Language | Technology | Business Industry Focus: Mobile Applications Embedded multilingual mobile applications Mobile applications for the Arabic market Chinese input on mobile devices Multilingual handwriting recognition technology Search engine marketing in multiple languages Open source: a model for innovation April/May 2006 U.S. $7.95 Canada $9.95 Getting Started Guide: Content Management 01 Cover #79 LW331-7.indd 1 4/10/06 8:02:59 AM 02-03 ads.indd 2 4/10/06 7:38:35 AM 0ODFVQPOBUJNFy -BOHVBHFTPGUXBSFXBTTMPXBOEEJTDPOOFDUFE 1FPQMFIBEUPQBZZFBSBGUFSZFBSGPSPMEUFDIOPMPHZ 5IFO-JPOCSJEHFPQFOFE'SFFXBZ /PX5.T HMPTTBSJFT BOESFQPSUTBSFBDDFTTFE UISPVHIUIF8FC"OEDMJFOUT 1.T BOEUSBOTMBUPST DPMMBCPSBUFJOTUBOUMZ 8IFSFXJMM'SFFXBZUBLFZPV 'BTU $POOFDUFE 'SFF XXX(FU0O5IF'SFFXBZDPN LB ad MLC free 31306 indd 1 3/17/06 1:19 PM 02-03 ads.indd 3 4/10/06 7:38:49 AM MultiLingual #79 Volume 17 Issue 3 April/May 2006 Editor-in-Chief, Publisher: Donna Parrish Managing Editor: Laurel Wagers IN THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE, Translation Dept. Editor: Jim Healey Copy Editor: Cecilia Spence News: Kendra Gray, Becky Bennett Illustrator: Doug Jones Production: Sandy Compton Webmaster: Aric Spence Assistant: Shannon Abromeit Advertising Director: Jennifer Del Carlo Advertising: Kevin Watson, Bonnie Merrell Editorial Board Jeff Allen, Henri Broekmate, Bill Hall, Andres Heuberger, Chris Langewis, Ken Lunde, John O’Conner, Mandy Pet, Reinhard Schäler Advertising [email protected] www.multilingual.com/advertising 208-263-8178 Subscriptions, back issues, customer service [email protected] www.multilingual.com/subscribe With business moving at lightning speed, you need Submissions, letters the expertise of a partner experienced at navigating the [email protected] evolving global landscape. Our three decades of quality- Editorial guidelines are available at focused, advanced solutions have resulted in long-standing www.multilingual.com/editorialWriter client relationships. While other localization companies Reprints: [email protected] have come and gone, Merrill Brink International continues MultiLingual Computing, Inc. to lead with service and technology developments that 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2 keep our clients right where they want to be – ahead of Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1495 USA the competition. Put us to the test and benefit from expertise that makes a world of difference. [email protected] www.multilingual.com © MultiLingual Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. For reprints and e-prints, please e-mail [email protected] or call 208-263-8178. MultiLingual (ISSN 1523-0309), April/May 2006, is published monthly except Apr-May, Jul-Aug, Oct-Nov for US $58, interna- tional $78 per year by MultiLingual Computing, Inc., 319 North First Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. Periodicals postage paid at Sandpoint, ID and additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MultiLingual, 319 North www.merrillbrink.com First Avenue, Suite 2, Sandpoint, ID 83864-1495. Translation | Localization | Internationalization | Globalization 4 e-Learning | Custom Solutions 04 Masthead #79.indd 4 4/5/06 4:15:53 PM u ti in ua M l L g April/May 2006l Language | Technology | Business #79 Volume 17 Issue 3 Q Up Front 6 www.multilingual.com Industry Focus: Mobile Applications 7 Post Editing Q Q News 35 Embedded multilingual mobile applications 8 News James Zheng 20 Calendar 39 Mobile applications for the Arabic market Q Reviews Yahia Alaoui 22 Hispanic Marketing by F. Korzenny and B.A. Korzenny 43 Chinese input on mobile devices reviewed by Donald A. DePalma Milos Djokovic Q Columns & Commentary 44 Multilingual handwriting recognition technology Up Front 25 Off the Map Stan Miasnikov Tom Edwards 28 World Savvy John Freivalds 30 Step by Step QBusiness Kit Brown 32 Perspectives 47 Search engine marketing in multiple languages Donald A. DePalma Ian Harris 82 Takeaway Open source: a model for innovation Reinhard Schäler 52 Vic Dickson Q 71 Basics 55 Communicating in the international virtual office 73 Buyer’s Guide Q Lei Meng 41 Translation Showcase 81 Advertiser Index Q Tech 59 Understanding the new language tags, Part 2 Addison P. Phillips 64 What’s new in the .NET Globalization namespace, Part 2 Bill Hall About the Cover Kala means fi sh in Votic, a Finno-Ugric language spoken in two villages, Krakolye and Luzhitsy, which are situated along the Russo-Finnish border. Votic is an endangered language with fewer than fi fty speakers and, until recently, no written alphabet. This painting was purchased from an art show in St. Petersburg, Russia, to benefi t efforts to record and save the language. www.multilingual.com April/May 2006 MultiLingual 5 05 Contents #79 LW330.indd 5 4/5/06 4:17:01 PM on the web at www.multilingual.com Free downloads News from the language industry Our annual Resource Directory and Editorial Our news items are updated