Wheel of Fortune - page 3 J C h e O b s e r v e r ^ VOL XVIII, NO. 86 the independent student newspaper serving notri dame and saint man 's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY I 5, 1984 Bertino, David elected student body leaders Win called a landslide; Engler gets 20 percent 4 By BOB VONDERHEIDE Alternative as an official write-in News Editor ticket Monday night, as dictated by the Student Government constitu­ Rob Bertino and Cathy David tion. The approval was necessary be­ carried all but four dorms yesterday cause Engler and Dardis failed to on their way to what some officials submit a required petition before are calling a “landslide” victory in the deadline set down by the Om­ the race for student body president budsm an’s office. and vice president. Write-in votes not approved by They captured 54 percent of the the senate are not counted, accord­ electorate, more than twice the vote ing to election rules. About 30 write- for either of the other two tickets. in votes for “Chapin and John” were Chris Tayback and Kelly Fitzgerald not counted because the senate ap­ received 26 percent, winning only proved only the phrase, “The Al­ their home dorms, and the write-in ternative.” ticket of Chapin Engler and John "I was doing something,” Engler Dardis received 20 percent. said last night. “They (the senators) The voter turnout was 55.1 per­ w ere very fair. 1 feel I’ve already cent, the lowest in at least four years. w on.” Bertino last night thanked “my Bertino and David’s victory was campaign manager, Dave McAvoy, the first time in five years that a and all my supporters too numerous three candidate race did not end up to mention.” He said Tayback and in a runoff. “This is in my opinion a Fitzgerald were “very deserving and landslide,” Ombudsman Andy Tuck­ competitive.” er said. “Fifty-four percent in a three- But the interesting twist of this person race is a landslide.” year’s election was the last minute “That’s the important thing: To The Observer/Carol (iales campaign of Engler and Dardis — know that we really represent the “The Alternative,” the first official people,” David said last night. “We Juniors Rob Bertino and Cathy David hug each in celebration of their election as student body write-in candidates for SBP and are happy they have this much faith other last night at the second floor of LaFortune president and vice president. SBVP. in us.” The Alternative overwhelming Bertino and David, who take carried Dillon Hall — Engler’s home office April 1, lost only four districts. dorm — and lost Grace Hall to Ber­ They did especially well in their tino and David by two votes. The home dorms of Alumni and Breen Senate elections all prove lopsided ticket also won Off-C.ampus, where Phillips. Tayback easily carried his Dardis lives. home dorm, Holy Cross, and by BUD LUEPKE I would win.” Healy said his late start Doug ( O brien ) is a good politicia t n, “The Alternative added a new Fitzgerald won Farley, her dorm. Ho­ News Staff campaigning may have hurt, but Browne said. dimension to the election,” Bertino ly Cross and Farley were the only visiting nearly 800 rooms over the Junior Dan McNamara easily said. “It really generated a lot of in­ dorms they won. All of yesterday’s Student Senate last weekend helped a great deal, he defeated freshman Mark Rolincik, terest. They gave a strong, honest Bertino, who was endorsed Mon­ elections produced landslide vic­ said. collecting 76.2 percent of the vote campaign, and I appreciate the im­ day by The Observer , said he is tories as candidates in two districts Despite the loss, Wurth was in District 3 (Badin, Dillon, Fisher, partiality the Student Senate showed looking forward to the future school ran unopposed and freshmen can­ pleased the results. “As a freshman I Howard, Lyons, Morrissey, toward Engler and Dardis’s request.” didates in two others could not had an uphill battle. I expected Pangborn and Carroll). see SBP, page 3 The Student Senate approved The match the appeal of their upperclass about 30 to 40 percent of the vote,” Rolincik said he was at a disad­ competition. Wurth said. vantage because he was a freshman, District 1 (Alumni, Walsh, Lewis, The District 2 (Breen-Phillip, but said, “I was pleased with the Sorin, St. Ed’s, and Holy Cross) Cavanaugh, Zahm, Farley, Keenan votes I did get.” Election Tally produced the closest senate race of and Stanford) senate election McNamara was unavailable for the five. Junior Paul Healy defeated proved more one-sided. Sophmorc com m ent. Freshman Doug Wurth. Healy pulled Pat Browne defeated Junior Doug In Districts 4 