Technopolitical innovation for citizen action Real Democracy for the 21st century Transparency and public information: end of corruption and impunity TECHNOPOLITICS THE USE OF NETWORKS TO TRANSFORM REALITY Optimal propagation processes, combining the ability to change and adapt with maintaining a stable identity over time WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT FROM THE NET AND HOW IT CAN BE EXTRAPOLATED TO ALL SPACES OF STRUGGLE The !nternet is not "ust a tool; it is an epoch in history The Internet is both a tool and a battle ro!nd. Our main asset is surprise: the ability to do the unexpected, unexpectedly and in unexpected places %e have to do our crying elsewhere. %ho, what, how, when, where. &nd above all: why !nvention and e$perience at a time. No #roble$ sho!ld e%er ha%e to be sol%ed twi'e" &ttitude is no substitute for competence. Our time is the historical time, not the psychological time. Herd and cataly t ! 'ustice and (uality %hen you have no imagination, you turn to memory )ederated s*ills. Distributed leadership +articipation and responsibility Recognition and collective intelligence. The importance of the fork Altr"# $ # el% &ne t&at &a n't c($e ("t () t&e cl( et! &ll that is outside of the centre will always be -more”: more representative, more numerous, bigger, freer, more /e$ible, more volatile, newer and, above all, more real WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT FROM THE NET AND HOW IT CAN BE EXTRAPOLATED TO ALL SPACES OF STRUGGLE Representative democracy as the dictatorship of the largest minority over the ma"ority of minorities. We are(!n'o!ntable and !n)lo'atable" We &or* with what &e ha%e" The ob"ective of language. 0o power means no rights. Transform our imaginary so we can subvert reality & strategic attitude to our desires and our nightmares 1urvival itself means learning to see what2s ahead L(*ic # a )eelin*! %ithout pleasure and rage, there’s no empowerment. %ithout empowerment there’s no rebellion. %ithout rebellion there’s no r34volution The +C!lt o, -one."/ %e shouldn2t do the things we like to do, but the things that we can win at: and we’ll end up liking it Then there are ethics, implicit in our actions !t is the direction of -doing. We d( n(t teac&+ ,e &are and $a*n#)y &ared -erce-t#(n ! &ll these steps are anti3natural. They all lead us to what we truly desire. 5oralism is a state of racism and cowardliness at the same time !t is the sense of superiority of the person who does not act 5y heroes are my comrades in the 6ght. Be radi'al1 ask ,or the #ossible" Networ*ed action as a str! le philosoph2 PRACTICAL TE3TS FOR ACTION WORKIN4 NOTES FOR A r)E5OLUTION ./011] 3y S#$(na Le4# Our historic and strategic contribution to 175’s construction along with thousands of other people. http:/8conservas.t*8working3notes3for3a3revolution8 NOTES FOR A r)E5OLUTION 6%ersión 8"9: Sta e t&o: %ices %s ne& ta'tical %irt!es ./01/2 3y S#$(na Le4# 175 as a validation of the innovations we propose. http:/8conservas.t*8tactics8 THE PATH TO THE REAL WORL-TM./011] by Ser*#( Sal*ad( 9ow online communication is changing of/ine politics http:/8www.guerrillatranslation org82:1;8:<81=8the3path3to3the3realworld8 3net – Free Internet or barbaris$ >net’s wor* begins in 2::? under the name of E34AE !t is set up by activists and artists coming from movements defending free culture and the !nternet, the movement for the right to housing @AdeAivienda) and other citizen movements. >net organises and begins to wor* in the defence of sharing, of the free /ow of information and of free culture, promoting a critical debate on copyright, copyleft and licenses. Different dispositives are frequently launched as anon2$ous devices for speci6c issues or campaigns. FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE FREE CULTURE FORUM ./0056-re ent day2 http:88fcforum net/en8 &n international space for the development of proposals coming from civil society !t has produced various programmatic documents such as: ➢ Charter ,or Inno%ation, Creativit2 and A''ess to Kno&ledge http:88fcforum net/en8charter ➢ Sustainable $odels ,or 'reati%it2 in the di ital era http:88fcforum net/en8sustainable-models-for3creativity ➢ Cro&dfunding e>#erien'es in the Spanish state and Catalonia http:882:12 fcforum net/e$periencias-crowdfunding3caracteristicas-retos-ob staculos/ FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE NORMALISATION OF THE O3CARS ./0076/0182 The reatest ,ree '!lt!re show o, all ti$es Each edition shows the most innovative wor* done that contributes to the affirmation of a culture and philosophy adapted to sharing and the digital era, as well as the use of the !nternet as a tool for improving "ustice and the (uality of democracy http:/8$net3x.net8en8get3in3touch3for8the3o$cars8 5ideo +The Best o, the O>'ars.: https:88www youtube com8watchCv=ux4tA*Rn!7c FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE