21st Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety Dresden, September 19 - 23,20ll Gonference organizer: Institute of Safety Researchwithin the Helmholtz- Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, Germany VUJE, Inc., Okruzna 5, SK 918 64 Trnova, Slovakia KFKI Atomic Energt Research Institute, Reactor Analysis Department, Budapest, Hungary Corporate organ izations : Budapest University of Technologt and Economics, Hungary KFKI Atomic Energt Research Institute, Hungary Pal<s NPP, Hungary GRS, Germany SXOOI JS a.s., Czech Republic Nuclear Research Institute frez, Czech Republic CEZ, a.s., Dukovany NPP, Czech Republic Slovak University of Technologt in Bratislava, Slovakia NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Russia SNIIP Atom Ltd. Moscow, Russia SSTC NRS Kiev, Ulvaine Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria INRNE Sofia, Bulgaria Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Oregon State University, USA Fortum Power ond Heat Ltd., Finland 21st Symposium of AER on rlZ'JFI- ---- WER Reactor Physics and Reactor sarety- Dresden, September 19 - 23,20ll 6 ^""o"'I ZENTRUM DRESDEN R0SSENDoRF I Papers and Presentations Introduction 0.1 Opening and Welcome, S. Kliem, IIZDR, Germany 0.2 Overview on the Institute of Safety Research within the Helmholtz- Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf, S. Kliem, HZDR, Germany 0.3 Publication possibilities for AER scientific papers, I-P"p*ll Pr.*tl A. Aszodi, Budapest University of Technologt and Economics, Hungarj- Session I - Sssion chair: T. Simeonov 0.4 Safety assessment of the German NPPs after the Fukushima accident, l-Prp*ll Pr*"rtl A. Pautz, GRS, Germany Topic 2 Reoctor physies ryefirnen$ arrd code vultdatton 2.1 "Full-Core" - VVER-440 core periphery power distribution benchmark proposal, TP"p*ltP.esentl V. Kr!,sl, P. Mikold|, D. Sprinzl, J. Svarny, SXOnd JS a.s., Czech Republic 2.2 Calculations of fission rate distribution in the core of VVER-1000 mock-up on the LR-0 reactor using altemative methods and l- PafillF.effil comparison with results of measurements, S. Zaritskiy, A. Kovalishin, T. Tsvetkov, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Russia 2.3 Qualification of the APOLLO2 lattice physics code of the NURISP platform for VVER hexagonal lattices, i P"pdE"s"dl A. Keresztfiri, G. Heg,ti, A. T6to, KFKI Atomic Energt Research Institute, Hungary Session 2 - Session chair: A. Kereszt{ri 2.4 The simplified P3 approach on a trigonal geometry in the nodal reactor code DYN3D, fPry"f[p'"'dl S. Duerigen, E. Fridman, I{ZDR, Germany 2.5 Solution of the "MIDICORE'WER-1000 core periphery power distribution Benchmark by KARATE and MCNP, P"fillne'*il E. Temesvdri, G.Hord6sy, G. Hegti, Cs.Mardczy, KFKI Atomic t Energt Research Institute, Hungary 2.6 Solutions for the task I and task 2 of the benchmark for core burnup calculations for a WER-1000 reactor, P"p*ltP.*"'tl T. Ldtsch, V. Khalimonchuk, A. Kuchin, I fW SUD Industrie Sewice GmbH, Germany 21st Symposium of AER on WER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety Dresden, September l9 - 23,2011 2.7 of a new 3_D neutronics model in ApRos, ?";;::il"f#,XX#;" Tp"pn[p,*."t1 2.8 SP3 solution versus diffusion solution in nodal codes - which improvement can be expected, B. Merk and S. Duerigen Session 3 - Session Chair: I. Ovdiienko Tapic I Spectral ond corc calealations l.l Information about AER WG A on improvement, extension and validation of parametrized few-group libraries for VVER 440 and l-P"p* ll P'"'*tl VVER IOOO, P. MikoldJ, SKODA JS a.s., Czech Republic 1.2 FIELIOS: Application for criticality limits assessment, T. Simeonov, Studsvik Scandpower GmbH, Germarry tTrffllP'".*tl 1.3 A comparison of the FA's models with the detailed and simplified description of the design elements in calculations by MCU code, t-tr"-p"Il-P*'il] A.S. Bikeev, S.I/. Marin, E.A. Sukhino-Khomenko, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Russia 1.4 Development of multi-group spectral code TVS-M, A.P. Lazarenko, A.V. Pryanichnil<ov, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" I P"p*llT.ffiq Moscow, Russia Session'4 - $ession Chair: P. Mikolr[S 1.5 An analytical solution for the consideration of the effect of adjacent fuel elements; extension to hexagonal fuel elements, Pap".llP."r*tl B. Merk, U, Rohde, mDR, Germany t 1.6 The influence of the small radial FAs displacements on the power distribution in the WER-cores, [PapollE E.A. Sukhino-Khomenko, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Russia 'e'tl 1.7 On solution to the problem of reactor kinetics with delayed neutrons, J. Kyncl, Nuclear Research Institute Rez, Czech Republic TP"p*lfp**dl 1.8 Influence of spectral history on full core calculation results, Y. Bilodid, S. Mittag, HZDR, Germany |pufillF."