Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Thanks are due to many people who have helped to make this report what it became. Dr. Muyin Wang, Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO), University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. made the IPCC model output for the North Pacific Ocean available to allow us to calculate average SSTs predicted for the 2080s. John Dower (University of Victoria) and his Ph.D. student, Lu Guan, allowed us to report some preliminary results of their ichthyoplankton surveys in the Strait of Georgia. Susan Allen (University of British Columbia) and her student, Jeremy Sklad, kindly provided their reconstructed Sandheads wind speed data for the Strait of Georgia. Jim Gower, Institute of Ocean Sciences, provided Nanoose Bay station hydrographic data for the Strait of Georgia. Michael Lapointe, Pacific Salmon Commission, provided Fraser River sockeye salmon production data and associated biological data and was always helpful with their interpretation. Hokkaido University recently opened their HUFODAT salmon catch and biological database to the public and for that we are very grateful. Much of what is learned about sockeye salmon at sea, particularly on the high seas, would not have been possible without the research initiatives of the (former) Fisheries Research Board of Canada, the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington, and the Fisheries Agency of Japan. The work was improved greatly by comments from Michael Dagg (Louisiana State University), Michael Foreman (Institute of Ocean Sciences), Masa-aki Fukuwaka (Fisheries Research Agency of Japan), Phillip Mundy (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and Greg Ruggerone (Natural Resources Consultants, Inc.). In total, about 200 suggestions for revision/clarification were offered and we have endeavoured to consider and address each of them. 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