NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC A bibliography on snow and ice Pearce, D. C. For the publisher’s version, please access the DOI link below./ Pour consulter la version de l’éditeur, utilisez le lien DOI ci-dessous. Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur: https://doi.org/10.4224/40001610 Bibliography (National Research Council of Canada. Division Of Building Research); no. BIBL-1, 1951-10-01 NRC Publications Archive Record / Notice des Archives des publications du CNRC : https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/view/object/?id=59412ffd-d7ed-4c44-87c0-0086b49770a9 https://publications-cnrc.canada.ca/fra/voir/objet/?id=59412ffd-d7ed-4c44-87c0-0086b49770a9 Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at https://nrc-publications.canada.ca/eng/copyright READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. 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Si vous n’arrivez pas à les repérer, communiquez avec nous à [email protected]. brick building . bulkhead bungalow caisson causeway ceiling cellar cement ceramic a chimney clay concret in ground grot 4NADA parapet partition pediment pier pigment pitch plan plaster plumbing plywood prefabricated quoins rafta reinforced reveal roof . rond sheathing .sp~ification . stress vermiculite wallboard weathering window .wire woa A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SNOW AND XCE compiled by DOC, PWCE with the assistance of Miss BOGoWhite and Miss J. O'Flanagan of the Library staff DIVISION OF BUILDING RESEARCH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OTTAWA, CANADA October, 199. A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SNOW AND ICE Thf s bibliography 1s composed of references to articles on snow and ice, and related topfcs which have appeared in a group of Canadfan journals from their beginning until December, 19SO. 1) CANADIAN ENGINEERo In 1946 it became two journals, ROADS AiqD 13HIl)crEbg and WATER AND SEWAGE, ROADS END BRIDGES, It became ROADS ABD COhSTRUCTIOIU, January, 1950, and ROADS AITD ENGINEERIIJG CONSTRUCTION, June, 1950, WATER AMD SEWAGE, It beem WATER AND SANITATION, January, 1950, and Y.UHICIPAL UTILITIES, Septemberp 1950. 2) CAHADIAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, TRAXSACTIONS, It be- came JOURNAL OF THE ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF CAiJADA, v01-4 fn 1918 and ELJGINEERIIVG JOURIJAL, v,S in 1922, ' 3) ROYAL SOCIdTY OF CANADAo TRA.JSACTIOIJS, Seetf 2n 111, References me lfsted as follows: 1, Broad subject groups - Pages 1 to 34 2, Chronologfcally by journal - pages 35 to 61 3. Author index - pages 62 to 69 Refers only to 'sub jeet listing, Index to Abbrevf atf ons Can, Engr, - Canadfan Engineer, ROY, Soe, Can, Trans, - Royal Society of Canada, lransactions, Can, boe, Cfv, Engr, Trans, Canadian Socfety of Sivfl bgfnee~s. - Transactions, Eng, Jo - Bngfneerfng Journal.. n. - number P. - Page pt. - part seco - section S8r0 0 98pfe~ v. - volume SUBYECT INDEX AIRDROMES, Winter Mafntenanee see AIRPORTS, Wfnter Maintenance , AIRFIELDS, Winter Main enanee see AIRPORTS, Ufnter Yafntenance, AIRPORTS, Winter Maintenance, ANomMOUs Ies controP at airports, Roads and drfdaese ve82, no29 Febo 19449 ~0810 Lessons from past experfence in combating snow on airpopts0 Roads and bridgeso v079, no9, Septa 1941, pe69-72, pol040 bnow handling methods on Canadf an afmbports, Roads and BridRes, vo-78, nolQ9Octo 1940D po30-320 Snow handlfng on airports, Results of ROCoA,F, experience. Roads and Bridges, v083, n012, Deeo 19459 ~064-66,~097-990 bnow problems at Canadaes airports, Cano ~ngr0~075, no169 Oct. 18, 1938, po24-28. Snow mrnoval at Canadaos airportso Cane En6!r0 ~0779no160 Oet, 17, 193qDp015-18, hirty rota wfngs and offset plows fop RmCeAoFa airports. ~080,n09D Septa 1942, ~0389~e860 W ethods for RoCoAoE", airffelds, Roads noPo, Oeto 1942, po33-350 ~0100-1040 KEATIPTGB CoEo An alpport managerf s diary, Report on snow removal operatfons at Honeton, N,B,, airport during the winter 19 Owkla Roads and BrfdgesOov079, n09, Sept, 19 1, p074, p0114- 1 ~afhtafnfn~snow eov red a3.rdrome.s. Cano Enaro v077e n.16~ Qeto 179 19399 ~0420 ROBERTS To Wartfnre experience in runway clearance. Wintep maintenance of afrpor$ao Roads and Brfd~es,v080, nO1OgOato 1 &, p029-32, p066- o0 SHANNONo JoRo New method of remc vfng snow from airportso a ~~85,no.