,. WITH _ The Thunderpole m from the UK market the fastest· selling high-performance legal base station antenna. _ New centre-loaded, helicaUy wound coil with low radiation angle HEllCAllY - shrink-wrapped for all-weather protection. _ The amazing extra performance you expect from the world-famous Thunderpole range . WOUND • " Cltlzens' Band's" own tests indicate that the new Thunderpole m is one full S-point better than the original Thunderpole. (Technical note: This can give you 6db or the power equivalent CENTRE.. of running 16W into a %. wave antenna). Beefy, bigger diameter radiating element 1.65m long , making the most of the new H.D. Specifications. lOADED • Precision-machined alloy base with 3 angled ground planes, each 2.67m long, cross-braced and incorporating new. extra-strength. insulated nylon supports . COIl • Big power SOOW - Wide frequency band covering 120 channels - Low SWR. Suitable for all modes - AM. FM . SSB. _ Pole mounting base to fit 1Y. in. dia . • Price just £25incL VAT. Special kits to convert your Thunderpoles I and n into the latest Mk.ill with new centre-loaded coil available. THUNDERPOLE STRIKES AGAINI " Citizens' Band" magazine o n the fantastic Th underpole range: "A well constructed. easily assembled and erected, excellent performance lega/ antenna with the added bonus that it is pre-tuned. The Thunderpole was the best all-round base station antenna tested. looking and performing almost the same as the famous illegal Starduster." (on: the original Thunderpo/e). "On test the ThundBrpo/e Mk.ID performed very well and contact was ma intained even when the mobile test veh icle encountered a strong signal on the next channel in our notorious blackspot. .. "In conclusion we consider the Thunderpo/e III to be a strong and well-constructed, top performance antenna and, priced at £25. it is no more expensive than the original Thunderpo/e, which must be good value . .. THUNOERPOLE ANTENNA U.K. L TO. a subsidiary of Freeman & Pardoe Ltd. Tythlng Road, Arden Forest Industrial Estate, ALCESTER, Wo"' •. B49 6ES. Phone: Alee.ter (0789) 762 673. Ask for Thunderpole m™ at your local CB stockist now. The Thunderpole design and name are registered trade marks of Freeman & Pardoe Ltd. © Freeman & Pardoe 1984 Contents JANUARY 1985 VOLUME 5 NUMBER 2 Update . .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. 6 We identify our read ers Back Chat ............................. .. , .... .. .... .. .... 10 What do yo u think Cover this month Q & A .. .. ....................................... ..... ..... 12 Twang tries to get to grips with the Alec's advice int ricacies and complexities of the SWR M eter . K e ith Townse nd Small Screen Skip .... ... .......... , . ... .. .. ... .. ..... 14 ex plain s inside. DXi ng - with pictures lady Bre akers ... .. .. .... .............. .. ..... .. .. 19 Editor .. .... Eamonn Percival The supe rslab cometh Group Editor .... .. ... Sue S harp Advertising .. .... George Kynicos QSL .. .. .. .. ... ....... .. .. .. .. ............. 27 Desig ner . ... .. .. Sue Dimmock Keep in touch Publisher ..... ...... Cliff W ilson Publishing Director . .. John Foster A nt enna Review ............ • • . ...•• • . .. ••••••• ..... 30 Chairman .. ........... Jim Connell A life on the ocea n wave Breakers ' Basics ..... .... .. ..... .....•. .. .. ...• . • . ... 32 CB mysteries expla ined in a pull-out chart Normally published on the third Friday of t he month preceding cover Eyeball. Eyeball . ... .............. ................•. ..... 36 dat e. Th e off-a ir dangers Truckstop . .. .. .... ............. .. ............. .. ......... 39 Citizens' Band M agazine. A.S.P. Ltd ., P.O. Box Gismo checks out truckstops 35 , Wolsey House, Wolsey Road. Hemel Hemp­ stead, Herts. Telephone Hemel Hempstead 41221. Typesetting and Originat ion by Ebony Mack Chat .. .. .................................. .. .... .... 40 Typesetting, liskeard. CornwalL Printed by M ack asks some searching questions Simpson Drewett and Co. Ltd .. 70 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey. D istribution by Argus Press Sales and Distribution Ltd., 12-18 Paul Street. SWR Survey . ................................••............. 44 London EC2A 4JS. A look at what's ava ilable Twong ........ ... .. ... .... .... .. .. .. .... ... 49 The con tents of this publica tion including all ar· Ca pricious ca rtoon ca pers tlcles, designs, plans, drawings and programs and all copynght and othCl Intellectual property rights Readers Services . .. .... • . ..... • •.. ... .. • • •• . ..... ... 50 therein belong to Argus Specialist Publications Limi ted All fightS conferred by the law of For your information Copy fight and other Intellectual properlY fightS and by VIrtue of International copynght conven tions are Ref erence Section ..... ..•.. ..••......• • ........ • ••...... 