Vol. 55 Number 2 2013 The Pharmacologist June End of an era ASPET Executive Offi cer Christine K. Carrico retiring In this issue: • Farewell message from Executive Offi cer Christine K. Carrico, Ph.D. • Message from out-going President John S. Lazo, Ph.D. • Joint ASPET/BPS Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2013 in Review • Hitchings and Elion: Perfect Together by Stanley Scheindlin, D.Sc. • Division Program Committee representatives and Best Abstract Award winners from EB 2013 The Pharmacologist is published and distributed by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Contents Therapeu cs. NEWS EDITOR President's Corner 75 Gary Axelrod Farewell Message from the Execu ve Offi cer 76 Joint ASPET/BPS Annual Mee ng at Experimental Biology 2013 in Review 77 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Stephen M. Lanier, PhD Call for Award Nomina ons 83 Charles P. France, PhD Kenneth E. Thummel, PhD FEATURE Hitchings and Elion: Perfect Together 91 COUNCIL by Stanley Scheindlin, D.Sc. President John S. Lazo, PhD DEPARTMENTS President-Elect Career Center 97 Richard R. Neubig, MD, PhD Journals 99 Past President Lynn Wecker, PhD Science Policy 102 Secretary/Treasurer Social Media 105 Edward T. Morgan, PhD Book Review: HallucinaƟ ons, 108 Secretary/Treasurer-Elect reviewed by ChrisƟ ne K. Carrico, Ph.D. Sandra P. Welch, PhD Past Secretary/Treasurer In the Spotlight: Interviews with ASPET Members 109 Mary E. Vore, PhD Members in the News 113 Councilors Charles P. France, PhD Staff News 115 Stephen M. Lanier, PhD New ASPET Members 116 Kenneth E. Thummel, PhD In Sympathy 117 Chair, Board of Publica ons Trustees James E. Barre , PhD Obituary: Desmond R. H. Gourley 117 Chair, Program Commi ee prepared by Tom Wesƞ all, Joe Lamer, and Pat Williams Sco Waldman, MD, PhD Obituary: John C. "Jack" McGiff , M.D. 118 FASEB Board Representa ve prepared by James W. Fisher, Ph.D. Brian M. Cox, PhD Division News, Program Commi ee Representa ves, and Best Abstract Execu ve Offi cer Chris ne K. Carrico, PhD Award Winners Behavioral Pharmacology 119 The Pharmacologist (ISSN 0031-7004) is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by the American Cardiovascular Pharmacology 119 Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeu cs, Drug Discovery and Development 120 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3995. Annual subscip on rates: $20.00 for ASPET members; $45.00 for U.S. Drug Metabolism 121 nonmembers and ins tu ons; $70.00 for nonmembers and ins tu ons outside the U.S. Single copy: $20.00. Copyright Integra ve Systems, Transla onal and Clinical Pharmacology 122 © 2013 by the American Society for Pharmacology and Molecular Pharmacology 123 Experimental Therapeu cs Inc. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, MD. GST number for Canadian Neuropharmacology 123 subscribers: BN:13489 2330 RT. Pharmacology Educa on 125 ASPET assumes no responsibility for the statements and Toxicology 126 opinions advanced by contributors to The Pharmacologist. Chapter News Deadlines for submission of material for publica on: Issue 1, Great Lakes 127 February 15; Issue 2, May 8; Issue 3, August 6; and Issue 4, Mid-Atlan c Pharmacology Society 128 November 5. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society 128 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Pharmacologist, Membership Informa on 131 ASPET, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3995. Membership Applica on 132 APPENDIX (ONLINE ONLY) UNYPS 2013Annual Mee ng Abstracts B-1 The Pharmacologist 74 Volume 55 Number 2, 2013 NEWS President's Corner Comings and Goings Dear ASPET Members: It has been my privilege to serve as your president during the past year. We just completed one of the most successful ASPET Annual Mee ngs at Experimental Biology 2013 in Boston. Despite the challenges of the tragic events that preceded the mee ng in Boston, we had a record a endance and a fabulous program highlighted by the 4th GPCR Colloquium. We were pleased that the Bri sh Pharmacological Society joined us, which brought a new interna onal dimension to the mee ng and also provided a convenient venue to announce the launching by the two Socie es with John Wiley & Sons of an open access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal en tled Pharmacology Research & Perspec ves (PR&P). This exci ng new journal will publish original research and reviews in pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, therapeu cs, educa on, and related research areas. The Editor-in-Chief is Michael J. Cur s and the Deputy Editor is Darrell Abernethy. The journal expects to publish its fi rst issue in the autumn of 2013. As men oned at the Annual Business Mee ng, we have adopted a new accelerated