San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1970 Special Libraries, 1970s 2-1-1970 Special Libraries, February 1970 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, February 1970" (1970). Special Libraries, 1970. 2. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1970/2 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1970s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1970 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I February 1970, vol. 61, no. 2 I Canadian Information Resources What Do Libraries Do All Day? A 90% Pharmaceutical ~ibrar~ Want to Buy a Map? SPLBA 61 (2) 57-1 12 (1970) Some patrons just want to browse. But and detail of events. Research day-to-day news others need to really dig into a subject. So how stories plus texts of speeches, court decisions, satisfying for you to know the informcition is all budgets and debates. there-when you have The New York Times on Librarians: For details, including a Microfilm. free, 20-page booklet listing major news events Take the race to the moon for ex- covered by The Times since 1851, write to The ample. There's no better record of space prog- New York Times, Library Services and Infor- ress than in The Times on Microfilm. The same mation Division, Dept. SL-3, 229 West 43d Street, is true of subjects like business, education, the New York, N. Y. 10036. arts and science. Your patrons can probe all the drama The New York Times on Microfilm This chart has been developed for your appropriate Faraday Press journals for a the multi-disciplinary coverage of many A concise analysis of each of the 33 the reverse. 4 FREE UPON REQUEST THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. N. Y. 10011 Need hadto-find 4; FEBRUARY1970 5 P special libraries VOLUME., ..M.ER , .. Editorial 57 Information Resources in Canada 59 Joan O'Rourke Special Library Resources in Canada 66 Beryl L. Anderson Knowledge-The Master Resource 73 J. P. I. Tyas What Do Libraries Do All Day? 78 Richard S. Huleatt Evolving the Victor A. Basile 90% Pharmaceutical Library 81 Reginald W. Smith Published Sources of Information about Maps and Atlases 87 Richard W. Stephenson SLA News Vistas Chapters & Divisions 99 LTP Reports to SLA 107 Members in the News I00 Satcom.. Again! 108 1970 Candidates for Office 102 Coming Events 109 Placement 22~ Index to Advertisers 24~ Editor: F. E. MCKENNA Assistant Editor: FRANCISJ. RUTH Special Libraries Committee Chairman: ANDREWV. IPPOLITO,Newsday MARYKLANIAN, Advanced Systems Development Division, IBM MRS. ANNEJ. RICHTER,R. R. Bowker Company S@ecial Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York. N.Y. 10003. @ 1970 by Special Libraries Association. Monthly except double issues for May/Jun and Jul/Aug. Annual index in December issue. Second dass postage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont 05301. POSTMASTER:Send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003. Special Libraries Association 19691 1970 President Directors (1967/70) ROBERTW. GIBSON,JR. MRS. GLORIAM. EVANS General Motors Corporation Parke, Davis & Company Research Laboratories Library Production and Engineering Library 12 Mife & Mound Roads Detroit, Michigan 48232 Warren, Michigan 48090 EFRENW. GONZALEZ President-Elect (Secretary of the Board) FLOR~NEOLTMAN Bristol-Myers Products Air University Library Scientific Division Maxwell Air Force Base 1350 Liberty Avenue Alabama 361 12 Hillside, New Jersey 07207 Advisory Council Chairman HELENJ. WALDRON Directors (1968/71) The RAND Corporation ROSEMARYR. DEMAREST I 700 Main Street Price Waterhouse & Co. Santa Monica, California 90406 60 Broad Street New York 10004 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect KEITHG. BLAIR BURTONE. LAMKIN General Dynamics National Agricultural Library Convair Division Library Beltsville Post Office Box 12009 Maryland 20705 San Diego, California 92 112 Treasurer (1967/70) Directors (1969/72) JEAND~uss EDYTHE MOORE Federal Reserve Bank of New York The Aerospace Corporation Federal Reserve P.O. Station Charles C. Lauritsen Library (A4/108) New York 10045 Post Office Box 95085 Los Angeles, California 90045 Past President HERBERTS. WHITE LOYDR. RATHBUN Leasco Systems and Research Corp. