agenda item: 8 Delegated Budget 2004/05 Chiltern Local Committee 5 November 2003 contact officer: Elaine Wyatt 01494 586602 1 Purpose of Report a To review the delegated budget allocation procedure and to identify a process for agreeing the allocation for 2004/05. 2 Options for Consideration Local Committee members are invited to: b consider and comment on the various options for allocating the £125,000 delegated budget, as outlined below and explored in more detail in paragraph g (i) – (iii) below: i. Each Parish to receive an equal share, of £7,500 to be used on schemes agreed with the County Council. ii. Each Parish to receive a weighted share based on the size of the parish. iii. Funds to be allocated on the basis of an assessment criteria agreed by the Local Committee that prioritises requests on an annual basis. c submit bids for the delegated budget or provide any further supporting evidence for bids already submitted, taking account of the decision on the allocation process. Table A (attached) shows the requests received as at 14 October 2003. 3 Details d Until the current financial year the delegated budget fund was £100,000 per committee to fund structural maintenance works, with another £100,000 shared between the four committees ( referred to as the “bonus ball” fund) available for structural highway maintenance schemes which were innovative and/or environmentally orientated. e This changed for 2003/04. The “bonus ball” scheme was dropped and instead each Committee was given £125,000, managed by the Area Manager, and bids no longer had to be confined to structural maintenance works. It was agreed that funding would be considered for any transport related scheme. f Although this widens the scope of the schemes that can be implemented under the delegated budget it also makes the assessment and prioritisation of schemes more complicated. For structural maintenance schemes there is a defined technical assessment that can be used to aid prioritisation. Now it is necessary to compare structural maintenance requests with traffic management requests, such as a new pedestrian crossing. Hence the need to review how this is done. g Options i. Equal share of £7,500 per parish. This is the simplest method but it doesn’t allow for much flexibility. £7,500 would only fund fairly small-scale schemes unless supplemented by other funding. Table A details the bids from parishes received before the publication of this report, and includes a “ball-park” estimate to give Members an idea of likely costs. ii. A weighted share relative to size of parish. This could see the larger parishes receiving a greater proportion than the smaller parishes, who might receive just £2,000 or £3,000 . The counter argument to this option is that the smaller parishes generally have fewer resources and may be less able to supplement the delegated budget with other funding to enable them to use the money effectively. iii. An assessment criteria agreed by the Local Committee. As explained above the assessment criteria developed by the Area Office in previous years is no longer applicable because bids are being made for very different types of schemes. If Members do ask officers to prioritise schemes the following criteria are suggested. These are based on comments received at the meeting in July. These are open to modification: N Is the scheme technically feasible in relation to current regulations but does not meet the priorities to be included on the Councils strategic programme. N Is the scheme likely to reduce road casualty accidents. N Does the scheme take action on a perceived accident problem. N Does the scheme improve facilities for vulnerable road users, i.e. pedestrians, cyclists and the disabled? N Does this scheme have a positive environmental impact? N Is there evidence of local support for the scheme? N Can the cost of the scheme be met from the delegated budget fully and if not is additional funding available from another source? N What proportion of the delegated budget has the parish received in previous years? The more ticks the higher the priority of the scheme using the previous funding criteria to make the final decision. For members information Table B appended to this report details the funding that has been awarded to each parish since 2000/01 through the delegated budget system. h Summary Options i and ii detailed above put the onus on the parish to identify their own priorities for the delegated budget funding subject to any technical restrictions but under option iii the Committee as a whole would agree the programme. Options i. and ii. are fairly inflexible and would only allow small-scale schemes if wholly funded by the delegated budget. Option iii. would allow prioritisation of schemes based on local priorities but the criteria would have to be agreed