EDMONSTON'S.Home of the Original "FOOT FORM" Boots and Ox¬ fords for Men, Women and Children This Case Is NOT ECONOMY WEEK Effect Landing in Bay of Riga Both Printed and Exaggerated and Blow Up Military Woven Voiles You see foot trouble like Station. this every 35c Value day caused by improp¬ RUSSIANS TAKE OUTPOSTS erlyshaped By the Associated Press. shoes. BERLIN, June 2 8, via London..Ger¬ About 100 pieces left of this man airplanes Friday effected a land¬ for the values offered in Fancy Colored and Woven This event brought tremendous crowds today exceptional to 40 ing- on an island In the Bay of Riga and extraordinary Voile; comes 36 inches is 6853 case the most most. wide. Must be at least destroyed a Russian base there, it Telephone Main every It was simply a of saving- by spending the announced officially. The statement Mail Orders Promptly and Efficiently department. eighty different beautiful de¬ follows: Filled. signs and cojors, as well as "Greater activity by Russian naval Such marvelous values would never have been possible had it not been for the co-operation of hun¬ some plain shades. Excel¬ forces in submarine and mine warfare lent for women's and chil¬ made necessary defensive measures on manufacturers and We thank them for their the German side, which had the follow¬ Editorial dreds of our leading jobbers. heartily help. dren's summer garments. ing- results: June 13 our airplanes At one time in the history of Regular 35c grade, at 28c dropped explosive and incendiary bombs "Xe to look for our yard. in large quantities on Russian bases, the world this phrase, Sale continues all this week. Read of the items mentioned today. And be sure ads obtaining good results. June 14 the Plus Ultra," was inscribed First Floor, Lansburgh & Bro. military station on the Island of Runeo, on of Hercules. with the pillars every day this week. in the Bay of Riga, was bombed, "No more visible success. Following this enter¬ meaning beyond." prise, our airplanes, Juno 15, landed on This wording stood for a long the island and destroyed the remaining time, or until Columbus ran portions of this base. All our airplanes into America, trying to sail Economy Week returned." around the earth. Then the ExtraSpecialsEconomy Week Russian Scouts Active. negative "ne" was chiseled out and now the wording is, PETROGRAI), via London, June 18.. "More A Lot of Russian scouts in the region of Lysieta beyond." Wonderfully Pretty Muslin Curtains, Pair, 50c .You can and have broken up German outposts, ac¬ "Plus Ultra" is one of the guid¬ prevent an official war office state¬ Odd RufHe some with tucks; others with col¬ correct cording to ing phrases of "the Store of pairs Curtains, plain such foot troubles ment, which reads: We be¬ ored borders. Values up to $1.25, at 50c pair. "In the region of Lysieta, southwest Greater Service." Fourth P.r<>. by wearing of Stanislau, our scouts, forcing their lieve there is always some¬ Floor.Lansburgh & way through the enemy's wire, pene¬ above and any trated behind his -advanced and thing beyond * posts of the Edmonton's dispersed the occupants. Our aviators accomplishments pres¬ WASH SKIRTS Instep bombed .several important points be¬ ent. "Bell" 39c lines. Boys' 55c Blouses, hind the'enemy's People tell us that our service Brace "Foot Form" "There were fusillades on the western Made of percale, in black and white or colored striped effects; yoke Rumanian and Caucasian fronts." is way above the average, backs, collars attached; tapeless waistband. Sizes 6 to 15. our merchandise the best each Third Floor.Lansburgh & Bra. Boots, Immediate Offensive Favored. for the money, etc. When¬ At /fV ever such us a 88c The duma in secret session has passed praise gives of we a resolution for an immediate offensive feeling satisfaction we had by the Russian troops. think of that old, famous A new shipment added to the already large showing which Men's Underwear, Garment, 39c The resolution declares a separate "Plus Ultra." Then with or in¬ saying, an almost unlimited selection. Men's Athletic Shirts and Pants, broken assortment of plaids and peace Germany prolonged we buckle our belts a notch on hand; thus giving you activity on the battle front to be ignoble striped madras and mercerized cloths; sleeveless shirts and treason toward Russia's allies for tighter and go to work to knee pants. Not all sizes in any one cloth. 