MOLINA PÍRATE ./0052 http:88$net3$ net/molina-pirate Campaign against an agreement promoted by the 1panish 5inister of Culture 3 Eesar &ntonio 5olina 3 that would give private !nternet providers control of citizen’s use of their &D1F connections, favouring multinational communication business and collection societies. The #ublic response to the a ree$ent #ro$oted Minister Molina@s re$o%al ,ro$ o,A'e" 5ideo; https:88vimeo com8;<2317< FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE RE- SOS)TENIBLE ./0106/0112 http:88red3sostenible.net/ & citizen platform, made up by collectives, associations and individuals coordinating to struggle against the 1inde Faw and in defence of the Net&or* Ne!tralit2 and transparen'2 Through this networ*, actions against ACTA are also coordinated SIN-E PÍRATE ./0102 http:88$net3$ net/sinde-pirate &gainst the following 5inister of Culture 3 &ngeles Gonzalez3 1inde 3 and the so3called H1inde Faw", that typified the criminalization of downloads and the obtaining of pro6ts and privileges for telecommunications companies. Po#ular #ressure thro! h the Internet halted its a##ro%al durin PSOE@s o%ern$ent" FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE 0LACKOUT EUROPE in the S#anish state ./0052 http:88$net3$ net/blac*out3europe Eampaign for the 4uropean elections of June 6th 2::<: "we will not vote for parties that want to sell our right of access to the !nternet to private interests.H STOP ACTA in the S#anish state ./0102 http:88$net3$ net/stop-acta &CT& was another offense against cultureJs circulation on the !nternet 0egotiated by a small "club" of countries with the same opinions instead of being democratically debated &CT& bypassed parliaments and international organisations to dictate a repressive logic for the entertainment industries. ACTA &as reBe'ted in the Euro#ean Parlia$ent on Cul2 Dth 89E8" FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE -)E5OLUTION SUMMIT .March 21 t6/8rd 20102 http:88d3evolution fcforum net/ 1imultaneous action to the summit of the 27 4K 5inisters of Culture and their encounter with the 4uropean )orum for Cultural !ndustries in Larcelona. !t was conceived as a real- time chronic of what was going on and a lobbying action It a'hie%ed to s!bstantiall2 $odi,2 the 'ontent o, the reen boo* #ro#osed b2 the Euro#ean Co$$ission. Aideo: https:88www youtube.com8watchCvD<Mz<0+u5nfo INTERNET WONFT 0E ANOTHER TV ./0102 http:88internetnoseraotratv net/ PU0LICATIONS The result of the wor* developed by >net members in different areas of action, has been part of various publications. http:88$net3$ net/en8get3in3touch3for8publications/ http:88$net3$ net/en8get3in3touch3for8research3conferences-and3courses/ FREE CULTURE & INTERNET DEFENSE S!stainabilit2 ,or the -i ital a e TRAINING IN ONLINE ACTION Radical Co$$!nit2 Mana er !ntensive training courses on digital tools and strategies, social networ*s and campaign design for organised citizens. http:/8xnet3$.net8en8get3in3touch3for/training3in3online-action8 How to o deep into the Internet as a battleAeld and how to gain the abilities to organise and amplify our actions, taking advantage of the synergies of the networ*ed society NETWORKED -EMOCRACY & THE STRUGGLE AGAINST CORRUPTION NETWORKED DEMOCRACY ./011 9 -re ent day2 NOT VERTICAL NOT HORIZONTAL NETWORKED -ISMANTLE; ➢ +ut an end corruption to implement a networ*ed democracy 0UIL-; ➢ !nformation transparency ➢ Disintermediation of citizen action ➢ Citizen control of institutions THE STRU44LE A4AINST CORRUPTION THE EN- OF IMPUNITY ./01/6-re ent day2 http:88$net3$ net/en86ght3against3corruption3guide BUGHNX – The X$ailbo> CITIGEN LEAKS AGAINST CORRUPTION The 0!I7nX device is a channel created for safely connecting citizens with evidence of corruption to "ournalists and legal e$perts. http:88$net3$ net/en8get3in3touch3for8$mailbo$3lea*s-against3corruption8 Developed from the lessons learnt from %i*ileaks and wor*ing on scaling3up at local and analogical levels, LuzNn> has now dozens of cases on which the team are wor*ing on to give le al and $edia out'o$es !n parallel, >net gives training for citizens active on the matter of 6ghting corruption CASES UNCO5ERE- THROU4H BUGHNX TO THE -ATE ➢ Llesa’s emails reach the public opinion 3 Report O interview: PLuzNn>, citizens against corruption https:88www youtube.com8watchCv=o>QfI1o=%0* (video 4nglish captionsB ➢ 9ow Eaja 5adrid2s Llack Eards2 scandal was uncovered http:88www publico es8internacional/herederos3assange3dan3caza3rato html ➢ & "udge investigates another corruption plot concerning the Eatalan &A4 http:88www elperiodico com8es8noticias8sociedad8juez3indaga3otra3trama3corrupta3del3av e3catalan3portada3periodico3catalunya3;771=;; ➢ 5inister Fuis de Guindos2 role in PFu$Feaks http:88$net3$ net8de3guindos3en3lu$leaks ➢ 1on 4spases 9ospital Ease and the involvement of
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