell. •jth Regiinent of Dragoons, Exempt and Captain 70/^ Regiment of Foot, Thomas Ame, Gent, to be Thomas Lloyd, of the ist Troop of Horse Ensign, vice Thomas Probyn. Guards, to be Captain of a Troop, vice Harry The Right Honourable Lord George Henry Len­ Lambert. nox to be Governor of Plymouth, vice Earl nth Regiment of Dragoons, Lieutenant George Waldegrave, deceased. Michell to be Captain of a Troop, vice Tho­ Lieutenant Colonel Philip Goldsworthy to be Aide mas Norcliffe Dalton. de Camp to the King, vice Gerard Lake. Ditto, Cornet Alexander Garden to be Lieutenant, St. James's, August 28. vice George Michell. Ditto, J»mes Sterling, Gent, to be Cornet, vice A' •S several Artificers and Manufadurers, Subjeds Alexander Garden. of Great Britain, kave from Time to Time gone 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, Major General Tho­ into Foreign Countries to exercise their several Callings, mas Cox, to be First Major, vice Sir John contrary to the Lavos of these Kingdoms ; Tbe follovoing Wrottefley. Abstrads of Tvoo Ads of Parliament of George tbe Ditto, Major General George Garth, to be Second First and George ihe Second, to prevent such Pradices, Major, vice Thomas Cox. are publisted for tbe Information of all Persons vobo may be ignorant of tbe Penalties they may incur by Ditto, Colonel Gerard Lake to be Third Major, Disobedience to them.—And it voill be observed, that vice George Garth. they extend to those voho are any voays concerned or in­ Ditto, Lieutenant Colonel Honourable Henry Fitz strumental in the Sending or Enticing Artificers or Ma­ Roy Stanhope to be Captain of a Company, vice nufiadurers out of these Kingdoms, and in the Export­ Gerard Lake. ation- ofi the Tools and Instruments used by them, at Ditto, Captain Alexander Dury to be Captain Lieu­ voell as to the Artificers or Manufiadurers themselves. tenant, vice Honourable Henry Fitz Roy Stan­ hope. - • Statute 5 George I. Chap. 27. Ditto, Ensign Richard Cumberland to be Lieutenant, F any Person stiall contract vvith, entice, or solicit, vice Alexander Dury. I any Artificer in Wool, Iron, Steel, Brass, or .Ditto, • Cooke, Gent, to be Enfign, vice other Metal, Clock-maker, Watch-maker, or any Richard Cumberland. other Artificer of Great Britain, to go" into Foreign Ditto, Honourable Captain Edmund Phipps, from Countries, out of the King's Dominions, and shall Half Pay ofthe 93d Regiment, to be Lieutenant, be convicted thereof upon Indictment or Informa­ vice Sir James Buchannan Riddell. tion, in any of the Courts at Westminster, or at $d Regiment of Fcot Guards, Colonel Gustavus Guy­ the Assizes or Quarter-Sessions, he shall be fined any dickens to be 2d Major, vice Honourable Cosmo Sum not exceeding ONE HUNDRED POUNDS Gordon. or the first Offence, and shall be imprisoned Three Ditto, Captain William Loftus, to be Captain of a Months, and till the Fine be paid. And if any Per­ Company, vice Gustavus Guydickens. son having been once convict, shall offend again, he Ditto, Ensign Thomas Grosvenor to be Lieutenant, shall be fined at tKe Discretion of the Court, and im­ vice Thomas Loftus. prisoned Twelve Months, and till the Fine be paid. 1£ [ Price Seven-Pence. } .
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