www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association! о о -о о я r` rainian Weekly О 33 Vol. Llll No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 17,1985 25 cents , Horbal faces slander charges Soviet press focuses on Symonenko JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Imprisoned Ukrainian human-rights activist My- on 50 th anniversary of his birth kola Horbal will definitely be charged JERSEY CITY. N.J. - Recent articles in several Soviet publications with "anti-Soviet slander" and could marking the 50th anniversary of the birth of the late Ukrainian poet Vasyl face 15 years' imprisonment as a repeat Symonenko appear to augur official efforts to give new prominence to the offender, according to sources in poet, who died in 1963 at age 28. Ukraine. The articles on Mr. Symonenko. coupled with others on his literary The 43-year-old activist was arrested contemporaries, apparently signal a renewed focus on the unofficial group of last October 21, two days before he was poets known as the "Shestydesiatnyky" ( poets of the 1960s ), the vanguard to complete a five-year term for what of a brief literary revival in dissident sources say was a trumped-up Ukraine in the 1960s. Many charge of "attempted rape." of these young poets and Although no trial date has yet been critics were on the fringes of set. Mr. Horbai`s wife, Olha Stokotelny- the dissident movement, Horbal, was recently told byauthorities protesting the arrests and investigating her husband's case that, if trials of Ukrainian intellec­ convicted, he will likely be sentenced to tuals in the mid-1960s: most 15 years because it is his second offense fell out of favor in the 1970s, under a political rather than criminal a decade of terrible repres­ statute. In 1970. Mr. Horbal was sen­ sion in Ukraine. tenced to seven years in a labor camp for Three articles on Symo­ "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." nenko appeared in January, The new charges against Mr. Horbal, the month of the poet's birth. who is being held in an investigative "Writing in the JaTmary 6 prison in the Ukrainian city of Niko- issue`of Radianska Ukraina. layev, site of the labor camp where he -pocrVateTfy S1reTclui^.Trirnr was serving his previous sentence, are self considered a member of apparently based on alleged conversa­ the "Shestydesiatnyky." tions he had with other camp inmates. compared Symonenko to Mr. Horbal. a poet, is a member of the great 19th century 0- the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, set up to krairtian national poet Taras monitor Soviet compliance with the Shevchenko. Four days 1975 Helsinki Accords. Mvkola Horbal r. an article by Borys Oliynyk. also a 1960s poet, in Literaturna Ukraina des­ cribed Symonenko as a duti­ Ukrainians protest Shcherbytsky visit; ful Communist and idealist. Vasyl Symonenko (Continued on page 16) 16 arrested near Soviet Mission NEW YORK Sixteen Ukrainians branch ot the Ukrainian Student were arrested on Friday: March 8. in Association of Michnowskv (TUSM). Famine account to be out in April front of the Soviet Mission to the which initiated the demonstration. JERSEY CITY. N.J. - "Execution United Nations while protesting the commented: "Tne NYPD and the by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust." \isit to the United States by Volodymyr judicial system arc largely sympathetic the first book about the Great Famine Shcherbytsky. first secretary of the to the Ukrainian cause. While it's their of 1932-33 in Ukraine to be released by a Communist Party of Ukraine. The job to enforce standard diplomatic major publishing house is expected to group had attempted to stage a sit-dow n etiquette, thej always come through lor be available in bookstores across the demonstration during a protest. Ukrainians in the end. for instance, the United States in early April. attended by. according to police iast group ol Ukrainian demonstrators Authored by Miron Dolot, a survivor estimates, approximately 10 0 to be arrested in- front of the Soviet of the famine who is now a teacher of Ukrainian Americans. mission (on January 12. the Day of Slavic languages in California, the book The group of 16 splintered oil from Solidarity with Ukrainian Political is being published by W.W., Norton Si the larger group of demonstrators and Prisoners) was dismissed from guilt Co. proceeded to evade police barricades. without so much as one question upon The book's jacket, designed by Jay J. Upon reaching the Soviet Mission's iheir court appearance in February." Smith, has already been printed, the front entrance, they assumed seated A statement released by TUSM. said: front of the jacket notes: "Seven million positions and began to score Moscow's "We are outraged that Volodymvr people in the 'breadbasket of Europe" policy of human- and national-rights Shcherbytsky is being greeted by certain were deliberately starved to death at denial in Ukraine. circles in American government as a Stalin's command. This story has been After some 10 minutes of peaceful messenger of good will and mutual suppressed for half a century. Now. a protest and having received the trust. He is directly responsible for the survivor speaks." attention of the Associated Press. Voice implementation of Moscow's policy of The jacket also notes that the of America and New York City Tribune eradicating Ukrainian culture. He is introduction to the book is by well- reporters. 