July 16, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16679 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE ENTERPRISE ZONE The enterprise zone program will help chance to prove the worth of the experi­ PROPOSAL new businesses, primarily. It will give them ment. a chance to get started and the opportunity Applications which depend on the Federal to grow, providing two important ingredi­ incentives along will not compare favorably HON. WILLIS D. GRADISON, JR. ents to turning around a distressed area: with applications that cut redtape and taxes OF OHIO Create jobs within the most economically at the state and local level, involving neigh­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES depressed areas, particularly for lower borhood groups in the program, and experi­ Thursday, July 15, 1982 income and minority workers, and ment with improving public service through Redevelop and revitalize these places of a greater involvement of the private sector. e Mr. GRADISON. Mr. Speaker, as decay and despair. I have been asked what factors I will one of the original cosponsors of H.R. The President's proposal for enterprise weigh when making my decisions, and what 6009, I have followed the progress of zones is a good one, and its chances for suc­ enterprise zone applications should contain, the enterprise zone proposal with par­ cess are excellent. Many earlier attempts to but I want to wait until the legislation is ticular interest. There is widespread solve the problems of physical decay and passed and signed by the President before I economic stagnation depended almost en­ speculate. In any case, I firmly believe the support in this House for innovative tirely on Federal grant programs. This pro­ creativity and innovation shown by so many methods to revitalize our decaying gram, to the contrary, seeks to get Govern­ state and local governments will guarantee inner cities. ment out of the way in order to stimulate far better proposals than any I might specu­ Because my district includes a large both private investment and local public ini­ late about now. inner city area, I have seen firsthand tiatives. I have said that I think there is a good the need for new approaches to aid Cities will be able to coordinate this pro­ chance for success with the program. Let urban areas. The direct spending poli­ gram with existing efforts now underway in me be clear that this is not the "be-ail-and­ cies of the past have been limited suc­ distressed sections. Enterprise zones will not end-all" for urban areas. There are no in­ cesses at best. While enterprise zones replace the Community Development Block stant solutions for these longstanding prob­ Grant or Urban Development Action Grant lems. Only a recovered nation's economy cannot perform miracles, nor can they programs, and in fact, both of these proven and the full success of the President's over­ stand alone as an urban policy, they programs can be used as a major stimulus in all program hold out long term, permanent offer a much-needed new dimension to a zone. solutions. our efforts to aid cities. The crux of This will not be a HUD-run program. But until that time, the idea of helping that new dimension is the emphasis on State and local governments will design and the people and places in greatest need is private sector job creation, a focus make their own contributions to enterprise something all of us in the Reagan Adminis­ which has been lacking from past pro­ zones and develop creative initiatives to tration feel deeply that we want to do. But grams and which is vital to the suc­ help new businesses take root and grow. instead of Government spending, inner-city The role of the Department of Housing and residents need opportunities. A job is the cessful revival of any urban area. Urban Development will be to select the best social program. In a recent article in the Cincinnati best applicants to participate in the pro­ This is the focus of the enterprise zone Herald, Samuel Pierce, Secretary of gram-up to 25 per year for 3 years. concept. The program will identify and Housing and Urban Development, The incentives in our proposed le~lation remove Government barriers to entrepre­ clearly and succinctly explains how en­ are substantial, whether the new business neurs who are capable of creating jobs and terprise zones will work, and how, in calls for a staff of one, or a factory force of economic growth. It will draw out and build conjunction with certain existing Fed­ 1,000. It allows state and local governments upon existing talents and abilities already eral programs, enterprise zones can be to balance incentives for employers, employ­ present in depressed areas. It will call for an important catalyst for urban devel­ ees, entrepreneurs, and neighborhood the kind of imagination and innovative local opment. I wholeheartedly recommend groups, depending on local needs. leadership and private initiatives needed to Regulatory relief can also be substantial bring renewed hope for our ailing communi­ this article, which is printed below, to in an enterprise zone, depending once again ties throughout the Nation. all of my colleagues, but especially to on local needs. State and local governments With the cooperation of the Congress, those who have expressed reservations will be authorized to request relief from this idea will have a chance to prove its about enterprise zones. Secretary Federal regulatory agencies. However, no worth.e Pierce's description of the proposal rule will be lifted which would affect civil should provide answers to many of the rights protections, the public health, safety questions raised about this legisation. or welfare, or the minimum wage for zone FOREIGN POLICY AND ARMS The article follows: workers. CONTROL IMPLICATIONS OF A significant amount of regulatory relief CHEMICAL WEAPONS [From the Cincinnati Herald, June 5, 19821 will come at the State and local levels. In a AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN TROUBLED number of our recent cooperative efforts CITIES with local governments, we've seen that HON.CLEMENTJ.ZABLOC~ <By Samual Pierce, Jr.) local zoning laws, local building codes, and OF WISCONSIN For more than a generation, America has other local regulations can strangle econom­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES struggled with the problems of restoring ic development. In many cases, Federal de­ vigor to its depressed cities and rural towns. regulation will be helpful, but in most cases, Thursday, July 15, 1982 Billions of dollars have been spent for one state and local efforts will make the big dif­ e Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, this well-intentioned scheme after another. The ference in the success or failure of the en­ morning the Subcommittee on Inter­ results have been mixed at best, but the terprise zone. costs have grown intolerable. I hope that each and every one of them national Security and Scientific Af­ President Reagan has recommended an succeed, because the areas that are eligible fairs meets to examine the foreign experiment-based upon the idea that a to become enterprise zones have had chron­ policy and arms control implications "hand-up" is more helpful than a "hand­ ic problems with poverty, unemployment, of chemical weapons. out"-to stimulate private sector activity in population loss, and decay. Within the next few weeks the our cities. Compared to the past decades of Once an area meets the basic require­ House of Representatives will be faced ineffective Government grant-in-aid pro­ ments for eligibility and has been nominat­ with making a historic decision as to grams, the President's idea is revolutionary. ed for Federal approval by both the local whether the United States should It also offers hope that our most distressed and State governments, we at HUD will areas can reverse their present fate, and compare all the applications submitted. The resume production of chemical weap­ create opportunities for thousands of disad­ process is designed to be competitive be­ ons-after a 13-year moratorium on vantaged people. cause we want to give the best proposals a such production. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 16680 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 16, 1982 Our colleagues in the other body and later transferred to Boston Uni­ ment? A search for power . perhaps. A have already expressed their concern versity where he graduated cum laude sense of dedication ... possibly. Or maybe over the binary chemical weapons pro­ in systematic theology. the sense of duty to respond to a call from gram by adopting an amendment to Dr. Anderson has always been a cou­ his President. the fiscal year 1983 Defense authoriza­ rageous civil rights fighter. He carried Robert P. Nimmo, Administrator of Veter­ tion bill which prohibits U.S. produc­ the struggle to Atlanta, Selma and ans Affairs, did not seek the position he holds. It sought him. Just as he did several tion of chemical weapons for our allies Montgomery, Ala. He participated times before as a soldier, he answered his in Europe unless those allies request with others in the march to integrate country's call. U.S. chemical weapons and agree to the Georgia State Legislature. Whether Robert Nimmo would answer the pre-position them on their territory. He served as director of public rela­ call if it came today is questionable. In spite This amendment, which passed by a tions for the Western Christian Lead­ of being a capable and effective Administra­ vote of 92-0, resulted from testimony ership Conference under the late Dr. tor, he has come under severe barrages. in the other body earlier this year that Martin Luther King. Later, he was ap­ Some criticism is warranted, much is not.
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