symposium review process that we an cipate will increase the meliness of our program. I hope you will join us in San Diego next year (April 26 – 30), where we plan to host the Chinese Pharmacological Society. As I refl ect on the events during my tenure as ASPET President, the most prominent and disconcer ng was a telephone call earlier in the year with our Execu ve Offi cer, Chris e Carrico, where she declared her inten on to re re. Despite my impassioned plea and those of numerous former ASPET Presidents, Chris e was fi rm in her decision. It is sobering to remember that ASPET has had only four Execu ve Offi cers in its en re 105-year history. Chris e has been our Execu ve Offi cer for the last 16 years. During that me, not only has she ensured the daily ac vi- es in the ASPET offi ce func on fl awlessly, overseeing all of ASPET's opera ons, programs, and ini a ves, including our publica ons, award ceremonies, and Council and commi ee mee ngs, but she created the divisional architecture that we now enjoy, expanded the ASPET staff , and helped place ASPET on sound fi nancial grounds. Countless presidents have been chaperoned by Chris e, and all are grateful to have en- joyed her wisdom. The Society has been truly blessed having Chris e as our Execu ve Offi cer. While it will be impossible to replace Chris e, a search commi ee has been formed, comprised of myself, Lynn Wecker, Rick Neubig, Jim Barre , Anne e Fleckenstein, and Brian Cox, and we already have a short list of candidates we expect to interview. We are hopeful a new Execu ve Offi cer will be iden fi ed and will join us by September. We all wish Chris e a wonderful re rement and great enjoyment as she begins a new adventure! As was men oned at the Annual Mee ng, our Member-Get-A-Member Program and social media programs have been wonderful develop- ments, as has our new ASPET Career Center, which Suzie Thompson though ully developed. We have also launched an eff ort to enhance our Awards program. I encourage all of you to visit the ASPET website and inves gate these innova ve vehicles for helping our members. I also want to congratulate our newly elected offi cers: President-elect Anne e E. Fleckenstein, our Secretary/Treasurer-elect Paul A. Insel, and Councilor John D. Schuetz. I am sure you will join me in welcoming our new President Rick Neubig, who is currently a Professor in the Depart- ment of Pharmacology, Co-director of the Center for Chemical Genomics, and Director of the Center for the Discovery of New Medicines at the University of Michigan. In addi on to becoming ASPET President, Rick will assume the Chair of Pharmacology at Michigan State University. Rick is considered one of the pioneers in the inves ga on of the biophysics of adrenergic receptors, in GPCRs, and in a set of proteins that directly regulate G protein signaling (RGS molecules). Rick and I have been working together to ensure the comprehensive self-appraisal process that has been undertaken by McKinley Advisors will help posi on the Society for our younger membership and the next decade of growth. I wish to thank everyone who helped make this presidency so enjoyable, especially our Past President Lynn Wecker and the extremely talented staff at the ASPET offi ce. Pharmacologically yours, John S. Lazo The Pharmacologist 75 Volume 55 Number 2, 2013 NEWS Farewell Message from the Executive Offi cer Chris ne K. Carrico, Ph.D., ASPET Execu ve Offi cer (1997 – 2013) Very few people, I think, are lucky enough to actually have their dream job and love the work they do for sixteen years. I have been one such person. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work for ASPET. I have worked with seventeen presidents, beginning with Sue Duckles and ending with Rick Neubig. Along the way, I have had the privilege of ge ng to know and be a colleague, and I hope friend, to many, many wonderful men and women who served as President and offi cers of ASPET. When I came to ASPET there were four full- me and two part- me staff . We now total 14 full- me and one part- me staff , all but one of which have come in the past 15 years. A Chris e then (1998) and now (2009). couple of weeks a er I came to ASPET in August, I was told that our four journals were going to go online with HighWire Press, one a month, star ng in September. In early September I was contacted by HighWire and told that all I had to do was enter the author and subscrip on informa on online in HTML! A quick trip to Borders to get HTML for Dummies and we were set to go! That fall, the Board of Publica ons Trustees decided to move publishing from Williams and Wilkins to in-house which would necessitate hiring someone to oversee the publica ons enterprise.
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