IJCAI 15 TECHNICAL PROGRAM Welcome to IJCAI 2015! We are delighted to welcome you to the Twenty-Fourth The topic of “AI and the Arts” was designated as a spe- International Joint Conference on AI (IJCAI-15). cial theme for IJCAI-15. As such, the conference includes a special track on this theme, with technical papers The two years since IJCAI-13 in Beijing have been a tre- reviewed in the same was papers for the main tracks, mendously exciting time for AI. Scarcely a week has as well as an exhibition/project demonstrations, and of passed without news items about new advances in AI course some AI and the Arts related activities throughout research, or exciting new applications for AI research, the week, which we hope will entertain and intrigue you. in areas ranging from autonomous vehicles to social A key component of these activities is an exciting exhi- media. Researchers across the globe report huge interest bition showing ongoing interactions between AI and the in AI, particularly in areas like machine learning. But of Arts. The exhibition will be held in the Centro Cultural course, this excitement has been tempered by concern Borges (close to the main conference site) from Saturday from well-known scientists about the potential dangers 25 July until 30 July 2015. The vernissage (with live per- posed by AI. We look forward to discussing all these formances) is on Sunday 26 July at 7 pm and the finissage issues with you throughout IJCAI-15. on 30 July at 7 pm. The current intense interest in AI was reflected in an IJCAI-15 is the first time that the IJCAI conference has extraordinary number of submissions to the conference. been held in South America, and we firmly believe Bue- The technical program of the conference broke IJCAI’s nos Aires will be a fantastic venue. The city has enor- previous record, attracting 1,996 submissions in total. mous opportunities for sightseeing and other leisure After rigorous reviewing, some 571 papers (28.6 percent) activities. Take the time while you are here to enjoy a were accepted for presentation at the conference. All glass of justly famous Argentinian malbec wine, and to accepted papers are included as full-length papers in check out some of the endless shows and varied nightlife the proceedings and are invited to present as posters. that the city has to offer. In terms of gastronomy, steak Authors of all papers are invited to give oral presenta- lovers are of course in for a treat, but whatever your taste, tions, where a distinction is made between long talks Buenos Aires will surely be able to accommodate it. and short talks based on the papers’ quality, clarity, and potential relevance to a wider audience. We trust you will also enjoy the social events planned for the main conference. We look forward to seeing you Besides the main technical track, we also introduced a at the opening reception, in the Salón de Actos in the number of special area tracks to allow the program com- School of Law, which will be followed by a reception and mittee to pay particular attention in identifying highly unique performance by a Marching Band. The band will innovative papers in these areas. These are the Machine play tunes inspired by Latin rhythms and specifically Learning Track, Knowledge Representation Track and written for the occasion – the lyrics are about the daily Computational Sustainability Track. Track chairs were struggles of AI researchers. The conference banquet will encouraged to be innovative in designing their programs. be held at Señor Tango, and will include a range of typi- A new-problem paper type is introduced in the Machine cal Argentine dishes and an exclusive selection of wines, Learning Track, for example, to allow researchers who followed by a 90 minute tango show, by some of Argenti- report on novel AI and Machine Learning ‘problems’ na’s leading exponents of the art. Tango reflects the heart to have a voice. Special ‘integrated solution’ sessions and soul of Argentina, and we can think of no more fit- were also reserved for papers that address problems in ting and enjoyable way to celebrate what we are sure will machine learning while being integrated with other tech- be a truly memorable IJCAI. niques in AI. Of course, IJCAI would not be IJCAI without an extensive workshop and tutorial program, and we are delighted to Guillermo Simari (Local Arrangements Chair) have more than 40 workshops, on topics as diverse as Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez (Local Arrangements Chair) AI in Space to Algorithmic Game Theory, and nearly 30 Michael Wooldridge (Conference Chair) tutorials, from internationally renowned researchers. Qiang Yang (Program Chair) 2 IJCAI 15 TECHNICAL PROGRAM Table of contents IJCAI-15 Conference Committee p. 4 Participant registration for IJCAI 2015 p. 25 IJCAI 2015 Co-Sponsors p. 8 Tour information p. 26 IJCAI 2015 Opening and reception p. 9 IJCAI 2015 