2021 Landscape@ Special Effects e s b t u o Species Approx Approx .Wi t p Height in dth in m cm m 14 Common Name Meters Meters Description 70 Shrubs A small tree ideal for screens and hedges, Acmena Smithii Minor Small Leaf Dwarf Lily Pily 3-4m 2m producing purple edible berries x x flowers with bright yellow balls, growing into Acacia glaucoptera Clay Wattle 1-1.5m 2m an attractive small shrub with blue -green x leaves with maroon new growth. A rainforest tree with shiny green leaves and Acronychia acidula Lemon Aspen 4-5m 3m lemon flavoured fruit x An attractive low shrub with cream flowers, red Austromyrtus dulcis Midyim Berry .5-1m 1-.5m new growth while produces tasty edible x berries. fast growing ,suitable for hedges or screans, Atriplex nummularia Oldman saltbush 2-3m 1-2m used as a buah food or grazing livestock. x A great shrub for the cut flower market flowering for many weeks in early spring. The Chamelaucium uncinatum Geraldton Wax 1-3m 1-2m leaf tips are also used a native herb for a citrus x type flavour. A fine leaf understory shrub also growns in full Coprosma Quadrifida Prickly currant bush 2-3m 2-3m sun , producing sweet edble berries x Attractive grey-green foliage with white star Correa alba White Correa 2m 2m like flowers, makes a great coastal plant. x x A compact form of the Correa Alba ideal for Correa alba compact .7m 1m borders and small hedges. x x The dusky pink flowers over winter with rich Correa reflexa Xpulchella Correa Dusky Bells .7m 2.5m green foliage that forms a dense ground cover. x x One of the largest flowers in correas,which wre Correa reflexa Correa Fat Fred 1.2m 1.2m bright red and green flowering in autumn. x A small correa with dark green foliage and red Correa reflexa nana Common Correa .8m 1.5m and green flowers, making an ideal dense x x ground cover. A great winter flowerer producing masses of Crowea saligna cross Crowea Festival 1m 1m dark pink flower for many months. x A very hardy ground cover with bright yellow Goodenia ovata prostrate Hop Goodenia Prostrate .3m 2m flowers and bright green dense foliage. x Growing naturaly around the Otway coast, Lasiopetalum baueri Slender Velvet Bush .6-1m 1.5-2m making a great dense ground cover, with x masses of pink bell flowers Attractive grey-green foliage with red tips and Leucodendron salignum dwarf Leucodendron "Cheeky" .6m 1m yellow flowers.Great for small hedges. x Attractive grey-green foliage with red tips , Leucdendron salignum 1.5m 1.5m great for cut flowers x fast growing fire resistant shrub growing Myoporum insular dwarf Boobialla 1.2m 2m naturaly aroung the coast. x a great groundcover used as a green mulch , Myoporum parvifolium prostrate boobiallla, pink prostrate 3-5m sending roots as it grows, good for covering x flowered form. banks and suppressing weeds. A medium shrub with strong minty aromatic aroma and flavour often used as a herb for Prostanthera incisa Cut Leaf Mint 1.5-2.5m 2m cooking .It looks great in the landscape with its x mauve flowers in the spring. Used as a landscape plant as well as a dried Prostanthera rotundifolia Roundleaf Mint 3m 3m herb in cooking. Masses of mauve flowers in x x early spring. Peppers come in Male and female plants, both wth rich green pepper flavoured leaves , cream Tasmannia lanceolata Mountain Pepper 2m 2m flowers and dark red stems with the female x plant producing berries which turn from red to dark red or black when ripe. Hardy with blue green foliage and bright pink Enchylaena tomentosa Ruby Saltbush .3-.5m 1-2m edible berries, withstands dry conditions and x adaptable to most soils. 2021 Landscape@ Special Effects e s b t u o Species Approx Approx .Wi t p Height in dth in m cm m 14 Common Name Meters Meters Description 70 Produces a mass of white flowers in early Thryptomine calycina Grampians Thryptomine 1-2m 1-1.5m spring that last for months turning pink as the x flowers finish. Telopea speciossima Nsw Warratah 3m 2m A spectacular shrub with large red flowers. x Banksias Hardy shrub grown in most well drained Aemula, shrub form 2-3m 2-3m soilideal for screens and bird attracting shelter. x x Large woolly flower of a variety of Baueri; Possum Banksia 1-2m 2-3m colourscream grey or some times red. x x popular for cut flowers, easily grown on most Baxteri ; Birds Nest Banksia 2-4m 3-4m soils. x A popular ground cover banksia that creeps Blechnifolia .3m 2-3m across the ground, red flowers tha stand x x upright on the ground. Attractive