IAGA National Correspondents ALBANIA: DUKA University of Tirana T: 355 4 224 5267 Prof. Dr. Bejo Faculty of Natural Sciences [email protected] Tirana ALBANIA ALGERIA: ABTOUT Centre de Recherche en T: 213 23 18 90 98/99 Prof. Abdesslam Astronomie, Astrophysique et [email protected] Géophysique (CRAAG) [email protected] Route de l’Observatoire B.P. 63 Bouzareah, Algiers ALGERIA ARGENTINA: ORGEIRA Universidad de Buenos Aires T: 54 11 4788 3439 Dra. Maria Julia Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y [email protected] Naturales Departamento de Geología Ciudad Universitaria Pabellon 2 1428 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA AUSTRIA: LEICHTER Central Institute for Meteorology & T: 43 1 360 262 515 Ms. Barbara Geodynamics (ZAMG) [email protected] Hohe Warte 38 1190 Vienna AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN: GULIYEV Former Director, Shemakha T: 994 12 497 5268 Prof. Dr. Eyyub Astrophysics Observatory, ANAS T: 994 176 61000 Y. Mammadaliyev Settlement 5618 Shemakha AZERBAIJAN BELGIUM: DE KEYSER Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor T: 32 2 373 0368 Dr. Johan Ruimte-Aёronomie (BIRA) F: 32 2 374 8423 Ringlaan 3 [email protected] 1180 Brussels BELGIUM BOLIVIA: TELLERIA-GEIGER Comision Nacional de Estudios T: 591 2 279 3694 Dr. José Luis Geofisicos T: 591 767 78731 (mobile) Calle 21, No. 8461, Calacoto [email protected] P.O. Box 11253 La Paz BOLIVIA BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA: DONLAGIC Assistant Director for Geodesy & T: 387 33 586 059 Spec. sc. Eldin Cartography T: 387 61 102 459 Federal Office for Geodetics & [email protected] Real Property Affairs Hamdije Kreševljakovića 97 71000 Sarajevo BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA BRAZIL: FONTES Observatório Nacional T: 55 21 2580 0332 Dr. Sérgio Luiz Geophysics Dept. F: 55 21 2580 7081 Rua General José Cristino, 77 [email protected] São Cristovão Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20921-400 BRAZIL BULGARIA: PANCHEVA Bulgarian Academy of Sciences T: 359 2 979 3308 Prof. D.Sc. Dora National Institute of Geophysics, F: 359 2 971 3005 Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG) [email protected] Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Block 3 1113 Sofia BULGARIA 1/1 IAGA National Correspondents CANADA: McCAUSLAND University of Western Ontario T: 1 519 661 2111 Ex. 88008 Dr. Phil J.A. Department of Earth Sciences F: 1 519 661 3198 1151 Richmond Str. [email protected] London, ON, N6A 5B7 CANADA CANADA: THEMENS I.U.C. Physics/Admin, 209 T: 1 506 453 4998 Dr. David Department of Physics [email protected] University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5A3 CANADA CHINA: SHI Chinese Academy of Sciences T: 86 10 6258 2680 Prof. Jiankui (CAS) F: 86 10 6253 4546 National Space Science Center [email protected] (NSSC) No.1 Nanertiao, Zhongguancun Haidian District P.O. Box 8701 100190 Beijing CHINA CHINA-TAIPEI: LIU National Central University T: 886 3 422 7151 ext 65763 Prof. Jann-Yenq Graduate Institute of Space Science F: 886 3 422 4394 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli City [email protected] Taoyuan, Taiwan, 320 [email protected] CHINA-TAIPEI COLOMBIA: CANEVA Universidad Antonio