Instauration® THE RACIAL BEAUTY CONTEST Like Brigitte Bardot, the winner has to have lots of neoteny. D I wrote the following letter to my local pa­ per. It was unpublished, of course: You recently ran an editorial on racial In keeping with Instauration's policy of anonym­D To apply some of Professor Cattell's healthy violence in America which stated that ity, most communicants will be identified by the desire for diversity, let me make a few demur­ some man had been sentenced to "10 first three digits of their zip codes. rals to his magisterial work, A New Morality years in prison and fined $5,000" for from Science: Beyondism (Instauration, June spray-painting anti-Semitic slogans on D A few months ago, the Washington Post ran and July 1989). "Cooperative competition" be­ the walls of a Dallas synagogue. In the an article about the latest scientific views on tween different races? Rewards fed back speci­ same issue you also ran another article the Neanderthals. Most stunning was an artist's fically to the race that actually created such on the Israeli Army's practice of destroy­ conception of these hirsute chaps. I looked and rewards? Races "agreeing" to take diversified ing (blowing up) the homes of Palestin­ gasped, as did Majority activists around the evolutionary paths? Dream on, Academe! More ians "suspected of involvement" (not country who see the Post from time to time: the simplicity, as well as idealism, must be included convicted. mind you, just merely sus­ Neanderthal was nothing but an extra-hairy if any religion is to change history. Successful pected) in "anti-Israel uprisings." Am I proto-Semite! Prominent hooked nose, reced­ religions do not only consist of sublime concep­ the only one to draw some bitter ironies ing chin, sloping forehead (ever checked out tions but require monumental examples of here? I suppose one message one might Henry K's profilel). In short, the works. I had epic, heroic, religious founders. Where is Be­ draw from such "justice" is that any Pal­ recalled Instauration's article last year on Ne­ yondism's epic? Epic art and religion develop estinian who has his home blown up by anderthal vs. Cro-Magnon. Interestingly, it ap­ around past heroes, not future heroes. Beyond­ the Israeli Army all quite legally done, pears women find overly hairy men so repulsive ism is sublime thinking, but it lacks the soul, mind you -- had better not come over to that Burt Reynolds and other hirsute leading blood and tragedy of real religion. Nonreligious America and express his pique by writing men go monthly to get their surfeit of body hair racialism also lacks soul and blood. on the walls of a synagogue. He could get yanked out with some sort of wax treatment. 550 ten years! 223 787 D With all due respect to his fine Aryan mind, I D I just discovered why New Jersey is called believe Richard McCulloch is dead wrong. Ra­ D I know I am very much inclined to write long the Garden State. There's a Rosenbloom on ther than create a moral image, we need to paragraphs and I don't like to divide something every street. create a power image, with the strength, will up into separate sections when I am still dealing 077 and courage to back it up. The struggle for with the same theme. Perhaps this is due to too racial survival is simple, primordial and much Gibbon when I was young. At all events, I D As for "The Final Chapter" (Aug. 1989), grounded in nature's eternal laws. Our biologi­ certainly don't want to adopt the modern jour­ Mein Gott in Himmel! A little human being cal enemies know full well that it is moral for us nalistic style of starting a new paragraph after creature raring back on his hind legs and shak­ to want to exist and thrive on our own piece of less than 20 words. That is what you might call a ing his fist at God! terra firma. It is equally moral for them to want grasshopper style, designed for modern readers 774 to obliterate us off the face of the earth and who desire to be diverted instead of being made seize our land and all that goes with it (includ­ to think, and to whom anything resembling a D Without a doubt the best thing Instauration ing our women). Force and power will defeat solid block of print is anathema. As a matter of ever published was the long, heartfelt state­ and vanquish them, nothing else. To the an­ fact, I have always been pleased by the long ment from Order member David lane (April telope, it is "immoral" for the tiger to attack paragraphs that have always distinguished In­ 1989). Mark you, I certainly do not approve of and eat it. To the tiger, it is the highest morality. stauration. Incidentally, all the outstanding pa­ such Order activities as gunning down talk Anyone who thinks that we can win this racial triotic, pro-Boer writers have been English show hosts and robbing armored trucks. But it war with votes, petitions, elections, goodwill South Africans, not Afrikaners themselves. It is is getting late in the day. Anyway, thanks a and "love" is living in a fool's paradise. It's an the Afrikaners who have the oldtime European million for lane's comments, and keep us in­ opium fantasy for armchair racist intellectuals forcefulness, but it is the English who can best formed of how he and others are doing. with soft spines. express it. 601 089 White Tip Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Death and Transfiguration (1).................................................. 