《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4834 第 1 條 Section 1 B4835 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 ( 由行政長官在徵詢行政會議的意見後根據《公安條例》( 第 245 章 ) (Made by the Chief Executive under section 36 of the Public Order 第 36 條作出 ) Ordinance (Cap. 245) after consultation with the Executive Council) 1. 生效日期 1. Commencement 本命令自 2016 年 1 月 4 日起實施。 This Order comes into operation on 4 January 2016. 2. 修訂《邊境禁區令》 2. Frontier Closed Area Order amended 《邊境禁區令》( 第 245 章,附屬法例 A) 現予修訂,修訂方式 The Frontier Closed Area Order (Cap. 245 sub. leg. A) is 列於第 3 條。 amended as set out in section 3. 3. 修訂附表 3. Schedule amended (1) 附表,第 1 條—— (1) The Schedule, section 1— 廢除 Repeal 所有“74” “74” (wherever appearing) 代以 Substitute “85”。 “85”. (2) 附表—— (2) The Schedule— 廢除在第 3 條之後的所有字句 Repeal everything after section 3 代以 Substitute 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4836 第 3 條 Section 3 B4837 “列表 “Table 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向東北沿一條方 向 61° 的線至深圳河 From there 中線,之後向東沿深 NORTHEAST following 1 839637 821002 圳河中線和中華人民 a line of bearing 61° 共和國香港特別行政 until it stops at the centre 區行政區域界線至第 line of the Shenzhen 2 點。 River, then EAST following the centre line 然後向東北沿沙頭角 1 839637 821002 2 844880 842107 of the Shenzhen River 海出口至第 3 點。 and the boundary of the administrative division of 然後向東北橫過沙頭 3 845333 842310 the Hong Kong Special 角海至第 4 點。 Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China to Point 2. From there NORTHEAST following 2 844880 842107 the mouth of Sha Tau Kok Hoi (Starling Inlet) to Point 3. From there NORTHEAST across 3 845333 842310 Sha Tau Kok Hoi (Starling Inlet) to Point 4. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4838 第 3 條 Section 3 B4839 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向南沿沙頭角海 海岸線的高潮標至位 From there SOUTH 4 845602 843042 於碼頭靠西邊緣的第 following the coast line 5 點。 of Sha Tau Kok Hoi 4 845602 843042 (Starling Inlet) along the 然後向北沿碼頭靠西 high water mark to Point 5 844898 840799 邊緣至位於碼頭邊緣 5, which is the western 與圍網交界的第 6 點。 edge of the pier. 然後向東橫過一條道 From there NORTH 6 844913 840799 路沿圍網至位於圍網 following the western 北端的第 點。 edge of the pier to Point 7 5 844898 840799 6, which is located at the 然後向西北橫過沙頭 junction of the pier edge 7 845056 840788 角公路——石涌凹段 and the fence. 至第 8 點。 From there EAST across a road following the 6 844913 840799 fence to Point 7, which is located at the northern end of the fence. From there NORTHWEST across 7 845056 840788 Sha Tau Kok Road— Shek Chung Au to Point 8. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4840 第 3 條 Section 3 B4841 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向西北沿圍網至 8 845071 840786 位於圍網交界的第9 From there 點。 NORTHWEST following 8 845071 840786 the fence to Point 9, 然後向西北沿圍網至 which is located at the 9 845125 840785 位於圍網交界的第 10 junction of the fences. 點。 From there 然後向東北沿圍網至 NORTHWEST following 10 845342 840925 位於圍網交界的第 11 9 845125 840785 the fence to Point 10, 點。 which is located at the junction of the fences. 然後向西北沿山咀村 11 845626 840988 路至第 12 點。 From there NORTHEAST following 然後向西北沿圍網至 12 845637 840949 10 845342 840925 the fence to Point 11, 第 13 點。 which is located at the junction of the fences. 然後向西北沿圍網至 13 846136 837026 第 14 點。 From there NORTHWEST following 11 845626 840988 Shan Tsui Village Road to Point 12. From there 12 845637 840949 NORTHWEST following the fence to Point 13. From there 13 846136 837026 NORTHWEST following the fence to Point 14. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4842 第 3 條 Section 3 B4843 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向西北沿斜坡底 14 846021 836693 部至第 15 點。 From there NORTHWEST following 14 846021 836693 然後向西北沿圍網至 the bottom of the slope 15 846046 836641 位於圍網交界的第 16 to Point 15. 點。 