•J-L.!US^.ilJ.!S!HW£!?S ^^m^sssmmm^s ' , - • • • . THE EVENING TELEGRAM—NEW YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. :-- ££; / BA$EBftLL TENNIS II flMLETTCS* E p.: SPRINTING WfcrtE$c»t ALONG wtthFtanctfr HILE watching some of nit ANKEE players have finished W stars go down to defeat in ¥ probably the most disappoint- the recent national senior cham­ ikg seasou ever registered by a pionships on Franklin FieJ^ ?$j$r York club. Figured as pos- Philadelphia. Martin A. DelarM-y, wssing class enough to distance coach of the Chicago A.A^ emitted ^'competition, the Yanks last several blasts which he felt will qpriiig trottetl along with the go a long way toward bettering * pace, apparently withholding their title meets ir. the future. The strongest drive until the journey Chicago team was trounced bj should become rough. Until near­ WILLIAMS 6- the New Yorks for the point hon ly July 1 the team looked like the ors the first time in four years best bet in baseball. The batters THE LAUREL FEATURES. Delaney was not sure he wai \jpfre breaking up games and the TENNIS STARS The order of the swnalaic of the going to repeat with his coilec a' pitchers were performing with per­ •take* will be:—Capital Haadleap. Ition because three of his men wen fect accord. Colonels Ruppert aud t3.00a added. u»o-yeer~old«. Mi far IOBR*. October It Maryland Handi­ ill, but he found cause to' hav< Huston were extremely pleased KEEP IN TRIM cap* 910,060 added, three-year-eld^ cue mile and a quarter. October 4» something to say. and well satisfied that at last New Xatteaat. 93.000 added, twe-year- The irascible Dtlaney is for the elim York was to have an Americau olds, atz furlongs. October 8t An-, iratiou of several evc-uts and the cut •spoil* Handicap. 97.300 added.- League pennant winner. Then the FOR BIG TESTS tbree-year-«»ld« and over, one mile ting down of two others to make nu ' team went to pieces entirely. nnd * hnlfV October 111 Chevy Chase tional championships a success from i Steeplechnae,fSyOOO ndded, four-?ear- spectator's standpoint. He would throt . Just where the blame should be placed By FREDERICK B. ALEXANDER. clda nnd over, about two mite* nnd n ta hard>to tclL We received a volumin- Consistency, condition and headwork arc half. October ISt Manor Handicap. out such fit'H stunts us throwing th . ^Sf epistle from "P. A." of the Army, now the main factors which make a na­ ¥3.006 added, two-year-old*, one hummer, lifting the fifty-six poua 1 in which the soldier openly charges the tional tennis champion. Johnston, the mile. October 22j Laurel. $7^09 ndded. weight, throwing the discus uud the run winner of the recent singles titles, un all aces, one mite. October S3, nnd ning broad and hop, step and jump. II . ffiBrirfenpf the Yanks to the door of Miller doubtedly pro\*.-d this was so. In addi­ Ticket of Leave Steeplechase, 93.000 * ftusgins. But the soldier adds that IIuz- tion, grit and fight ndded, three-year-olds, about two would cut down the regulation five mil * gins is not unlike the several other man Ins spirit must be miles, October' 20. title run to two miles and make the wal ^•gers-who have tried their band at pull- embodied In the at one mile instead of three miles. make up of the "The distance run and the long heel an 4«ing the Yankees out of the slough of de- present day leader - '$ feat Then "F. A." takes the padding toe race -fcku on one's nerves," declare* and both Johnston Delaney. "Two miles would be a bette |!f off the dub again to point out that there and Gerald Patter­ distance and it would give the spectator . I does not seem any excuse for Hoggins son, the winner at GIANTS WIN FIRST a'chance 'to £ee a truly run race. 1 Wimbledon of the because the line-up of the Yanks was far would not tax the strength of the dis 1 so-called ' world's tancers. Take, for Instance, the five mile r^ ^!*!!©^ to any that have gone. championship, <>f today. Look at oiem strung out. 1 -^ "•There are many things wrong with showed the ability IN 50 MINUTES; is an -awful sight. I thought the wal ::thie\Yanks," writes "F. A." "It maybe. to put on extra was a joke, for the winner. Willie Plan sFfeed when In a <=rttafcthey do not take to Huggins. Their made a show of his field. If the distanc tight place. had been at a mile the chances are th base running was pitiful. Their batting' [o Slight Edge competition would have been much bettei "vj ?;?ras' streaky.'