PLANNING HISTORY BULLETIN OF THE INTlERNATIONAL PLANNING HISTORY SOCIETY VOL. 19 NO. 2/ 3 • 1997 llSSN 0959-5005 PlLANNKNG HKSTORY PlLANNJIN"G HJIS'fORY BULIEfII ' OF THE n ITEPJ IAnOllAt fLAt n m IG HISTOP:{ srJ":IETI BULlETIN OF TIlE DITERNATIONAL PLANNING HISTORY SOCIETY EDITOR Or Pieter Uyttenhove CONTENTS 64 rue des Moines Or Peter J. larkham P·?5017 Birmingham School of Planning Paris University of Central England France Perry BaIT Birmingham Professor Shun·jchi Watanabe 8422SU Science University of Tokyo UK Yamazaki , Noda-shi Chiba-ken 278 rei: 0121 331 5145 / Fax: 0121 356 9915 Japan E-mail: [email protected] rei: 81 47424 1501 I Fax: 81 471 25 7833 Professor Stephen V. Ward EDITOP.IAL page 2 EDITORIAL BOARD School of Planning Oxford Srookes University Il000eRS page 3 Or Gerhard Fehl Headington Lehrstuhl filr Planungstheorie Oxford AP..11CI P3 Technische Hochschule Aachen OX! 4LR 5100 Aachen UK Central London in the 1950s: comprehensive schemes Schinkelstrasse 1 Tel: 01865 483421 I Fax: 01865 483559 south of the Thames Germany Emmallue/ V. Marmams page 12 Tel: 0241 805029 / Fax: 02418888137 Professor Michael Ebner Department of History Town planning and conservationist policies in Or Kiki Kafkoula Lake Forest College Department of Urban and Regional Planning 555 North Sheridan Road the historic city centre of Barcelona (1860-1930) School of Architecture Lake Forest, IL 60045-2399 loall Ganau page 23 Aristotle University of Thessalonika USA Thessalonika 54006 Tel: 7087355135 / Fax: 708 735 6291 Landscape, neighbourhood m,d accessibility: Greece the contributions of Margaret Feilman to planning Tel: 3031 995495 / Fax: 3031 995576 and development in Western Australia 8arrie Melotte page 32 Professor Georgia Piccinato Published by the School of Planning, Faculty of the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia Vladimir Semyonov and the first Russian Built Environment, UCE on behalf of the International Oipartimento di Urbanistica 'garden town' near Moscow 30125 Venezia Santa Croce 1957 Planning History Society. uo"id 8. Rapolll OV page 42 Italy Or Halina Dunin-Woyseth RESEARCH page 47 Oslo School of Architecture Department of Urban Planning Planning History is published three times a year fo r EEPOP.1'5 page 49 PO Box 271 3001 Orammen distribution to members of the International Planning Norway History Society. Neither the Society as a body nor the PUBUCATI:;II3 page 55 Tel: 47 22 20 83 16 / Fax: 47 22 11 1970 Editor are responsible for the views expressed and sta tements made by individuals writing or reporting Professor John Muller in Planning His'ory. Department of Town and Regional Planning University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg No part of this publication may be reproduced in any PO Wits 2050 form without permission from the Editor. South Africa Tel: 011 7162654 / Fax: 011 403 2519 10 1997 Planrting History Or Robert Freestone ISSN 0959 • 5805 School of Planning and Urban Development University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Tel: 02 385 4836 / Fax: 02 9901 4505 PLANNING HISTORY VOL. 19 NO. 2/3 · 1997 · PAGE I E-mail: lEDKTOR KAl NOTTICES PETER j . LARKHAM, UN IVERSITY OF CENTRAL ENGLAND Sth I NTEI~NAT I ON Al d iffll <;('d world Wid e, wi th million ci tJ (lS to g lobal cittes. This IS a double issue o f Plallllillg History : an to encourage and suggest improvements where l'tANN I NC li l STORY g reat challenges now bemg u nusual step c<l used in pari by technical appropriate. But , as several members of the CONFERENCE faced in developing countri e ~. pO/J cir !> lI/JtI IJOlltu's problems in herent in any transfer between Editorial UO<lfd ha ve al ready suggested, the 'Taking ~ I oc k: the Formulatiorl, tmplellw n t.,tlon, edito rs, a nd by a brief hiatus in the fl ow of emphasis on 'refereed' public<l tions in rese<l rch 'TAKING STOCK: TIlE twentie th century experience' monilortng and e valua tion o f pubJishable m aterial. The technical problems assessment exercises in the UK <lnd elsewhere TWENTIETH CENTURY h the f;;e ncr<l l cO r, ference prog r;lIllm('s and the ir socio· arc, I hope, being overcome, and there is <I is push ing us to make some form of PLANNING EXPERIENCE' theme. As the new political lIIilh'JI ; Mtrveying the considerable amo unt of interesting and improvement 10 'quality conlrol', even though An end-of-the-m illennium millen"ium ;:'pproaches, s pectrum from d eveloprrwnt relevanl materia l in the pipeline. However, all ch <l nges <Ire not envis<lged to the n<llu fe and exploration of the legacies .. s ainst " d ynamic b<l ckdrop control thro