LATIN-ENGLISH HAND MISSAL FOR THE ORDINARY FORM LATIN MASS 05/31/20 – Pentecost A PARTIAL GUIDE TO THE PRONUNCIATION OF ECCLESIASTICAL LATIN: VOWELS & DIPTHONGS: LONG SHORT TABLE OF CONTENTS a father facility peccáta peccáta(sins) • Instructions for Use p. 1 au cow - gaudéte - (rejoice) • Kyrie p. 3 e they let sédet sédet (he sits) • Gloria p. 4 æ they - cǽlum - (heaven) • Credo p. 7 œ they - prœlium - (battle) • Sanctus & Eucharistic Prayer I p. 13 i machine hit vidit vidit (he sees) • Consecration p. 15 o for confess confiteor confiteor (I confess) • Pater Noster p. 18 u moon put crucifíxus crucifíxus (crucifix) • Agnus Dei p. 20 y machine - martyr - (martyr) • Holy Communion p. 21 CONSONANTS: • Blessing and Dismissal p. 23 c hard (k) before a, o, and u • Guide to Latin Pronunciation p .25 For example: confiteor, peccáta, cunctus c soft (as in chip) before e, æ, i For example: cíthara, cǽlum cc like tch in matches For example: écce g hard (g as in God) before a, o, and u For example: Gállus, gaudéte g soft (g as in gentle) before e, æ, i For example: gens, unigénitus gn like ni in onion Errors? [email protected] For example: agnus r as in three (tongue-rolled) For example: tres t like ts before i plus a vowel For example: iustítia x like gs in words beginning with ex followed by a vowel, h, or s For example: exáudi, otherwise like the ks sound in axe Page 25 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF THIS HAND MISSAL TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATON OF THE ORDINARY FORM MASS IN LATIN. 1. This Missal contains the Latin text and an English translation for the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. 2. Words spoken only by the priest are prefaced with 'P: '. 3. Words spoken by the deacon are prefaced with 'D: '. 4. Words spoken by the reader or lector are prefaced with 'R: '. 5. The words of the congregation are prefaced with 'C: '. 6. Responses made by the congregation with the priest are prefaced with 'All: '. 7. The letter 'N.' represents a name to be inserted. (Such as one of the four Evangelists, the name of the Pope, the name of the local Bishop, and, the names of the living and dead whom we wish to commend to God at this Mass.) 8. Italics are used to indicate actions taken by the priest and/or the congregation. 9. This Missal contains only the unchanging part of the Mass, called the 'Ordinary'. (The changeable part of the Mass is called the 'Proper' and contains the readings for the day.) 10. NOTE: Only Catholics in a state of grace should present themselves for Holy Communion. Latin text taken from the Missále Románum, edítio týpica tértia emendáta of 2008. English translation of The Order of Mass © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 24 Page 1 (The Priest, facing the altar, says (When the Entrance Chant is quietly:) concluded, the Priest (P:) and the P: Corpus Christi custódiat me in May the Body of Christ keep me safe congregation (C:), standing, sign vitam ætérnam. for eternal life. themselves with the Sign of the (And he reverently consumes the Cross, while the Priest, facing the Body of Christ. Then he takes the people, says:) chalice and says quietly:) P: Sanguis Christi custódiat me in May the Blood of Christ keep me safe P: In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus In the name of the Father, and of the vitam ætérnam. for eternal life. Sancti. Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (And he reverently consumes the C: Amen Amen. Blood of Christ.) P: Dóminus vobíscum. The Lord be with you. (Then the dismissal takes place. The Priest, facing the people and extending his hands, says:) P: Dóminus vobíscum. The Lord be with you. C: Et cum spíritu tuo. And with your spirit. C: Et cum spíritu tuo. And with your spirit. (Then follows the Penitential Act, to which the Priest invites the faithful, saying:) P: Fratres, agnoscámus peccáta Brethren let us acknowledge our sins, nostra, ut apti simus ad mystéria and so prepare ourselves to celebrate (The Priest blesses the people, celebránda. the sacred mysteries. saying:) P: Benedícat vos omnípotens Deus, May almighty God bless you: the All: Confíteor Deo omnipoténti et I confess to almighty God and to you Pater, et Filius, et Spíritus Sanctus. Father, and the Son, and the Holy vobis, fratres, quia peccávi nimis my brothers and sisters, that I have Spirit. cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in (The people reply:) omissióne: my words, in what I have done and in C: Amen. Amen. (And, striking their breast three times, what I have failed to do, through my they say:) fault, through my fault, through my (Then the deacon, or the Priest mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima most grievous fault; therefore