The Lightning Bolt “Bringing the Thunder to Chancellor since 1988” Chancellor High School 6300 Harrision Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Volume 28 Nov-Dec Issue 3 2015 1 November/December 2015 Chancellor’s Artistic Flow November/December 2015 2 News Editorial gathering and family. Moments are many events around the that are forever cherished, and area, such as Christmas plays Follow us on also moments that you wish you and concerts. Christmas stores, could forget. The holidays bring Christmas tours. It’s the most instagram and twitter out the best and worst in people. wonderful time of the year, so Mrs. Gattie @CHHS_TLB I say enjoy every moment of it! make the most of this short pe- Adviser Take this time to remind your- riod of the year. By Jordan Pearson self of all of the amazing people Looking for something in- Editor-in-Chief Jordan Pearson you have in your life, and all of teresting to read? Keep read- Oh, the weather outside is the amazing things you have to ing this issue of The Lightning Editor-in-Chief frightful.... but not in the way be grateful for. Bolt! In the News section, we we would hope. No snow yet so Times like these can make us have a tribute to Ian and Jalen far in the season, and I know Kaitlyn o’gorman anxious and excited, so make Brown, two boys from Spotsyl- that we are all just itching for Senior News Editor the best of them and check out vania High School. To catch up that first two hour delay, or the events happening around the on all sports updates, check out glorious cancellation. I always community! Clubs throughout the Sports section! Discussion ashely ragonese look forward to snow days every the school take part in many on tacky Christmas decorations Junior News Editor year when winter rolls around, holiday activities, and it’s not can be found in the Op-ed sec- checking the school website, too late to get into the Christmas tion, and for another install- watching the news. Anything to spirit. Too late to join a club? No ment in the Chastain Chronicles matthew sanders keep me up to date on the latest worries! Look up festive things go to Features! Senior Sports Editor school cancellations. to do around this time of year Celebrate the holidays and en- Along with our hopes for snow, and you are bound to find some- joy your days counting down to November and December are thing. Downtown Fredericks- break! emma haus months filled with a sense of burg is a perfect example. There Junior Sports Editor josef jazvic Contents Senior Features Editor News Raelyn slaughter Community Outpour After Spotsy Tragedy ....................................... pg 4 Junior Features Editor Sports Rachel thompson Sports Previews ........................................................................................... pg 9 Senior Op-Ed Edit Op-ed Battlefield: Decking the Halls .................................................................. pg 21 Myah hidalgo Junior Op-Ed Editor Features Chastain Chronicles CYOA ......................................................................pg 17 laura sullivan Social Media Find Rodney on the cover The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Light- ning Bolt, the only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its readers. As an estab- Rodney is hidden somewhere in this newspaper! If you lished open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to the journalism find him, circle him, then cut out that page and this slip The Lightning Bolt code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published with your information on it. Lastly, turn the sheet in to the staff poses in front of will be the result of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulat- ing to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, “Bolt Box” in the library to be entered to which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will determine the the Christmas Tree in priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advi- sor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and win an awesome prize! ethics of a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with com- front of the office. We munity standards, profanity will not appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intel- Name:___________________________ wish you all Happy ligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and administration of Holidays! Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All let- A4 Class: ________________________ ters must be signed and be between 200- 300 words long. They may be submitted to A113 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. This is your school, help improve it through your opinions, praises, and constructive criti- Grade:_________ cisms. If voiced aloud and in large enough numbers, we can bring about change. Our ultimate goal is to print the truth and with your help we Bolt Design by Natalie Wilson Natalie by Bolt Design can reach this goal. News 3 November/December 2015 news section Community Outpour After Sposty Tragedy By Jordan Pearson Editor-In-Chief “[Ian and Jalen] have impacted At the Chancellor and Spotsyl- Church. The saddened tears A candlelight prayer vigil ti- me and my life so much and I’m vania football game on Friday, were mixed with laughter as the tled Night of Hope took place so thankful for the memories November 6th, Chargers had family and friends remembered on November 11th, hosted by I’ve had with them.” stated Spot- made signs in support of the the joyous spirits of the boys, ForeFront Youth at River of Life sylvania High senior Hannah losses, many with #uKNIGHTed sharing memories and exclaim- Worship Center. Friends, fam- Brooks about her relationship written across it, which has been ing their grief simultaneously. ily, classmates, and support- with Ian and Jalen Brown. The trending since the crash. At the Five eulogies were written and ers gathered to pray and pay two boys were tragically lost in a end of the game, both teams performed by friends and fam- respects to the boys and their car wreck on Thursday Novem- knelt and prayed for the family ily. Ian and Jalen’s Aunt Kelly family. ber 5th while driving to school. and friends of Ian and Jalen. Norris, best friends Dylan Keefe The Spotsylvania cross coun- Ian was an 18 year old senior In honor of Jalen, cross country and James de la Rama, coach try team ran their state compe- at Spotsylvania High and Jalen runner for Spotsylvania, teams Charles Sayers, and family tition on Saturday, November was a 15 year old sophomore. from the entire county ran at friend Joe Pearson. All of these 14th at The Great Meadow. A Classmate Hannah Brooks has Loriella Park on Saturday No- speakers showed their love moment of silence was held for been friends with Ian for as long vember 7th. Chancellor runners for the boys through tears and Ian and Jalen, and Jalen’s name as she can remember. “I was in Jordan Martens and Kayleigh laughter, all five capturing their was listed under Spotsylvania school when I heard the news Fraber were two of many to par- essence. in the program. The entire team during lunch,” Brooks stated. “I ticipate in the run, both thought “People think of me as Ian’s ran for them and completed the was in shock and in complete highly of Jalen and remember best friend, but Ian and Jalen season on a high note. denial.” his infectious smile. “He was were a package deal. The best To help support the Brown On the night of the tragedy, the first person I met who really package deal ever,” Dylan Keefe family, there is a memorial fund friends and classmates from loved to run,” Martens, sopho- stated during his eulogy for the on a Go Fund Me page dedicat- Spotsylvania High School gath- more at Chancellor, states. “He brothers. They were known for ed to Ian and Jalen, with $22,025 ered at the scene of the crash made [my first 2 mile in winter being inseparable, shown to- raised in just 12 days. with lit candles and stories track] one of the most fun races gether in the slideshow played “I will remember their smile about the brothers. People who I’ve ever ran.” throughout the service. They are the most,” Brooks states. “Their were touched by Ian and Jalen On Monday night, Novem- buried together at the Confed- smile gets engraved in your head stood on a rock and spoke words ber 9th, a memorial service was erate Cemetery on Courthouse and can’t ever be forgotten.” that comforted the mass. held at the Spotswood Baptist road. Photos courtesy of Brown family November/December 2015 4 news Night of Honor Chancellor’s one-act play By Rachel Thompson By Makayla Tardie Senior Op-Ed Editor Staff Reporter to help themselves.
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