Protection of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church 1936 THE ORTHODOX MESSENGER April 2021, Vol. 29, Issue 4 HOLY WEEK OLY WEEK BEGINS with the Bridegroom night! Matins of Monday. For the last 30+ years that The Matins of the first three HService has been celebrated at 6:30 AM (and days of Holy Week are called the again on Tuesday and Wednesday), since Matins is a Services of the Bridegroom. The name morning service, by definition However, we also frequent- comes from the central figure in Saint Seraphim of Sarov Cathedral 1996 ly serve Matins by “anticipation” the evening prior. For the well-known parable of the Ten example, our Vigils (Vespers and Matins) on Saturday Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). The title Bridegroom suggests evening, and the “Matins of Holy Friday” served on the intimacy of love. It is not without significance that the Great Thursday and so forth. All this is to say that this kingdom of God is compared to a bridal feast and a year we will serve the Bridegroom Matins “by anticipation” bridal chamber. The Christ of the Passion is the divine in the evening. Bridegroom of the Church. The imagery connotes the The first Bridegroom Matins will be served on final union of the Lover, Christ and the beloved, His Sunday, April 25 at 6 PM (sung by the Women’s Church. The title Bridegroom also suggests the Parousia Quartet), then again on Monday and Tuesday evenings (the Greek word we use for the Second Coming). Perhaps at 6 PM (most parishes actually follow this practice). We a better phrase than “Second Coming” is “Glorious Ap- may return to our morning routine next year, but we shall pearing,” since Christ is indeed with us, as He said, “even see. What about the usual evening Presanctified Liturgies of unto the end of the age.” The aforementioned parable is the first three days? Being a Vespers, preceded by a day related to the glorious appearing of the Son of Man, and of fasting in preparation to receive Communion, the is associated with the need for spiritual vigilance and Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts most usually begins for us in watchfuless, by which we are enabled to keep the divine the late afternoon. This year the schedule will be adjust- commandments and receive the blessings of the age to ed: the Monday and Tuesday Presanctified will be served at come. The Troparion Behold the Bridegroom comes at mid- 10 AM and Wednesday at 6 PM. Please see the April cal- night… is sung at the beginning of the Matins on Great endar. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This hymn (text ap- pears below) relates the worshiping community to that MEANING OF THE BRIDEGROOM MATINS essential expectation: watching and waiting for the Lord, The time of any given service is not incidental, for who will come again to judge the living and the dead. example: Genesis 1:5 tells us that “there was evening and Behold, the Bridegroom comes at midnight, and morning, one day.” So, the evening Vespers begins the blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching; new liturgical day: We sing O Joyous Light of the holy glory… and again, unworthy is the servant whom He shall find as the sun sets, telling us that Christ is the “true light that heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul, do not be enlightens every person that comes into the world” (John weighed down with sleep, lest thou be given up to 1:9). Matins means “morning.” We move out of darkness death, and lest thou be shut out of the Kingdom! But into the light of day singing at the end of Matins: Glory to rouse thyself, crying: “Holy, holy, holy, art Thou, O our Thee, Who hast shone us the Light. We keep watch in the God!” Through the Theotokos have mercy on us! darkness for Christ the Bridegroom who comes at mid- CONFESSIONS Those who receive Holy Communion each week are asked to make their confession at least monthly. Confessions are heard as follows: Fridays (check the calendar for exceptions), 11:30 AM–1 PM Saturdays beginning at 4:45 PM, then during and after the Vigil Tuesday–Thursday afternoons—by appointment (telephone or in person) April 2021, Page 1 On Holy Monday we commemorate the Righteous (Matthew 25:1-3); the other the parable of the Talents Joseph, the beloved son of Jacob (Genesis 37–50) who is a (Matthew 25:14-30). These parables point to the in- prototype of Christ, illustrating the mystery of God’s evitability of the Christ’s glorious appearing and deal providence, promise and redemption. Also, on Great and with such subjects as spiritual vigilance, stewardship and Holy Monday we read about the cursing of the fig tree especially