I ask himself, with hands joined and facing culpa. Ídeo precor beátam Maríam blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the the people, says:) semper Vírginum, omnes Ángelos et Angels and Saints, and you, my P: (D:) Ite, missa est. Go forth, the Mass is ended. Sanctos, et vos fratres, oráre pro me brothers and sisters, to pray for me to ad Dóminum Deum nostram. the Lord our God. (The people reply:) C: Deo grátias. Thanks be to God. Page 2 Page 23 (The Priest genuflects, takes the host and, holding it slightly raised (The absolution of the Priest follows:) above the paten or above the chalice, P: Misereátur nostri omnípotens May almighty God have mercy on us, while facing the people, says Deus et, dimíssis peccátis nostris, forgive us our sins, and bring us to aloud:) perdúcat nos ad vitam ætérnam. everlasting life. P: Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit Behold the Lamb of God, behold him peccáta mundi. Beáti qui ad cenam who takes away the sins of the world. C: Amen. Amen. Agni vocáti sunt. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. (The Kyrie (Lord, have mercy) (And together with the people he adds invocations follow, unless they have once:) just occurred in a formula of the All: Dómine, non sum dignus, ut Lord, I am not worthy that you should Penitential Act.) intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum enter under my roof, but only say the P: Kýrie eléison. Lord, have mercy. dic verbo et sanábitur ánima mea. word and my soul shall be healed. (After this, he takes the paten or ciborium and approaches the communicants. The Priest raises a host slightly and shows it to each of the communicants, saying:) P: Corpus Christi. The Body of Christ. C: Kýrie eléison. Lord, have mercy. (The communicant replies:) C: Amen. Amen. (And receives Holy Communion.) (When the distribution of Communion is over, the Priest or a deacon or an acolyte purifies the paten over the P: Christe eléison. Christ, have mercy. chalice and also the chalice itself. While he carries out the purification, the Priest says quietly:) P: Quod ore súmpsimus, Dómine, What has passed our lips as food, O pura mente capiámus, et de múnere Lord, may we possess in purity of temporáli fiat nobis remédium heart, that what has been given to us sempitérnum. in time may be our healing for C: Christe eléison. Christ, have mercy. eternity. (Then, standing at the altar or at the chair and facing the people, with hands joined, the Priest says:) P: Orémus. Let us pray. (All pray in silence with the Priest for P: Kýrie eléison. Lord, have mercy. a while, unless silence has just been observed. Then the Priest, with hands extended, says the Prayer after Communion, at the end of which the people acclaim:) C: Amen. Amen. Page 22 Page 3 C: Kýrie eléison. Lord, have mercy. (Then, when it is prescribed, this hymn is sung or said:) P: Glória in excélsis Deo. Et in terra Glory to God in the highest, and on pax homínibus bonæ voluntátis. earth peace to people of good will. We Laudámus te. Benedícimus te. praise you, we bless you, we adore Adorámus te. Glorificámus te. Grátias you, we glorify you, we give you ágimus tibi propter magnam glóriam thanks for your great glory, Lord God tuam. Dómine Deus, Rex cæléstis, heavenly King, O God, almighty Deus Pater omnípotens. Dómine Fili Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis God, Son of the Father, you take away peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. Qui the sins of the world, have mercy on tollis peccáta mundi, súscipe us; you take away the sins of the deprecatiónem nostram. Qui sedes world, receive our prayer; you are ad déxteram Patris, miserére nobis. seated at the right hand of the Father, Quóniam tu solus Sanctus. Tu solus have mercy on us. For you alone are Dóminus. Tu solus Altíssimus, Iesu the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, (Then the Priest, with hands joined, Christe, cum Sancto Spiritu: in gloria you alone are the Most High, Jesus says quietly:) Dei Patris. Amen. Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory P: Dómine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living of God the Father. Amen. qui ex voluntáte Patris, cooperánte God, who, by the will of the Father and Spíritu Sancto, per mortem tuam the work of the Holy Spirit, through mundum vivificásti: líbera me per hoc your death gave life to the world, free sacrosánctum Corpus et Sánguinem me by this, your most holy Body and tuum ab ómnibus iniquitátibus meis et Blood, from all my sins and from univérsis malis: et fac me tuis semper every evil; keep me always faithful to inhærére mandátis, et a te numquam your commandments, and never let separári permíttas.
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