Bo o at the zoo The heat is on Bronx Zoo Halloween treat And with just the touch of a button S'- e 4 See page 8 m t ' ' THE COMMERCIAL Published at 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst 2 5 4 Second Class Postage Paid At Rutherford, NJ 07070 H e a b e r Subscription $9 Published Weeky USPS125-420 OF LYNDHURST THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1997 Third Ave. thief still at large; may have apartment keys By J o i.yn G arner Thc September 26 burglary of a Lyndhurst apartment building re­ Kelly and DiGaetano mains unsolved and the suspect or suspects are still at large announce tax relief According to police, thc superin­ tendent of a building located at 551 Assemblyman John V. Kelly and Third Avenue, just off Ridge Road Assembly M ajority Leader Paul called authorities at about 3 PM DiGaetano (both R-36) announced reporting that their apartment was yesterday that the township of burglarized. Lyndhurst will receive taxpayer re­ Complicating matters, policc dis­ lief in the amount of $700,000. Tim e to shut dow n- On Thursday, October 1, Mayor James Guida with the cooperation of the Building I covered that thc thief also stole thc The funds, which are in the form Department and the Fire Official & Fire Department ordered the building being used by Bellavia Buick on keys to thc other apartments in thc of discretionary aid, will be dispersed Riverside Ave to be closed down On Wednesday, Sept. 30, the Mayor and Commissioner Peter Russo b u ild in g by the Department of Community inspected the site and found it to be not only a fire hazard but completely unsafe with many m ajor violations Policc then waited for thc resi­ Affairs. These state funds are appro­ Mayor Guida said, “Commissioner Russo has been doing a great job in trying to clean up certain areas of dents of each of thc 16 apartments priated to help reduce the local tax our township." In most cases, our residents are cooperative, but in a few cases, com plaints may have to be to get home and went into each one burden on township residents. issued to com pliance with our property maintenance codes." ______________________________ to determine if it was robbed In announcing the news Thc investigation revealed that DiGaetano said, “This aid is a ma­ three apartments plus thc superin­ into thc superintendent’s apart­ jor win for the people of Lyndhurst. m en t. tendent's were robbed of cash and Property tax relief like this will be An investigator on the case said je w e lry . of great assistance to the new Com­ thc burglars seemed to know which missioners and to the tax payers. Thc Bergen County Sheriff s apartments were occupied and Assemblyman Kelly commented, Department Bureau of Criminal which were not. Thc peepholes on “This is further proof that both Paul Investigation was called in to proc­ thc apartments where the residents DiGaetano and I are dedicated to ess the scene of the crime. were home, were found to have continuing to bring property tax re­ Thc thieves apparently got into tape over them in an apparent ef­ lief to Lyndhurst. We are delighted thc building by forcibly entering fort to prevent thc residents from that the state was able to provide the thc side door and forcing their way witnessing their actions hard working taxpayers of Lyndhurst with well deserved tax relief." Lyndhurst boys travel to a big w in Di Gaetano added, “It is our hope that tax relief like this will assist the The Lyndhurst Youth Soccer Di­ scored off a corner kick bv Na/arko township as it earmarks other funds vision 3 Boys Traveling Team beat Rutherford kept up the pressure, but for needed projects." Rutherford 4-1 in a well played the Lvndhurst defense of Mickey match on September 28 Csedrik, Anagesh Selvam, Michael K of C celebrates Lyndhurst took the lead in the 1st Scott, Joe Colantuono, along with half on a hard shot by Danny midfielders Anthony Barone, Jimmy 75 years of service N a z a rk o . Morgano, Alex Csedrik, Anthony The second l yndhurst goal in the DeMarco anil Goalkeeper Gary The Lyndhurst Knights of Colum­ half was scored by Brian Eukeman Zachary did not allow any further bus will celebrate their 75th Year of on a high shot from outside the box s c o r in g . Community Service (1922-1997) W om en’s Career Expo features Rutherford turned the momentum in Lyndhurst's final goal came with with a 9 am mass offering of thanks their favor with a beautiful goal four minutes left on a shot by to God on Sunday, October 12, at St. about 15 minutes into the second Michael l urino. With the victory, Michael’s Church. A Communion h a lf. the Lyndhurst Boys' improved their B re a k fa s t fo llo w s a t th e K. o f