Issue no: 1065 • JULY 13 - 16, 2018 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50 In this week’s issue... EU – Azerbaijan FOCUS Partnership Priorities ON THE NATO Reinforce Bilateral Agenda SUMMIT NEWS PAGE 2 No change for Georgia PAGE 2,7 Should NATO Fear Russia? POLITICS PAGE 4 The Road ahead for the Ex-PM POLITICS PAGE 7 Image source: brookings.edu The Trump Era Linguistic PM Bakhtadze Meets EU Analysis POLITICS PAGE 8 Anaklia Deep Sea Port’s Ambassador to Georgia Construction Proceeds to BY THEA MORRISON New Chapter BUSINESS PAGE 9 eorgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze met with Janos Herman, Aftermath: Tbilisi & Marneuli EU Ambassador to Georgia, upon SOCIETY PAGE 12 the Diplomat’s completion of his tenure in the country. GSpecial attention was paid to the economic 4th Year of the Georgian integration of Georgia with the EU. Both sides discussed the agenda of EU-Georgia interaction Pantomime Festival and stressed the progress achieved by the coun- try on the way to its European integration. Reforms, which have been implemented for the support of small and medium sized enter- prises (SME), along with the current initiatives of the EU, were positively assessed and it was added they will facilitate the inclusive economic growth, thereby resulting in an increased rate by Georgian authorities towards addressing the EU in the development of Georgia. According of economic integration of Georgia with EU. current challenges in the process of visa-free to Herman, the EU will continue to actively Discussions touched upon the topics related travel, which were clearly commended. provide its solid support of the reforms imple- to visa liberalization and actions implemented Bakhtadze stressed the signifi cant role of the mented by the Government of Georgia. CULTURE PAGE 15 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JULY 13 - 16, 2018 Georgia’s Territorial Integrity Reinforce in NATO Summit Declaration the construction of border-like obstacles,” BY THEA MORRISON the NATO member states say. The declaration reiterates the decision made at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that he Heads of State and Gov- Georgia will become a member of the ernment participating in Alliance, with MAP as an integral part the meeting of the North of the process. Atlantic Council in Brussels “We recognize the signifi cant progress on July 11-12, 2018 issued a on reforms which Georgia has made and Tjoint declaration which reiterates the must continue, which are helping Geor- Alliance’s support for the territorial gia, an aspirant country, progress in its integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, preparations towards membership, and Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova which strengthen Georgia’s defense and within their internationally recognized interoperability capabilities with the borders. Alliance,” the document reads. “In accordance with its international It also says that Georgia’s relationship commitments, we call on Russia to with- with the Alliance contains all the practi- draw the forces it has stationed in all cal tools to prepare for eventual mem- three countries without their consent,” bership of NATO. the declaration of NATO’s 29-member “We highly appreciate Georgia’s sig- states reads. nifi cant and steadfast contributions to The document also condemns Russia’s the NATO Response Force and the Res- illegal and illegitimate annexation of olute Support mission. These efforts, Crimea and calls on Russia to withdraw along with Georgia’s participation in its troops from the territory of the Repub- EU-led operations, demonstrate the lic of Moldova and Georgia’s occupied country’s commitment and capability to regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. contribute to Euro-Atlantic security,” “We call on Russia to reverse its recog- the document reads. Photo: Heads of NATO 29 states issued a joint declaration on July 11. Source: NATO website nition of the Abkhazia and South Ossetia NATO member states have underlined “We remain committed to our support in the summit stated NATO remains the tively all three core tasks as set out in regions of Georgia as independent states; the fact that they stand ready to enhance for the territorial integrity, independ- foundation for a strong, collective the Strategic Concept: collective defense, to implement the EU-mediated August further their support to Georgia, particu- ence, and sovereignty of Armenia, Azer- defense and an essential transatlantic crisis management, and cooperative 12, 2008 ceasefi re agreement, particularly larly in the areas of counter-mobility, train- baijan, Georgia, and the Republic of forum for security consultations and security. the withdrawal of Russian forces from ing and exercises and secure communica- Moldova,” they added. decisions among Allies, adding the Alli- “NATO will continue to strive for peace, the