![March 26, 1881, Vol. 32, No](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
xmmt HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED STATES VOL. 32. NEW YORK, MARCH 26, 1881. NO. 822. Financial. Financial. Financial. J. D. PlllVCS, JA3. WnrTKT.T. H. CnUOKll OAKLBr UAKilY O. LUfiAN, MAYNAllJ) C. EVKK. John Cisco & Son, Vf. R. TUAYHUS, Special Partner. J. Phelps, Stokes & Co., BANKERS, Prince & Whitely, No. a» WALL »TRKBT, NEW YORK. I. N. PHELPS, DEPOSITS BKCEIVED HUBJBCT TO CUBOK JAMKS ST0KK8. No 64 BROADTFAT, NEIT TOBK, AT .MUIIT, AND INTEREST ALLOWKO UN ANSON PHKL1»8 STOKKS, BACKERS, (Branch Office. IHO Fiah Avenue). DAILY BALA.\CEH. F. P. OLCOTT, All classes of RaitwHjrand Mining BtockH bought (iOVEHNMKNT BOND.^. STOCKS AND ALL and sold on Cummiaalon. INVESTMENT 8KCURITIBS BOUGHT AND 45 & 47 ITaU Street, New Tork, Private Telegraph Wlroa to Phlladelphlft,WIImlnB- SOLD ON COMMISSION. ISSUE tOD. Baltimoro. VVaahUiKton, Bo:»tuD, Bridgeport TRAVELERS' CREDITS, ajid New Uavon. Car Trust Bonds. CIROULAR NOTES, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE3B VBBT Paton Co/, SAFE SECURITISS, AND BUY AND BELL BAlOi COMMERCIAL CREDITS. Jesup, & AT MARKET PKICE. LONDON CORRESPONDENTS: BANKERS, WE OFFER A LIMITBD AMOUNT OF DB8IR- Tbe Ualon Bank of London. Messrs. C. J Iliimbro ABLB CAB TRUST ISSUES, ADDITIONALLY 52 William Street^ New Topk, SECURED BY THE DIRECT OBLIGATION OF TUB RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. Acconnts and Agency of Banks, C«rporatlonB, CLilRH, Banque Onus and Individuals recoired upon favorable terms. POST~& MARTIN, Dividends and Interest oollected and remitted. 3-1 PINE STREET. Act as agents for corporations In paying coapons Centrale Anversoise, and dividends'; also as transfer agents. Bonds, stocks and seourities bought and sold on L. Levy, commission. (LATE OF LEVY &. BORG.) Antwerp. Sound railroad and mnnlcipal bonds negotiated. DEALER IN Sterling exchange bought and sold. Drafts on All Classes of Investment Seenrities Union Bank of London. PaidUp Capital, • - 9,000,000 Francs. AND MISCELLANEOUS BONDS AND STOCKS, No. 8 Wnll Street. BOAJiD OF DIBECTOna: A. W. Beasley & Co., Bblix GRI8AR. President. ALirKKD MAQniNAy (OraffA Maqulnay), VIoePreg. Lansdale Boardman, J. B. Von i)Eu Beoke (Von der Becke 4 Marsilr). No. 98 BROADITAT, Otto Gu.ntubb (CorneUle-Davld). Bmile dk Oottal. STOCK BROKER, Aj>. Kkank (Frank, Model & ClC.> No. 80 BROADWAY, Rooms 37 <fc 38. Aug. NOTTKBOiiM (Nottebobm Freres). b'u. DiiANis (Miohiola Loos). NEW YORK, BiuN-ca Orncn. Taoy, N. Y., Jc»H. T>AN. FuHR.MANK. Jr. (Job. Dan. Fuhrmaoa.) Connected by Private Wire. lx>tTi9 WRUKHiKd. Weber & c'ie.) ALL securitiea dealt in at the New York Stock JULKS RAUTBJiSTKAnOH (C. Sohmld & ClO.) DEALERS IN Bzchanffe bought and sold on commlasloa and car. rled on a fair marKin. TRANSACTS A INTEREST allowed on credit balaaoea. 6ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COUNTY, CITY AND INVESTMENT R. Kimball & Co., Asa p. Potteu, Prest. J. J. KUDT. Cashier. J. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Maverick National Bank, SECURITIES. No. 4 Exchanze Court, Nenr York. BOSTON, Thirteen Years' Membership in New York Stock Exchange. CAPITAL, $400,000 R. A. Lancaster & Co., BANKERS R.J. KlUBALL, A. B. LOaNSBSRY, F. E. BAIXABO, 8CRPI.I7S, 400,000 AND BKGKHBS, Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange. 6« COLLECTIONS a specialty. Business from Banks BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and Bunkers solicited. PKALEUS IX Satisfactory business paper discounted Cor- Flrst-Class Invetttinent Secnrlttes. Trask & Francis, respondence invited. OOVERNMENT BONDS, STATE. CITY, COtTNTY LIWIS B. TAYLoa, Ju. LiNDLBT Haines RAILROAD & MISCELLANEOUS BECURlTIlCa BANKERS AND BROKIIRS, Bought and Sold on CommlssIoD. 