other prices on page 2 MPC plans UK foreign office BY GWEN LISTER PLANS HAVE REACHED an advanced stage to open an office with an undisclosed status in London to promote the interim government abroad. The Head of the Department of Interstate Relations, Mr Carl von Bach, and the new co· ordinator of the London venture, Mr Sean Cleary, have ar· rived in london to prepare for the new operation. The interim government's Minister of Justice and Information, Mr Fanuel Kozonguizi, has confirmed that the London office will be elevat­ ed to a new status, but the interim Cabinet must still take a final de­ cision on the modalities of the new campaign. It was not yet cl ear whether Mr Cleary will be permanently stationed in London. 'It is up to him' Mr Kozo nguizi said. He added that the 'extern~ l poli­ cy' o f the interim admini stration till had to be established. At this stage they would no~be.~eeking 'inter.na­ tional recognition', Mr Kozonguizi said. A fo rmer So uth African diplo­ mat, Mr Sean Cleary took over from Mr Billy Marais as Public Relations Consultant fo r the interim govern­ POLICE WATCH burning barricades in Athlone, Cape Town, the scene of continuing vio ment on October 1. In that position this week. he will be controlling public relations See inside today for the story of dramatic protests at the University of the Western Cape. MR SEAN CLEA RY - interim (Photograph by Dave Hartman of Afrapix). government's 'rovi ng ambassador'. Continued on page 3 Ministers may boycott Council BIG SPRING BY GWEN LISTER net, the participation of two vote in a Cabinet meeting ofSep­ COMPETITION groups in the Constitutional tember 11. This week, once again ALTHOUGH THE con­ Council still hangs in the balance. by majority vote, the Cabinet had troversial appointment of Mr P It was learned yesterday that decided not to change the deci­ C van der Byl as a Judge to the the Cabinet had reaffirmed the sion. It was reliably learned that Supreme Court has now been appointment of a South African five Ministers, namely Mr Dirk confirmed by a majority decision Justice Department official by Mudge, Mr Eben van Zijl, Mr of the interim government Cabi- majority vote, but that two mem­ Hans Diergaardt, Mr Andrew bers, namely Mr Andreas Matjila and Mr Dawid Shipanga and Mr Moses Kat­ Bezuidenhout, voted in favour of jiuongua, had voted against, the appointment of Mr van der 4th draw October 5 while Mr Fanuel Kozonguizi had By!. abstained. Approached for comment 1st prize R300.00 The controversy, despite the yesterday, Mr Katjiuongua, the 2nd prize R150.00 majority decision of the Cabinet, interim government Health 3rd prize R80.00 has not been solved to the satis­ Minister, said that as far as he was 4th prize R40.00 faction of all parties, and yester­ concerned, the majority decision day Mr Katjiuongua's group of the Cabinet on September II Everything for the do-it-yourself were seeking legal advice. De­ had been superceded by a meet­ pending on the advice oflawyers, ing between the Judge President man (or woman) it appears that the participation of the Supreme Court and Mr of both MrKatjiuongua's group Eben van Zijl and Mr Fanuel and Mr Shipanga's Swapo D in Kozonguizi, in which three op­ Will be on sale at the Show the Constitutional Council, is tions had been suggested. with hanging in the balance. In his opinion, the question of welding demonstrations by our expert A press release by the Chair­ Mr van der Byl's appointment as man of the Cabinet, Mr Hans both a Judge of the Supreme Diergaardt, stated that the deci­ sion to appoint Mr Piet van der SEE YOU THERE! ~ Byl had been taken by majority Continued on page 3 PO Box 86 MR MOSES KATJIOUNGUA, Minister of Health Tel. (061 ) 26232. Kais!'r Str!'!'t Windhm'k 2 THE NAMIBIAN. FRIDAY October 4 1985 " Detainee's death still a mystery ceded that manual strangulation and By Protassius Ndauendapo a blow to the head could not be ex­ cluded as possible causes of death. Dr van lepern said hedid not con­ A 40-YEAR OLD mineworker's sider manual st rangulation likel y in death in an interrogation camp may the circumstances of the case and have been caused by strangulatio n, thought it was impossible to make a blow to the neck or hanging, med­ conclusive findings on the cause of ical experts havetold an inquest. death. Father of eight, Thomas Nikanor, Earlier in the proceedings, Ser­ was found dead on January 27, 1985, geant Abraham Izak Tredoux of Os­ at Osire interrogation camp near Ot­ hakati Security Police, described jiwarongo hanging from a noose of how he fo und Nikanor hanging by socks in hi s corrugated-iron cell. hi s neck from a noose of socks sus­ Former Chief State