. T feel that if McGraw.; These qualities SCORE IS 6 T01 have usually been "Hold the three field events and th r'.Mpran or Gleason had been in charge orj possessed by aU of Jumps either before the championships t I threw,' them out altogether. They don -itte: Yankees-there would have been a our former cham­ ISPSCTAt. TO Tits EVEXIN.O TELEGRAM.! F.B.ALEXANDER pions in tennis, but Over Cincinnati Reds in Pitching mean anything. The men and women I ;V*fiv«nt. standing of the teams in the POLO GROUND. XEW XORK. Sunday, the stands can't sec the .jumping and t*r ^American League at this time. There it has only been of -O-r- late shears, within j —Every player on the Giants got a hit and competition in t!>e hammer, fifty-six an should be a shake-up. If the Yanks are ;i N>w York WOP the first Bame cf today 3 discus is of no interest to them. AI>o< the last'cteeade. that players have found Shine Ball Expert, Best Twirier SOME GREAT PITCHERS. Ruether Will Carry Moran's ' time the A. A. I J. did something to bett< -^asleep and listless there should be a man It necessary to train faithfully in order to loublc header from Philadelphia. 6 to l-i conditions or else thcVll get onlv a co ..somewhere who can wake them up. At emerge victorious. In the times preceding of the Season, Sure to Hopes—Fisher May Get the game was generally considered an af­ There la\e been many famous Barnes allowed the Philadelphia ns five hits. point's guard to see the champlonshi] U.l least there will have to be a different fair for relaxation and a tournament was Aid Sox. pitchers In world series of the pant- Into Series, i Meadows pitched for the .visitors. next year." pitchers who have won fame by their Joie Ray makes his last appearance i "• '•? attitude or the fans will be disappointed.** enterel more for the good time one had The game was played in fifty minutes, than for the actual tennis pta>V>d. work In the maid event of the bane-* the East for some time to come this af te Now the slightest let down in a match \V BY HYATT DAAB. brill year. Christy Stathewson, the Slim Sallee, according to our line of Tvhich breaks all time records for major noon In a spec:al half" mile run at tl priTJW fans give the Yanks "credit for famous Giant star, eovered himself Newark' Velodrome. The Illinois A." between two first class players of today E diligent dopeEter may have his reasoning, will be fortunate to win. Sallee league games. »£ .landing, in - the" first division. The with glory In the world series agatant employs a slow ball delivery and "plays" crack, national mile and half-mile char ! means the loss of that match, because annual spree with statistics. plon, will compete against three of tl -_ J? =failure of the Giants makes the fans when a player begins to &el weary on the the Macknteh In days' Rone by; Chief the corners of the'plate deftly with ex­ The ;;»mr la Detail. •"- He may base his forecast of .vic­ Bender nnd Eddie Plant also shone cellent control^-Ite has had extraordinary .best hajf-milcrs in the metropolitan, di "^i^fltL^MLbitttciu.It.lwas, a pill for courts—and let me say this state.of pbysi r ri'tST IXNINGAFletchcr threw out trict. .They are Jack Sellers. .Horn tory for thfe Reds or White Sox upon the In the big clash. The great trio of "New. YorkTo~have two such promising cal being suddenly comes over one—It Is success for iuch an old campaigner" th L.eDourveau." Black.burne doubled. "Doyle fancied momentum of one or the reputed Rndolph, James*and Tyler swept the sens-on. He has beaten the Giants fre­ Eaker nnd Mike Devanney. After .th B next to impossible for htm to stage a come threw, out Williams,- Biackburne" taking race is decided."Frank Kramer and Rr B baseball ontfits finish' behind others ot gameness of the other with the fragrant Braves to the world's title in 1014 by quently-and other hard hitting clubs as fen back. Indefed, the tomotchers are on the third. Meusel safe on Fletcher's error. Eaton will compete in a one-mile scrati lesser ability. McGraw realized that his odor of autumn kale in their bugles. wonderful pitching. Cicotte starred well. But Sal soaked up some heavy : lookout for'signs of any such slump on the In the series of 1017 between .the] Biackburne scoring. Luderus singled? match bicyclb.'race,.-best two put of thr team would not do almost three months part of their opponent and quick to take He may pick Roush to blaze the Midland punishment when he sought to stop the 3ancroft forced Luderus.
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