1 AABCBC iiss oonene ooff tthehe mmanyany ttelevisionelevision nnetworksetworks tthathat bbroadcastroadcast SSunun DDevilevil ffootball.ootball. AArizonarizona SStatetate hhasas bbeeneen oonn ttelevisionelevision 7788 ttimesimes iinn tthehe llastast eeightight yyears,ears, iincludingncluding aallll 1122 ggamesames llastast sseason.eason. 2 AARIZONARIZONA STATESTATE FOOTBALLFOOTBALL 20052005 SSinceince tthehe sstadiumtadium oopenedpened iinn 11958,958, ooverver 1155 mmillionillion ffansans hhaveave wwatchedatched AArizonarizona SStatetate pplaylay aatt SSunun DDevilevil SStadium.tadium. IInn 22002,002, tthehe pplayerslayers iinn tthehe NNFLFL vvotedoted tthehe pplayinglaying ssurfaceurface aatt SSunun DDevilevil SStadiumtadium aass tthehe ssecond-bestecond-best iinn tthehe ccountry.ountry. HHomeome ttoo tthehe TostitosTostitos FFiestaiesta BBowlowl eeveryvery yyear,ear, SunSun DDevilevil SStadiumtadium hhasas aalsolso hhostedosted ffourour nnationalational cchampionshiphampionship ggamesames aandnd a SSuperuper BBowl.owl. AARIZONARIZONA STATESTATE FOOTBALLFOOTBALL 20052005 3 FFrankrank KKush,ush, aabove,bove, isis tthehe wwinningestinningest ccoachoach iinn AArizonarizona SStatetate hhistory.istory. A CCollegeollege FFootballootball HHallall ooff FFameame iinductee,nductee, KKushush lleded hhisis SSunun DDevilsevils ttoo wwinninginning sseasonseasons iinn 1199 ooff hhisis 2222 yyearsears aatt tthehe hhelm,elm, nnineine cconferenceonference cchampionshipshampionships aandnd a 66-1-1 bbowlowl rrecord.ecord. TThehe SSunun DDevilsevils hhaveave mmadeade 2211 bbowlowl aappearancesppearances iinn tthehe sstoriedtoried hhistoryistory ooff tthehe pprogram,rogram, iincludingncluding ssixix bbowlowl iinvitationsnvitations iinn tthehe llastast eeightight yyears.ears. 4 AARIZONARIZONA STATESTATE FOOTBALLFOOTBALL 20052005 IInn oonene ooff tthehe ggreatestreatest ggamesames iinn tthehe hhistoryistory ooff tthehe SSunun DDevilevil pprogram,rogram, AArizonarizona SStatetate sshuthut ooutut tthenhen ttop-rankedop-ranked aandnd ttwo-timewo-time ddefendingefending nnationalational cchampionhampion NNebraskaebraska 119-09-0 oonn SSept.ept. 221,1, 11996.996. TThehe SSunun DDevilsevils tturnedurned iinn a pperfecterfect 111-01-0 rregularegular sseasoneason iinn 11996,996, ccapturingapturing tthehe PPac-10ac-10 ttitleitle aandnd eearningarning a bbertherth iinn tthehe 11997997 RRoseose BBowl.owl. AArizonarizona SStatetate hhasas wwonon 1166 cconferenceonference ffootballootball cchampionships,hampionships, iincludingncluding PPac-10ac-10 CConferenceonference ttitlesitles iinn 11986986 aandnd 11996.996. AARIZONARIZONA STATESTATE FOOTBALLFOOTBALL 20052005 5 DDefensiveefensive eendnd TTerrellerrell SSuggsuggs llefteft AArizonarizona SStatetate aass tthehe mmostost ddecoratedecorated pplayerlayer iinn sschoolchool hhistory.istory. IInn 22003,003, hhee aalmostlmost ssweptwept tthehe nnationalational aawardward sslate,late, wwinninginning tthehe LLombardiombardi AAward,ward, tthehe BBronkoronko NNagurskiagurski AAwardward aandnd tthehe TTeded HHendricksendricks AAward.ward. HHee wwasas aalsolso nnamedamed tthehe PPac-10ac-10 DDefensiveefensive PPlayerlayer ooff tthehe YYearear aandnd wwonon tthehe PPac-10’sac-10’s MMorrisorris TTrophy.rophy. SSuggsuggs bbecameecame jjustust tthehe ssecondecond pplayerlayer iinn sschoolchool hhistoryistory ttoo eearnarn uunanimousnanimous AAll-Americanll-American hhonorsonors aandnd ssetet tthehe NNCAACAA rrecordecord wwithith 224.04.0 ssacksacks iinn 22003.003. TThehe BBaltimorealtimore RRavensavens ttookook SSuggsuggs aass tthehe 110th0th sselectionelection iinn tthehe fi rrstst rroundound ooff tthehe 22003003 NNFLFL DDraft.raft. AAfterfter tturningurning iinn a rrookieookie tteam-recordeam-record 1122 ssacksacks iinn 22003,003, SSuggsuggs wwasas nnamedamed tthehe NNFLFL DDefensiveefensive RRookieookie ooff tthehe Year,Year, aandnd wwasas vvotedoted ttoo tthehe 22004004 PProro BBowlowl iinn jjustust hhisis ssecondecond NNFLFL sseason.eason. 6 AARIZONARIZONA STATESTATE FOOTBALLFOOTBALL 20052005 ““AttendingAttending ArizonaArizona SStatetate UniversityUniversity waswas thethe bestbest LLefteft tackletackle LeviLevi Jones,Jones, a walk-onwalk-on whowho ddecisionecision ofof mymy life.life. ThereThere waswas somethingsomething aboutabout ASUASU wwentent onon toto becomebecome a fi rrst-roundst-round draftdraft pickpick tthathat I justjust hadhad toto staystay homehome for.for. DirkDirk KKoetteroetter isis oneone ofof ooff tthehe CincinnatiCincinnati Bengals,Bengals, visitsvisits withwith headhead tthehe bestbest coachescoaches I havehave everever learnedlearned from.from. NotNot onlyonly diddid ccoachoach DirkDirk KoetterKoetter andand formerformer defensivedefensive hhee tteacheach meme thethe gamegame ofof football,football, butbut