Magvető Rights Spring 2019 Magvető Rights Spring 2019 MAGVETŐ PUBLISHING LLC. LÍRA PUBLISHING GROUP Web: www.magveto.hu www.magvetorights.com E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/magveto Dankó u. 4–8., 1086 Budapest, Hungary Tel.: (+36) 1 235 5020 CONTACT PERSONS Anna Dávid Publisher E-mail: [email protected] Ágnes Orzóy Foreign Rights Director E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+36) 30 240 7369 Literature with a Hungarian accent Magvető Publishing is the most prestigious publisher of literary fiction in Hungary. We are proud to be the home of Imre Kertész, the only Hungarian Nobel literature laureate; László Krasznahorkai, winner of the 2015 International Man Booker Prize; and Péter Esterházy, holder of countless international awards. Thus, a young writer who is taken on by Magvető has good reason to feel that they have joined the vanguard of contemporary Hungarian literature. Apart from Hungarian authors, Magvető brings a selection of the most outstanding works from the elite of international literature to Hungarian readers, among others César Aira, Raymond Carver, Lydia Davis, Mathias Énard, Gabriel García Márquez, Anna Gavalda, Michel Houellebecq, Karl Ove Knausgård, Daniel Kehlmann, Clarice Lispector, Marilynne Robinson, J. R. R. Tolkien and Ludmila Ulitskaya. Based in Budapest, Hungary, Magvető Rights is a literary agency that sells translation rights of about thirty Hungarian authors published by Magvető Publishing. We represent authors who write literary fiction, established and widely translated writers as well as young talents. Just announced: 7 books (out of 10) by Magvető on the shortlist of the Aegon Award 2019 for outstanding literary achievement! Anna Dávid Publisher Ágnes Orzóy Foreign Rights Director MAGVETŐ PUBLISHING LLC. www. magveto.hu [email protected] www.facebook.com/magveto Dankó u. 4–8., 1086 Budapest, Hungary Tel.: (+36) 1 235 5020 CONTACT Ágnes Orzóy Foreign Rights Director E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+36) 30 240 7369 KRISZTIÁN GRECSÓ Vera “One thing follows from another, like Novel dominoes tumbling along in a straight line, with each step being innocent and unavoidable in itself.” Krisztián Grecsó, one of the most popular writers in Hungary, has written a beautiful novel. Vera takes place in the city of Szeged, in 1980, against the backdrop of the stuffy world of the final, weary decade of socialism with its overwhelming lies, corruption and nepotism. Vera is an eleven-year-old girl, and her life seems per- fectly secure: she excels at school and at horse riding, and has loving parents. But in a matter of weeks, her life is turned upside down. One event leads to another in a chain reaction, too fast for Vera to understand them and her own reactions to them. How did her best friend become her greatest, sworn enemy? Why is it so excit- Krisztián Grecsó ing yet frightening to spend time with the new arrival, was born in 1976 in Szegvár, Józef, the rowdy Polish boy? And why do adults have and lives in Budapest. His secrets, sometimes dirty, shameful and painful ones, if unique voice and flair for storytelling has made him they insist on Vera telling the truth? one of the most successful Hungarian authors of the In the course of these few boisterous weeks, Vera finds mid-generation. His works herself breaking rules despite herself—she plays tru- revolve around the tension ant, steals and lies. She learns that nobody around her between life in Budapest, on the one hand, and in is who she thought they were: she herself is an adopted small towns and isolated child, her adoptive father’s parents died in the holo- village communities, on the caust, and her best friend’s father is her adopted father’s other. Grecsó has written brother—in a way. poems, a theatrical play, screenplays, collections of short stories and five novels, Written with the rare warmth, sensitivity and empathy and has won several prizes. that have made Grecsó’s work such a favourite among www.grecso.hu readers, Vera traces the emotional, intellectual and First print: 25,000 copies physical development of a pre-adolescent, poised on the tightrope between childhood and adulthood. The reader will surely fall in love with Vera, a brave, intelli- Grecsó’s Vera is as if she was Djata’s gent and lovely child afflicted with feelings and with sister from The White King knowledge that arrived all too early in her life. Besides Vera’s internal turmoil, the readers of this finely wrought novel will also get a glimpse into the pain of adults, attenuated by the fact that they are seen through the filter of a child. As we follow events through Vera’s consciousness, we gradually understand how little sense we adults can make of people and things, even though we cannot be as innocently hon- est and emotional about them as a child. MAGVETŐ PUBLISHING LLC. www. magveto.hu [email protected] www.facebook.com/magveto Dankó u. 4–8., 1086 Budapest, Product details Hungary 978 963 14 3829 1 Tel.: (+36) 1 235 5020 2019, hard cover with jacket, 