fern like foliage with striking yellow Brownii; 4-6m 2-3m and red striped flowers. x x white buds opening to orange flowrs, poular Burdettii 2-3m 2-3m for cut flowers. x x Spectacular crimson to orange flowers that are Coccinea, select red—floriculture 3-4m 2-3m popular for cut flowers. Prefers well drained x sandy soil but can take seasonaly wet soil. Orange to red candles, flowering through Ericafolia Heath Banksia 2-3m 2-3m autumn, great bird attactor and easily grown in x most soils. Attractive foliage with green to lemon terminal Grandis (shrub) 2-3m 2-3m flowers. The seed cones can be used by wood x x turners to create art works. Commonly growing around the east coast of Integrafolia Coast Banksia 4-8m 3-5m Australia, it makes a good screen tree that is x attractive to birds. Growing naturaly around the coast and Marginata (shrub form) Silver Banksia 1-3m 2-3m hinterland, in most soils, poular with native x x bird and possums. more upright and taller than its shrubby cousin. Marginata (Tree form) Silver Banksia 3-6m 3-6m It grows inland up through the volcanic plais x and central victoria. Blueish foliage with deep pink flowers. Ideal for Menziesii, Dwarf form. 1-2m 1-2m landscaping and cut flowers, likes well drained x x soils. Grows in seasonaly wet soils with masses of Occidentalis Red Swamp Banksia. 3-6m 3-4m red, pink or yellow and red flowers. x x A yellow flowered prostrate banksia with blue Petiolaris 30cm 2m grey leaves. x x Adapted to a wide range of soils, frost sensitive Plagiocarpa Hinchinbrook 1.5 -3m 2-3m with silver to blue grey flowers often used as x x cut flowers. Attractive rusty red new foliage. Grows on a wide variety of soils making a Praemorsa, bright yellow, Hi Noon. 2-3m 2-4m dense screen with large bright yellow flowers. x x Very large wine red to burgundy flowers, Praemorsa, burgundy red; 3-4m 3-5m slightly grey foliage making a great screeen and x x wind break while being a great bird attracter. A popular Banksia for cut flowers, buds begin Prionotes (shrub form) 2-2.5m 2m white then open to orange. x x Attractive large leaf banksia that grown on heavier soils and wet ares. Flowers often are Robur Swamp Banksia 2-3m 2m dark green or dark red becoming yellow as they x open up. Tall upright Banksia with timber potential with Semi nuda River Banksia 15-25m 4-5m yellow and sometimes red flowers x Grows in a wide variety of soils with large Serrata Old Man Banksia 3-7m 2-4m yellow flowers. Makes a great bird attracter in x a tree belt or as a large screen tree. Unusual soft velvety fawn coloured terminal Solandri 2-3m 2-3m flowers. x x 2021 Landscape@ Special Effects e s b t u o Species Approx Approx .Wi t p Height in dth in m cm m 14 Common Name Meters Meters Description 70 A very architectural plant with large lemon Speciosa; Showy Banksia 2-4m 3-4m flowers and chocolate coloured buds , white x x underneith the leaves. A baby banksia with very compact form and Spinulosa Coastal cushion .5m-.7m 1-2m flowers are yellow with red styles . x Eremophila Hardy drought tolerant silver foliaged ground Kalbarri Carpet .3m 3-4m cover. x A compact hardy drought tolerant shrub with Silver Ball .7-1m 1m attractive silver foliage x x Grevillea A great little ground cover with prostrate habit Lanigera Dwarf Woolly Grevillea 0.2m 1-2m and masses of dark pink flowers. x soft grey/ green foliage with bright red flowers. OlivaceaX pressii hybrid Sea Mist 1-1.2m 1.5-2m A small dense shrub and a great bird attracter. x x Spectacular feature tree with large orange Robusta Silky Oak 10-20m 8-10m toothbrush type flowers. Also produces x specialty feature timber. Kunzea Naturaly compact with bright crimson bottle brush flowers with yellow stamen.Very popular Baxteri nana Mandys Surprise (Pbr) 1-1.2m 1-1.5m for bird attracting. Grows well in most well x drained soils. Grows as both prostrate and shrub forms. Pomifera Muntries .3-1m 2-3m Masses of white flowers producing edible x berries like miniature apples. Grasses/Herbs Large growing red Kangaroo paw, great bird Anagozanthus Flavidus Large red Kangaroo paw 1.2m attractor and usefull for cut flowers x Grey green strapy foliage with striking mauve Pattersonii occidentalis Long Purple Flag .3-.4m ..3m iris like flowers in spring. x blue green foliage with a lemon scnted and Cymbopogan ambguus Australian lemon grass .5-.9m flavoured lef and stem that is used for a x x flvouring in cooking.
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