$, Appo 1947, po9S-96, ~~l20-124~ ANCHOR ICE See FRAZIL ICE, AVALANCHES see SNOB! SLIDES, BRIDGES see PIERS AND BRIDGES, CONSTRUCT1 OM, Wf nter see WINTW CONSTRUCTION, CHEMICAL AND TIERMAL SWOW CLEARING see SNOW REMOVAL. COF3BRDAM see HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS, Ice Problems ICE COFFERDAMS COLD WTlBR CONSTRUCTION see WINTER CONSTRUCTION, COSTS, Snow Removal see SNOW REMOVAL, ECONOMICS. CURLING STONES HARRINGTONp Eo L * Expe~fmental study of the motfon of curling stones, ROY, Soe, Can, Trans. Sere 2, v018, 1924, see. 3, p*247-259* DAMS, Ice Ppessu~e see HM)RO-EWCTRIC DEVELOPMEHTS, Ice Problemo DRIFT CONTROL See DRIFT PREVELJTIONo DRIFT PRE~~TIONsSnow Fences, Hedges, etc 0 AI~OrnOUS Locatlon of snow fence. A brief article in the monthly feature, nQuestfons and Answers," Roads and Bridges. v,78, no10, act, 1940~PO 48, Snow drift 'cbntroi by highway 'design methods, Roads and dridges, v078, n.9$ Septa 1940, p.700 Snowfences for drfft control, Roads and aridges, v.819 nolog Qct, 19b3,.- - ~~110-112.- Wood-lath snow f enee, A brief entry in the monthly feature, "Questions and Answers," Roads and Sridges, v,78, n.lZ8 Deeo 1940, p042, FINNEYB E.Ao Snow drfft control on highways, Can, Engr, v072, n0109 Mar0 99 1937, PO?-90 FRASER, C0 Experiments with elevated, inclined snow fence on Ontario roads, Roads and Constructfon, v.88, n04* Apro 1950s ~~88-90, PO 115-1170 HARVIE, WeHo Snow, In relation to highway locatlon and desfgn, Roads and Bridges. v.80, n.10, Oct. 1942, p,123, p0127, p,130-1310 Drift control of roads in winter. Can, mar, vo69, n.19~ Nov, 59 1935, po9-10, snow hedges fn Simcoe county, Roads and Bridges. v.83, noss Mayo 1945s PO 132-1330 LYONS, M.8, mowfence and permanent hedges, Roads and Bridaes, ve81s n.10, act0 19439 ~043,~0820 WRITT, I,C, Plantf~lgof snow hedges. Roads and Bridges, v,83, nos, May, 1945, po66-67, p0142, HOORE, H, Jo Bedges reduce snow-plowlng costs. Roads and Brfdges. ~~83, nos, M~Y, 1945 ~~64-66. ROBBINSo CoAo Theory and practice in snow fence erection. Can. %gro ~075, n.16, Oct. 18, 1938, p016-18. ROBBINS, CoAo Winter road maintenance and drift preventfon in Ontario, Can, Engp, v,67* nO2O8Novo 13, 19349 pol?-190 ECONOMICS OF SNOW REMOVAL see SNOW RENOVAL, ECONOMICS. EQUIPMENT see SNOW REPIOVAL EQUIPMENT. FOUMDATIOBS, F'rozen Ground see TERMBFROST. FRAZIL ICE ANONYE40US Frazil. Can. Engr. v.17, n024, Dee. 179 1909~~0666~ 6740 Frazil ice, Discussfon at Engineer' s club meeting. Toronto, Dec, 8, 1904. Can, Engr. v.12, n.1, Jan0 19050 ~034 Frazil ice in Lachine rapids. Can. Ewr0 v.60 n.10. Febo 1899, ~0273~a A remedy for frazfl ice, Reference to ROW, Leonardvs paper read at Can. Soc,. Civ, Engr, autumn meeting, Can, Enaro> v0ll, n,ll, Mov.1904, ~0348, BARMES, H,T, Pormation and agg1omt;~ation of frazil and enchor iceo Can. Engr, voSo n.1, .Nay 189T9 po6-10, BARNESB HeTo Formation of anchor ice and precise temperature measu~emnts, Can, Engr. v012, n0a8 June 1905~p.167-168. BARNESo HoTo Frazil Ice. Can. Ewr. 17.12, n.2, Peb. 19058 ~046-470 BAFtNESo HeT, The ice question as it affects Canadfan water powr, with special reference to frazil and anchor ice, ROY, SOCO Cano Trans. Ser, 3, vo3, 1909$ seco 3, ~0143-1780 BARNES, HOTo Note on frazil and anchor ice with considepatfons as to freeze fng point of water, Roy, Soc. Can, Trans, Sere 3, ~OSS1899, see. 3, p.17-22, COXo Jo Note on an apparently accidental Pornation of frazil ice fn a cryophorus, ROY, boc, Can, Trans. Ser. 2, ~010919049 sac0 39 PO 3-40 FPaifl fee problems in pumping stations, Can. Enapo ~0729no199 May 11, 19370 pol1-14a FIELDING, JoSo Fomatfon of frazfl ice. Can. Engr. v.589 no& FebO 119 19308 ~02170 FIELDING , J e S 0 F~azflice. A letter by JeSo Fielding. Can. &4Xr0 v.12. i.30 Mt~o3.9053 p.93-940 HENSHBW, G,H, Frazfl fee: on fts nature and the prevention of its aetfon in causing floods, Can. Soco Cfv. EngG. Trans, v01~ptolo Jan.- June, .1887# pol-23e MURPHYp Jo Frazflk and anohor feeo Can, Eng~. v.14, nelO, 0ot0 40 190'70 pb3690372o see also ICE, PROPERTIES, FROST ACTION, Roada see ROADS, FROST ACTION0 FROST DAMAGE, Maker Sys terns see WATER SYSTENSD FROST DAMAGE, FRO23N GROUND see PBRWROST e . CHAPMAN, L,J, and PUTNAM, DoFo athe recession of the Wfsconsln glacfer in southem Qnt&ioo Sera 39 ~043,June 194.98 SeCo 3s P~~,DoFo and CUPMAN, LoJe The rpecessiorn or the Wfseonsfn glacier in southern Ontarioo Royo Soe, Can, T~ans,Ser, 3, ~~4.3~June ~1949, S~CO38 po23-520 HAIL mYD, FOE0 Structure of hailstones of exceptional form and R~YO Sse, Can, Trans, Ser, 3, v0lO8 1916, see, 3, ~047'-500 HAILSTOMES see HAIL, HEDGES see DRIFT PREVENTION.
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