70 Rroadwar IS St., York. Ylrainia Tca-SeceivabU Oaupon* Bought. & New New L. H. Taylor & Co., SOUlHERy SECURITIES A SPECIALIX. AL«0, LOANS NEGOTIATED. CoR. Maiden Lank a James St., ALBANY, N. Y Bankers and Brokers, iNTKHKaT Allowed om Dgpoarxa. Transact a General Banking Business. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STOCKS and BONDS Bought and Sold on Coic> BOmiDS OF SIRETI'SIIIP mission, and carried on Margins. PHILADELPHIA. Deposits received and Interest Allowed. Deposits received sub]eet to clieck at sinht, aad For Employees in Positions of Trust. Interest allowed on daily balances. THE CaAitLES Seton Henry. W. UUWABS QILDBB Stocks, Bond-s, &c., bought uiid sold on commission in Philadelphia and other cities. Parttonlar attention Kiven to information regard- Guarantee Company Henry & Gilder, Ing Investment Secnrttles. OF NORTH AAIEBICA. 82 BROADWAY, ROOM 10. CANADA GUARANTEE CO.) Aug. T. Post, Banker, (Formerly the STOCKS, BONDS AND itIISCELLANEODS E8TAI1LISUKD 1872. SECURITIES /S THE OXIA' COMPANY IXAMERICA TRA.\S- 35 NASSAU STREET, Atr/AO THIS BUSINESH EXCLUSIVELY. BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. BUYS AND SELLS Subscribed capital Stjl 0,000 Members New York Mining Stock Exchange. Paid-up capital in cash -JUO.OOO COttUESPONDE.NCB SOLICITED. State, City and County Securities. Assets -.^10,000 Deposited at Albany In U. S. Bonds 100,000 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. tTEW YORK DIRECTORS: Gwynne & Day, J. D. VERMILYE, Esq., President Merchants' National Hank. Lummis & rEetabllshed 1851,] No. 45 TTaU Street Day, B. It. MIIER.n.'VN, E«<i., President Mechanics' National Bank. Ho«. 84 and _ general banking and brokerage 35 DRBXEL BUILDINQ, Cor. WALL ROBERT B. nilNTURN, E«l.i Messrs Qrinnell, Transact a btul. and BROAD STREETS, Mint urn \ Co, ness in Railway Sbarea aid Bonds and Qovemmeat Esq.. Vice-President Wabash BAN-KER.S AND 8TOCK BROKESS. A. I.. IIOPKIN!?, securities. WlUJAM Ht. L.^ul..* A I'acitlo Railroad Company. L0MMH, HKN-RY DAY, JOHN I'.VTON, Esq.. Messrs. Jesup. Paton & Co. Interest allowed on deposits. Members or New Tork Stock Eicbantje. W. II. DYCKMAN, Secy., 39 Wall St. Inrestmeot) cuetully stteafled to. : : il THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. XXXIL Foreign Exchange. Foreiarn Exchange. Canadian Banks. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., Bank of Montreal. WALI. STRBBT, BANKERS, CAPITAL, - $12,000,000, Gold. BROAD, NEW YORK. 21 Nassau Street, COENKR OF Noa. 19 & SURPLUS, - 6,000,000, »oId. Issae Travelers' Credits, available In all partsof th^ Drexel & Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co world, through the QEOKGE STEPHEN, President. Ne.M South Tbibd St. 31 Boulevard llRUBsmaQD MESSRS. DE ROTHSCHILD C. F. SMITHERS, General Manager. Pblladelpkla. Paris. and their correspondents. yew YORK OFFICE. .Vlso Commercial Credits and Transfers of Money DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Nos. 69 ee. 61 WALL STREET on California, Europe and Havana. DepoiltB received subject to Draft. Securities, Gold, Walter Watson, alloweo Agents. *e., DOnght and sold onCommlseioo. Interest Alex'r Lano, I on Deposits. Foreign Kxchangc. Commercial Crodlts. Travelers, Oable Transfers. Circular Letters tor John Munroe & Co., Bay and sell Sterling Exchange, Francs and Cable available In all parts of the world. Transfers ; grant Commercial and Travelers' Credits No. 8 