Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12910-8 - Why Love Leads to Justice: Love Across the Boundaries David A. J. Richards Index More information Index abolitionism, radical antebellum, 126 androgyny, 180 Abraham (and Isaac), 62, 64 Angel in the House (Woolf), 196 adultery Anna (On the Frontier), 99 Adams (Clover) and, 188 Another Country (Baldwin), 155, 156, 157, 164, Adams (Henry), 188 165–167, 215 British common law and, 22 Anselm, 115 Harewood (Seventh Earl of), 71 anti-discrimination, 26 Hickok (Lorena), 189 anti-miscegenation laws, 129, 160, 173, incendiary, 189 202 Lewes-Eliot, 209 anti-Semitism, 4, 25, 53 Nicolson (Harold), 29 Auden and, 114 of the brain, 40 influences on, 115 patriarchy and, 16, 18, 209 Benedict and, 206 19th century Britain v. 17th century New Boas and, 196, 202 England, 22 Christian, 7 Prynne (Hester), 18–22 T. S. Eliot and, 115 Roosevelt (Eleanor), 189 European, 24, 83 Roosevelt (Franklin D.), 187 German racist, 193, 199 Roosevelt-Hickok, 189 Hitler and, 37 sack punishment for, 18 intolerance and, 128, 129 Sackville-West (Vita), 29 Roosevelt (Eleanor) and, 189 Taylor (Harriet), 26 secular, 7 Taylor-Mill, 26, 209 Apuleius, 38 Aeneid (Vergil), 112 Arendt, Hannah, 107, 122, 214 Aeschylus, 13 art, power of, 231 Age of Anxiety, The (Auden), 120, 121, 122, Arthur (Just Above My Head), 155, 168 Albert Herring (Britten), 58, 64, 65 Ascent of F6, The (Auden), 98, 99 Aldeburgh Music Festival, 49 Aschenbach, Gustav, 67–70, 71 All the Conspirators (Isherwood), 74, 84 Ascher, Dr. Robert, 142, 144, 148 alloparents (Hrdy), 220 Athens, 13 Alonzo (If Beale Street Could Talk), 169 Auden, Constance Rosalie (Bicknell), 96, 107 Ambrose of Milan, 110 Auden, George Augustus, 96 Amen Corner, The (Baldwin), 162, 169 Auden, John, 106 America Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1, 4, 7, 32–33, 54, 66, Auden and, 154 95–123, 211 Isherwood and, 154 as Mother, 117 American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 207 Britten and, 31, 46–50, 95, 120 American Friends Committee (AFSC), 137 Isherwood and, 49, 85–86, 95, 96–97, Ammu (The God of Small Things), 17 213 247 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12910-8 - Why Love Leads to Justice: Love Across the Boundaries David A. J. Richards Index More information 248 Index Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh) (cont.) Black Panthers, 167 Kallman and, 33, 36, 86, 95, 105–107, 113–114, 116, blacks 117–118 dehumanization of, 130 relationship with his parents, 108 stereotypic Augustine of Hippo, 109–114, 129 idealization and, 150, 157, 161 Augustine of Hippo (Brown), 109 rapacious sexuality and, 160, 161, 174 Augustus, 13, 18 Bloomsbury Group, 3, 6, 29–30, 31 Aunt Sarah (The World in the Evening), 88 Blues for Mister Charlie (Baldwin), 171, 172 autonomy, right of, 26 Boas, Franz, 191, 192–193, 202, 216 On Liberty and, 27 Boleyn, Anne (Elizabeth and Essex), 65 patriarchy and, 209 Bottom (Midsummer Night’s Dream), 65 Bowles, Sally (Mr. Norris Changes Trains), 82 Babylonia, 13 Bradshaw, William (Mr. Norris Changes Trains), 82 Bach, Sheldon, 116 Brando, Marlon, 167, 168 Bachardy, Don, 33, 76, 85, 88–92, 212 Brecht, Bertolt, 98 Baker, Ella, 176 Brent, Linda (Incidents in the Life of a Baker, Josephine, 180 Slave Girl), 130 Baldwin, Berdis (Jones), 151 Brett, Philip, 51 Baldwin, David, 151, 167, 168 Briscoe, Lily (To the Lighthouse), 38 Baldwin, James, 