accountability. From these parables we learn at (Matthew 21:18-20). In the Gospel narrative this event is least two basic things. First, Judgment Day will be like the said to have occurred on the morrow of Jesus’ tri- situation in which the bridesmaids (or virgins) of the umphant entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:18 and Mark parable found themselves: some ready for it, some not 11:12). For this reason it found its way into the liturgy of ready. The time one decides for God is now and not at Great Monday. The episode is also quite relevant to some undefined point in the future. The tragedy of the Great Week. Together with the event of the cleansing of “closed door” of the Parable is that individuals close it, the Temple this episode is another manifestation of Jesus’ not God. The exclusion from the marriage feast, the divine power and authority and a revelation as well of Kingdom, is of our own making and reflects our current God’s judgment upon faithlessness. The fig tree is sym- spiritual situation. Second, we are reminded that watch- bolic of a fruitless, empty and dry faith in Christ. Its fulness and readiness do not mean a wearisome, spiritless meaning is not historical, but applies to “me” now. performance of formal and empty obligations. Most cer- Christ’s judgment on the faithless, unbelieving, unre- tainly it does not mean inactivity and slothfulness. Watch- pentant and unloving will be certain and decisive on the fulness signifies inner stability, soberness, tranquility and Last Day. This episode makes it clear that nominal Chris- joy. It means spiritual alertness, attentiveness and vigi- tianity is not only inadequate, it is also despicable and lance, inspired by love of our Savior. Watchfulness is the unworthy of God’s kingdom. Genuine Christian faith is deep personal resolve to find and do the will of God. dynamic and fruitful. It permeates one’s whole being and On Holy Wednesday the Church invites the faithful causes a change. Living, true and unadulterated faith to focus their attention on two figures: the sinful woman makes the Christian conscious of the fact that he is al- who anointed the head of Jesus shortly before the passion ready a citizen of heaven. Therefore, his way of thinking, (Matthew 26:6-13), and Judas, the disciple who betrayed feeling, acting and being must reflect this reality. Those the Lord. The former—a sinner—acknowledged Jesus as who belong to Christ ought to live and walk in the Spirit; Lord, while the latter—a disciple—severed himself from and the Spirit will bear fruit in them: love, joy, peace, pa- the Master. The one was set free, while the other became tience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- a slave. The one inherited the kingdom, while the other control (Galatians 5:22-25). fell into perdition. These two people bring before us con- On Holy Tuesday the Church calls to remembrance cerns and issues related to freedom, sin and repentance. two parables, which are related to the glorious appearing —borrowed and edited from https://www.goarch.org/bridegroom of the Lord. The one is the parable of the Ten Virgins A Message from our Head Usher Dear Parish: We are currently blessed to have a total of 40 people in the church. This includes everyone that is not behind the Altar. The ushers have a tough job telling people that the church is full. Please do not go in the church if you have been told that it is full or the sign in the doorway says that the church is full. Here are some tips to remember and help your ushers: 1. Dress as if you might have to stand outside in the cold. You can sit in your car and tune your radio to FM 87.7 to listen to the service. The reception has been better recently. 2. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the Liturgy begins (the Hours begin at 9:40 AM) if you need to be inside. If you arrive late, or just as the service starts, the church will already be full. 3. If you can rotate out, please let the usher know so that they can let someone else in for part of the service. Please do consider rotating. 4. We are trying to keep a few seats available for our elderly or infirm parishioners at each ser- vice. —Shannon Agni Winterton April 2021, Page 2 EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS •THE REDWOOD EMPIRE FOOD BANK distribution will take place on Wednesday, April 14 and 28. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 4 PM. •ON THE FIFTH THURSDAY of Great Lent (this year on April 15) we will sing “Matins with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete” and hear the Life of St.
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