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World Languages Procurement Card Amzn Mktp Us*mw2z95ux0 58.87 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN Classroom Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 200 1130 4100 20 001030 58.87 Glenbrook North High School ­ World Language 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Student Services Procurement Card Amazon.Com*mw3kg72c2 A 12.99 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN Testing Supplies ­ Book 05/05/2019 99 L 990 1529 0000 20 820050 12.99 Student Based Activity ­ Advanced Placement Testing 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Library Procurement Card Office Depot 5.25 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN ­ Library Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 200 2222 4100 20 002220 5.25 Glenbrook North High School ­ Library Services 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Library Procurement Card Apl* Itunes.Com/Bill 14.99 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN ­ Audio Book ­ Code Talkers 05/05/2019 10 E 200 2222 4300 20 002220 14.99 Glenbrook North High School ­ Library Services 1 of 213 AP Procurement Card Transaction Register Transaction Department Payment Type Name Transaction Amount 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Plant Operations Procurement Card The Home Depot #1926 36.54 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN Maintenance Supplies ­ Back Gym Hall Floor Repair ­ Athletic Air 05/05/2019 20 E 200 2544 4840 20 009050 36.54 Compressor Repair Glenbrook North High School ­ Building Maintenance 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Science Procurement Card Jewel­Osco 30.03 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN ­ Ice Cream Lab Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 200 1130 4100 20 001055 30.03 Glenbrook North High School ­ Science 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Social Studies Procurement Card Office Depot 35.43 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBN ­ General Office Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 200 1130 4100 20 001060 35.43 Glenbrook North High School ­ Social Studies 4/8/2019 GBN ­ Special Education Procurement Card Staples 00116947 19.98 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Supplies for Peer Mentor Breakfast 05/05/2019 10 E 200 1220 4300 20 001320 19.98 Glenbrook North High School ­ Developmental Learning Skills 4/8/2019 GBA ­ Superintendents Office Procurement Card Gfs Store #1917 78.40 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Board Meeting Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 100 2310 4900 10 002310 29.48 Administraton ­ Board of Education 701208­1905 Board Meeting Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 100 2310 4135 10 002310 48.92 Administraton ­ Board of Education 4/8/2019 GBA ­ Special Education Procurement Card Multi Health Systems Inc 747.00 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Special Education ­ Psych Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 100 2140 4100 10 004620 747.00 Administraton ­ IDEA­PL 94­142 2 of 213 AP Procurement Card Transaction Register Transaction Department Payment Type Name Transaction Amount 4/8/2019 GBA ­ Special Education Procurement Card Phonak Inc 619.99 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Special Education ­ Phonak Student Device 05/05/2019 10 E 100 1204 7411 10 001310 619.99 Administraton ­ Assistive Technology 4/8/2019 GBA ­ Technology Services Procurement Card Amzn Mktp Us*mw7qu2262 45.16 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Office Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 100 2190 4100 10 002190 45.16 Administraton ­ Supervision/Security 4/8/2019 GBA ­ Technology Services Procurement Card Amazon.Com*mw5k26wa1 66.00 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Office Hospitality 05/05/2019 10 E 100 2660 4900 10 002660 66.00 Administraton ­ Technology Services 4/8/2019 GBS ­ Plant Operations Procurement Card Just Tires #6125 63.00 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 Scrap Tire Disposal 05/05/2019 20 E 300 2543 3230 30 009080 63.00 Glenbrook South High School ­ Grounds Maintenance 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card Rosati S Pizza 18.28 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Business Interview Hospitality 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 4900 30 001415 18.28 Glenbrook South High School ­ Business Education 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card The Home Depot #1987 55.94 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Woodworking Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 4200 30 001405 55.94 Glenbrook South High School ­ Technical Education 3 of 213 AP Procurement Card Transaction Register Transaction Department Payment Type Name Transaction Amount 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card The Home Depot 1913 450.82 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ PLTW and Woodworking Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 4200 30 001405 450.82 Glenbrook South High School ­ Technical Education 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card The Home Depot #1987 ­59.97 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Returned Item 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 4200 30 001405 ­59.97 Glenbrook South High School ­ Technical Education 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card Amzn Mktp Us*mw9qf3ws1 105.64 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ PLTW Supplies 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 4200 30 001405 105.64 Glenbrook South High School ­ Technical Education 4/8/2019 GBS ­ CTE Procurement Card Ntlrest Servsafe 180.00 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Foods ServSafe Food Handler ­ 12 Students 05/05/2019 10 E 300 1400 6500 30 001425 180.00 Glenbrook South High School ­ Family/Consumer Science 4/8/2019 GBS ­ Student Services Procurement Card Office Depot 29.53 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Transcript stamp 05/05/2019 10 E 300 2121 4100 30 002120 29.53 Glenbrook South High School ­ Guidance Services 4/8/2019 GBS ­ Library Procurement Card Amazon.Com*mw2uz5um0 16.99 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Book Order 05/05/2019 10 E 300 2222 4300 30 002220 16.99 Glenbrook South High School ­ Library Services 4 of 213 AP Procurement Card Transaction Register Transaction Department Payment Type Name Transaction Amount 4/8/2019 GBS ­ Library Procurement Card Amazon.Com*mw5zn5yg1 11.72 Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Account Amount 701208­1905 GBS ­ Book Order 05/05/2019 10 E 300 2222 4300 30 002220 11.72 Glenbrook South High School ­ Library Services 4/8/2019 GBS ­ Library Procurement Card Amazon.Com*mw2vd9yp1 27.12 Invoice Number Description Invoice
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