4, 6, 7, 10, 125, 182, 214–215, 219, Britten, Benjamin, 7, 10, 31, 185, 210–211 221–222, 224 Auden and, 31, 32, 46–50 Delaney and, 153 Forster and, 65–67 Happersberger and, 155–156, 157, 159, 180, 222 Pears and, 33, 46, 47–50, 90, 91, 95 ML King, Jr. and, 172–173 relationship with his parents, 108 relationship with his parents, 150, 151–152, 157, Britten, Lyle (Blues for Mister Charlie), 171 217, 226 Brooten, Benadette, 183 Worth and, 153–154 Brown v. Board of Education, 207 Barbara (Tell Me How Long the Trains Been Brown, John, 135 Gone), 167 Brown, Peter, 109 Bassarids, The (Auden/Kallman), 118 Bulstrode (Peter Grimes), 59 Bateson, Gregory, 197 Burning Fiery Furnace, The (Britten), 58, 64 Bayle, Pierre, 128 Burroughs, William, 31 Beavis, Anthony (Eyeless in Gaza), 44 Bush, George W., 231 Bell, Julian, 39 Butler, Josephine, 39 Benedict, Beatrice, 191 Benedict, Ruth, 4, 8, 186, 191–192, 200–205, 224 Cabaret, 90 Baldwin and, 206–207 Caliban (The Tempest), 120 Boas and, 193 Capacity to Be Alone, The (Winnicott), 76 contribution of, 200–208 Capouya, Emile, 152 Mead and, 189–190, 193–198, 206 Carpenter, Edward, 48, 81 relationship with her parents, 195, 197, 217 Cass (Another Country), 157, 165 Benedict, Stanley, 192, 194 caste, 17 berdache, 201 Cather, Willa, 185 Berlin, 210 Cavalieri, Tommaso dei, 50 Auden and, 80, 97 celibacy Isherwood and, 4, 80–94, 100, 211 Auden and, 113 Berlin Stories, The (Isherwood), 82, 84, 90, 92, 212 Augustine of Hippo and, 113 Berlin, Isaiah, 72 Epistle to the Romans and, 110 Bernstein, Leonard, 50, 106 Ghandhi and, 113 Billy Budd (Britten), 31, 55, 58, 62, 65–67, 71, 211 Heard and, 93, 94 Birth of Pleasure, The (Gilligan), 75 Isherwood and, 93 Bishop, Elizabeth, 184 Tolstoy and, 113 Black Christopher (Tell Me How Long the Trains Chamberlain, Neville, 39 Been Gone), 168 Charlotte (A Single Man), 91 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12910-8 - Why Love Leads to Justice: Love Across the Boundaries David A. J. Richards Index More information Index 249 Child, Lydia Maria, 128, 129, 132 dignity, 26, 220 Chillingworth, Roger (The Scarlett Letter), 19 equality and, 25 China, 13 ethical, 10 Christianity Dimmesdale, Arthur (The Scarlett Letter), 18 Auden and, 109, 115 disassociation, 225 Augustine of Hippo and, 110, 115 American, 165 Baldwin and, 163 Baldwin and, 165 Christopher and His Kind (Isherwood), 33, 82, 85, ethical intelligence and, 53 90, 92, 94, 213 gender binary and, 53, 145 Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The (Benedict), gender stereotypes and, 15 203, 206 hierarchy and, 145 Chu, Judy, 16, 45, 53, 218 patriarchal, 5, 53, 166 Churchill, Winston, 39 Auden and, 116 City of God, The (Augustine of Hippo), 112 breaking, 198 Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965, 147 Isherwood and, 92 Claggart, John (Billy Budd), 66 Orwell and, 120 Clark, Septima, 176 reality and, 15 Cleaver, Eldridge, 174 Discipline and Punish. The Birth of the Prison Collatinus (Rape of Lucretia), 59 (Foucault), 225, 228 Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 198 dissociation (defined), 14 compliance, false (Ferenczi), 15 divided self, Benedict and, 191, 192, 217 Confessions (Augustine of Hippo), 110 Dog Beneath the Skin, The (Auden), 98 conscience, right of, 26, 128 Dorothea (Middlemarch), 23 Coriolanus, 99 Douglass, Frederick, 127, 133, 134, Corydon (Gide), 178 Down by the River (Isherwood/Bachardy), 