C C o u n ­ outstanding female speakers I yndhurst countered about ten record to 3-0 in the Lipton Soccer cil Hall on 319 New York Avenue. minutes later when David Sica I e a u u e . Women from all levels of work nized coaching Firm that works and visionary educator Win Win Reservations for the breakfast are experience should plan to attend with entrepreneurs, managers and Kyi presents strategies on “llovv $7.50 each. The general public is the fourteenth annual W omen’s executives, guides participants on To Win In Your Current Job," in­ invited to join in the celebration. To Career EXPO, designed espe­ how to draw people, opportunities, cluding how to maximize poten­ make reservations call John at 933- cially to m eet the professional and and money, and how to accom­ tial and possibilities of your cur­ 8 7 5 3 . business development needs of plish m ore with less in “The Power rent job, identifying challenges and women. It will be held on Satur­ of Attraction.” ways to meet them, and dealing Bus trip to Reading day, October 18, at the Holiday with the dynamics and politics of Inn, 100 Chestnut Ridge Road, Human resources professional the workplace. CM Bowman, The Lyndhurst Recreation Depart­ Montvale, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ca­ and career counselor M artha President and CEO of Career ment announces a senior citizen reer EXPO features presentations Bisaccio addresses how to pre­ Strategies, Inc.. m ember of the scheduled bus trip is planned for by expert female speakers on a pare for the possibility of National Speakers Association, November 6 to Reading, Pa. Vanity wide varitey of business, profes­ downsizing, counduct a self as­ author of many employment/ca­ Fair outlets. sional, em ploym ent and career sessment from the em ployer's reer articles and adjunct profes­ Coupon books will be given out to topics. In addition to these high- perspective, develop a plan to sor at several colleges, returns to each participant with great savings. powered presentations. W omen’s avoid being one of the downsizing Expo to present two workshops: The cost will be $20 per person and Career EXPO features recruiting targets, and survive, rebound her national)) famous sem inar lunch will be on your own. em ployers, professional associa­ quickly, and rem ain com petitive in “How to Have Parallel Careers The bus will depart from Town tions, schools and training institu­ today’s job market in her and Be Successful and Satisfied Hall Park at 7:30 am and leave from tions, plus the opportunity to re­ presntation “Downsize-Proofing in Both", teaching how to assum e Reading to return home at 5 pm. ceive individual career and resume Yourself.” A panel of employ­ the responsibility for m anaging Call Dolores Capaccio at the Se­ counseling from employment/ca­ m ent/career experts from the F i v e your careers, and “ I 2 Easy Steps O 'Clock Club to Career Success” discussing nior Citizen Center for more infor­ reer experts. For more presents “Jol^ Like Minds - Garry Furnari (right), N J Senate Candidate, meets with who moves up the corporate lad­ mation at 804-2483. imformation, call (201)568-1166. Strategies That Work”. Speak­ a voter in Lyndhurst while Congressman Rothman looks on Con­ der and why and how to garner Women’s Career EXPO is spon­ ers on this panel are Vivian Belen, gressman Rothman was in Lyndhurst to campaign for Garry Furnari’s the recognition that may be de­ Fall Fair on Oct. 18 sored by Women’s Rights progessional resume writer and campaign on Friday Infomation Center. To register, principal of The Job Search Spe­ served but not com ing from those The Lyndhurst United M ethod­ send $8 donation by October 10 c i a l i s t , Fair Lawn, speaking about who are in positions to help your ist Church on the corner of to 108 West Palisade Avenue, “Targeting the Job You Want"; c a r e e r . Steve R othm an w alks in support Stuyvesant and Tontine Avenue is Englewood, NJ 0763 I ($ 10 dona­ career development specialist Lisa holding a FALL FAIR on Satur­ tion at door). Hennig presenting “Tactics for Co-sponsors of W omen's Ca­ o f Furnari’s bid for Senate day, October 18 from 10 a.m . un­ Negotiating Salary”, and career reer EXPO are: US Dept of Congressman Steve Rothman vis­ cares about the issues that affect til 4 p.m . There will be som ething Gail Blanke, President of Gail strategist Peggy Lumpkin discuss­ Labor, Women s Bureau; NJ ited Lyndhurst last Friday to cam­ people.' Garry will fight for work­ for everyone including children’s B la n k e ’s Lifedesigns, a company ing “Networking -- Creating Dept, of Coinm inity Affairs, Div.
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