territory of Georgia; to end its mili- tions, adding they look forward to the next In the 79-point declaration, the Heads ance will continue to pursue a 360-degree security, and stability in the whole Euro- tarization of these regions; and to stop NATO-Georgia exercise in 2019. of State and Government participating approach to security and to fulfi l effec- Atlantic area,” the declaration reads. EU – Azerbaijan Partnership Priorities Reinforce Bilateral Agenda 2015 review of the European Neighbor- an ambitious and comprehensive agenda. BY SAMANTHA GUTHRIE hood Policy and provides a fresh plat- The agenda will refl ect the values and form for healthy, productive political principles of the European Neighbor- dialogue and cooperation between the hood Policy, including respect for human n 11 July, EU High Repre- EU and Azerbaijan. rights, democracy, the rule of law, and sentative Federica Mogh- EU Neighbors reports that the Partner- dialogue with civil society.” erini and the Minister of ship Priorities “represent an important Ongoing negotiations for a new bilat- Foreign Affairs of Azer- step forward in EU-Azerbaijan relations eral agreement coincide with the fi nali- baijan, Elmar Mammad- and will guide and enhance this partner- zation of the Partnership Priorities deal, Oyarov, completed negotiations of the ship over the coming years.” The newly sending a clear signal that both the EU EU-Azerbaijan Partnership Priorities in signed partnership focuses on four main and Azerbaijani sides are interested in the presence of President of the Euro- areas – strengthening institutions and enhancing their relationship. Members pean Council, Donald Tusk, and the good governance; economic development of the EU and Azerbaijan leadership President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. and market opportunities; connectivity, teams hope that the relationship will The process of developing the Partner- energy effi ciency, environment and cli- bring positive results to benefi t the cit- ship Priorities began in November 2016, mate action; and mobility and people-to- izens of both places. when the Council of Europe adopted a people contacts – “while also staying true The Partnership Priorities now moves mandate for the European Commission to the principle of differentiation in the to be formally approved by both parties and the High Representative for Foreign EU's relationships with the Eastern Neigh- before being offi cially adopted but is Affairs and Security Policy to negotiate borhood countries,” says EU Neighbors. expected to be supported by the EU and a comprehensive agreement with the The European Commission press release Photo: European Commission Azerbaijan. Republic of Azerbaijan. The new agree- breaks down the agreement, saying that: The European Union has gradually ment is designed to replace the previous good governance includes the fi ght against cooperation on energy connectivity and Azerbaijani citizens to meet and exchange expanded the scope of its cooperation Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, corruption, public administration reform, signifi cant progress made on the South- experiences. with Azerbaijan since relations were more deeply considering the shared and crime and terror-defense capacity ern Gas Corridor, including support for The Partnership Priorities also provides established in 1991. Azerbaijan has been objectives and modern challenges of the building; economic development includes Azerbaijan's ability to operate as a trade, a policy framework for planned fi nancial included in the European Neighborhood EU and Azerbaijan. Negotiations on the the sustainable diversifi cation of the logistics and transport hub, regulatory cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Policy (ENP) since 2004, and in the new agreement were launched in Febru- economy, support for WTO member- assistance, and sustainable resource European Union through 2020. Eastern Partnership Initiative since its ary 2017 following President Aliyev’s ship, and improving business and invest- management; mobility includes support The EU press release says that “through founding in 2009. A Protocol on Azer- visit to Brussels. The Partnership Pri- ment environments; climate action for education and human capital, and these Partnership Priorities, the EU and baijan's participation in EU Programs orities is laid out along the lines of the includes building on the successful increasing opportunities for EU and Azerbaijan renew their commitment to and Agencies was adopted in July 2016. Georgian President Meets Jens Stoltenberg talked about the progress Georgia has ble and secure, how to enhance the BY THEA MORRISON achieved in this regard. As he noted, cooperation formats with NATO, which Georgia has all the necessary practical leads to strengthening defense capa- tools to prepare for
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