ug h sccto r,, 1 submissions will be g rate fully received ! length o f <lfticles c<lfried here. and lessons o f <I century o f of g lobal urban <l nd regional strategies (housirl g, Takin g over the reins of a wel\­ Being new to editiJlg in Ih is fi eld , I urb;1Il planning change, il is timely 10 in frastructure, transpo rt) to established jou rnal is, in many ways, a would like to in vite <I ll IPHS members w ho Sydney, Australia, 15-18 July cri tica ll y evaluate the maste r p !r" , S and gelwf<ll d aunhng and d ifficult experience. M ichael would be willing 10 referee papers, <lnd to 1998 experience and legacy o f urb<ln settlement POhCIf.'S, Harrison and his predecesso rs have set an review public<ltions, 10 let me know - together plalllling in d iverse enviable standard in the range and quality of with their <l feaS of interest. Offers of papcrs arc now environments, and to draw on plllll!> ami IJloItIJu:; material ca rried , and in the design and I<lyo ut My own interests in pl<lnning history fo rmall y invited. TI, is should the lessons o f h istory to Instrumellls, Ind ividua l,>, o f the journal. Looking at my own journal arc q uite bro<ld , r<l nging from medi<leval be d one throug h the s ign post nccd ~ and insti tutions and the sh<lplllg collection, it sometimes seems quite easy to sce settlements (my firsl p ublished p<lpcr was on submission of abstracts to the o pport un ities in the twenty­ of planning acti vity th rough w hen <I new editor I<l kes over: the re are soon medi<l eval moalcd siles) and urb<ln conference convenor as ~oon fi rst cent ury. The confe rence educa tion, the pro fessions <l nd changes in style, focus, even in page size. But morphology to <I rescarch specialism in urbatl as possible. The 8th will have in terdisciplina ry the law. I do not wish change for the 5<lke o f change. It conservation. Some o f Ihese inlerests may be International PI<l nning History appeal 10 academ ics <l nd is my in tention to make the transit ion as refl ected in papers <lppearing in Plallning Co nference is being organised pmctitione rs in IU<lny areas: spaces ami places seamless as is possible. The changes w hich History - I would like to see some broadening on bch<llf o f the Internat iona l planning, u rb<l n studies, Spatial Impacts o f planning; you sce in this issue a re those made necessa ry o f the tempo ral dimension of planning history Planning History Society histo ry, geog r<lphy, pa tterns and proce~se~ o f by changing technology in different aC<l dem ic carried , fo r example. But my publications (1l'I-I S) . These conferences arc a rchitecture, landscape urb<l n iS<ltion ; the fa ll <lnd rise d epartments, and suggestions from colleagues have focused on post-second world war now a biennial event and the <lfchitecture, and rela ted soci<ll of urban design; planned and IPHS members for s lightly improving the planning history: the history of fI'cellt Sydney meeting follows science, hu mar,ities and communities and landscapes; legibility o f the text for ease of reading. I wish planning, <I S shown in my cont rib utions to this ea rl ier ones in cities such <I S d esign professions. and the role and me<lnings o f to keep the overall layout as simila r as journal. I h<l ve <ll so been concerned - in urban London (1 977), To kyo (1988), pl<lnn ing in urban <lnd possib le by w ay o f acknowled ging the qU<l lity morphology - 10 promote in lernational links Hong Kong (1994) and Conference sess i o n~ feg ion<ll developmen t. of what has gone before. and collaboration. This, too, is of paramou nt TIless<lloniki (1996). TIle Nevertheless there w ill be some impo rtance in the journal of a body such as conference <I Iso encompasses 11,e conference is a forum for wltt/ral I, eritage further changes. I <lm particularly anxious to the IPH S. Contributions from overseas, and of the 4th Australian the intersection o f his torica l Prese rvin g the b ui lt try 10 im prove the qua lity of illustrations the 'other', non-traditiona!, dimensions of Planning/Urban History and contemporary planning en vironment: the conservation carried in the journal. Poor illustrations planning history, wi ll be most welcome. Conference, aft er Sydney and u rban d iscourses. An of h is toric structures, inevitably refl ect badly on the quality of the Finally, I must thank those colleagues (1993), Canberra (1995) and eclectic mix o f papers is streetscapes and prcclllcts <lnd Journal in the eyes of read ers, and so I am in the Birmingham School of Plannin g, <lnd the Me lbourne (1 996).
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