O(nisi a 13 1 17.09.200411 29-134 Alena (Aztekoraphidia) horstaspoecki nov. spec. a new snakefly from Mexico (Raphidioptera. Raphidiidae)l U . A SPOCK Et A. C ONTRERAS -R AMOS Abslracl: A~ (AttekmapNdia) lIorlw.spo«ki nov. spec .• a new species of mahfly. from Hidalgo Slale. ce nlrnl Mu­ leo. is desc ribed and illuma t ~, Wit h this discovery the number of sna\.:efly species recorded from Mexico incrt'ase, 10 14. Morphological criteria of Ihe hypov31v3 reveal di ag l10stic c h~m cters for the differentiation from all olher specic$ of Alena. and support argulllcllIS (or the hypolheSiS of a hypovalva-p:.mmele-com plex. Resumen: Una espec ie nueva de mfid i6ptero. AIe>w (AZlekmapilidia) h&rsuuprxcki no\'. spec .• es diagnosticada, de· scrita e ilumada con ejemplares del eSllido de Hidalgo, en cl ce nt ro de M.!:x ico. Em es la dk imocuarta especie de rafidi6plero registrada en Mbr.ico. CrilCrios morfol6gicos de la hipovalva revelan carocletes diagn66licos para la $t­ paraci6n de wdas las demas especie$ de Aitna, apoyando adem~ la hip6lesis de un complejo hipovJlva-p.1nimero. Key words: Raph idioplern. A~ (Al~kmapNdia), new spedes, Mex ico. Introduction Alena (A zfekoraphidia) horstaspoec:ki nov. spec. The Raphid ioPlera is a small order which comprises two families, the Raphidiidae with 186 described valid Derivatio nominis: The name of this new species is a species, and the Inocelliida( with 21. Raphidioptera to­ grateful homage 10 Horst Aspack, Vienna, Austria, for his extensive contribu tion to neuroplerology, on the oc­ gether with its adelphotaxon Megalopter.. + Neuroptera casion of his 65th bi rthda y. constitute the Neuropterida, a superorder at the base of the Holometabola. The Raphidioptera is distributed Mate ri al Iludied: Holotype, 0': MelC ico, l'lidalgo, HII<l$Ca. Ran­ throughout the Holarctic region. except for the nonhern cho Sta. Elena, Mananl ial de las Vig,", 20-07'S3, i ~ N I and eastern parts of North America. the southernmost 98·3 1 '385~W, 2500 m, 26.1II.·9.IV.2003, Menchaca. Contr­ records being from high altitudes at the Mexican­ eras: Mala ise I; Parntypcs: I 9: Same data a.\ holotypt:, bill 9,· Guatemalan border, northern Africa, northern India, 23.IV,: \ 9: Same locality as holotype, 26. 11.03-26.111.03. Mala iSt' 2: (0' holotypc and olle 9 parnlypc in coil. Centro de Myanmar, northern Thailand and Taiwan (H. AsPOcx, Investigaciones Biologicas, UA EH. Pachllca, Mexico, one Q U. AsPOcK & RAUSCH 1991). In MexicO, hitherto 13 parnt}'pC In coll. Na lllrhistorisches M ~ lIm Wkn). species have been recorded, 10 Raphidiidae, and three Morphology (Fig. 1-11): A sma ll tender species, Inocelliidae. All available information on Mexican length of forewing of the C! 8 mm, of the Q 8.2-9 mm. snake flies has been summari%ed in U. ASfOCK & H. As­ Head elongate rectangular, black with brownish pattern, POcX (1 996). The discovery of a new species in this part with a fine sculpture, c\ypcus brownish, wit h a group o( of the earth is not at all surprisi ng, nevertheless it is of bristles; labrum brownish wi lh ye llow mllrgins. Anten­ great significance for several