336 pages, 125×197 mm CONTACT Ágnes Orzóy 3699 HUF Foreign Rights Director E-mail: [email protected] English excerpt available Tel.: (+36) 30 240 7369 KRISZTIÁN GRECSÓ There’s Room for You Beside Me Novel Adapted to the theatre / Theater Brett, Vienna, 2014 A haunting family story of desire and loneliness span- ning a hundred years. When the protagonist and narra- tor of the novel is asked by a local newspaper to write anGrecsó incident Krisztián családregényének article about hôsei an old family photograph, this hisznek az öröklôdésben. Tudják, hogy seeminglya génekkel együtt harmless sorsot is kaptak. task A fô- entangles him in a web of mys- szereplô – egy harmincas éveinek köze- teriespén járó andférfi – elusiveaggódva figyeli family magát, mythology. Past and present saját mozdulatait, testének minden vál- mingletozását. Barátnôje as tribal elhagyja, secretsráadásul egy and mysteries, stories of adul- tery,családi jealousy,titok véletlen leleplezôdése homosexuality, miatt friendship and betrayal Szentgyörgyvári Ambrus fotója rejtélyek hálójába gabalyodik. Miközben unravelminden talányt before földerít, és lassanthe megiseyes- of the reader, and the truth Grecsó Krisztián meri családja viselt dolgait, magára ismer. 1976-ban született Szegváron. A Vihar- isA graduallytürelmetlen lánykérésekben, revealed a titkos about a long-forgotten—and sarok több városában élt, most újlipót- szerelmekben, a hosszú évek magányos városi lakos. Volt birkapásztor, vízhordó- long-concealed—familyvárakozásaiban egyre inkább ô a fôsze- history.—Aegon Award 2012, fiú, napszámos, tanító, költô, bölcsész, replô. Hiszen nemcsak a mozdulatait, forgatókönyvíró, alelnök, vezetô szer- 10a haja printings, színét, a testalkatát more kapta than a csa- 25,000 copies sold. kesztô. Most író, az Élet és Irodalom ládtól, de ha jól figyel – a jövôjét is. Az ad- Krisztián Grecsó szerkesztôje. dig széttartó életpályák a ma Budapestjén találkoznak. was born in 1976 in Szegvár, Fontosabb munkái A Mellettem elférsz elôször 2011-ben and lives in Budapest. His Vízjelek a honvágyról (versek, 1996) jelent meg, és megkapta az év legjobb unique voice and flair for Angyalkacsinálás (versek, 1999) könyvének járó Aegon Mûvészeti Díjat. Pletykaanyu (elbeszélések, 2001) Azóta tucatnyi új kiadást ért meg, storytelling has made him Caspar Hauser (versek, 2001) harmincezer példányban kelt el, az el- one of the most successful Isten hozott (regény, 2005) múlt évek egyik legolvasottabb könyve Tánciskola (regény, 2008) Magyarországon. Hungarian authors of the Mellettem elférsz (regény, 2011) mid-generation. His works Megyek utánad (regény, 2014) revolve around the tension Jelmezbál (próza, 2016) between life in Budapest, grecso.hu on the one hand, and in facebook.com/grecsokrisztian small towns and isolated village communities, on the ISBN3499 978-963-14-3556-6 Ft other. Grecsó has written poems, a theatrical play, 9 789631 435566 screenplays, collections of short stories and five novels, and has won several prizes. www.grecso.hu A hundred years of family history, mystery and long-concealed secrets unfold from a single photograph and an old journal. Can the past redeem the present? MAGVETŐ PUBLISHING LLC. www. magveto.hu [email protected] www.facebook.com/magveto Dankó u. 4–8., Product details 1086 Budapest, ISBN 978 963 1428 52 0 Hungary 2016, hard cover with jacket, Tel.: (+36) 1 235 5020 292 pages, 142×220 mm 2990 HUF CONTACT Ágnes Orzóy Foreign Rights Director Rights sold E-mail: [email protected] Croatian, Naklada Jurcic Tel.: (+36) 30 240 7369 KRISZTIÁN GRECSÓ A Masked Ball Mosaic pieces of a family novel Two girls are found dead in a village sometime in the 1960s. The third one is still alive when they find her, but by the time the doctor arrives, the wounded girl has Két lányt holtan találnak a faluban vala- alreadymikor disappeared.az 1960-as években. Her A harmadik boyfriend, a young policeman, még él, amikor rábukkannak, de mire stumblesodaér az orvos,across a sebesült the lánytruth eltûnik. decades later in Budapest afterSzerelme, a strange a fiatal rendôrmeeting. évtizedek Frommúlva, this enigmatic detective „IRÉNKE MEG BÓLOGATOTT, HOGY IGEN, EZ MAJDNEM KIVÉTELEZÉS, Budapesten, egy különös találkozás után ÉS MOST MÁR Ô IS TUDJA, HOGY EZ VALÓBAN NAGY KEGY, A FÉRJ storyjön the rá az mosaic igazságra. Eof talányos a family bûnügyi novel unfolds. NÉLKÜLI NÔ A LEGVESZÉLYESEBB DOLOG A VILÁGON, FALUN SENKIT történetbôl bomlanak ki egy családregény NEM GYÛLÖLNEK ANNYIRA, MINT AKI PÁRTÁBAN MARADT, AKKOR IS mozaikjai. ÔT GYÛLÖLIK, HA NEM AKART EGYEDÜL MARADNI, HA MINDENT MEGTETT, Szilágyi Lenke fotója FODRÁSZHOZ JÁRT, TÁNCBA, ILLEGETTE MAGÁT, UDVAROLTATOTT, HOGY The charactersA Jelmezbál napjainkig in A nyúlóMasked történeté Ball- set off from the same vil- EGY FÉRFI VÉGRE FELTEGYE NEKI AZT A KÉRDÉST, AMIT MINDEN NÔNEK nek szereplôi unokák, nagymamák, asz- Grecsó Krisztián FEL KELL TENNI FALUN, KÜLÖNBEN Ô LESZ A HIBÁS, MEGALÁZZÁK MAJD, lage,szonyok disperse, – nôk.
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