Central Frontenac Regular Council February 25, 2020 – 4:00 PM 1107 Garrett Street, Sharbot Lake On AGENDA Page 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda a) Approval of Agenda THAT the agenda for the council meeting of February 25, 2020 be approved as presented [amended]. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 4. Approval of Minutes 6 - 10 a) February 11, 2020 regular council meeting THAT the minutes of the regular council meeting held February 11, 2020 be approved as presented [amended]. 5. Mayor's Remarks 6. Deferred Items 7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates 11 - 12 a) Fire and Emergency Services 22-2020 - Fire Activity Report THAT Council receive for information the CFFR Activity Report as prepared by the Acting Manager of Emergency Services/Fire Chief. 13 - 33 b) Finance/Treasury 23-2020 That Council approve the Cheque Distribution reports totalling $934,230.27 as prepared by the Treasurer. 34 - 37 c) Finance/Treasury 24-2020 - Apportionments That Council approve the following apportionments of assessment as Page 1 of 103 Page recommended by MPAC for 2019 & 2020 as applicable for the following roll numbers: 10-39-010-020-04300-0000, 10-39-010-020-04302-0000, 10-39-040- 030-06602-0000, 10-39-040-030-06604-0000, 10-39-080-040-15500- 0000, 10-39-080-040-15510-0000, 10-39-080-040-15503-0000, & 10- 39-080-040-15504-0000. 38 - 40 d) Finance/Treasury 25-2020 Council Remuneration That Council receive the “2019 Council/Committee Remuneration and Expenses” as prepared by the Treasurer for information purposes only. 41 - 43 e) Administration 26-2020 Roma Conference - January 19-21st - Toronto THAT Council receive the Report entitled “ROMA Conference – January 19 – 21st" as prepared by the Clerk Administrator for information. 44 - 46 f) Administration 27-2020 Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019: Ontario Provincial Police Regulatory Requirements THAT Council receive for information the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019: Ontario Provincial Policy Regulatory Requirements” Report prepared by the Deputy-Clerk for information 47 - 57 g) Administration 28-2020 - Septic Re-Inspection Contract for 2020 WHEREAS Council has a mandatory septic re-inspection program in place in the municipality, pursuant to By-Law 2020-04; AND WHEREAS the inspection services under this program are provided by a third party contractor and that the contract for these services requires to be finalized for the 2020 inspection year; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorize staff to finalize an Agreement in substantially the same form and content as provided in this report with Rideau Valley Conservation Authority on behalf of Mississippi Rideau Septic System Office to complete the septic re-inspections contemplated under By-Law 2020-04 for the 2020 year, AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator be authorized to sign the said agreement once finalized. 58 - 62 h) Administration 29-2020 Road Allowance Closure/Conveyance Request - Part road allowance between Concession 5 & 6 Hinchinbrooke, adjacent to Page 2 of 103 Page Lot 24 (Brown) THAT Council approve in principle the recommendation of the Clerk Administrator to proceed with the closing and conveyance of part of the unopened road allowance between Concession 5 and 6 adjacent to Lot 24 Hinchinbrooke, as applied for by Doug Brown; AND THAT we proceed to a public meeting to close the said road allowance and obtain a letter of value of opinion to determine the consideration for the conveyance of the road allowance. 8. Committee/Other Reports/Minutes 63 - 69 a) Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance THAT Council receive for information the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance board meeting minutes from January 9th 2020 70 - 75 b) Quinte Conservation Authority That council receive the draft Quinte Conservation Authority's December 5th 2019 board meeting's minutes for information. 9. Delegations/Presentations 10. Communications/Correspondence 76 - 101 a) Communications THAT Council receive the following correspondence for information: 1. The Township of Wellington North, Township of Madoc, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, County of Prince Edward - Support of Bill 156: Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act. 2. Township of Madoc, Town of Tecumseh - Resolution of Support of 911 misdials 3. County of Prince Edward - Resolution of support for regulations related to consumer packaging on Single-Use Wipes. 4. Municipality of Chatham-Ken - Resolution of Support Role of Conservation Authorities 5. Township of Spring Water, Township of Madoc, Town of Plympton- Wyoming, - Conservation Authorities Levies. 