HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 1 A AA B abampere (ab-AM-peer)—the cgs electromagnetic unit of electric current equivalent to 10 amperes. abdomen (AB-duh-men)—the belly; the cavity in the body between the thorax and the pelvis that contains the stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys. abducent (ab-DOOS-int)—drawing away from, as muscles draw away. abducent nerve (ab-DOOS-int NURV)—either of the six cranial nerves; small motor nerves supplying the external rectus muscle of the eye. abductor (ab-DUK-tur)—muscles that separate the fingers. Opposite of adductor. abductor hallucis (ab-DUK-tor huh-LOO-sis)—a muscle of the great toe. ability (uh-BIL-ih-tee)—the quality or state of being able to perform. abiogenesis (ay-by-oh-JEN-uh-sus)—the generating or springing up of living from nonliving matter; spontaneous generation. abiosis (ab-ee-OH-sis)—absence of life. abirritant (ab-IHR-uh-tant)—a soothing agent that relieves irritation. abnormal (ab-NOR-mul)—irregular; contrary to the natural law or customary order. abnormality (ab-nor-MAL-ih-tee)—the state or condition of being ab- normal or unusual. abohm (ab-OHM)—the cgs electromagnetic unit of resistance equal to one millionth of an ohm. aboral (ah-BOHR-ul)—located or situated opposite to or away from the mouth. abrade (uh-BRAYD)—to remove or roughen by friction or rubbing. 1 HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 2 2 abrasion abrasion (uh-BRAY-zhun)—scraping of the skin; excoriation; rubbing A or wearing off of the surface; an irritation; a scraped or B scratched area of the skin. abrasive (uh-BRAY-siv)—a substance used for smoothing, as in der- mabrasion when sanding or brushing the skin. abreast (uh-BREST)—in line with; side by side with; up to the mark. abruption (uh-BRUB-shun)—a sudden breaking off. abscess (AB-ses)—a collection or pocket of pus in any part of the body, characterized by dead tissue and inflammation. absolute (ab-suh-LOOT)—pure, as a liquid; perfect; beyond a doubt. absorb (ab-SORB)—to take in and make part of an existing whole; to suck up or take up as a towel absorbing water. absorbefacient (ab-sor-buh-FAY-shent)—substance or agent causing or promoting absorption. absorbent (ub-SOR-bunt)—able to absorb. absorption (ub-SORP-shun)—assimilation of one body by another; act of absorbing; the process whereby digested nutrients are transferred from the intestines to the blood and lymph, and are trans- ported to the cells. abstract design (AB-strakt dih-ZYN)—cosme- tology; a hairstyle with broken lines, planned to give a casual, relaxed effect; informal hairstyle. abstract design abundance (uh-BUN-dens)—ample or plentiful quantity. abuse (uh-BYOOS)—to misuse; to use improperly. academic (ak-uh-DEM-ik)—pertaining to an academy, school, college, or university; scholarly. acanthosis (ak-an-THOH-sis)—altered skin metabolism that can pro- duce thickening of the stratum spinosum. acariasis (ak-uh-RY-uh-sus)—any condition, usually dermatitis, caused by an acarid (tick or mite). HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 3 acentric 3 acarid (AK-uh-rud)—any of an order of arachnids including mites and ticks. A accelerate (ak-SELL-uh-rayt)—increase speed; hasten action. B accelerating machine (ak-SELL-uh-rayt-ing ma-SHEEN)—used to re- duce the processing time for lightening and tinting hair. The ma- chine accelerates the molecular movement of chemicals in the color so that they work much faster. acceleration (ak-SELL-uh-ray-shun)—an increase in speed; the process of moving or developing faster. accelerator (ak-SELL-uh-rayt-ur)—any agent that hastens or quickens action. See activator. accent (AK-sent)—to give special force or emphasis to; to highlight or give added color tone. accent color (AK-sent KUH-lur)—See color additive. accentuate (ak-SEN-choo-ayt)—to emphasize; to heighten effect; in makeup, to emphasize the features of the face. accessory (ak-SESS-uh-ree)—a person or item that aids subordinately or assists; something added. accessory nerve (ak-SESS-uh-ree NURV)—spinal accessory nerve; eleventh cranial nerve; affects the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles of the neck. accidental (ak-sih-DEN-tul)—happening by chance; not planned. acclimate (AK-luh-mayt)—to adapt or become adapted to environ- ment, climate, or situation. accord (uh-KORD)—agreement or harmony. accreditation (uh-kred-ih-TAY-shun)—the granting of approval and status to an institution by an accrediting body after its creden- tials are approved. accretion (uh-KREE-shun)—growth or increase by external additions; something added; accumulation. acellular (ay-SEL-yuh-lur)—containing no cells. acentric (ay-SEN-trik)—off center; not centered; not arising centrally as from a nerve center. HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 4 4 acetic A acetic (uh-SEET-ik)—pertaining to vinegar; sour. acetic acid (uh-SEET-ik AS-ud)—a colorless, pungent, liquid; the chief B acid of vinegar. acetone (AS-uh-tohn)—a colorless, inflammable liquid, miscible with water, alcohol, and ether, and having a sweetish order or burn- ing taste; used as a solvent. acetyl (uh-SEET-ul)—pertaining to that which is derived from acetic acid and found in compounds. acetylated (uh-SEET-ul-ayt-ed)—any organic compound that has been heated with acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride to remove water. acetylated lanolin (uh-SEET-ul-ayt-ed LAN-ul-un)—lanolin treated to be water resistant; used in cosmetics to reduce water loss from the skin; an emollient. acetylcholine (uh-SEET-ul-koh-leen)—the acetic acid ester of choline, a constituent of many body tissues; used in treatment of some diseases and for lowering blood pressure; a neurotransmitter that plays a role in muscle contraction. ache (AYK)—a dull, distressing, and often persistent pain. Achilles heel (uh-KIL-eez HEEL)—calcaneal tendon; a tender or vul- nerable spot associated with the Achilles tendon which joins the muscles of the calf of the leg to the bone of the heel; named for the Greek hero Achilles. achromasia (ak-roh-MAY-zhuh)—a condition such as albinism or vi- tiligo in which there is loss of normal color or lack of melanin in the skin. acid (AS-ud)—having a sour taste; an aqueous (water-based) solu- tion; having a pH number below 7.0; the opposite of an alkali or base. Compounds of hydrogen, a nonmetal, and sometimes oxy- gen that release hydrogen into a solution. acid balanced (AS-ud BAL-anst)—describes a product with a stabilized pH level; commonly used to refer to products such as shampoos and conditioners balanced to the pH of skin and hair (4.5 to 5.5). acidic (uh-SID-ik)—containing a high percentage of acid; having properties of an acid. HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 5 acne cystica 5 acidify (uh-SID-ih-fy)—to change into an acid; to lower the degree of alkalinity. A acid mantle (AS-ud MAN-tul)—the natural acidity of the skin or hair B that helps retard irritation or bacterial growth. acidosis (as-ih-DOH-sus)—a condition in which there is an excess of acid products in the blood or excreted into the urine. acid peel (AS-ud PEEL)—a skin-peeling treatment or process using a diluted acidic substance. acid rinse (AS-ud RINS)—a solution or emulsion that has acidic prop- erties such as lemon juice; commonly used to close the cuticle of the hair after shampooing or chemical services. acidulate (uh-SIJ-oo-layt)—to make acidic; to sour. acid wave (AS-ud WAYV)—permanent wave with lotion that has a pH of 7.0 or below, and requires heat or another form of activa- tor to speed processing. acne (AK-nee)—a skin disorder characterized by chronic inflamma- tion of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions; related to sebaceous overactivity and hormonal changes. acne albida (AK-nee AL-bih-duh)—milium; whitehead. acne artificialis (AK-nee ar-tih-fish AL-is)—papular eruptions caused by external irritants such as tar or drugs administered internally such as iodine. acne atrophica (AK-nee uh-TRO-Fih-kuh)—acne in which the lesions leave a slight amount of scarring. acne cachecticorum (AK-nee kah-KEK-tih-kor-um)—pimples that some- times occur when anemia or some debilitating constitutional dis- ease is present. acne conglobata (AK-nee kon-gloh-BAY-tuh)—a severe and stubborn form of acne that usually affects the back, buttocks, face, and sometimes the thighs; often causes scarring. acne cream (AK-nee KREEM)—a facial cream containing medicinal substances or agents used in the treatment of acne. acne cystica (AK-nee SIS-tih-kuh)—a form of acne with cysts. HEAVA1p.qxd 7/16/1 9:59 AM Page 6 6 acne hypertrophica acne hypertrophica (AK-nee hy-pur-TRAHF-ih-kuh)—pimples in which A the lesions on healing leave conspicuous pits and scars. B acne indurata (AK-nee in-dyoo-RAH-tuh)—deeply seated pimples with hard tubercular lesions or papules occurring chiefly on the back. acne keratosa (AK-nee kair-uh-TOH-sa)—an eruption of papules con- sisting of horny plugs projecting from the hair follicles, accom- panied by inflammation. acne miliaris (AK-nee mil-ee-AIR-us)—a condition marked by exces- sive whiteheads (milia). acne pits (AK-nee PITS)—pit-like scars produced by acne. acne punctata (AK-nee punk-TAH-tuh)—acne that appears as red papules in which blackheads are usually found.
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