BLACK STUDENTS UNION Dr. MartinLuther King Jr. ML King Rally January 14, Noon RevellePlaza k StevieWonder, 200,000 Rally to SupportNational King Holiday 200.000braved freezing Washington D.C. temperatureslast Januaryto march in supportof legislationto make Dr. Martinl.uther King’s birthday a nationalholiday. The campaignwas spearheadedby entertainerStevie Wonder. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO VOL. 6, NO. 2 JANUARY, 1983 Universityof California,San Diego Vol.6, No. 2 January 1 HAVE A DREAM MLK:With the violencein Selma, whenthey spoke in broadterms of societyis essentiallyhospitable tolair By JulesBagneris Alabama,(where the sheriff had freedomand justice. But the absence playand to steadygrowth toward a directedhis fiaen in tear-gassing and When asked about Martin Luther of brutalityand unregenerate evil is middle-classUtopia embodying racial beatingthe marchers to theground; notthe presence of justice.To staya harmony.But unfortunately this is a KingJr., most people respond that he thenation saw andheard this and murderis notthe same thing as to fantasyof self-deceptionand wasa greatman with a visionfor the thereforeexploded in indignation)and ordainbrotherhood. The wordwas comfortablevanity. Overwhelmingly, future.Some respond that he was theVoting Rights Act one phaseof broken,and the freerunning Americais stillstruggling with concernedabout racial equality and developmentin the civil rights expectationsof Blacks crushed into irresolutionandcontradictions. It has equalopportunity for all Americans. revolutioncame to an end.A new thestone walls of whiteresistance. The beensincere and even ardent in Stillothers respond that he wasa phaseopened, but few observers resultwas havoc. Blacks felt cheated. welcomingsome change. But too !Communistconspirator intent upon realizedit or wereprepared for its especiallyin theNorth. while many quicklyapathy and disinterest rise to i overthrowingthecapitalist system. implications.Forthe vast majority of whitesfelt that Blacks had gained so thesurface when the next logical steps Mostof thesepeople have built-up WhiteAmericans, the periodfrom muchit was virtuallyimpudent and areto be taken.Laws are passed in a theirperceptions of the manthrough 1954to 1966--thefirst phase--had greedyto askfor more so soon. crisismood after a Birminghamor a indirectmeans, either through the Selma,but no substantialfervor massmedia or throughword of survivesthe formal signing of mouth.But howaccurate are these legislation.Therecording of the law in assessmentsof King?Probably the itselfis treated asthe reality ofthe bestway of confirmingor denyingthe reform. assertionsis through allowing Dr. MartinLuther King Jr. himself to PV: But whatabout the changes explainhis position on theissues. thatdid occur, how were they able to Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. was be carriedout? assassinatedon April 4, 1968by James Reasonfor Limited Success EarlRay. Obviously, he cannot MLK:The practicalcost of change ~hysicallyrespond to anyquestions. forthe nation up to 1966was cheap. However,by usingexcerpts from his Thelimited reforms were obtained at ast book,entitled Where Do We Go bargainrates. There were no expenses From Here:Chaos or Community?, and no taxeswere required, for Blacks we canderive a moreaccurate to sharelunch counters, libraries, Jnderstandingof the manand his parks,hotels and other facilities with standon someof themost crucial whites. ssuesconfronting America, Americans Eventhe more significant changes andthe world in theeighties. Dr. involvedin voterregistration required King’sgenius was not in the neitherlarge monetary nor applicationof Ghandismto the Black psychologicalsacrifice. Spectacular " strugglebut in transmuting andturbulent events that dramatized Ghandhismby graftingit ontothe thedemand created an erroneous onlything that could give it relevance impressionthat a heavyburden was lnd forcein theBlack community, the involved.The real costs lie ahead. Blackreligious tradition. PV:When you sayreal costs, do In theprocess, King rose to new youmean political costs? heightsof creativeleadership, PoliticalPower perceivingnot only what was "ripe for MLK:Indeed, one of the great development"but creating new fruit problemsthat Blacks confront is the forthe sum of despairto ripen. lackof power.From the old In so doing,in liftingmen’s eyes to plantationsof the South to thenewer theancient hope of a worldwhere ghettosof the North,Blacks have been menwill beat their swords into confinedto a lifeof voicelessnessand plowsharesand theirarrows into powerlessness.Stripped of theright to pruninghooks, Martin Luther King makedecisions concerning his life and Jr.became perhaps the greatest leader destiny,he hasbeen subject to the in thehistory of theBlack protest and authoritarianand sometimeswhimsical oneof