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THE TRANSFORMATIVE POTENTIAL OF MĀORI NAMES A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato The University of Waikato By Joeliee Elizabeth Seed-Pihama 2017 Kei runga rawa taku oranga, kei raro hoki taku mutunga. Kei mua taku ara whānui, kei muri ōku poutuarā. Kei roto i tōku whare e iri ana i ngā pakitara, ko ngā tekoteko whakairo o ngā tūpuna nunui, e pūkanakana me te whētero mai ana. Kei waho, kei waenganui te katoa, ko te ao mārama, ko te māramatanga. Whakapiripiri mai, whakahonohono kia ū, kia kotahi i roto i te pono. Kia mataara! Kaua e huri kē.1 1 A karakia (incantation) given to me by Kui Whero o te Rangi Bailey. This thesis is dedicated to Whero o te Rangi Bailey 1936-2016 Abstract Ingoa tangata (personal names) are an expression of te reo Māori, Māori identity, and tino rangatiratanga (self-determination). Nevertheless, our names are still mispronounced, marginalised and demeaned by individuals and institutions, such as schools, the health system, politics and media. This thesis argues that the gift of a Māori name and the assertion of that name over one’s lifetime is simultaneously a political act of resistance and an act of normalisation – an act of just being Māori. In particular, the thesis reveals how whānau naming practices endure and are important for whānau identity and belonging. A Kaupapa Māori theoretical approach is used to highlight the mana of our ingoa tangata within te ao Māori (the Māori world). I analyse the experiences of six generations of one whānau and the ways in which they have resisted, reclaimed and regenerated our ingoa tangata and associated practices. Kaupapa Māori theory provides a much-needed theoretical framework that privileges te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori throughout this research. This theory also supports Māori researchers to critique and disrupt Western power dynamics within research as well as maintaining the political imperative of decolonisation and resurgence agendas within the research of Indigenous communities. This thesis foregrounds Pūrākau as a research method to tell the kōrero ingoa (naming stories) of six generations of one whānau, totalling twenty-six different stories. I explore the possibilities of pūrākau as a method and ako (to teach/ learn) as a powerful component in the building and sharing of stories, as writing tools for the (re)presentation of that material and in expressing the researcher’s positionality. Pūrākau as method also enables the utilisation of our cosmogonies as important sources of mātauranga Māori and therefore as crucial to an analysis of our naming motivations and notions of belonging. Furthermore, I critically analyze the disruptions and interruptions to ingoa tangata caused by institutions of colonialism such as religion, law and education. This research argues for the transformative potential of our ingoa tangata and their associated kōrero ingoa in terms of enhancing identity, embedding whakapapa kōrero and keeping Māori values alive within whānau, and beyond. i Nō hea au, ko wai au Whakawaiwai ana te tū a te mounga titohea, ā, ko Taranaki tēnā e tū whakahirahira mai rā hei whakamarumaru i taku Parihakatanga. Ko te awa e rere mai ana i a ia kia ngoto iho angeau, ko Waitotoroa. Ko Paraahuka te marae i tū wanawana ai ōku mātua tūpuna i tō rātou wā, ā, ko te wharenui e tū tonu ana i reira hei āhuru mōwai, hei whare ako mō te iwi, ko Te Niho o te Atiawa. Nā reira, e Te Niho o Ngā Waka e Toru, poia, poia, poia mai rā te poi manu o ō tātou tūpuna kia kitea e te ao! Tae rā anō ki te whare o taku tauheke a Te Rangipokia rāua ko taku kuia a Te Whiri o te Koka, ko Te Rongo o Raukawa tōna ingoa, ā, ko Te Maara tōna marae - e te tupuna whare, tū tonu, tū tonu, tū tonu rā. Tēnei angeau he uri nō rātou mā i kaha tautoko i te kaupapa o te raukura, me kī, kia patua te hē ki te rangimārie. Nā, ahakoa ko Taranaki mounga i muruhia, ko Taranaki whenua i muruhia, ko