reasons: I) for a relict taxon nae: scapus brown, pcdicellus and basal flagdlomeres yel­ compr ising altogether 207 extant described species the lowish, oth erwise brown. Pronotum: in (ront and lateral­ discovery of species number 208 is a spectacular event, 2) ly with broad ye llow margins, anterior part brownish, the new species is from a reg ion of Mexico whe re so far longer caudal part dark brown, almost black, with ochre no nlphidiopterans ha ve been repo rted, J) it documen ts paltem. Legs: first coxae basally brown, di stally ye llow, once more the importance of the Mexican region as an evolutionary centre of these li ving fossils, and 4) a re­ , ~~~ed ~o Honi A~ k Ofl l~ OCCailOl1 clhlS 651h bllthciay. gr;tI~. markable anatomical character of the hypovalva induces fully and in all 1M UCUeme!l~ of 40 yean fucin':lIIng cni bbor:lIion on Neuropu1ida. and eX wOIinllOUS ~im u winll K'e!lufw;: disclMiom. U\­ a new interpretation of this st ructu re. rike AtpOc\.:. ~ica!ed to ProI. Hom AspIlck. gl..Jly and ... a gre~1 h"!lOll" 00 d-.e oc· casion of h il65 ~h birthday. AtilanoConlftr.lS.Ra"""" 129 Fig. 1: / (Aztrkoraphidio) horstosporcki nov. sprc., holotype, C/, htad Fig. 2: A/tno (Azttkorophidio) horstospo«ki nov. spec., holotypt, C/, and thorax, lateral. abdomtn and wings, vtntral. Fig. 3: Akno (Aztfkorophidio) horstosptXcki nov. spec., holotypc:, C/, gtnital Fig. 4: A/tno (Aztfkorophidia) horstOspofcki nov. spec~ halatype, C/, gtnltal stgmtnts, \'trltral. segmtnts. lateral. Fig. S: A/fna IAzttkorophidio) harsto5po«ki nov. spec .. para type. Q. Fig. ' i ) harstospo«ki nov. spec., para type, Q. abdomerl arid wings. \'tntra1. gtnital stgmerlts. vfntral. 130 • ,... / ;- .(JJ ,I , , 0,5""" " mm Fi g. 7: AI~na (Aztrkofophidio) horstosporrki nov. Spt c., ho lotype, Cf, genital Fig. 8: Alena (Aztekoraphidia) hOf5taspaedd nov. sptc., ha latype, cr, genita l segments, latera l. e .. ectoproct, 9c9 .. 9'" gonocoxite, h .. 9'· sr:gments, dorsa l. Abbreviat ions as in fig. 7. gonapophysis (hypova lva), h + p? .. amalgamation of hypovalv3 and parameres, hi .. hypandriu m irl\ ernum, p ? .. 10'" gonocoxile + 10'" gonapophysis ? (paramere?), SI .. stylus. • • •• ~'\, \­ .... 'v--..../ \ '-. '\'-. ~~ '" Fig. 10: Alena (Aztekoraphidia) hOf5taspoecki nay. spec., paratypus. 9, gen ital sC'gmenls, lateral. ab _ atrium bursae, abh - "horn" of atrium Fig. 9: Alena (AzteJrorophidio) horstaspoecki nov. spec., holotype, ct, genita l bursae, C' - C'ctoproc\, gc9 - 9'" gonocox iles, gphB - 8'" gonapophyses, gr Stgments, ventral. Abb reviations as in fig . 7. _ glandulae receptaculi, rs _ rece ptac ulum sC'min is. sb - sacculus bU f5ae. second and third coxae brown; tarsalia 3-5 brown, legs otherwise yellow ish. Wings: membrane hyaline, vena' 0.5""" tion predominantly brown, basa l half of C, basal R and yellowi sh; basal pan of Ma in hind wing as a lo ngilu­ " - ell dinal vein. Pterosti gma yellow, above the distal half of the first pterostigmal cell, with one vein crOSS ing, and with apical vein, Abdomen: terg ites speckled brownish; sternites anteri orly black, with two yellow spots in fe­ ) male, but