90 Crabbe, George, 33, 52, 65 Down There on a Visit (Isherwood), 90 Cressman, Luther, 197 Dr. Flint (Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl), 130 Crewe, Sir Francis (The Dog Beneath the Skin), 99 Dreyfus Affair, 24 Crozier, Eric, 66 DuBois, Blanche (Streetcar Named Desire), 181 Cullen, Countee, 152 cult of grief (Benedict), 200 Edith (The Welcome Table), 180 Curlew River (Britten), 58, 64 Egypt, 13 Eliot, George (Marian Evans), 22, 23–24, 189, 209 D’Emilio, John, 136, 139, 142 Eliot, T. S., 115 Dalloway, Clarissa, 37 Elisha (Go Tell It on the Mountain), 160 Daniel Deronda (Eliot), 23, 24 Elizabeth and Essex. A Tragic History Darwall, Stephen, 220 (Strachey), 65 David (Giovanni’s Room), 156, 163 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 65 de Acosta, Mercedes, 184 Emergency Peace Campaign, 137 de Macedo Soares, Lota, 184 Ends and Means (Huxley), 42 Dear, though the night is gone (Auden), 100 Epistle to the Romans, 110 Death in Venice (Britten), 31, 57, 58, 65, 67–70, equality 71, 231 Auden and, 213 Deborah (Go Tell It on the Mountain), 161 Baldwin and, 223 Defert, Daniel, 226, 227 Benedict and, 197 Delaney, Beauford, 153, 215 Benedict/Mead and, 197 democracy Britten/Pears and, 196, 211 constitutional, 27 democratic, 3 Forster and, 43 dignity and, 25 liberal, 202 patriarchy and, 3, 57 patriarchy and, 14 racial, 148, 157 values of, 40 women’s, 87 Diamond, Jared, 13 Eric (Another Country), 157, 165 Dickie (The Talented Mr. Ripley), 185 Eric (On the Frontier), 99 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-12910-8 - Why Love Leads to Justice: Love Across the Boundaries David A. J. Richards Index More information 250 Index Essex, Second Earl of (Robert Devereux, 65 Garbo, Greta, 185 Esther (Go Tell It on the Mountain), 162 Garrison, Abijah, 131, 148 ethics, Kantian, 220 Garrison, Frances Lloyd, 131 Evans, Marian (George Eliot), 7, 23–24 Garrison, Helen, 134 Evers, Medgar, 167, 170 Garrison, William Lloyd, 126–136, 195 Eyeless in Gaza (Huxley), 44 patriarchal violence resistance and, 136, 182 Rustin and, 126–127 Fair Employment Practices Committee, 140 Garrison, William Llyod, 189 Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 37 gay Farmer, James, 139 love, 4, 7, 182, 231 Farnham, Martha, 131 Baldwin and, 156, 207 fascism Benedict and, 206, 207 Benedict and, 202, 206 Britten and, 46 Forster and, 42 Forster and, 43 homophobia and, 230 human rights and, 43, 69 humiliated manhood and, 39 Isherwood and, 85 imperialistic, 37, 189 Rustin and, 146, 214 Isherwood and, 44 marriage, 71, 214, 231 patriarchal authority and, 15 rights, 229 roots of violent, 39 Baldwin and, 177 Woolf and, 37, 41 Bloomsbury Group and, 30 Federal Emergency Relief Association, 188 Isherwood and, 7, 33, 92, 94 Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), 139 Rustin and, 149 feminism, 229 universal rights and, 96 abolitionist, 128 gender Baldwin and, 177 binary Foucault and, 228 art and, 231 motives of, 176 Aschenbach and, 68 rights-based, 128 Auden and, 114, 121, 122 Ferenczi, Sandor, 15 Baldwin and, 156, 168, 177, 178, 180, 181, 215, Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, 63, 212 219 Fonny (If Beale Street Could Talk), 169 Benedict and, 190, 195, 216 For Faithfulness (Benedict), 194 Billy Budd and, 67 For the Time Being (Auden), 49, 120 Britten and, 210 Forster, E.
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