and 5 there was no in 57.7 percent of the vote to O brien by capturing 70.4 percent of contention for either senate seat. SBP/SBVP Percent Number Wurth’s 42.3 percent. the vote to O brien’s 29 6 percent. Junior Tom Abood will take the post “It was a good fight, ” said Healy Browne was relieved after the for District 4 (Planner, Grace, PW <^Bertino/David 54.0 2232 after the election. “I was worried, election. “I was never sure about the and PE), and Javier Olivia will but in the back of my mind I thought results. It was tough campaigning. Tayback/Fitzgerald 26.0 1074 represent District 5 (Off campus). Engler/Dardis 20.0 828 Bishop criticizes female stereotypes District 1 By ROBERT SIENKIEWICZ Church and that many times he has he said, a situation in which one Paul Healy 57.7 567 News Staff been at gatherings of clerics where group is so well organized that it is remarks degrading women have bound to work to the detriment of Doug Wurth 42.3 415 Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of flown freely. another group. Efforts must be made Cleveland said there is “an underly­ He continued to say that to exert the rights of the oppressed, ing attitude of disdain and disregard American women earn only 62 cents and the oppressor must change, he District 2 of w om en in our church,” speaking for every dollar that men make and said. V'Pat Browne 70.4 685 to a receptive audience in the library that the Church is just as guilty of The first communitiestvere those auditorium Monday. discriminating against women as in­ of disciples of Jesus, which consisted Doug O’Brien 29.6 288 He said this attitude is reinforced dustry is. of both men and women, said within the Church by the stereotype He singled out the consistent use Gumbleton. and Jesus made no dis­ that men are inherently superior and of the masculine form in prayers as tinction between the sexes. District 3 women arc inferior, passive, and uni­ one problem that needs correcting. g/T)an McNamara 76.2 783 ntelligent. Women in any type of ministry are Gumbleton suggested several Gumbleton said that the Church is very frustrated, Gumbleton said. For points that should be included if Mark Rolincik 23.8 245 speaking out on the sad situation of example, a woman chaplain justice toward women is to be women in the world, quoting Pope becomes frustrated because al­ brought about in the Church. He John Paul II’s words, “Human and though she can console, she must said that one should imitate the at­ District 4 personal dignity is no different, call a priest if the patient wants to titudes and the actions of Jesus. The y Tom Abood 100 706 whether in man or woman.” Al­ make a confession. affirmation of the ministry of women though the statements are noble, Gumbleton quoted from new in the church must be realized. The Gumbleton said, their actual Canon Law to show that women are language of the litergy must be made District 5 practice in the church leaves some­ excluded from it, and said that the inclusive. Finally, the position of t^Javier Oliva thing to be desired. structure of decision making in the women in the church must be 100 239 He said that women are treated as church is exclusive to men. raised; for example, the cardinalate second class citizens in the Catholic We are dealing with a social sin. could be opened to women. The Observer Wednesday, February 15, 1984 — page 2 In Brief Senate and senators need a drastic overhaul The most recent statistics have arrived. A list of Injured in a hit-and-run accident early Saturday leading political indicators shows that interest in either morning on Juniper Road was sophomore Timothy J. McDowell. The Planner resident reported leaving his rom about an hour earlier to running or voting for student government has hit the Mark Worscheh lowest mark in years. take a walk and was in the crossing lane between Grace Hall and the News Editor________________ student parking lot when hit. He was treated and released at St. Consider these individual statistics: Joseph Medical Center. The only description of the vehicle, from a • Out of the more than 1,500 residents of the Tower Inside Wednesday witness about 200 feet away, was of a “large American-made" car. Quad — Planner, Grace, Pasquerilla East and Pasquerilla McDowell is in the College of Business Administration and is one of West halls — only one candidate emerged to run for the three members of his family currently attending Notre Dame. In an­ senate seat in District 4. Four potential candidates other incident reported to campus security at 3 a.m.
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