by the Committee and the final decision on funding would be with the Committee. - Report ends - Table B – Previous Delegated Budget Allocations Parish 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Total Amersham 30000 30000 15000 24000 99000 Ashley Green 4000 4000 Chalfont St Giles 5000 12000 17000 Chalfont St Peter 40000 34000 25000 99000 Chartridge 8000 8000 Chenies 0 Chesham 10000 12000 25000 47000 Chesham Bois 10,000 46000 20000 76000 Colesbury-cum-St Leonards 0 Great Missenden 3000 8000 20000 26000 49000 Latimer 0 Little Missenden 18000 18000 Holmer Green 20000 20000 The Lee 2000 4000 6000 Penn 6000 6000 Prestwood 16000 16000 Seer Green 17000 15000 15000 12000 59000 Figures reflect the amount of money allocated. Final costs may differ Table A: Chiltern Local Delegated Budget Requests Parish Location Description Comments Ballpark estimate Seer Green Pavements around Village Church, Resurface pavements £20-30k Excl. Orchard Road, and on other side of Chalfont Rd from the old Baptist Church to Hearnes Meadow Seer Green Green Meadow on Chalfont Road Rekerbing £10k and around the corner on the road down to Seer Green School/Jubilee Hall Amersham Plantation Road ./ New Road Widen pavement outside shops and and Further information on £15-30k realign junction at New Road – speed type and extent of traffic reducing measures requested calming measures required Amersham First Avenue Resurfacing up the hill £20k Amersham Hillway Footway maintenance £10k Great A413/Deep Mill Lane junction No right turn/improved lighting Improvements under Missenden consideration from other funding source Great A4128 Route survey and implementation of More information is Missenden results required Great Blackthorne Lane, Ballinger Resurfacing/filling potholes Cost will depend on £5-15k Missenden extent of works Great Buryfield School Coach turning area Scheme being Missenden progressed under separate budget Parish Location Description Comments Ballpark estimate Great Central Chilterns traffic Implementation of new signing & speed Scheme being Missenden management area limits progressed under separate budget Great Chiltern Hospital junction Traffic lights Scheme being Missenden progressed under separate budget Great Great Missenden 2nd phase of waiting restrictions review Scheme being Missenden implementation progressed under separate budget Great Great Missenden Extension 30mph limt (London Rd and Speed limit review will Missenden Mobwell ) consider all requests for speed limit changes Great Nags Head Lane Traffic Calming £20-30k Missenden Great Prestwood Green Lane footpath/ further traffic £20-30k Missenden calming Great Prestwood Waiting restriction review £5-10K Missenden implementation Great Prestwood Extension of 30mph limit along A4128 Speed limit review will Missenden Wycombe Road to Peterley consider all requests for speed limit changes Great Prestwood High Street 2nd pedestrian crossing £20k Missenden Great Station Approach Improvements to pavements/prevention £20k Missenden of illegal parking Little Brays Meadow- Hyde Heath Provide hard parking areas on grass £10-25k Missenden verges Parish Location Description Comments Ballpark estimate Little Earl Howe Road, Holmer Green Footway reconstruction £20-30k Missenden Chalfont St Vic Wotton Bridge replacement bridge across the public 1st priority £10k Peter footpath at the rear of the garden of the Greyhound Inn, High Street, Chalfont St Peter. The bridge to be raised to stop it being flooded and replaced with a more 'aesthetically-pleasing' structure with improved landscaping to enhance the environment in the village centre Chalfont St Kingsway Roundabout Improved maintenance/landscaping 2nd priority £5k Peter Chalfont St Gold Hill West Zebra crossing near the shops 3rd priority £20k Peter Chalfont St Denham Lane, Chesham Lane, 30mph roundels painted on the road. 4th priority – the £5k Peter Lower Road, Gold Hill East, Gold locations would have Hill West, Austenwood Lane, Nicol meet the regulations Road and Rickmansworth Lane governing the use of roundals Chalfont St Ninnings Road Resurface c’way £20-30k Peter Chalfont St Copthall Lane Resurface c’way btwn Copthall Corner £20-30k Peter and Denham Lane & renew footway along whole length Chalfont St Denham Lane Renew footway for whole length and £20-30k Peter resurface c’way between Copthall Lane & Garners Lane Parish Location Description Comments Ballpark estimate Chalfont St Garners Lane Footway renewal £20k Peter Penn B474 through Penn Safety Scheme to reduce speed and Estimate would depend £15-25k overtaking involving revised signing, on details road markings etc. Penn cutting/dip in Forty Green Road Road surface repairs/maintenance £5-15k Penn B474 adjacent to the Red Central refuge or other scheme to
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