Nariño T: 57 1 315 2997 Dr. Alexander Centro de Investigaciones F: 57 1 548 1720 Calle 58 A No 37-94 oficina 201 [email protected] Bogotá, D.C. COLOMBIA CROATIA: MANDIC Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical T: 385 1 460 5936 Dr. Igor Institute F: 385 1 468 0331 Faculty of Sciences [email protected] University of Zagreb Horvatovac 95 10000 Zagreb CROATIA CROATIA: PAVASOVIC Faculty of Geodesy T: 385 1 463 9163 Asst. Prof. Dr. Marko University of Zagreb [email protected] Kaciceva 26 10000 Zagreb CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC: VELIMSKY Charles University T: 420 951 552 539 Dr. Jakub Faculty of Mathematics & Physics F: 420 951 552 555 Department of Geophysics [email protected] V Holešovičkách 2 180 00 Prague 8 CZECH REPUBLIC D.R. CONGO: MOSHI Centre de Recherche en T: 243 81 178 1881 Mr. Mvula F. Géophysique (CRG) [email protected] B.P. 10336 Kinshasa D.R. CONGO DENMARK: OLSEN National Space Institute, DTU T: 45 4525 9708 Prof. Nils Elektrovej, Building 327, room 218 F: 45 4525 9575 2800 Kongens Lyngby [email protected] DENMARK EGYPT: EL-QADY National Research Institute of T: 20 2 2554 1100 Prof. Dr. Gad Mohamed Astronomy and Geophysics T: 20 100 154 7090 2/1 IAGA National Correspondents Helwan, Cairo F: 20 2 2554 8020 EGYPT [email protected] [email protected] ESTONIA: EERME Tartu Observatory T: 372 696 2524 Dr. Kalju Observatoooriumi 1 [email protected] 61602 Tõravere, Tartumaa ESTONIA FINLAND: VANHAMÄKI University of Oulu T: 358 50 5314127 Dr. Heikki PL 8000 [email protected] 90014 Oulun yliopisto FINLAND FRANCE: THÉBAULT Nantes University T: 33 251125470 Dr. Erwan LPG UMR-CNRS 6112 [email protected] Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique de Nantes 2, rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 FRANCE GEORGIA: CHARGAZIA Javakhishvili Tbilisi State T: 995 32 233 4186 Dr. Khatuna University F: 995 32 233 5934 Institute of Geophysics [email protected] Chavchadze av. 1 0128 Tbilisi GEORGIA GERMANY: WECKMANN GFZ German Research Centre for T: 49 331 288 2824 PD Dr. Ute Geosciences F: 49 331 288 1266 Section 2.7, Near-surface [email protected] Geophysics Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46 14473 Potsdam GERMANY GHANA: OSAE IUGG-Ghana T: 233 24 347 2164 Prof. Shilloh Dedeh National Nuclear Research Institute T: 233 20 891 6668 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission [email protected] P.O. Box LG80 Legon Accra GHANA GREECE: DAGLIS National & Kapodistrian University T: 30 210 7276857 Prof. Ioannis A. of Athens F: 30 210 7276753 Department of Physics [email protected] Panepistimioupolis, Zografos 15784 Athens GREECE HUNGARY: WESZTERGOM Hungarian Academy of Sciences T: 36 99 508 343 Dr. Viktor Research Centre for Astronomy F: 36 99 508 355 and Earth Sciences [email protected] Geodetic and Geophys. Institute P.O.Box 5 Csatkai E. u. 6-8 9401 Sopron HUNGARY ICELAND: BJÖRNSSON University of Iceland T: 354 552 8911 Dr. Gunnlaugur Tæknigarður, room Tg-322 [email protected] Dunhagi 5 107 Reykjavik ICELAND INDIA: BHATTACHARYYA Centre of Studies in Resources T: 91 96 19543004 3/1 IAGA National Correspondents Prof. Archana Engineering [email protected] Indian Institute of Technology Bombay YP Road, IIT Area, Powai