50c and 65c values. which future generations never would improve and improve and pardon the Russia of'the present day. Pearl Buttons and Fancy Pockets First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. "The duma, therefore, considers," the improve. resolution adds, "thai the safety of as Russia and the maintenance of the Serve Trimmings liberties which have beert obtained lie etc. Dimity Satin Quilts, Each, $2.50 in an immediate offensive in close co¬ made of linons, They're reps, piques, shown in a desirable wide yjSsi operation with Russia's allies." or Royal English Dimity Satin Quilts, stripe Sizes up to 38 waist band. No mail phone orders. effect; extra size, 86x100 inches; light weight and easily tubbed. Finnish Officials Requisition Cereals. Very special price. With the approval of the Finnish Second Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. Fourth Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. diet and the provisional government the Finnish senate has ordered the requisition of all cereals. Sailors from Kronstadt have been Chiffon Dress Taffeta, $1.29 THE steel brace built in prominent among agitators Inciting the $1.59 peasants in the Mohllev government to Ever Got Them An excellent grade of Chiffon Dress Taffeta; all pure silk; heavy, without wait- You seize and divide the land How I See soft finish; black and all colors. this Brace Don't durable Instep ing for the decision of the constituent oxfords this Week to at this extraord¬ quality; navy, "Foot Form" Boot sup¬ assembly. A number of Kronstadt offi- Said a visiting shoe man, when he saw what wonderful pumps and Economy brought you First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. cers have been released after a hearing ports the arch of the foot, of flimsy charges brought against them. inary price. corrects flat foot, strength¬ Mission. And when we told him came from Wichert & Gardiner, at IIV2C Yard ens weak ankles and Movements of American they 15c Sheeting pre¬ he was more than ever. made of Sea Island cotton. A val¬ vents the un¬ The members cf the Root commls- /Brooklyn's famous shoemakers, surprised 40-inch Unbleached Sheeting, big unsightly, sion attended a service in the Imperial ue at above price. comfortable condition il¬ chapel of the winter palace yester- First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. day and afterward made a tour'of the lustrated above. gigantic building, much of which is Oxfords and Pumps Made of A now in use as a military hospital. Mr. Consultation Free Root and his associates talked with Calfskin and 68c Yard wounded soldiers and nurses occupying y \\\ Ny Buckskin, Kidskin, fy 85c Cream Serge, the great banquet halls and drawing in cream will wash for to . Pure Wool Serge, only; perfectly. Splendid rooms of the palace. They inspected Reignskin. Values $6 $10.. Colonial Pumps; made of fine making mountain and seashore garments. Edmonston & Co. the paintings and sculpture of the im¬ White Calfskin Anita Pumps, black turned perial galleries, passing hundreds of with small tailored bow on kidskin; soles; First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. Andrew Betz, peasants who were being shown Louis welted leather Cuban heels. As Manager through the palace, hitherto closed to vamps; heels; White, Black, Mahogany and Combination illustrated, at, /\r Advi»er» and Authorities on the public. soles. As illus¬ (|>1 All Foot Troubles. Rear Admiral Glennon and his aids trated above, AF Colors per pair Mohair at 69c Yard leave last for $1.00 were to Petrograd night Pair cream. A I reversible cloth of 1334 F Street Sebastopol, accompanied by Russian to EE. 2 to 9 Comes in rich shade of ustrous, officers, to visit the Black sea fleet. Widths AA Lengths standard dye. Fine for cool shirts. Members of the commission devoted First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. Saturday to informal conferences with prominent Russians. Mr. Root met Alexander J. Guchkoflf, chief of the THE munitions bureau. Cretonnes at 17c Yard FAIR SEX The Americans are arranging for Lace Boots, 25c visits to Moscow, Kiev and Odessa and High-Cut Our entire showing of regular 25c Cretonnes included. Big assort¬ of France delight possibly to Rumania. Rear Admiral ment of colors and patterns. Glennon and other naval officers will & Bro. in the clean taste ?isit the Russian naval centers inde¬ Priced XZ.QO Specially Fourth Floor.Lansburgh pendent of the commission's move-, Oxfords of i n e ments. MaJ. Gen. Scott and the officers of tan Sports genu freshness and of of his staff will make independent vis- Sports Pumps mahogany or white extra well made white buckskin, tipped and delicacy kidskin; perforated vamps Made of reignskin suede; high; with white Its to military places. underlaid with strapped kid; $1.75 Georgette Crepe, Yd., $1.39 Indications are that the commission white; white soles and Delightfully cool fabric for,summer waists and dresses; all pure silk; will remain in Russia three or four French heels; heels. As illus- inches assortment of weeks. white soles. As d* "J '5 fl C durable quality: full 40 wide; complete Q £ Second Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. trated. Pair street, afternoon and evening shades. Expulsion of Socialist Ratified. above. Pair First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro. The first act of the pan-Russian con¬ gress of all councils of workmen's and Economy Week soldiers' delegates, upon which depends Economy Week in Men's Shop .The Time to 9c the immediate destiny of Russia in re¬ Playing Cards, Pack, to both international and domestic gard 25c a made of enameled stock that will prevent sticking: questions, was to ratify the expulsion Worth pack: by the provisional government of the First Floor.Lansburgh & Bro.
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