thegreat spiritual leaders of beena struggleto treatthe Black man Thepaths of Negro-whiteunity that decisionsof thewhite power structure. i mankind. witha degreeof decency,not of hadbeen converging crossed at Selma, Theplantation and theghetto were Thefollowing is a mockinterview equality.White America was ready to andlike a giantX beganto diverge. createdby thosewho had powerboth withDr. Martin Luther King Jr., the demandthat Blacks should be spared Up to Selmathere had beenunity to to confinethose who had no power thelash of brutalityand coarse eliminatebarbaric conduct. Beyond it andto perpetuatetheir powerlessness. recipientof theNobel Peace Prize in I he problemof transformingthe 1964,and the authorof Why We degradation,but it hadnever been theunity had to be basedon the Can’tWait, Strength to Loveand trulycommitted to helpinghim out of fulfillmentofequality, and in the ghettois, therefore, a problem of StrideToward Freedom. poverty,exploitation or all forms of absenceof agreementthe paths began powera confrontationbetween the PV:Dr. King. thank .vou J?~r discrimination. inexorablyto moveapart. forcesof powerdemanding change participatinginthis intervieu. I’rn sure WhenBlacks looked for the second PV:Why is equalityso as,viduouslvandthe forces of powerdedicated to phase,the realization of equality, they avoided? preservingthe status quo. thatyour remarks will be ~d" The problemis thatin America tremendousbane[it to ourreaders. Dr. foundthat many of theirwhite allies MI,K:The majorityof white King.what has happened to thecivil hadquietly disappeared. Black people Americansconsider themselves poweris unequallydistributed. This rightsstruggle? Is it over.or hasa new in Americahad taken the President, sincerelycommitted to justicefor hasled Black Americans in thepast to ohasebegun? thepress and the pulpit at theirword Blacks.They believe that American seektheir goals through love and continuedtopage 2 THE PEOPLE’S VOICE & FRIENDS ! Im Editor’s Notebook By NathanielDeVaughn TV Nielsen Ratings Low for Blacks Notevery Black actor puts all the continuedfrom page 2 peacefulends throughpeaceful means. that,like Jesus before Lazarus, they continuedfrom page I blame on "The Nielsen."Glynn How much longerbefore we heed the You can’tget a job becauseyou are are unmovedby suffering,poverty- Recession, Regression and moral suasiondevoid of power and plaintivepleas of the unnumbered poorlyeducated, and you must depend Turmanis one who doesn’t."Sure the strickenhumanity. The profitmotive WhiteAmericans to seek theirgoals ratingsare what a lotof peoplein the dead and maimedot past wars? encouragesa cutthroatcompetition I on welfareto feedyour children; but if PresidentJohn F. Kennedysaid on throughpower devoid of love and Repression you receivepublic aid in Chicago,you businesslive or die by,"says Turman, andselfish ambition that inspire men conscience.It is leadinga few one occassion,"Mankind must put an cannotown property,not even an whosecredits include a numberof to be moreI-centered that thou- extremiststoday to advocatefor end to war or war willput an end to automobile,so you are condemnedto moviesand made-for-TVfilms, centered. Blacksthat some destructive and includingthe highly-ratedThornwell. mankind."Wisdom born of experience "FindingRelief Through Prayer" consciencelesspower that they have the jobs and shopswhich are closestto shouldtell us thatwar is obsolete. Equally,communism reduces men your home. Once confinedto this "ButI alsothink Black people have to justlyabhorred in whites.It is sharesome of the blamefor what’s There may have been a time when war to a cogin thewheel of thestate. The preciselythis collusion of immoral isolatedcommunity, one no longer servedas a negativegood by communistmay object,saying that in participatesin a freeeconomy, but is happening--especiallythose Black power with powerlessmorality which people who have enough money to preventingthe spreadand growthof Marxiantheory the stateis an constitutesthe major crisis of oor subjectto price-fixingand wholesale an evilforce, but thedistinctive powe "interimreality" that will "wither robberyby many of the merchantsof buy into the movieand TV industry Changecomes to all of us, for times. by producingBlack films or by of modernweapons eliminates even away"when the classless society growthbrings change. If we meet PV: Man v peoph,both liberalamt thearea. the possibilitythat war may serveany emerges.True in theory;but it is also PV: What advicecan .you give to biddingfor some of the cable changewith a mind open to new ideas. conservativehave attacked the use o/ goodat all. truethat, while the state lasts, it is an newattitudes, we findthat we canadjust t confi’ontthe challenges of today? franchises.And believeme, cableTV AlfirmativeAction in
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