*"tl Session 5 - Session Chair: A.P. Lazarenko 1.9 Effect of burnup history by moderator density on neutron-physical characteristics of WWER- I 000 core, lT"p* ll P..'*tl I. Ovdiienfui, A. Kuchin, V. Khalimonchuh M.Ieremenfto, SSZCNRS Kiev, Ulcraine 1.10 The development of the code package PERMAK-3D/SC-1, P.**tl P.A. Bolobov,D.A. Olekryuk, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, t-P"p.Il Russia TopicT Engineeringfactorc 7.I Information about Group H meeting, L.K Shishfuiv, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Russia l-T"p*llffil 2lst Symposium of AER on WERReactorPhysics and Reactor Safety Dresden, September 19 -23,2011 7.2 Estimation procedure for engineering margin factors of VVER fuel cycles, t P"dll P'*"'tl T.G. Dementiev, D.A. Oleksuk, L.K. Shishknv, NRC "Kurcholov Institute " Moscow, Russia Session 6 - Session Cbair: R 7.ejac Topie 3 Corc design, manitor@ undfael managemcn, 3.1 AER Working Group C activities in 2011 (oral presentation, only), P"p.IlP'.t*tl I. Nemes,Paks NPP, Hungory I 3.2 In-core control system modernization experience on WWER-I000 units, canceled A. Bylmv, SNIIP Atom Ltd. Moscow, Russia 3.3 Status and prospects of the core surveillance system SCORPIO-VVER--fP"fill in Czech Republic and Slovakia, - P."*ttl J. Molnar, R. Vocka, Nuclear Research Institute frez, Czech Republic 3.4 Role of the team of scientific and technical commissioning support during Mochovce NPP Unit3&4 commissioning, I P"pe'llE J. Hermanshi, M. Prachdr, M. Sedldcek, VUJE Inc., Slovakia "'tl Seesion 7 - Session Chair: J. Molnar 3.5 AER Working Group B activities in20ll, t-F-rfillF..*"tl P. Darileh VUJE Inc., Slovakia 3.6 i5m-cycle option forNPP Paks operation, I. Nemes, Pal6 NPP, Hungary TPadll P*'""t] 3.7 Experience of TVSA fuel implementation at Kozloduy NPP, P."r*tl K. Kamenov, AL Ksmenov, D. Hristov, Kozlo&ty NPP, Bulgaria fP"p"'-ll 3.8 Implementation of 5-year fuel cycle strategy for control fuel assemblies at Dukovany NPP, tT"p*ll P'"'*tl J.Bajgl, CEZ, a.s., Dukrany NPP, Czech Republic Session 8 - Session Chair: I. Nemes Toplc i Core design, moniturtng andfuel menagement 3.9 New practice for the evaluation of rod efficiency measurement by rod drop at the NPP Paks, t-PapdlfP.esEl I. P6s, T. Parkn, Pal<s NPP, Hungary 3.10 VVER 440 fuel cycles optimization by the ATF{ENA code, J. Prehradny, SKODA JS a.s., Czech Republic lP"p4lp'.'dl 3.1I Some remarks to the pin-wise power distribution behavior in L3P core designs, I P*ry"ItP.'"*tl M. Fiala, CEZ, a.s., Dukovany NPP, Czech Republic 3.12 Investigation of gamma radiation share in full SPND signal P"e*ll P.*""t] A.Y.Kurchenkov, A.S. Kulakov, N.I. Alexeev, A.E. Kslinushkin, NRC l " Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Russio 2lst Symposium of AER on WER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safery Dresden, September 19 - 23,2011 Topic 5 Spentfuel disposal, aetinide transmutalion 5.1 AER Working Group E activities in2A|l, V. Chrapciak, YUJE Inc., Slovakia fP"fill P*'*tl Session 9 - Session Chair: J. Bajgl 5.2 Criticality safety analysis of fresh and spent fuel storage and handling forNPP Mochovce using MCNP5, P..'El G. Farkns, J. Haiiik, J. Liiley, B. Vrban, M. Petriska, V. Slugert, P. I-P"p"Il Urban, Slovak University of Technologt in Bratislova, Slovakia 5.3 WER-440 with viable direction to sustainability, P. Darilek, C. Strmensky, R. Zajac, J. Majercik, VUJE Inc., Slovakia fP"perltP'.*"tl 5.4 Comparison of square and hexagonal fuel lattices for high conversion PWRs, t-P-p".ltP*ffil D. Kotlyar, E. Shwageraus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israer--- 5.5 ALLEGRO - Introduction to GFR, P. Darilek, R. kjac, VUJE Inc., Slovakia I-P"p".lt P'"*"tl Topic 7 Engineeringfactors 7.3 Account for uncertainties of control measurements in estimations of design margin factors, I P"p* ll P'"*"tl Y.G. Dementiev, V.D. Sidorenla, L.K. Shishkav, NRC "Kurchatov 'Institute " Moscow, Rus sia 7.4 Specific features of accounting for probable power excursions at periphery FAs, which are caused by FA gaps behaviour in the course ot_ VVER-1000 operation, E.F. Michailov, L.K Shishkov, NRC- "Kurchatov Institute" Moscow, Russia Session 10 - Sssion Chair: U. Rohde Toplc I Spectral end cote cslculation 1.1 I Steps ahead in the few-group cross-section library generation at the pin level, f P"p* ll P*'*tl N. Petrov, J-J. Herrero, INKNE Sofia, Bulgaria l.l2 Advanced calculation schemes and cross-section libraryr egeneration in ,- hexagonal geometry with APOLLO2, t P"p* ll P."tAl G. Todorova, N. Petrov, N. Zheleva, N.P. Kolev, F. Damian, INRNE Sofia, Bulgaria Topic 4 Reaetor dynuntics and safety anatysis 4.1 AER Working Group D on WER safety analysis - report of the 2011 meeting, S. Kliem, HZDR, Germany l-P"p*ll P'*."t] 4.2 Preliminary results of the seventh three-dimensional AER dynamic benchmark problem calculation.
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