Exhibit program p. 29 IJCAI 2015 Conference banquet p. 9 Technical program p. 33 Exhibition p. 10 Main conference venue p. 62 IJCAI 15 Awards p. 11 Workshops and tutorials venue p. 64 IJCAI-JAIR Best paper prize p. 12 IJCAI 2015 Opening & reception p. 65 ECCAI Thesis Award p. 12 IJCAI 2015 Banquet p. 65 AI Journal Awards p. 12 How to get to p. 65 Conference at a glance p. 13 Restaurants p. 65 Events/Activities included in the registration fee p. 13 Terms and conditions disclaimer p. 66 Invited speakers p. 14 Special meetings p. 67 Special events p. 15 Internet p. 67 General tutorial/workshop timetable p. 17 Proceedings download information p. 67 Tutorial program p. 18 IJCAI 2015 T-Shirts p. 67 Tutorials’ location p. 19 IJCAI 2016 p. 68 Workshop program p. 20 Notes p. 70 Workshops’ location p. 21 Doctoral consortium p. 22 IJCAI 2015 distinguished papers p. 22 Repeat Buyers Prediction Competition p. 22 AI video competition p. 23 Angry birds AI competition p. 24 Best papers in sister conferences track p. 24 Journal Track p. 25 Closing event p. 25 IJCAI-15 schedule on your smartphone p. 25 3 IJCAI 15 TECHNICAL PROGRAM IJCAI 2015 conference committee Conference Chair IJCAI Secretary-Treasurer ADVISORY BOARD Blai Bonet Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela Adnan Darwiche Michael Wooldridge Bernhard Nebel University of California at Department of Computer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Los Angeles, USA University of Oxford, UK Freiburg, Germany Patrick Doherty IJCAI Executive Secretary Linköpings universitet, Sweden Program Chair Hector Geffner Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Catalonia/Spain Yolanda Gil Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz Qiang Yang Information Sciences Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Hong Kong University of Science USC, USA Austria and Technology, Hong Kong Kristen Grauman University of Texas at Austin, USA Local Arrangements Committee Chairs Jérôme Lang LAMSADE/Université Paris-Dauphine, France Kevin Leyton-Brown University of British Columbia, Guillermo Simari Canada Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina Ann Nowé Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Luc de Raedt Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez Jeff Rosenschein Universidad de Buenos Aires, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Argentina Israel Jaime Simão Sichman Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Milind Tambe University of Southern California, USA 4 IJCAI 15 TECHNICAL PROGRAM Toby Walsh Exhibition Chair: PROGRAM COMMITTEE NICTA/University New South Wales, José Castaño, Universidad de Australia Buenos Aires, Argentina Program Committee Chair Qiang Yang Hong Kong University of Science Frank Wolter Local Sponsorship Chairs: University of Liverpool, UK Guillermo Leguizamón, and Technology, Hong Kong Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Workshop Chairs Makoto Yokoo Argentina Kyushu University, Japan Jerome Lang Diego Milone, CONICET and Université Paris-Dauphine, France Michelle X Zhou SINC(i)-FICH-UNL, Argentina IBM Research and Watson Group, Javier Legris USA Student Office Chairs: CONICET-UBA, Argentina Agustin Gravano and Luciana Publicity Chairs Zhi-Hua Zhou Ferrer, CONICET and Universidad Nanjing University, China de Buenos Aires, Argentina Shuiwang Ji Old Dominion University, United Poster Chairs: States Ana Casali, Pablo Granito and LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Mónica Larese, CIFASIS and Ana Maguitman COMMITTEE Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina Local Arrangements Committee Argentina Chair: Local Liaison to the Program Chair: IJCAI 2015 Distinguished Paper Guillermo Simari Alejandro Garcia and Marcelo Committee Universidad Nacional del Sur, Falappa, CONICET and Universidad Mausam Argentina Nacional del Sur, Argentina. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India Local Arrangements Committee Web page: Co-Chair and Financial Chair: Diego Martinez, CONICET and Yevgeniy Vorobeychik Vanderbilit University, USA Ricardo Rodriguez Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Emma Brunskill Argentina Press: Carnegie-Mellon University, USA Ignacio Uman Publicity Chair: Subbarao Kambhampati Ana Maguitman and Vanina Mar- Arizona State University, USA tinez, CONICET and Universidad (Chair) Nacional del Sur, Argentina Sponsorship Chairs Social Chairs: Diego Fernandez Slezak Georgina Stegmayer and María Universidad de Buenos Aires, Laura Caliusco, CONICET and Argentina CIDISI-UTN-FRSF, Argentina Minh Do Viviana Cotik, Universidad de Intelligent Systems Division, NASA, Buenos Aires, Argentina United States Jie Tang Tsinghua University, China 5 IJCAI 15 TECHNICAL PROGRAM Ulle Endriss Video Competition Chairs Dahl, Veronica University of Amsterdam, Jonas Kvarnström Simon Fraser University
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