6. County of Prince Edward - Support for Quinte Conservation Authority (Section 39) 7. Ministry of Natural Resources - Notice: Proposed amendments to Ontario Reg. 244/97 and the Aggregates of Ontario Provincial Standards under the Aggregate Resources Act. 8. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario - response letter regarding Conservation Authorities 9. Township of Puslinch - AMO's position on Legislative Changes Bill Page 3 of 103 Page 132. 10. Township of South Frontenac Support for Conservation Authorities 102 b) Correspondence from Sharbot Lake & District Lions Club THAT Council receive the letter from the Sharbot Lake & District Lions Club dated February 12, 2020 for information; AND FURTHER THAT Council express its thanks and appreciation for the offer to repair the gazebo; AND FURTHER THAT staff contact the Lions Club to and coordinate and confirm the scope of the repairs, and bring a report back to council. 11. Public Meetings 12. By-laws/Agreements 13. Notice of Motions 14. Giving Notice of Motion 15. New/Other Business 16. Closed Session a) Closed session THAT council move into closed session to discuss: 1. Matters that are subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose pursuant to s. 239 (2)(f) - (Pt Lts 18 & 19 Con 8 Kennebec) b) Rise from Closed Session THAT Council rise from closed session and direct staff as discussed in closed session regarding: 1. Matters that are subject to Solicitor-Client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose pursuant to s. 239 (2)(f) - (Pt Lts 18 & 19 Con 8 Kennebec) 17. Adjournment 103 a) Adjournment THAT By-law 2020-13, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting February 25, 2020 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 25th day of February, 2020; AND FURTHER that this meeting be adjourned until 9:00 a.m. on March Page 4 of 103 Page 6, 2020 at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett Street, Sharbot Lake, ON Page 5 of 103 AGENDA ITEM #a) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL February 11, 2020 A regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Central Frontenac was held at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett St., Sharbot Lake, on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Frances Smith, Deputy Mayor Tom Dewey, Councillors Bill MacDonald, Brent Cameron, Sherry Whan, Cindy Kelsey, Elwin Burke, and Victor Heese Staff in Deputy Clerk Cindy Deachman, Administrative Assistant Donna Attendance: Longmire, Public Works Manager Tyson Myers, Manager of Development Services Andy Dillon 1. Call to Order Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Agenda a) Suspension of Procedural Bylaw Motion #: 49-2020 Moved By: Bill MacDonald Seconded By: Tom Dewey THAT Council agree to suspend the rules of the procedural by-law to allow the delegation from the Economic Development Committee present during the Public Works Report 20-2020 Application for Rural Economic Development Grant for Downtown Revitalization Program. Carried b) Approval of Agenda Motion #: 50-2020 Moved By: Tom Dewey Seconded By: Cindy Kelsey THAT the agenda for the regular council meeting held February 11, 2020 be approved as amended. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof - NIL 4. Approval of Minutes a) Special Meeting January 24, 2020 Motion #: 51-2020 Moved By: Cindy Kelsey Seconded By: Bill MacDonald THAT the minutes of the special council meeting held January 24, 2020 be approved as presented. Carried b) Regular Council Meeting January 28, 2020 C. Deachman noted a correction of a typographical error. Motion #: 52-2020 Moved By: Tom Dewey Seconded By: Sherry Whan THAT the minutes of the regular council meeting held January 28, 2020 be approved as amended. Regular Meeting of Council Minutes February 11, 2020 -4:00 PM February 11, 2020 regular council meeting Page 6 of 103 AGENDA ITEM #a) Carried c) Emergency Council Meeting January 29, 2020 Motion #: 53-2020 Moved By: Bill MacDonald Seconded By: Tom Dewey THAT the minutes of the Emergency Council meeting held January 29, 2020 be approved as presented. Carried 5. Mayor's Remarks Mayor Smith announced that this weekend, February 14-16, 2020 Central Frontenac is hosting the Heritage Festival. They will be holding several events throughout the township. She and other councillors will be attending the Committee of Adjustment meeting on February 13, 2020. 6. Deferred Items - NIL 7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates a) Development Services 16-2020 Construction Report - January 2020 A. Dillon brought forth the Development Services reports. Motion #: 54-2020 Moved By: Sherry Whan Seconded By: Bill MacDonald THAT Council receive the Construction Details-January 2020 report prepared by the Manager of Development Services/CBO for information Carried b) Administration 17-2020 KFL&A Public Health - Part 8 Inspections Councillor MacDonald inquired if inspections would be at
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