ANALI HRVATSKOG POLITOLOŠKOG DRUŠTVA 2013 godište X Zagreb, 2014. ANALI HRVATSKOG POLITOLOŠKOG DRUŠTVA / ANNALS OF THE CROATIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER HRVATSKO POLITOLOŠKO DRUŠTVO / CROATIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION FAKULTET POLITIČKIH ZNANOSTI, SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU / FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB ZA IZDAVAČA / OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE DAVORKA BUDIMIR NENAD ZAKOŠEK UREDNIŠTVO / EDITORIAL BOARD MILJENKO ANTIĆ, Zagreb NEBOJŠA BLANUŠA, Zagreb DAVORKA BUDIMIR, Zagreb VIKTORIJA CAR, Zagreb BRANKO CARATAN, Zagreb TIHOMIR CIPEK, Zagreb KONRAD CLEWING, München IGOR LUKŠIČ, Ljubljana PERO MALDINI, Dubrovnik IVAN PADJEN, Zagreb ZDRAVKO PETAK, Zagreb ANA PETEK, Zagreb SABRINA P. RAMET, Trondheim/Washington SLAVEN RAVLIĆ, Zagreb HOLM SUNDHAUSSEN, Berlin BERTO ŠALAJ, Zagreb NENAD ZAKOŠEK, Zagreb TIHOMIR ŽILJAK, Zagreb GLAVNI I ODGOVORNI UREDNIK / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ENES KULENOVIĆ IZVRŠNI UREDNIK / EXECUTIVE EDITOR VIKTOR KOSKA LEKTORICA / LANGUAGE EDITOR JASMINA HAN KOREKTOR / PROOF-READER DAMJAN LALOVIĆ LIKOVNO-GRAFIČKO OBLIKOVANJE / LAYOUT GORAN GRČIĆ GRAFIČKA PRIPREMA / TYPESETTING DISPUT NAKLADA / PRINT RUN 200 kom TISAK / PRINTING HOUSE Offset NP GTO tisak d.o.o., Zagreb ČASOPIS OBJAVLJEN UZ SUFINANCIRANJE MINISTARSTVA ZNANOSTI, OBRAZOVANJA I SPORTA OBJAVLJENI PRILOZI REFERIRAJU SE U / INDEXED IN CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (San Diego, SAD) International Political Science Abstracts /Documentation Politique Internationale (Paris, Francuska) Cijena primjerka je 50 kuna / Price: 7 €. Za članove Hrvatskog politološkog društva časopis je besplatan. Rukopisi se šalju na adresu: Hrvatsko politološko društvo (Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva), Lepušićeva 6, 10 000 Zagreb, ili se dostavljaju u elektroničkom obliku na E-mail: [email protected] Impresum Sadržaj DEMOCRACY AND CRISIS IN EUROPE David Owen, Demos Problems and the European Union: An Exercise in Contextual Democratic Theory 7 Yannis Stavrakakis, The European Populist Challenge 25 Michael Hill, Reflections on the Politics of the Economic Crisis from a Policy Process Perspective 41 Sten Berglund, Europeanisation and the Challenge of Democracy 57 Danica Fink-Hafner, Toward the Dominance of the Executive 71 JAVNO UPRAVLJANJE Sonja Grimm, Lisa Gross, Building an EU Member State through Democracy Promotion: The Case of Croatia’s Public Administration Reform 93 Petra Đurman, Anamarija Musa, Problem koordinacije u javnoj upravi: natrag prema hijerarhiji? 111 KOMPARATIVNA POLITIKA: REGIONALNE STUDIJE I STANJE DISCIPLINE Andreja Petković, Fokusirane studije geografski povezanih zemalja: analiza regionalno orijentiranih studija u politološkim izdanjima 1996-2012. 141 Mirjana Kasapović, Izlazak iz Lepušićeve? Hrvatska komparativna politika i politička znanost četvrt stoljeća od početka političke tranzicije 163 Danijela Dolenec, Izlazak iz Lepušićeve: prilog raspravi 187 STUDIJA: USTAV, VLAST I NAROD Ivan Padjen, Vjera u narod bez vlasti i vlasništva (II.): vlast naroda i bezvlast puka 197 Sadržaj RECENZIJE “Politička kultura i demokratska tranzicija u Hrvatskoj” – Tomislav Delač 223 “Hrvatsko proljeće 40 godina poslije” – Velimir Veselinović 227 IZVJEŠĆE O RADU DRUŠTVA Hrvatsko politološko društvo u 2013. godini 235 Democracy and Crisis in Europe Anali Hrvatskog društva politološkog DEMOS PROBLEMS AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: AN EXERCISE IN CONTEXTUAL DEMOCRATIC THEORY David Owen Politics & International Relations, University of Southampton Izvorni znanstveni članak Primljeno: lipanj 2013. Summary Debates concerning the ‘democratic deficit’ have been a prevalent feature of the normative literature on the European Union, but rather less attention has been paid to ‘demos problems’ constructed by the normative ordering of the EU and what such prob- lems reveal about the nature of democratic citizenship in the EU, the character of the EU as a normative order and the institutional character of the relationship between the con- stitution of the EU as a normative order and as a structure of political incentives. This arti- cle addresses this topic by focusing on one such ‘demos problem’. Keywords demos, citizenship, European Union, political membership Introduction of their state of residence.1 Together with In an article in the 8th December Catriona Seth, Professor in 18th-century 2011 issue of the French newspaper Libé- French studies at the Université de Lor- ration, Philippe Cayla, a former French raine, Cayla also launched a debate on civil servant who is currently President this topic at the European Citizenship of Euronews Development, invited read- Observatory with some rhetorical flour- ers to join him in initiating a European ish: Citizens Initiative which proposes that Imagine being a law-abiding EU citi- the European Union adopt a rule that zen, living in the EU, and having all EU citizens living in another EU state than that of their nationality (so-called 1 ‘second country nationals’ or SCNs) be 2376282-commencons-par-les-europeens Democracy and Crisis in Europe entitled to vote in the national elections (28.3.2012). 