7 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 The Savings and Loan Bailout-­ Annual Subscription $25 regular (sent third class) the Zionist Connection ....•..•..............•..............•...•...•..•....... 9 $15 student (sent third class) Ten Years and Two Months Ago in Instauration ......•........•.... 10 Add $11 for first class mail $38 Canada and foreign (surface) The Racial Beauty Contest .•.•........•.............•......••......••......... 11 Add $20 Europe (air) Cultural Catacombs .............................................................. 16 Add $25 Elsewhere (air) Single copy price $4, plus $1 postage Inklings ••............•..•....••.......•.....••...•.•.......•..•.......•....••......•.... 18 Wilmot Robertson, Editor WASPishly Yours .•..........•..•.••......•.•....•.......••...............•......•. 20 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Notes from the Sceptred Isle ...........••.......•............••..•........... 23 Florida residents please add 6% sales tax Satcom Sam Dishes It Out..••...............••....••.....••.....•..........•..25 Third class mail is not forwardable. Thoughts 'from the White Tip .............•..•.......••............•.....•.•. 27 Please advise us of any change of address well in advance. Talking NumlJers .•....•••....•••.....•.....•••...........•..•........••........... 29 ISSN 0277-2302 Primate Watch........•....••.......••..••..........................................30 © 1989 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Elsewhere •........•...............••...........••...•••.........................•..... 32 All Rights Reserved Stirrings ••....••.•...•........................•......•......••..........•........•..•... 36 PAGE 2 --INSTAURATION -- NOVEMBER 1989 Every day without exception there is a 30- or By far the best-designed American car on the Re Instauration's article on Munchh;:tusen 60-minute taped telecast about Nazi Germanv. road these days -- and the one that has put a (July 1(89), I have seen in Europe (I think espe­ Every day in the Philadelphia Inquirer there isa severe dent in GM sales -- is the Ford Taurus. cially of the Musee du Cinema in Brussels) and story and frequently a large full-page article on Jack Telmack, the Ford vice-president who de­ in South America (I recall especially Bogota, some Jew oozing with love, compassion, intelli­ signed the "aero look" that first appeared in the Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile) German gence and generosity, despite having been vic­ redesigned 1979 Mustang, was born in Dear­ films made in the first decade of this century timized by the Holocaust. Watch for legislation born, the headquarters of Ford, and is an ex­ that, for sophistication of technique and "mo'­ to grant monthly incomes to the children of the tremely handsome Nordic. Form follows form! dernity" of approach have, in some ways, still "victims." We may no longer be a country 481 not been surpassed. At the time Hollywood was coast to coast at the turn of the centurv or turning out mostly one-dimensional slapstick shortly thereafter, but part of it, I'm sure,'will [J The abductor or abductors of a young white garbage, only the French were on a level with somehow reassert itself as a nation of responsi­ boy and young white female in New Mexico are the Germans. What Hollywood did for films ble, wise and capable people. Either that or we probably breathing easier since the girl's moth­ was to make them big or, rather, make them will be just one more UN-occupied vassal of a er, Pat Doel, thanked the person or persons look big. It was not until the 1930s that Hol­ World Government with the Supreme Court of who kidnapped her daughter for treating her as lywood came up with some really good film;, Mankind in Jerusalem. kindly as they have. A photograph discovered in thanks to first-class American dire(tors But the 198 a parking lot in Port Sf. Joe (FL), which showed camera techniques remained basicaih Ger­ the attractive and scantily clad girl, bound and man. Germany had a cinematic genius who I have a theory that there is a new intellec­ gagged on some kind of bed, prompted her made films running the entire gamut: from tual breeze stirring in the minds of men that will mother to tell the Associated Press, "I would kifYlo, with the great WWI ace and stunt pilot, cause them to discard all known practicing reli­ like to thank him for taking care of her, seeing Ernst Udet. who picked handkerchiefs etC the gions and arrive at a new and greater concept of that she's fed, seeing that she's clean.
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