Pathologist, pended from a protruding nail in the Professor L S Smith, giving evidence cell. Nikanor was holding a box of on behalf of Nikanor's family, told . matches in his hand. Soldiers on murder charge theinquest it was not possible to de­ In response to questioning by Mr termine whether the noose of socks Farlam, Sergeant Tredoux said he had been put around Nikanor's neck had not tried to revive Nikanor as it BY CHRISTOPH SHIPANGA and Mr Martin Cockeran, 19, enforce a curfew. They saw Mr while he was still alive. appeared the man was already dead. pleaded not guilty on a charge of Lukas walking in a field and took The Sergeant immediately locked the PICTURED ABOVE, the two murdering Mr Sebastiaan Lukas, him into custody, believing he cell door and left after seeing the South African servicemen who a shopkeeper of Okatifo on Febru­ was a 'suspect'. hanging man. appeared in the Windhoek ary 9. Mr Lukas was shot and accord­ Mr Farlam accused Sergeant Supreme Court this week on a ing to medical evidence, his heart charge of murdering a civilian in According to evidence in court, and kidneys had been torn to Tredoux of 'lying' when the officer the two were manning observa­ denied having the basic first aid northern Namibia. pieces by bullets and there were tion posts in the area to monitor multiple gunshot wounds to his knowledge to determine whether The two, Mr David Reed, 19, the movements of civilians and somebody was alive by taking a arms, chest and legs. pulse. Sergeant Tredoux said he had had interrogated Nikanor on the previous day, January 26 and took him back MoSI creditors will b'e to his cell. The Sergeant alleged that Nikanor had admitted during inter­ rogation that he promised a Swapo paid out · accountant insurgent named 'Central', that he would help insurgents in the future. news, when Police raided both Sergeant Tredoux stated Nikanor STAFF REPORTER his home and office, and had said he was an informant for Na­ although they confiscated noth­ tionallntelligence Service (NIS) and ITWASLIKELYthateveryone ing, according to Mr Pratt, sub­ a DTA organiser, but the Sergeant would be paid out unless any sequently . charged him with had found these claims to be false. contingent liabilities were dis­ Another witness, Warrant Officer possession and distribution of covered, said the accountant of pornographic material. Nicolas Johannes Ie Roux, of the Namib Advertising, when ap­ Security Police at Oshakati, said that The charges were subse­ on the day Nikanor was found dead, proached for comment this quently dropped. he and Sergeant Tredoux had gone to week. Meanwhile an applica­ Mr Pratt, British by birth, and the cells in the morning. tion forthe liquidation ofthe ad­ his wife, Elva, were popular vertising agency is to be lodged Warrant Officer Ie Roux had been members of the community. MR ANDREW PRATT MR THOMAS NIKANOR standing some distance from intheSupremeCourtthisweek. Both their children were at St Nikanor's cell when he heard Ser­ The company's Managing Death may have been caused by geant Tredoux open the door and George's Pre-Prep. Mr Pratt left quietly and Director, Mr Andrew Pratt, left A former Shell Photographer pressure appli ed to Nikanor's neck, swear loudly. Windhoek last Friday, and has withoutfuss, and has joined his possibly as a result of hanging, being of the Year, Mr Pratt was a pho­ The Warrant O(ficer said he saw apparently joined his wife, Elva, family in the UK where they throttled or even a blow to the neck, Nikanor in a 'sitting-standing' posi­ tographer by profession who went to visit his ailing father. and their children, Bowen and Professor Smith told the Otjiwaron­ tion with his back against the cell came up to Windhoek several Danielle, in the United Office staff of Namib Adver­ go Magistrates Court hearing on wall, hanging by his necks from socks years ago to join his brother-in­ tising were of the opinion that Wednesday. Kingdom. tied to the wall. He said Nikanor had law, Mr Lester Venter, in starting the Agency had been under But he conceded that, on the avail­ Recently Mr Pratt was in the a box of matches in his hand and it the advertising venture. considerable financial stress able facts, he was unable to reach a was clear he had been dead for some firm conclusion on the cause of time. death. The accident was reported by tel-' Nikanor, a former COM em­ ephone to Colonel Badenhorst in ployee, was arrested on January 22 Windhoek and later that day Chief 1985 at Ouhongo ward, Ovam­ Inspector Harmse of Otjiwarongo boland in northern Namibia, and de­ came to Osire and began the investi­ tained in Oshakati.
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