ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AEC ASEAN Economic Community CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for AEOI Automatic Exchange of Trans-Pacific Partnership Information CSAP Consolidated Strategic Action AETS Agreed Exports Tonnage Plan Scheme DE development expenditure AI artificial intelligence DFIs development financial ALR average lending rate institutions AMS ASEAN member states DFTZ Digital Free Trade Zone ARDL Autoregressive Distributed Lag DOSM Department of Statistics ASEAN Association of Southeast Malaysia Asian Nations DPS Demand Promotion Scheme B40 Bottom 40% households DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance BDA Big Data analytics Agreement BEPS Base Erosion and Profit DTAP Digital Transformation Shifting Acceleration Programme BFR Base Finance Rate E&E electrical and electronics BNM Bank Negara Malaysia ECB European Central Bank BoE Bank of England ECF Equity Crowdfunding bps basis points ECRL East Cost Rail Link BR base rate EEC Eastern Economic Corridor Brexit British exit EMDEs emerging market and developing economies BRIDGe Brokerage Industry Digitisation Group EOI exchange of information BSAS Bursa Suq Al-Sila’ EOIR Exchange of Information on Request CAT competency, accountability and transparency EPF Employees Provident Fund CEFs Closed-End Funds ETFs Exchange Traded Funds CFC Controlled Foreign Corporation ETS Electric Train Service CGC Credit Guarantee Corporation EU European Union CGE computable general FBM KLCI FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala equilibrium Lumpur Composite Index CIS Collective Investment Scheme FBM Mid 70 FTSE Bursa Malaysia Mid 70 Index CMAA Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in FDI foreign direct investment Tax Matters Fed US Federal Reserve CMSA Capital Markets and Services FFB fresh fruit bunches Act FIFA Fédération Internationale de CPI Consumer Price Index Football Association CPO crude palm oil FIs financial institutions ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS FM70 mini FTSE Bursa Malaysia kg kilogramme Mid 70 Index Futures Contract LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio FPOL Palm Olein Futures Contract LEAP Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform FSMI2 Fund for Small and Medium Industry 2 LIMA’19 Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace FTAs Free Trade Agreements Exhibition FTSE Financial Times Stock LNG liquefied natural gas Exchange LRT3 Light Rail Transit Line 3 GCI Global Competitiveness Index M&E machinery and equipment GDP gross domestic product M40 Middle 40% households GEI Global Entrepreneurship Index Main LR Main Market Listing GIACC National Centre for Requirement Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption MCAA CbC Multilateral Competent Authorities Agreement GLCs government-linked companies on Country-by-Country Reporting GNI Gross National Income MCAA CRS Multilateral Competent GNS gross national savings Authorities Agreement on GST Goods and Services Tax Common Reporting Standard HSR High Speed Rail MDEC Malaysia Digital Economy Corporations IAI Initiative for ASEAN Integration MEEPA Malaysia-European Free Trade Association Economic IBS industrial building system Partnership Agreement ICM Islamic Capital Market MEF Micro Enterprise Fund ICT Information and MFRS 9 Malaysia Financial Reporting Communication Technology Standard 9 IDSS Intraday Short Selling MGII Malaysian Government Investment Issues IHLs institutions of higher learning MGS Malaysian Government ILMIA Institute of Labour Market Securities Information and Analysis MIDA Malaysia Investment ILO International Labour Development Authority Organisation MIDF Malaysia Industrial IMF International Monetary Fund Development Finance Berhad IoT Internet of Things MIPTA Malaysia-Iran Preferential IP Internet Protocol Trade Agreement IPOs Initial Public Offerings MNCs Multinational Corporations IR 4.0 Industrial Revolution 4.0 MNEs multinational enterprises iSSBNT Securities Borrowing and MoF Ministry of Finance Lending Negotiated MoH Ministry of Health Transaction MoHR Ministry of Human Resources REITs Real Estate Investment Trusts MRT Mass Rapid Transit SC Securities Commission Malaysia MRT3 Mass Rapid Transit Line 3 SDGs Sustainable Development MSMEs micro, small and medium Goals enterprises SMEs small and medium enterprises MyAGE Malaysian Applied General Equilibrium SMR20 Standard Malaysian Rubber 20 NCDs non-communicable diseases SMS Supply Management Scheme NEF2 New Entrepreneur Fund 2 SOCSO Social Security Organisation NGOs non-governmental SPED Rural Development Financing-i organisations Scheme O&G oil and gas SRI Sustainable and Responsible Investment OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and SRR Statutory Reserve Requirement Development SSP Sungai Buloh - Serdang - Putrajaya OER oil extraction rate SST Sales Tax and Service Tax OPIMIS Oil Palm Industry Mechanisation Incentive TEUs twenty-foot equivalent units Scheme TIEA Tax Information Exchange OPR Overnight Policy Rate Agreement P2P Peer-to-Peer TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science PE Private Equity Study PETRONAS Petroliam Nasional Berhad TPUB-i Bumiputera Entrepreneur Project Fund-i POs Participating Organisations TVET technical and vocational PPI Producer Price Index education and training PPP public private partnership UK United Kingdom PPP purchasing power parity UN United Nations Q1 first quarter UNICEF United Nations Intenational Q2 second quarter Children’s Emergency Fund Q3 third quarter US United States Q4 fourth quarter VC Venture Capital R&D research and development y-o-y year-on-year RAPID Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development RBD Refined, Bleached and Deodorised RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
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