hehe alsoalso taughttaught ccoordinatoroordinator BrentBrent Guy.Guy. mmee tthehe gamegame ofof life.life. HeHe developeddeveloped meme intointo a completecomplete pplayerlayer andand a completecomplete person.”person.” ---- TerrellTerrell Suggs,Suggs, FormerFormer ASUASU DefensiveDefensive EndEnd BBaltimorealtimore RavensRavens TTightight endend TToddodd HeapHeap andand TTerrellerrell Suggs,Suggs, bothboth fi rrst-st- rroundound draftdraft pickspicks byby thethe BBaltimorealtimore Ravens,Ravens, foundfound a momentmoment toto reminiscereminisce oonn theirtheir playingplaying daysdays atat OOverver 100100 formerformer SunSun DevilsDevils returnedreturned toto campuscampus AArizonarizona State.State. fforor tthehe WWashingtonashington StateState gamegame lastlast yearyear asas AASUSU rretiredetired PatPat TTillman’sillman’s No.No. 4242 jersey.jersey. BBeingeing partpart ofof thethe Walk-Ons at ASU SSunun DevilDevil familyfamily Arizona State has a long tradition of walk-ons who have earned their ddoesoes notnot endend whenwhen scholarship and gone onto successful careers in professional football. a pplayerlayer leavesleaves Recent Sun Devils to Earn Scholarships (2002-05) ccampus.ampus. FormerFormer Jay Breckenridge, SN Phil Howard, OL pplayerslayers oftenoften Adrian Thomas, CB Khoa Nguyen, DL Patrick Wilson, S Moey Mutz, WR rreturneturn toto campuscampus Jermaine McKinney, TB Kellen Mills, TE/H tthroughouthroughout thethe Nick Clapp, LB Rodney Cox, S Littrele Jones, CB Chris MacDonald, P sseasoneason forfor games,games, ppractices,ractices, golfgolf Sun Devil Walk-Ons Who Made It to the NFL ooutingsutings andand thethe Adam Archuleta, S St. Louis Rams (First-round draft pick) aannualnnual springspring game.game. Vince Amoia, FB New York Jets OOverver 100100 formerformer SunSun Brian Jennings, SN San Francisco 49ers Levi Jones, LT Cincinnati Bengals (First-round draft pick) DDevilsevils attendedattended thethe John Knight, LB San Diego Chargers HHuddleuddle ClubClub GolfGolf Jason Kyle, LB Seattle Seahawks Brad Williams, P Minnesota Vikings TTournament.ournament. SSt.t. LouisLouis RamRam AAdamdam ArchuletaArchuleta (above)(above) aandnd LeviLevi JonesJones werewere AASUSU walk-onswalk-ons wwhoho wentwent onon toto becomebecome fi rrst-roundst-round NNFLFL draftdraft picks.picks. 7 In Honor of Pat Tillman (1976-2004) Cpl. Pat Tillman was killed in the line of duty in April of 2004 in Afghanistan. The 1997 Pac-10 Defensive Player of the Year and a three-time all- league honoree, Tillman played linebacker at ASU from 1994-97. After a successful fi ve-year NFL career with the Arizona Cardinals, Tillman and his brother, Kevin, a former ASU baseball player, enlisted in the U.S. Army and became members of the elite U.S. Rangers unit. An Academic All-American and three-time Pac-10 All-Academic selection, Tillman graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business with a B.S. in marketing on Dec. 19, 1997. Tillman’s No. 42 jersey was retired at halftime of the Washington State game last season and Pat Tillman Sr. visited the locker room after the game. The Sun Devil team will continue to wear a patch with Tillman’s number on the front of their jerseys this season. The Pac-10 Conference has also honored Tillman by renaming its Defensive Player of the Year Award after him. In cooperation with the family of Pat Tillman, Arizona State and the Arizona Cardinals have established the Pat Tillman Memorial Scholarship, which will provide support for ASU students in the W.P. Carey School of Business marketing program and Sun Devil Athletics. For more information on the scholarship, please contact Lynda Lumpkin at (480) 965-2475. Donations can be sent via mail to the ASU Foundation, Attn: Lynda Lumpkin, P.O. Box 873208, Tempe, AZ 85287- 3208. Tillman’s family has also established a foundation in his memory, which can be reached at pattillmanfoundation.net. 8 ARIZONA STATE FOOTBALL 2005 RRepresentativesepresentatives fromfrom thethe NFL,NFL, iincludingncluding coaches,coaches, generalgeneral mmanagers,anagers, assistantassistant coachescoaches andand sscouts,couts, traveltravel toto TTempeempe eacheach yearyear ttoo seesee thethe SunSun DevilsDevils performperform onon PProro TimingTiming Day.Day. AArizonarizona StateState hashas hadhad 3636 playersplayers ddraftedrafted inin thethe lastlast ninenine NFLNFL Drafts,Drafts, tthehe mostmost amongamong Pac-10Pac-10 schoolsschools aandnd thethe eight-highesteight-highest totaltotal inin thethe nnation.ation. coach Marvin Lewis Cincinnati Bengals head oit Lions oto with Koetter), Detr (top right ph illen and Detroit President and CEO Matt M i (above with ch Steve Mariucc Lions head coa es e among the NFL representativ Koetter) ar . d
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