Mumbai, 400076 INDIA INDONESIA: AHADI Meteorological, Climatological and T: 62 21 426 0266 Dr. Suaidi Geophysical Agency (BMKG) F: 62 21 426 0266 Center of Engineering Seismology, [email protected] Potential Geophysics and Time Code Jl. Angkasa I No. 2, Kemayoran Jakarta, 10620 INDONESIA IRAN: OSKOOI Institute of Geophysics T: 98 21 8802 1072 Assoc. Prof. Behrooz University of Tehran T: 98 21 8802 1077 P.O. Box 14155-6466 F: 98 21 8800 9560 Tehran [email protected] IRAN IRELAND: JONES Senior Professor Emeritus T: 353 1 653 5147 ext. 220 Prof. Alan G. Dublin Institute for Advanced F: 353 1 443 0575 Studies [email protected] School of Cosmic Physics 5 Merrion Square Dublin 2 IRELAND ISRAEL: GINZBURG SOREQ Nuclear Reserach Center T: 972 8 943 4368 Dr. Boris Yavne, 81800 F: 972 8 943 4676 ISRAEL [email protected] [email protected] ITALY: VIGLIOTTI CNR - Istituto di Scienze Marine T: 39 051 6398877 Dr. Luigi Via Gobetti, 101 F: 39 051 6398940 40129 Bologna [email protected] ITALY ITALY: VILLANTE Università de L'Aquila T: 39 08 6243 3022 Prof. Umberto Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e F: 39 08 6243 3033 Chimiche [email protected] Via Vetoio 67010 Coppito AQ ITALY JAPAN: NAKAMURA National Institute of Polar Research T: 81 42 512 0601 Prof. Takuji 10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa F: 81 42 528 3164 Tokyo, 190-8518 [email protected] JAPAN KOREA: KWAK Korea Astronomy and Space T: 82 42 865 2039 Dr. Young-Sil Science Institute F: 82 42 865 3272 Space Science Division [email protected] 776 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 34055 KOREA LATVIA: BURLAKOVS Department of Environmental [email protected] Dr. geogr. Juris Science University of Latvia Jelgavas Street 1, DAC 1004 Riga LATVIA LUXEMBOURG: SCHARES 128, rue de Dippach T: 352 319716 Ing. Nicolas 8055 Bertrange [email protected] LUXEMBOURG 4/1 IAGA National Correspondents MAURITIUS: RUGHOOPUTH University of Mauritius T: 230 403 7688 Prof. Soonil Dutt Dharam Vir Faculty of Science T: 230 5709 9121 (mobile) Department of Physics F: 230 465 6928 Reduit [email protected] MAURITIUS MEXICO: BLANCO CANO Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM T: 52 55 56224142 Dra. Xóchitl G. Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán F: 52 55 5550 2486 04510, Ciudad de México [email protected] MEXICO MOZAMBIQUE: BACELA Instituto Nacional de Minas T: 258 21 312 082 Mr. Dylon Tinga Bacela C.P. 217 T: 258 82 826 1790 Maputo F: 258 21 429 216 MOZAMBIQUE [email protected] MOZAMBIQUE: KAMPINE Instituto Nacional de Minas T: 258 82 312 8890 Mr. Manuel Farnela C.P. 217 T: 258 82 892 3790 Maputo F: 258 21 429 216 MOZAMBIQUE [email protected] [email protected] MOZAMBIQUE: NHATSAVE Instituto Nacional de Minas T: 258 21 312 082 Mr. Armindo Alberto C.P. 217 T: 258 82 826 1790 Maputo F: 258 21 429 216 MOZAMBIQUE [email protected] NEW ZEALAND: RODGER University of Otago T: 64 3 479 4120 Prof. Craig J. P.O. Box 56 F: 64 3 479 0964 Dunedin, 9016 [email protected] NEW ZEALAND NIGERIA: OLORODE University of Lagos T: 234 803 321 3699 Dr. Deborah O. Lagos T: 234 1 794 1539 NIGERIA [email protected] NORWAY: JOHNSEN UiT The Arctic University of T: 47 7764 6956 Dr.
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