Wall Street, New York, Attobwbts and Agints or available in any part of the world ; issue drafts on inerars. J. S. inOKGAN & CO., No. 4 Post Office Square, Boston. and make collections in Chicago and throughoot. No. Sa OLD BROAD ST., LONDON. CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON the Dominion of Canada. IHVNROE & CO., PARIS. London Office, No. 9 Blrcbln Lane. Brown Brothers & Co., STERLING CHEQUES AND BILLS AT SIXTY No. 59 WAI.I. ST., N. IT., DAYS' SIGHT ON BUY AJTD 8KLI, ALEXANDERS ic CO., LONDON. Merchants' Bank B1L,L,S OF KXCHANGE OP ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCK, CntOUULB NOTX* AHS CSXDIT* m>B TSaVSIJIKS. CANADA. OBRMANT, BELGIUM AND HOLLAND. Issue Commercial and Travelers' Credits & Stuart & Co., Capital, $5,500,000 Paid Up. Jlf SlSBLISa, J. J. Hon. JOHN HAMILTON. AYAILABLB IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. 33 NASSAU STREET. President, the And In Franca, In Martinique and Guadalotipo. Vice-President, JOHN McLKNNAN, BSQ. BAKE TKLBGRAPHiC TKANSFERS BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON BEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. OF nONKlT & SmiTH'S, SMITH, PAYNE General Manager. this and other countries, through London aEOROB HAGUE. Bttween BANKERS, LONDON ; and Paris. General Manager. nANCHESTER dc COUNTY BANK, WM. J. INQBAia. Asst. Make Collections of Drafts drawn abroad on all points in the United States and Canada, and "LIMITED;" BANKERS of Drafts drawn In the United Statei The Clydesdale Banking Comp'y. MANCHESTER, PAYABLE IN LONDON ; LONDON, ENG.— on Foreign Countries. NEW YORK—The Bank of New York. N. B. A. ULSTER BANKINA COMPANY, The New York Agency buys and sells Sterling Kx- S. G. & G. C. Ward, BELFAST, IRELAND change. Cable Transfers. Issues Credits available In all parts of the world, makes collections in Canada AesKTB FOB LSO OS THS and elsewhere, and issues Drafts parable at any of NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, the offices of the bank in Canada. Demand Drafts BARING BROTHERS dc COHIPANT, EDINBURG, AND BRANCHES; issued payable in Scotland and Ireland, and every S3 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. description of foreign banking business undertaken. ^LSO. Nevr York Ageucy, 48 Ex chaDge-pIace. 38 STATE STREET, BOSTON. ..ABLE TRANSFERS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT HIJNRY HAGUE Agents JOHN B. UAHRIS JR., &W.Seligman&Co., Hilmers,McGowan & Co J. Imperial of Canada BANKERS, BROKERS IN Bank Capital, $1,000,000. 69 EXCHANGE PLAOB, Foreign Exchange, Stocks and Bonds, H. 8. HOWLAND. Pres't ; D. R. WILKIE, Cashier. CORNER BROAD 8TRKBT. >EW TOKK. 63 'WaU street. New York. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Special attention paid to orders at the New York BRANCHES: Issne Letters o' Credit for TrsTelers, Stock KzchanKC and New York Mining Board. St. Catharines, Port Colborne. St. Thomas. Ingersoll. Welland, Fergus, Woodstock, Winnipeg, Man. Parable In anr par at Europe, Asia, Africa, Anstrall* Calilornia Banks. Dealers in American Currency & Sterling Exchange. Yorkr a id America. Agents in London ; I Agents in New BOBANQL-KT. SALT CO., BANK OF MONTBIAIi. Draw Bills of EXL-Jiangs and make telegraphic tran*. A 73 Lombard Street. | fill Wall Street. Europe and Califorala. The Nevada Bank tera of money on Promptest attention paid to collections payable la OF any part of Canaoa. SAN FRANCISCO. Approved Canadian business paper, payable la Kidder, Peabody & Co., gold or urrency. diseouiited at tne Head Ofllce on New York Agency, 62 Wall St.
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