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4833 Rugby Avenue Lincoln Laboratory Library Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 Executive Director GEORGEH. GINADER Special Libraries Association 235 Park Avenue South New York 10003 Subscription Rates. Free to SLA members. Non- Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if members, USA and Canada, $20.00 per calendar received more than 90 days from date of mailing year; add $1.50 postage for other countries. Single plus the time normally required for postal delivery copies (recent years) $2.75. of the issue and the claim. No claims are allowed Back Issues & Hard Cover Reprints: Inquire Kraus because of failure to notify the Membership Depart- Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New York, N. Y. ment or the Subscription Department (see above) of a change of address, or because copy is "missing from Microfilm & Microfiche Editions (1909 to date): files." Inquire University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Changes of Address. Allow six weeks for all changes Special Libraries Association assumes no responsi- to become effective. All communications should in- bility for the statements and opinions advanced by clude both old and new addresses (with ZIP Codes) the contributors to the Association's publications. and should be accompanied by a mailing label from a Editorial views do not necessarily represent the offi- recent issue. Afembers should send their communica- cial position of Special Libraries Association. tions to the SLA Membership Department, 235 Park Indexed in: Busrness Perrodicals Index, Documenta- Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003. Nonmember tion Abstracis, Historical Abstracts, Hospital Literaiure Subscribers should send their communications to the Index, Lrbrary Literatwe, Library Science Abstracts, SLA Subscription Department, 235 Park Avenue Management Index, and Public Affairs Znformaiion South. New York, N. Y. 10003. Serzvre Membership DUES.Active, Associate or Affiliate $30; Student $5; Emeritus $5; Sustaining $100. The one-time payment for Active (Paid for Life) Membership is $350. Introducing a new way to get booksA into circulation faster. the DEMCO microdata :taloging syste : an end to new book "pile-up" for immediate use. Just discard the Actual size of one entry on your cataloging department. old index and file the new fiche microfiche card containing cata- zmco's new subscriber-owned serv- cards to up-date your system. loging information about 8 reduces searching and cataloging books. There are 98 such entries Every shipment is categorized un- on each microfiche card. '1 simple three-step operation that der science, social science and hu- ts new books on the shelf almost manities, with sub-groupings under Demco Educational Corp. coon as they arrive. these headings. Each fiche contains ,------------------Box 1488, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 !re's how . 784 catalog card entries, so even a 1 As a subscriber, you receive a year's supply takes up only a few i Please send me the free brochure I mulative, up-dated, numerical in- inches in a desk-top file. I describing the Demco LPS Micro- x of Library of Congress entries data System. I The index and microfiche are all I I I pry two to three weeks. Plus, a you need for efficient cataloging. No ;responding set of 4"x6", positive i Name I random assortments of LC slips to 1 I negative, microfiche of original sort through. No expensive storage i Title I nted LC slips for all new books. cabinets for the slips. No time-con- I I I Simply look up the desired LC suming filing and interfiling. I Library I ok number in the easy-to-follow Exclusive with Demco, the LPS I iex find the catalog card in- Address 1 . Microdata System is ideal for univer- f mation on the correct fiche I I . sity, public and specialized libraries I use on any standard microfiche and processing centers. ider or reader-printer. Even library I inees can begin cataloging books To learn more about this modern, 1 DEMCO I er a few minutes of observation. low-cost method of automating I Demco Educational Corp. I library procedures, mail the coupon I iach bound index you receive has I Library Supply Division SL I for a descriptive brochure. new additions already interfiled I Box 1488, Madison, Wis. 53701 1 Books-Coming-Into-Print is a computer- send you the book. If, on publication, the - operated advance notification and acquisi- book is not appropriate to your profile, you tion program which allows your library to will receive a rejection notice with explana- profile its needs in specific disciplines. It tion. Of course, all shipments are "on gives you notification, continuations, and approval!' automatic shipment of books on approval. Remember, you'll be dealing with one This is much more than an approval pro- source for books from all publishers. The - gram. Books-Coming-Into-Print Program applies Our Stacey's Division, the nation's lead- to all English language books, continua- ing academic bookseller, will classify and tions, and monographs by commercia1 and organize over 20,000 titles a year of interest non-commercial ~ublishers.In the humani- to your library. ties. Or the sciences. Then there's the matter of our computer Then, since you'll be dealing with Bro- and the Thesaurus we provide you with. By Dart, you'll have the option of getting your using our Thesaurus and your specifications books with a full variety of supplemental you pin point the exact type of books you'll cataloging and processing services.
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