From there 然後向東北沿圍網至 NORTHWEST following 16 846393 836301 位於圍網交界的第 17 15 846046 836641 the fence to Point 16, 點。 which is located at the junction of the fences. 然後向東北沿圍網至 17 846396 836313 位於圍網交界的第 18 From there 點。 NORTHEAST following 16 846393 836301 the fence to Point 17, 然後向西北沿圍網至 which is located at the 18 846602 835737 位於圍網交界的第 19 junction of the fences. 點。 From there NORTHEAST following 17 846396 836313 the fence to Point 18, which is located at the junction of the fences. From there NORTHWEST following 18 846602 835737 the fence to Point 19, which is located at the junction of the fences. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4844 第 3 條 Section 3 B4845 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向西北沿圍網至 19 846581 834844 位於圍網交界的第 20 From there 點。 NORTHWEST following 19 846581 834844 the fence to Point 20, 然後向西沿圍網至位 which is located at the 20 846036 834085 於圍網交界的第21點。 junction of the fences. 然後向西沿圍網至第 From there WEST 21 846045 833965 22 點。 following the fence to 20 846036 834085 Point 21, which is located 然後向西南沿圍網及 at the junction of the 22 845621 833580 閘至位於圍網交界的 fences. 第 23 點。 From there WEST 然後向西北沿圍網至 21 846045 833965 following the fence to 23 844579 832783 位於圍網交界的第 24 Point 22. 點。 From there SOUTHWEST following the fence and the gate to 22 845621 833580 Point 23, which is located at the junction of the fences. From there NORTHWEST following 23 844579 832783 the fence to Point 24, which is located at the junction of the fences. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4846 第 3 條 Section 3 B4847 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向西南沿閘及圍 24 844742 832512 網至位於圍網交界的 From there 第 25 點。 SOUTHWEST following the gate and the fence to 24 844742 832512 然後向西北沿圍網至 Point 25, which is located 25 844610 831569 位於圍網交界的第 26 at the junction of the 點。 fences. 然後向西南沿圍網至 From there 26 844618 831548 位於圍網交界的第 27 NORTHWEST following 點。 25 844610 831569 the fence to Point 26, which is located at the 然後向西南沿圍網至 junction of the fences. 27 844524 831431 位於圍網交界的第 28 點。 From there SOUTHWEST following 然後向東南沿圍網至 28 844364 831181 26 844618 831548 the fence to Point 27, 第 29 點。 which is located at the junction of the fences. From there SOUTHWEST following 27 844524 831431 the fence to Point 28, which is located at the junction of the fences. From there 28 844364 831181 SOUTHEAST following the fence to Point 29. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4848 第 3 條 Section 3 B4849 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向東北沿一條直 29 844175 831499 線至第 30 點。 From there NORTHEAST following 29 844175 831499 然後向東南沿圍網至 a straight line to Point 30 844189 831520 第 31 點。 30. 然後向東南沿構築物 From there 31 844182 831536 邊緣至第 32 點。 30 844189 831520 SOUTHEAST following the fence to Point 31. 然後向東北沿一條直 32 844179 831542 線至第 33 點。 From there SOUTHEAST following 然後向東南沿溪澗邊 31 844182 831536 33 844186 831547 the edge of the structure 緣至第 34 點。 to Point 32. 然後向東南沿一條直 From there 34 844096 831611 線至第 35 點。 NORTHEAST following 32 844179 831542 a straight line to Point 33. From there SOUTHEAST following 33 844186 831547 the edge of the stream to Point 34. From there SOUTHEAST following 34 844096 831611 a straight line to Point 35. 《2015 年邊境禁區 ( 修訂 ) 令》 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2015 2015 年第 217 號法律公告 L.N. 217 of 2015 B4850 第 3 條 Section 3 B4851 第 1 欄 第 2 欄 第 3 欄 第 4 欄 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 點號 座標北 座標東 備註 Point ( 米 ) ( 米 ) number Northing Easting Remarks (m) (m) 然後向東南沿構築物 35 844089 831616 邊緣至第 36 點。 From there SOUTHEAST following 35 844089 831616 然後向東南沿圍牆至 the edge of the structure 36 844032 831632 第 37 點。 to Point 36. 然後向東南沿構築物 From there 37 844031 831637 邊緣至第 38 點。 36 844032 831632 SOUTHEAST following the wall to Point 37.
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