57 speci fically reserved to Argus Specialist Publica· Prod uct and price guide tlons Li mited and any reproduction requires the ~)fIor wrlnen consent 01 the Company. © 1984 Argus Specialist Publications limited. CITIZENS' BAND DECEMBER 1984 3 SERVING YOU NATIONWIDE THROUGH OVER 350 SELECTED DEALERS 189 LONDON ROAD. NORTH END, PORTSMOUTH, HANTS. P02 9AE. NEVADA SWR METER This precise and extremely accurate mete r has been NEVADA 8speclallydeslgned forthe UK 934 MHz range and features an illuminated scale and low-loss N-Type connector sockets. Twin meter SWR units have been popular for some time now, 934 MHz but this meter takes the process one step further to Its logical conclusion - two needles on a si ngle meter. Merely calibrate the forward power and the second needle Is giving an PERSONAL automatic reflected reading. In addition to being an SWA meter, this unit measures power In two ranges; up to 10 watts and up to 50 watts, so It really Is a must for any 934 MHz RADIO operator. SPECIFICATION • Freq : 934 MHz; Impedance: SQOhms £89 95 BASE ANTENNA Powe r: 10 W. Full scale, SO W. Full scale • MODEL PA7-E NEVADA HRA-900 Mast Head Pre-ampllller The PA7-E is a strong and highly On 27 MHz the value of a preemp Is debet eble\under certain efficient (7.14 dbi) omn idirectional conditions, but at the higher 934 MHz there Is no argument. stacked 5/8 collnear Base antenna. However, at this frequency the noise added by a preamp is of Manufactured from the highest quality extreme Importance, and this unit features an exceptionally chromed brass and steel, with iow noise figure of 0.8 db and an Impressive gain of lS db. The lirbreglass whip. The cable connection exceptionally low noise figure Is obtained by using the latest is via 'N' type connector, with the feed "state of the art" components and high quality low loss coaxial point completely waterproofed. The relays. Because of this low noise figure at 934 MHz the pre­ PA7·E is supplied with a fully amp can effectively double the range of re ceived signals wh en comprehensive mounting kll with 'N' placed at the masthead. Th e MastHead Preamp, which is fully connector and waterproofing tape weatherproof, comes complete with re mote anI off control unit supplied. No VSWR adjustment Is and connecting cables for same, and is manufactured to the needed with this antenna. highest professional standards. PR ICE £59 SPE CIFICATIONS Gain: , Sdb min.; incl P&P Nominal Noise Figure: O.8db max. £149,95 MOBIL£ ANTENNAS MODEL TC·12L MOSI Lf ANTEUl The TC· I2lls a slate of tile art 12 elernenl loop ~I desloned MODEL P714R.£ specifically for optimum perll)(mance iJleP114ll.£ os a wryWIJIQ OU!II:' at 934 Mll Ilyone 01 the CountrYs f!IIlUf1\eO ..tmn, .. ,1/\ tOllltft P7M.£ leading mlClowa\'e Enoineers (pa l LOregliM "lIlp "'t/I ",,101gsteelbil!e pend) . The TC·I21ls manu facMed !tMIfI l rlc .. tfnIII IUCl "~ • from h~h Qualify materials to ensure ~_t11 4 ~OUl TIHI.,WOftl Ooed performance and also oooG" ItiUIlCiWd ....... QOOCI QuUty 'N' PluO 6ntCl illlout\t!fIIOI.IIIllSotlht fOtD \\o!ather handhng . CM:R rwe "n'tfl me¥lS 111<11 tile The cable entry point IS VIa a hl\jh .. tmna """P maybe kHovfd ..,mllO.ll Quality 'N' socket with unIQue .ernovroo~ com~ bil!e .kI<fn\OYnIO matching line. thiS allows for COllect O~1IOf stlC 50 ohm matchtng and low VSWR. The TC ·12L produces a tested·genume 18 dbloaln. SPECIACATIONS: * OeSlgnedbyoneol theUK'sleadlng * t;onnectlon VIa a simple 'N' AL L MOB ILE mlClowave engineers. connec101 eliminates the need 101 G.in: 18dBI complicated wlIIng and assOCIated AN TENNA S 3 dB 8 81"1 dwldth: 20 * ThiS antenna IS more loleranl 10 F'ont_a,cl<: - 25 dB nearlly $lruCMeS Wllhout ""'" 1st l id. lobes; * 14 dB dlSIOl1lon olla(!iallon pattern . W. ig M: I.I Iqj * BUltHn coaxial low toss feed PRI CE £39 . 95 £39 .95 SYSl~m . To 'N' sockel No Wiring Ow,.tI L.ngth: 53 .51ndlu necessary. Plus £5 P&P ( incl P&P ). ~ 934 Mh z ENTHUSIAS TS LO OK! SEND IN £1 NOW FOR OUR ~ ! -:s SPEC IAL 934 Mh z CATALOG : ohtains Technical info MODELS P7M-E & P7-E , and f ull details of our These mobile antennas are available asguttar mount (P7- E) or magnetlc,..rnount (p7M·E) with detachable base. The ~ produc t range . P7 antennas have a un ique 1/ 4 wave stub section so that they produce a uniform radiation pattern wherevertheyare r / mounted on the vehlcle.Both antennas produce eganu lne gain 01 (7.1 4 dbl) . The P7 antennas are supplied with 'N' . NEV ADA PR OD UCTS ARE AVA ILABL E connectorlitted, metal waterproofing screw cap to seal the ~ ~ONLY FR OM SP ECIALLY APPOIN TED guller mount socket If thewhlp Isto be removad. The gutter ' mount Is 01 the FOLD OVER type which means that the , . DEA LERS THR OUG HOUT THE UK antenna whip may be lowered without removing from the base. for entry Into garages etc . - - OR DIRE CT FROM TELECOMMS _.-• .eh ..CS=- D~' DlSP~TCH .-;HIJTlIHl 1J1tJS 0 662 O.N.'I lEIIJINfJ C.8. IJ/STRI80TfJR C'8IRNIT /JElTAI 934 Mhz TRANSCEIVER WARNING We have only a few sets left from our first shipment. Please check ____________.oL. __..l ordering.availability before *!I w,« Output * Setn oVlr 20 chlnn,l. *VSWR ProtecUon * Explnd,blt to 40 £325 chlnnell lwhln Ipprovld) + £5 special * 4 win audio output * Externtl.pelk" lock,.
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