15 of the protesters were Jacket of Miron Dolot's book directly responsible for the countless known Sovietologist Adam Ulam. a carried by New York City Police arrests and imprisonments of Ukrainian "Execution by Hunger." professor at Harvard University and IX`partment officers to the 19th artists, intellectuals and working director of its Russian center. Famine. Precinct directly across the street: one people. Our actions are aimed at The back of the jacket carries a Mr. Muggeridge writes: went peacefully. The 16 were charged illuminating the plight of such Ukrainian statement by Malcolm Muggeridge. the "Ollicial spokesmen and journalists with disorderly conduct, and 15 of them political prisoners as Yuriy Shukhevych. Manchester Guardian's Moscow still go on denying that mere ever was an with resisting arrest. who has served more than 30 years in correspondent at the tune of the Great (Continued on page 2) Jem ku/cmchak of the New York (Continued on page 2) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 17,1985 Null 11 detained Rabbis arrested in Czechoslovakia during protest Chronicle of VIENNA - Eleven people, including NEW YORK - More than 100 two activists from the Charter 77 rabbis, many wearing prayer shawls and the Catholic Church human-rights movement, have been carrying Torah scrolls, were arrested on detained since the Czechoslovak police March 5 outside the Soviet Mission to in Ukraine raided a private home'on the outskirts the United Nations during a protes,t of Prague on Monday, March II. against the treatment of Soviet Jews, reported Reuters. reported the Daily News. Citing emigre sources here. Reuters About 200 people, including 120 said that 37 other people were rounded rabbis, were arrested without incident The following excerpts are from letter of protest to the head of the up in. the raid but were set-free after Issue No. 4 of the Chronicle of the after they marched to East 67th Street Council of Ministers of the Ukrai­ interrogation. about 11 a.m. and sat in front of the Catholic Church in Ukraine, an nian SSR, for which I was laid off underground publication which Among the 11 still being held were mission. Police said all those arrested from my job, in accordance with the Jiri Dienstbier and Eva Kanturkova, were taken to nearby stationhouses, made its appearance in January 1984 law. In 1979, for visiting the graves of hut has only recently reached The who speak for Charter 77, the emigres where they were given summonses for Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, I was said. disorderly conduct and then released. West. Thus far. eight issues have detained for 15 days, after which I made their way out of Ukraine. The They said the raid occurred at tbc was thrown into a psychiatric hos­ home of an artist, and that the group Chronicle is published in samvydav pital. form by the Initiative Group for the had gathered to watch films of events in Ukrainians protest... In 1983, after the arrest of Yosyp the late 1960s in Czechoslovakia, a time Defense of Believers and the Church, Terelia, head of the Initiative Group (Continued from page 1) which was founded in 1982 to pro- of political and cultural liberalization in for the Defense of Believers and the the country that was quashed with the the gulag for his commitment to the mole the legalization of the Ukrai­ Church, 1 temporarily headed the Ukrainian national ideal." nian Catholic Church, which has 1968 Soviet invasion. initiative group and became a mem­ The police confiscated film, tapes, Also participating in the been outlawed since 1946. The follow­ ber. Since March 1984, due to the demonstration were other Ukrainian ing translation was prepared for books, typewriters and documents, the poor health of the group's chairman, emigres added. organizations from the New York area, Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty I have been head of the initiative such as Americans for Human Rights in by Maria D. Olvnvk. group. Ukraine. Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, The story of one life Polish police Ukrainian Congress Committee'of Autobiography of Vasyl Kobryn America, Ukrainian Student Dachau " On December 2, 1944. a girl raid meeting Committee .and the Federation of " I. Vasyl Antonovych Kobryn, was named Polania was born in the Ukrainian Student Organizations born in 1938 in the village of Tuchne, village of Dovhe in the Transcar- WARSAW - The police raided a (SUSTA).
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