twO large ye ll ow windows in male; caudally yel­ low, medially with a brownish deltoid patch; pleuml re­ gion brownish-ye ll owish. - 0" genital segments (Fig. 3-4, 7-9): Stemite of seg­ ment 8 only slightly shorter than tergite: tergite 9 trapez ­ Fig. 11: Alena (Aztekorophidio) horstospoecki nov. spec., paratyp e, 9 . iform; gonocoxites 9 forming huge plates with a blunt genital segments, venlra l. short, yellowish-whitish, only proximally and basally brownish apex; styli slim; stemite 8 mther indistinct; hy­ povalva paired, with broad basal rods, dorsally curved 131 spiraculum 7 free; teTRlle 8 IIlConsp'CUOUS. not rcachmg vcntral part of the segment. Atrium bursae ventrally with paired ..homs". jOined to a complex tog<'ther with the re­ cepla(ulmn ~minIS. which IS. howc\'er. stili ulKemlble; sacculus burs.1e and :1 p,l1r of glan,lulae receptacull sklll­ n~' and hose-shaped. aplC:l ll y club-like enlarged. Differentiation: AccorJmg to the m Oll' h ol~'}' of the mnth gonocoxnes or the male A. Wltrupocclu nov. spec. belongs 10 the species-group of [he subgenus A~lcko­ Tli/midia, which is con ~ lIIuted b~' A. cmWaUl (N AVAs 1914), A minllfa (BANKS 1903), A. ilI(5rra/is (BANKS 1895). A . lenochtitlo:na U. ASI'lU & H. ASI"Oc'K 1978, A. in[imdibulw.a U. ASI'OO: & H. A;';I\XK & RAUS(;H 1994. :lIlU A. schremmcri U. ASrOcK & H. ASI>OCK & RAUSCH 1994. ~'ithout ncing closely related tn any of them. h may be dlslmgulshcd from all other spt."C ies of [he suhgenus A~ll'kor{lphllli{l. but al,;o of Ihe b'Cnus Aknll. by Ihe huge :lOd heavilv scl erOli~ed lateral plat('s of [he hrpo\'alv;t, by the blunt yellOWish-whitish apex of the ninth i-'Onocoxltes in the 0. The ,Jenllfkation of Ihe 9 seems [0 he more difficult: the enlargement of the basal plate of the gonapophyses and rhe "homs" of the atrium burs;'.le complex arc only viSible after macemuon in KOH. Whether the remarkable bri~tles on the c1ypeus :md [he ~'ellilw colour of the ovipositor are reliable char­ acters for (I sa fe idelllificmion can not yet be uecldeu without havmg more material of iln mher Species of the ~'Cnus 3[ hanJ. Habitat (Fig. 12, 13): The type localll~' co n~i sllo of twO sitc~, one adj:lcelU \IJ a first ortler Stream dose to its oriJ!in (Mala,sc I). and a S('ConJ one at about 20 meters from the Str('am infO lill' fore.'it III a {mrh' open area (MalO1ise 2). The vq:et!l(lon comlS t ~ of a prist11le o:l k­ pille forbt at the hase of a moulll,lInous !lrea. BOIh MaImS<' nap" were mallltollneJ operntmg continuously for one ye:l r. However, the three snakefly ~peclmcn' on which this rapcr is bolst"l were the only ones cullL"Cted throughout Ihe s;unpling period. Almost nothmg IS known on the biology o( the new spe(:ies. its uisco\'er)' III a pme-o.1k (orest may. howe\'er, le:ld 10 the conclusion th:n the la rvae an.' conkolous, as lire all A!cna species whOS(' lar\'ae lire known (H. As] :K ZOOZI. Distribution (Map I): So (<lr A. hOT5trupoerk, I~ know n from the type locality on II', and mon probably it IS :mOlher enuemic species of the I!enu", whICh now com­ Fig.
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