Taranaki moana i muruhia, ko Taranaki tangata e tū tonu ana. Tihe mouri ora! I te taha o tōku tupuna a Kui Kataraina Pikikore Te Auripo Jenkins, nō Te Atiawa ki te Tauihu, nō Te Atiawa nui tonu hoki. Nā, ko tōna hoa rangatira, ko tōku tupuna a Koro Tuteuruoho Te Raana, nō Taranaki tūturu, nō Te Upokomutu. Ka puta ko tā rāua mātāmua a Kakori Pikikore Te Whiri o te Koka Wharehoka (Ko Jenkins tōna ingoa whānau o mua). Ka moe ia ki a Rongomaiira Wharehoka ka puta ko taku koro a Whatarau Ariki Wharehoka. Ka moe ia ki a Neta Alice Wharehoka (Ko Waru tōna ingoa whānau o mua), nō Te Atiawa, nō Ngāruahine, nō Waikato hoki. Ka puta mai ko tōku Nanny, a Miriama Wharehoka, arā ko taku poutuarā i a au e tupu ake ana. Ka puta i a ia ko tōku whaene a Angela Seed-Pihama, ā, ka mārena ia ki a Brian James Pihama, nāna angeau i taurima, kātahi ka puta ki te whai ao ki te ao mārama, ko Joeliee Seed-Pihama e mihi ake nei - Tii! He puawai au nō runga i te tikanga, he rau rengarenga nō roto i te raukura, ko taku raukura rā, he manawanui ki te ao! ii He mihi: Acknowledgements E tangi mōteatea ana tēnei mokopuna ki ōku kuia me ōku koro kua takahia te ara whānui a Tane. Ki a koe, e Kui Whero o te Rangi, kātahi anō nei koe ka ngaro i te tirohanga kanohi. Haere, e kui, ki te huinga kahurangi, ā, ka ora tonu ō onge kāmehameha i roto i a mātou ko āu mokopuna. Nā reira, haere, haere, okioki atu ai. Heoi anō, ko rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou, ā, ko tātou te hunga ora ki a tātou. Kāti. I te tīmatanga o tēnei rangahau, he pēpē korikori i roto i tōku whare tangata, nā reira me mihi maioha angeau ki a koe e taku pōtiki, ko Te Kiwai o te Kete Wharehoka. Nā tō whakairatanga mai i huri ai taku aro ki te tohu kairangi nei hei oranga mō mātou. Me kī ake, i whāia e au tēnei o ngā huarahi mō koutou ko ō tuakana, ko Tamarereti Te Ru Koriri Hemi, ko Pakiarohiarohi Kahurangi. Ko koutou katoa te whakatinanatanga mai o ōku tūruapō, nā reira, e tipu, e rea, e aku kuru pounamu. Nei rā te kara mihi o te ngākau ki a koutou ko Kui Maata, ko Whaene Mairi, ko Jean, ko Amanda, ko Puna Te Aroha, ko Jessica, ko Whitirangihau, mei kore ko koutou ka kore hoki ko tēnei rangahau. Me mihi ka tika ki ērā atu o ngā whanaunga kei roto nei ō koutou kōrero ingoa, ngā kōrero ingoa o āu tamariki rānei, mokopuna rānei – e kore e mutu ngā mihi. Āpiti atu ki te whānau whānui; ko taku aroha ki a koutou he puna wai e kore rawa e mimiti. Ki a koutou o taku whāmere: Māmā, Daddy, Jean, Nataliee, Janet-Liee, aku taokete, koutou ko aku autāne - it’s been a long road and you have supported and loved me through it all with unflinching faith. Ki āku irāmutu katoa, ko taku Ria, ko Miharo, ko Mila Te Whiringa koutou ko Te Ito. This thesis is also for all of you. He nui tōku aroha ki a koutou katoa. Ki Te Whāriki Takapou, arā ko Alison, Jillian, koutou ko Tawhanga. Ka nui tonu taku miharo i tō koutou kaha ki te mahi hei painga mō te iwi Māori. Ko koutou tonu a runga, e hoa mā. Me mihi hoki ki ngā ringa whero o Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, nā ā koutou mahi whakaako kua riro mai ko ngā hua o te puawānanga hei oranga mō āku tamariki. Ki te whānau whānui o MAI (Māori and Indigenous network); tēnā koutou katoa i tā koutou tū hei whakaruruhau mōku. Waihoki, me mihi ki ngā puna pūtea i tautoko mai ai i tēnei o ngā tuhingaroa. Nā reira, ka nui te mihi ki a iii Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc me te Parininihi ki Waitotara Trust (PKW). Ka rere atu hoki ōku mihi matakuikui ki te ringa tautoko o Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, nā koutou tēnei rangahau i whai waewae ai. Ki a koe e Whaene Leonie, tēnei au e whai atu ana i te iti kahurangi nāu nei i whakatakoto ki mua i a au. Kore rawa e wareware i a au taku pānuitanga tuatahi i tō tuhingaroa tohu kairangi; i ohorere katoa au i te kitenga atu i tōku nei ingoa i runga i te whārangi whakamihi – nui te aroha ki a koe.
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