7 no right to vote for the government we may term ‘demos problems’, that is, whose decisions will impact on your problems concerning the appropriate daily life. Does this sound like an Or- inclusion of persons within the demos wellian nightmare? Think again. It of the EU. The issue of national voting is the fate of large numbers of your rights for SCNs is only one of a range neighbours or friends.2 of such ‘demos problems’ that emerge In a recent report, the European in the context of the EU; others con- Commission also drew attention to this cern the MS-differentiated access to EU point, noting that one way in which it citizenship of third country nationals sees the EU-MS citizenship relationship (TCNs) and to EU voting rights of EU as currently problematic is that: citizens resident outside the EU. Each of these ‘demos problems’ has its roots some EU citizens who move to and in the normative ordering of the EU as reside in another Member State may a polity of polities; however, I will focus lose their right to take part in nation- here solely on the SCN ‘demos problem’ al elections in their Member State of and the different responses that arise in origin. According to the legislation relation to it as well as the ways in which of several Member States (Ireland, this issue reveals a misalignment of the Hungary, Denmark, Malta, Austria constitution of the EU as a normative and United Kingdom), their nation- order and as a structure of political in- als are disenfranchised if they live in centives. another Member State for a certain I begin by sketching a generic ac- period of time. Many EU citizens in- count of democratic citizenship, before formed the Commission and the Eu- elucidating the precise character of the ropean Parliament that they are not ‘demos problem’ in the context of the able to participate in any nation- normative architecture of the EU. I then al elections, neither in the Member turn to consider and evaluate a range of State of origin nor in the Member possible responses to this problem (and State of residence. (EU Commission, their different implications for the EU as 2010) a polity), before drawing attention to the The issue raised by Cayla and Seth, relationship of the EU as a normative or- and acknowledged by the Commission, der and as a structure of political incen- is more than symbolically significant for tives. In performing this analysis, how- the EU and its member states, even if ever, I am also concerned to provide an the number of SCNs is estimated at per- exemplar of an approach to democratic haps only 12 million out of 500 million theory that stresses the importance of EU citizens, not least because, in high- contextualisation and attention to the lighting this specific issue, it also draws normative and institutional issues that attention to the normative ordering of arise in elaborating and evaluating pro- the European Union as generating what posals for the resolution of ‘demos prob- lems’. Thus the second aim of this article is to demonstrate an approach to mov- Anali Hrvatskog društva politološkog 2013 2 ing from ideal to non-ideal democratic should-eu-citizens-living-in-other-mem- theory. bers-states-vote-there-in-national-elections 8 (28.3.2012). Democratic Membership aspect). In modern polities, such demo- cratic citizenship is tied to, and symbol- Citizenship as a political ideal is, ised by, possession of equal voting rights fundamentally, conceived as equal (although a democratic polity could in membership in a self-governing political principle be structured in terms of ‘deci- community. This ideal has two distinct sion by acclamation’ or, more plausibly, aspects. The first involves seeing citizen- through the decision-making of repre- ship as the legal status of equal consoci- sentatives chosen by way of sortition). ate in a democratic polity where that sta- tus is comprised of a schedule of rights The considerations advanced thus and duties that aim to protect citizens far denote the abstract legitimacy norm from the fundamental threats to their for democratic polities regardless of the private and public autonomy, thereby level of governance (municipal, state, enabling citizens as private individuals supranational, etc.) at which they oper- to pursue their own reasonable concep- ate – and they articulate a basic norm tions of the good and as citizens jointly
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