daily. The latest Index for 2006 is now available for download news is shown on our home page. at www.multilingual.com/resourceDirectory at no cost. This is a handy way to fi nd index informa- Interested in historical information? We have tion for all the issues of 2005. And with links a searchable database of over 4,600 news items built in for the resources, it is an easy way to dated from March of 1994 until now. You can fi nd help online for your language andHave technol- you receivedcheck out company or product history, or fi nd ogy needs. when it was announced that someone changed your fi rst issuecompanies. of The url www.multilingual.com/news All of our Getting Started Guides are also is a quick link to this information. available for downloading. At www.multilingual .com/supplements you can fi nd seventeen If you would like a free e-mail of news every guides to download in either screen format (for two weeks, you can subscribe to our newsletter, slower connections) or print format (for nicer MultiLingual NEWS, at www.multilingual.com/ print quality.) CHFHS@KmultilingualNews We are happy to provide these useful intro- Do you have news to tell the world? Go to ductory guides at no charge. We also have www.multilingual.com/multilingualNewsSubmit some extra print copies of some of these guides to send your news to us. in-house. If you are interested in receiving ? one of them, please contact subscriptions@ multilingual.com If you are a MultiLingual subscriber and you did not receive an e-mail about MultiLingual DigitalHow ,to go use to www.multilingual.com GO TO the home page to see daily news www.multilingual.com/digitalupdates and links to new website content as well eBooks to sign up for youras current free jobonline postings. We offer useful infor- RESEARCH past articles by looking through mation in versionthe form ofof the ourmagazine. list of online articles at www.multilingual eBooks. These valuable .com/featuredArticles resources can be found only at www.multilingual FIND a technology or service by searching our .com/eBooks database of over 1400 industry resources at Here you will fi nd the www.multilingual.com/industryResources fi rst three sections of Bill Hall’s book on .NET glo- KEEP UP TO DATE with current industry balization and George news at www.multilingual.com/news Bell’s classic on alpha- numeric identifi cation of Chinese characters. PLAN your travels by checking the calendar of events at www.multilingual.com/calendar 6 | MultiLingual April/May 2006 [email protected] 06-07 Web & PE.indd 6 4/5/06 4:18:15 PM Post Editing Laurel Wagers Beautiful BHAGs and little furry lobsters Thinking about big goals (or even BHAGS — Big Hairy Audacious Goals), ambitious projects and lifelong passions can lift one’s eyes from the ground, the nose from the grindstone and hopes from the mud. And in the meantime, small successes and Tsurprises keep us amazed and moving forward — which reminds me of one of my favorite recent news stories, the discovery of the blond furry lobster Kiwa hirsuta (www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/03/08/furry.lobster.ap/index.html). According to the Associated Press report, “researchers said that while legions of new ocean species are discovered each year, it is quite rare to fi nd one that merits a new family. The family was named Kiwaida, from Kiwa, the goddess of crustaceans in Polynesian mythology.” (Note the multilingual Polynesian > Latin naming.) This tiny creature surprised the experts, doesn’t match expectations and doesn’t turn easily into an acronym. But it’s a delightful reminder that we don’t know any- where near everything about the world around us. With this issue, MultiLingual appears for the fi rst time in a digital edition. It’s the same magazine, plus web functions, and subscribers will receive it in addition to the print edition. See page 6 for a link to more information. So, what’s in this fi rst paper-plus-digital edition? An Industry Focus on mobile ap- plications, beginning with an overview of the way to build embedded applications by James Zheng; requirements of the Arabic market by Yahia Alaoui; Chinese input by Milos Djokovic; and multilingual handwriting recognition technology by Stan Miasnikov. In the Business section, Ian Harris suggests ways to make sure that search engines can fi nd your website in multiple languages; Vic Dickson makes a case for the use of open-source development in building language tools; and Lei Meng outlines best practices for communication in the international, multilingual virtual offi ce. In issue #78 we published the fi rst part of Addison P. Phillips’ article about new language tags; part 2 is in this issue. And Bill Hall continues his series outlining the new developments in the .NET Globalization namespace. Donald A. DePalma reviews the book Hispanic Marketing, and in a Perspectives column he offers his take on the future of localization.
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